HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2586 -, ~',' :..~'\.r, . ":"....-",~~~.,~ . ~- . -.. ( " ~'!C " .~~_ .JL. . r-.; . ~, , '.. "'- 4. . ~.~,.. . ,.~ ~ ~ yJO:':-,.,":';______ ~-""',~., ~, "'.-~.~~~. J n '. ~.. ~ . 286 ~1' it_ 41' of 10.. 1988., , ~\ed 1) ~,' O~6. '1e I. O. 1141".4. Ole'k,O~v.U Oovt ~ec , ~.~ _II' 1.1 D. o. If ~o. ~ f ............~...~~............................~...........~.....~.....-........~.......~...... \, ftTIR BUsD . 1'0 II. P. ooiumslI ' I ,," QUIt OUlp >>III " . I tHIS llI'p~fQBB. .d. ,~hl. ~6~ te, of.BoTe.ber A. ~. 1928.' bew..n I'ItIR HAltSU , 1.- -- .. ,.- . - -,- U~aoh.lor J. 81. mown ., rtdtr .'11"11. of ~.' Ooun'tJ of 8~. Luo 11 and 8M" ot 1'10r1cle. : I p.t, of the ~u.s' P81"'. el14 lI. .. 80JlB1f8BB,' of the Oount, ot 811. Lu01el~and .aMte ot, 'lor14ll I PU" ot 'ht,..oon4part, " , , . ! WIDI88UJ1. That \he sp!d Jl&or~l of the tlret pert, tOI" and ln oon.1deration of tli. 8I1Dl , 'I ~f One 1)oU8r, 111 haD4 ~ld bl the ..ldpart, ot the ..00114 part.th. reo.lp~ wherlot 18 i ,I hlrebl aoknowllc\8ld. has 1'1111814, rlll..ld and qu1~01a1ID1d, ~ th,..' ~e~s, does remi.., ! I ftl.... and qul~-ola1Jl unto th. ..ld pert, ot the 8IOO~d Part, end. hle heir. end a..ign. for+ ! .Tlr. ,~U the r1gb.t, un.. 1nteres~, 018111l-'nd. delD8D4 Whloh the 8814 pert, ofthl first ))8r~ ' I' '. ; ! has inan4 :to th'~OllO'iD8 dlscrlbe4 10' pleo. or peroel ot land" .1tua~e, 17ing end being 1m the ~ount7 ot 8t. Luol. BMte of 1'101'14.. to-w1t: i I Ibl Ias1l half ot \hI 1I0l"theast quart.r ot th.' 80utheeat quarter of Seot10n Thlr',- i i thr.. (88). township !hlrtl-t1Te (36) Bou.th Bange .000t)" '''0) Ie.ta Ixoe))'ting, ho...,er, thl I Il8st'lf1l1e'1-_0 ",a) teet of 'he eboye ae.orlbed treot, preT1ou811 "k.n b, lIorth St. L1101t ! BlTer Drainage D1Btrlot tor o8D81 right of .8)"_ I to IUVI -'lID 1'0 HOLD, tbe, 88.. wgether..1 th 811 and singular tbe appurtlnanol S th.r,.unt~ I belonaing or inel11W1H appertaining, and aU the estate, ~1ght, 'titll, lntereat and oleill ":~ I' , I .het.OtTer ot thl 8814 JlIrtJ of thl tirst Pirt. either 1n 1.. or .quit" to the 0111)" proper ~ i ue. ben.tUaDl1 blhoot o-t t~ 88id 'partl ot thl Hoond port, his heir. and ..8elgne, to..Ylr. I . IB WI_SS ~'. the 881d partl of the :first J)8rt has hereunto ..t his bend end 8eal: I thl cia, ad,eu tirst aboTe written. i I Blped. ..81ld' al14 dell.,ered in presenoe of p.tlr ll'nael1 (seal) I , I >>. I... HIDIl1n8e ) I . ! ,I. O. JorSlnaen ) I I i I I OOUllft O. 8'. LUG1,., I Bti~1 O' JWLORmA. ) f ,~. ..nottle.r authorl.ld to ta~ aokno.ledgments ot 4ee~. aoool'ding 'to ~hl la.. ot the , , , I ~.te of nOI"14a. 4141 qual~f1td and 80t11li, HBBBBY OIR!UY that JewS" BeI1HI1. .1'0 mown .e !tAlr' BaIl8tn. '0 lilt ))er....ll' Don.'bie de, has aoknowl.dged blfore .. tha' hi '%louted : I 'be f01"SOlnl..... "JJm 1nUJl,HIat OIB'D! tha' I Jmo.th. ~14 per801l _~ 881d eotnowltclg.' I _~t ,to .b. tbl' lnd1Tlduel d,sol"lb.d 1n~ who exeou~d tbl ..lel 1>eea, : 1 D WI'D8S 1IBJ1UIO" I hlrlunto ..t ,q hand en40ffielel .Iel. .t .Ol"t Pilro.. ..1d . M'th do, ot 1I0...ellber A. D. 1'82 8"~)~ ",~,.~~, of ..... leaa. .. L.- He.111ge Bota1"l ~110 8ta'- of 1101"148, Jq oo8d...iol1 8%))ll"e. June 23, l'U. ) ~ I. 0, B14l'e4... Ollrk 01J'oult Oourt 6'c ' ~Jl L L ' . _ O. I.~_, . Ol"q B,,'1?IY~ ~ D.' O. l/'e~ eq , ."~- o j a .. \; I I , ., ;o'-::__"':~:;f~.~.i~1t~f