HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2619 s ! ,;- " fr,' , 'Ii t t , . i I ! t i , I i , I l' i. " ~ i- f i-I', t tLJ t r f, i " ~ ~, t ! : i : ! 11 I i I I , i i I [ i; I! i i !i: f f 1, r !} i.~"',.,, .",0' "j {'. ~.. ~ ~,- r -; * rt ~ ., ~.:r-".::-"'"'~':"" ~,... --~. ..' ~. ..""'....... ""'!'.. ., , , ~19 .' .f .. ~...oa& JQ't, a.. it. ........"', "lpa I.,,~.I'. 'aU ~. *,1sht. tlU..ia"n.t_ .~l. 0114 '..~D4.bi~b. th.' .1& __."otd~.';t~'~'~~\h.'la.DIlt~t th. fol1ow1Dg bearlbt lot.. '1.... or 1*1'0.,1 ",laDl.,...'t" " . , " " .",O'..aolD1 onu(".t 11ne 'otflM .atr..' .t\h. 80.athteet .Uller ot :Lot 'tWo (a). ~Oolt ..... otA_.ll tt,'. ~.at'~1 'ort 'brol. norl'a. 0'-1'.0~r4ea...n ,.~ 101 of I . not BOok ~. of'Br,,,01'4' o."i.oor4e.. o~ ,. Je~. i.' aD.. ,18t ~~ no'~ Boot 1 ot 8t. I LultOoutt 1'.001"4.; thtnoe, I'1ln forth'l'lJ: .1011I th....~ 11n. 'ot ',int 8ultt 160 f..t; I thtn~t rlUi "8ttl-l;1)I1'811.1 .hh"tha 801l~hl1ilt of .01d Lot two fa) to the wattl'. ed~ i of '1.1mBl.or; ,'t~.no' I'lUl 8ollthorlltlong \hI ,..~r, :'4~' ot IlItlft 1l1yer 160 t..tl I ,'1101'1 or 1_.... toth. IzUnit4 80uthl1~' ot Lot. tWo fA) ani tue. (8) of ..ld Bloolt I I ',,!~~_~~!..DOL~_'I.terl'-':tro.-.ei4-~.t.r~-:"edg..-on-th'-South':l1ne.ot .ela Lot. '-0 fe). i I -J--:---;III','" (8) to tht pOint of'b'.g1nDlna.. I , ' , ' " ' ! to UVI AID ,to BOLJ) the ..... tOllth.r' wUh' .11 ani el'D8Ular the e,>>vtenano.. thereunto I . MloDsiDi OJ: 1Jl 'Dl1'lae 'pp'I'1;a1n1ag, ond ell the ..tBii, r1ght, 'tUb. Internt eM ol.a 1 . :. , f 1fhahonlr'ot'th. ..1d ]lIrtl Of.th" tlre' part, .1ther ln law or .quitl, to tht oDll pro"r I .a..,' ben.tU anll behoot Of the ..ld pert,'.of the .lOon4 )l8rt. 1te auoe.Bor. .nIl 81i.lp. t..T.I'. . If 11.sa IBIRBO', !h. ..14 pert, of \hi tll'.~ pert" ha.081l..4 th18 1nstrument to b. ! .1pl bl u. Oh-tWIl, aU..tel b, 1'. 8eoretal'7 an4its Oorporete 8.el to b. h.reto 8ff1n~, ! til. clel 8114 leer' fir.t .~OT' written. . 81gn14, 8'..lt4 ani DellT.r.4 . in Pr. .eno. of: Allot L. '8belboUI1. .1,1 r , f , I I !HI IOJBJ) 0" PUBLIO nSftuotIOI rOR till OOUftY 0' :BRBVAJU),8!AD 0' n,01UD&.(Se~l) - w r. Allen Ohalrman. f.Oorpllia tt , aeel) i , I j!U8""ts~~. .. O'f"I'.tl'i.t 1 ' I ' Beor.tel'l. 8tAt. 0' lLOBlDA,) I OOUlft,()1t .IYAJQ>>.) I ..rllOuu, *".H.4 Mfor.,.. thil 181 W. .. Allen and S. J. OT'I'.tr..t, Ohairun .114 i 1 800"taI'1. 1"8peo t,l.... 11 , of n.. Boar4 of hbl1. wtl'uot10n tor the OountJ of Br.ysri. state; '1 otnol'lu,'OOJ':POI'.tlon, to .. ..U kGod a. the PlJ'lIOnB 4'B01'1be4 1n a. who .xeout.d ,. .. . ,. til1f fOl"101qJ~..4. aDel th., '0_owl.48.4 b.fon ~tha, ~oJ o:aou\.cl tht ..... ,for" _, bthaJ1 ot 'h. 1001'4 ,ot bbll~ IDab'uotlon f. "" Coatl of .Breyer_, 8Mte of.I'10I'14' a~ i' o~noll .to~...14" bl 'llthol'lt7 of..ll n. BOIr4 o.t PIlblto rn.tnoUon tOl'th. Count, I ' , '" , ,',' , ' , I of BnT81"4. a,tat. . ~I 1101"148. . Oorpo:ratlOJl .toI'0..14. for the ~o... thll'dn I~....d. ! " " , , ,. > , ,. " ,.', I I Ii 'l!~~ ,1HaIOJ ~ ~ laaTI ,beJ"'1U1to .tt..~ baJI4..114 eflmd 117 0lflo111 ...1 0 t ~Uul'Yllle. 11l000l4a~, th~. ~al ot JlN'oh. j. >>.1928. ,! J'B. I. Kltoh.ll. Ooun$7 JuAse, ............... .-............ - 1 I ! . :t I. O. mouel. 01eS-1t 01l'0us.t Oout ,.'.4?~ ~,. >>.0. ! I i . ... .. ,.'... ...... '. .. . . .. .... . .. .'.".. .. ..,... ;. . . . .. .. ..-....... .... .. ~'. ..1 ~"o : -. ! ..: . ". . ,;..> '. . . t , , ' I, , ?, :. ,',' ,;::,?~~~!,~'~1t~1{1B ,.