HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2601 -.~~;~~;~,~~~ J ~ . ( J J f 10 , i i i J j , ~ ~ ;n tJ ~ ~ ~ [ { ~ j } I 1 I !) 1< !i I f i. f , f ~ . E r f~ 'fT rU [ i i .. , , ' ! 'lbefOre tb"enseallnganddelivery oftbese presents, the receipt whereof i~ hereby aOknOWledgt ,'d, haaremi.ed, releaied aDd quU-olalll-.ed, and b)' these presents does remise, releaSe and I qult-olaim Unto the 8ald part1 of the seooilclpart, and to her heirs and aS8ignsforever,all - ':, ~ ..' ., ... .. ibat",oertaln paroel oflan4c17ibg and being in the Oounty ot St. Lucie and state "ot norlda, aore partioqlarlY desorlbed a8 tol10wa: ; 'I. ..' ~.~.~1.g .t th.bank ..f In41.. Hh.. 626 f..t ...th .f tho s..n.. U.. 41 v141.g ! 18eotions 3 andlO'infown8hlp thirty-five (ID) 80uth of Bange toztl' (40) ga8t, run from I ,. , I tbenoe West.t~ tbe Right ofW.y ot the -,.. ~. C. R7. Co." tbence lforth,r'l1 along said Righ.t ot/ ! Wal to a POlnt titt,-flye (66) feet Iforthof, and measl1red at right angle. from ...i4 line; ~ ' th.no. last, parallel with aforesaid line to the bank ot In41an River; thenoe South along said I Illyer bIak tlft)'~t~Y;_(66) teet, more or le.., to the point of begiUking. I I!Ogethe~ with/ripalian rights and all lubmerged lancl8 111ng betweeD the ..st bank of Indian I , 1l1Yer anc1 'tilte ob~ne~ oti:Dd1U11Uve~ "1011 are b~un4ed, by the Rtended Borth .nd South 1~~e81 I ot,8814 , tract :otla~g.,;S.,ld18ndsbelnl th.'- lame deeded b7 Marsuet B. Whlte and Blohard I iWb7te', her husband t~ Lll.1'~"bB. ~Ol~lD.. bl,4"~d dat.ed Deo~'24, 1912, and ,eoor4ed June $, .1 19~a, 1 b ,cte,d b~Ok, 1', ~a,. 'l~~ ., I fOGK!mmfWlq'4~"~"I,nlil1J~'U.'.n'lI8nt.,' beredlhJlllntB and .ppurt'"lnano'8 'hereunto "- ., lO1l8~D8 o~< l~8J)7Wl~e,..,~rta1D~llg~ aPd th,revel810D an,' rn'~~lon., re.lnder and r"1\81~4err' r.::~.1::::::~~f~~:~;~:~:;:~::~:':::1::~:::~1.::' ~~~:. .:::::::::. ':;~:;I' , > lal. ~ ''in ~qUlt,;'ottb~'8li'".,tJ: oi"\h';;,fu8tpart.' ot,~D and to~e alurf' 4"0U\.r"I'~d" M'~.'. "~'-"'I'~ ~r\.__>>8:roll/ '~~t, ~1,lith..wUt'.nuo...', :', '~"'1';': ':, ,~;:-)~;~ '-',- '- ~< " -;;". ~ , - ':~ .,. . . ,...,. . "......t<.. . ~ . ..... . . '~. .-;- _ .."... _~ .:~~.. T<.. ~~ ~..:. '!" '" ~ .~, ...~~, ~ . - _,-.r. .. ...,---_ '"";.,... ..",.l. ~, "..... .~;-=..~_ _~'jlT_._"l:.. ~ .,. ., . '.. .. ,."'."'1[''''_ ,~"""""'n .!, , '1 ~YBaI'In., hil', O~, . t~l' '10'_ ..-i, otJ~uar, . '. 1. ])~ l~d. beto.. .. per.ollell, appeare4 wn.:r,UlI J. 8ft1lf]) .4;~IOROB ~IS.' i"ptoU.,81t,l'zedcleDt ,a_ 8eozebrl of JOR! :':.ka':tf:O::~:I:.:'.::.:~~: ~:':':~~.::::~:h:h~';:'::.~~, :::;:,~.:.:.1t=1 . 8T.L11011 RIWR ])BAt'AGB J)l8UIOt. and 8e.eraU, aonowledge'a the 'lx'O\1tloD' thenot to be fh~1" h.. ,at eJi4 .... .. i...h.tt1....;t.. t.hO i.... ..4 ~.'p.". .t.h...1....U..04. an4 th t I \he~<, offU<',d, th"...t, .,t, b, . .,' mom,', '. ....1" ,ot,' ., 014 O..P..,. a U.~ on4 tho .014 'iD. t......t 10 the o.,t iand d"4f .al4 OOlporaUon. '_ ... u__': ,_ __'._" .,..' __ .. ---, - ,-.--,.,.... , i '. ' wt!NB~$~ .-lI'iriai'u. an4 o1'flo1al 8eal at Jame8\own iD tb. OO\tDty 01' Ohautauqua'. ..nd I ,Stateot .,( . 'b. day and lear last atonsd4., ! 'I, ~ Belwar4R. Boo'., I, . "\ lo'ai, Publ10, State of lew York. , -I' Seal)) 111 oO_I..l6llilexplre. lIal'. 50-19M I t~' ! 11'1104 on4; .f J....., 198a. I I Or. P. C. Bldred, OInk ClrouU Court ' . .,' . 11 t- ~tVt . _6 o"wo.d.:... ~ D. O. ! II~~;' ~im.ti~.~;.~~.~;;. ~o~~~...........~....... ... ~.i~' ~:. ;~.................... j . ' '~ ,,' , QUI! CLAILl DUD . ! 'I'HI8 'I1IDIU.'1'URB, .ade thia 2.th. dal of January, .... D. 192$, BETUKI i'Ol't P1eroe Ban1t alld Tru.t ,looDPany, aoorpors:UoD eXisting under the law. of the state ot -,.10r1da. ha~lDg Ua prl1101pal ~, ,Iplaoe- of business ,lD\be' Coun', 01' St. Luo1e. 804 CU1 of '-ort Pieroe, and State of 1'10rida. I iP8~tl Of,the,1ir.~ part, ,and Hel.n'P. Turner. 01' the Count)' of St. Lucie aDcl 8tote of 1'lOrida~ i ! partJ of tbe ..00114 part. . lItT.HKSS1ITH,Thst 'h.e 8,81d partl of tbe firat part, tor and In oODaideration ,of the BWIl ... . Of 018 THOUSAKD DO~ARS(tlOOO.OO)aQd ~t.her valuable oon9ideratlon~ lawtul mODey of the Unit.aatatee ot,Amerioa,,~o them'iD balld paid,bl the 8ald partJ of the 8eoond,part, at or ..... ... ,301 " ,',' :~?~t;-~~~1f~1!f~!i~