HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2582 ,-~~~~~~r<~;':~~',"";' ,'W 282; ~~__~~"'''_;'!'.;: .~..,. .:~~.'.~ I. .';'. _ . ",,,:.~.,;,.,_: .. . T' .~~ ~, ~. ~'.~. ,~_.. - .~..: '~;.~ l~70--\-""";::::" ~ ..,)";...... ,"""'"' . f." ."-~"'- ,,~.~~ T~r.~ -~.... , " taI8 IlQ)IfI5:9RI' Madlthi. r~Q1; d01 otloTI"lr,' ~.' )).n1nl~e..n i\undre~ _.~ .lnt7' I two, blt"un th.NO:DBD 'LA1l1l OOUPAUY;e',torp01"ea'Uon 4\1l.~ esteb~l8htd end IxlIt1n8 under the I le,.80f' the, atete,o:f1'i.01-1da, pertyoi tho t"~st ])I)l't, an41U.18 w.Jorselll.en of the Oounty (.: , ' I of Itt.Luo1t ..ncl'St&teo~,.lorld', ,per~ ottht .eoOndport. I , .~8e<t:.t the ea1d, porty ,of the firet pc.rt,' for and :in C)one1doret''-o~' ot the SWD I of One HUndre~ ,(.1.00~OO) Dollars, in hend Jl81db~ the "id Jl8rty of the seoond' pal't, the I . " '. _. ' . . ~ I r,eo'e,1p~ whereof, 18 hereby 80knowledgecl.' has remhecl, releeeed,Gnd qutt.olnl'ined,: end b.y thesel presents. doth remise, relees..end q\11t..olalm unto the 8$ld ]XIJ't10fthe seoond 'Psi't and hlsl ' , '. I helrsend ,assigns fQrever, elltherlght. t~tle, olaim ~nd a~qsnd'~iOh the aald partlof ! the t1~st >>ert has in and to the foltoWlngd8sorlbed ldts,pieoes or'parot18oi lend, 81t- I , 'ua~e-;-l'jID8-'incfb-'IngIn'the Oount~ of st. Lv.ole and state of FloJ'ids,to-wit:- i . I Lots Three (3), Four (4), Flve(5) end 8ix(6) of Blook fifty Seven "(67) ot, the ~own , ! . of white,Oity, l'loride, aooordingto plat mEide of said Town and 111ed "1n the offioe of the "Olerk of the 01roult Oourt,in end 'for st. Luo!e" Oounty.- , , i flOHhVE AllD TO" HOLD the 8aJDG, together with all end 8ingular the (l1>pur~enen08B" there- , I unto belonging, or in ellY'lise ellpertoining, end all 'the Gstet." right, title ,1ntereet and I olaim whatsoever of the seld perty of the. first pert, ' e1 ther in bw oreqt1i t,," 'to the only' "! proper use, benefit ,and behoof of the said ~rt~ of the seoond puJ't, hlehelre end assigns, I " r forev.~ Wl,Jl.ai, YIIIBlllI!li~~ ~~ld porty of tlie firet, port hOe o."oed th...preliente to b~ ,; eigned in its name by ib PreiJident and its oorporliteee8l to Qe aff1xedi attested by its written. I (Gorp, By I AHBs!: MODEL LAND OOW'Allt~ J. B. Ingrl,lham Preaident. Slt\ney Harrison Seoretary. I I I Sll.9led, I sealed and delivered in the pretlen08 of: $.60 dooumenterY'8t8mp o8l1oelled. ,8etllUel O. lloDElniel !ho8 B. Bennett STATE OJ' I'LORIDA) ST. JOmlS OOUll'l'~) *- i l"~ ,I'HDEBY.CBRTIl'Y, 'That on thi8Flrst doy of November, A. D. nlne~eenhtU1dred end tw8nt~ i two.. before me persol\8lly &])))86r6d 'J. B. IngraMIi 0114 8idne~ Herr18on,- reepeotively Pres1den~ I end 5eo~eta1"~ of ih~:: Uodel Und Comp8~t ooorpoJ"etlo~ Under- the 1.~8 of the Stete ofPlorl- i ..... . - ...,,~;-_.. ,', _._~ -, -. - - ;,."., . .'.' } de, ~(_-"k;nQ..n "0 be the. "1"80n., desorlbedin and who exeouted the foregotng oonveyenoe to l "~.~':::--p .' - ','" - -, '., _ _ _ . _ '_ _ ." i 1118 W., J01"gen""n~ ancl eeverell}' fJoknowledgedthe eXeo"tlon thereot: to be the1r;'free Got and I Ide'.c1;.. ~J1".'O~cf19.l'~, fow the usee and ~~ thf}rdnlG8ntionech e~ t~i the:! affixed .~ J~(.) -.~"",;.~.,;.,:~---:' -' .... ':' - - ~.. ~',,:-.' - .,' .. ',' ! 'there,to,th&: ottio181 8681., of '-1!l oorporeUQn, and ""th.eeeld1nstrument 1s the aot and deed ! of 88i4 o'o%'poretlon. ' Wl~B$SS .,.1gnature end offlo1al q4 ._t. o~ ,JIl' in :the oounty oi 8t. Johns state of Florida. ,,~ . J>, 0 II, -. o , ! i. i 'I ! i 3 . I i I i I I I I , , ':,': ",:,";:,:~Jff'h1!~!tltlf;