Pre-Con.struction- 8CA NE,
Tty ermiteTre'atment-t ucie coU,,1-1,1
7670 Okeechobee Blvd®, We'st'Pal m Beach, Fl. M411
Phone: 1-800-285-'7378 Fax: 561684-0122
Property Information
Treatment Date _Xz�111 l,1 e. Time
Lot 'Block
Name of Builder
Subdivision Name Shell, Contractor,'
Street Address (If known) Construction, Type,
C ty State Zip IMIMOnolithic 1317loating/Sternwall-OPatio
[JEntry ODriveway,
Owner's Name (If known)
Product/Treat ment- Information.
'TreatmentType: 0 Un'derslab CIPatio/Drivuwyffinfry sFinal.,
O Wood Treatment- Bait System Other,
Product: [I-Disodi.um Octaborate O cypermethrin
- M,Imidacloprid Bifenthrin
O Permethrin 13.Other:
Concentration Mixed Product Applied,
Square Feet Treated Linear Feet . Treated
0 if this -box is checked, then Final Perimeter treatmeh't,ba.s
been completed and the following statement,.is,applic.able',:
Certificate of compliance: This -,building has received -a, complete'treatment f prevention of
'Subterranean. termites. This treatment is in accordance 'with, the laws and rules -,established by. the
Florida Departinent of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Applicai or's NaAi'e (please print) Apl5ticator's Signature,
I-IES-TE-019 02A4 Hulett EtivironineTital-ServicesO 2014