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Q,.IQlf.,.,lUX AID IDI to, JOnH at. t.UOIIIIYJR l>RA.U.aGJDt8TBIO!.
. '. QuuotJtli >>110 ' ' , 01
'I ", TRISllfDItfTURI. Made tbi8 28th d81 otUlt"oh. A'.">>. 1928. bet~~en mDUIOl T. VAUX AiD
" OAJilOt.l~ T.' VJ<<;' hi. ,w~t~. 'otthe' ~oUllt1.. ot, Ooot and ,8\8'1 011111nole, 118t~lt. of tht tire
JlI~t~ e~ 1000TR 8T. LUO~I BIVJR. DRJllfAG,_ DI8DIOT, ot. thl Oounty. ot at. Jauolt, and atat. ot
JiOl'ld~." Jlll~t, of ~t' ...ondpart,. , .
WITII8SIf.B, !bat tht sai4 Plrtie. of,the firet pel't,'fOI' and In oon81deretion ot the
. . .. .' .
.. of Jih. Bundred SI'YtntJ-.lz and '0/100 J)011ar8, in h8~d 1lI1d bJ the lSald 1)8%"tl ot the
, ,
810021d part,' thl reodpt wher.:oi 1aherebJaOknow1ed,.d,have remieeel ,released and quit-
, ,
01.1_~ aDd' bJ the Sl pri eente . do re.iee,', relle se anA quU..o1a 1a unto the 88il party ot 'he
I eeoo~4 ))81'1., aDd it. euooesl1Sora end eselgne for.vet, all the right, title, Interest, 0181.
land de..nd whioh the 881d partlls of the first pert have In and to the ~ollOwlng ...orlbld I
lote., ploo.. or }lOro.l.0f land, 8Uut.,171D11''''' be1118 1nlh. Ooun17 ot 81. Iouoie, 81'" o~
mOI'14a, to 1IU~ ' . . "
1 '
~e _,st6'1f'eeto' ~e 80uthwestQuerter ot the Bort.8st Quarter.
Ib, Bast 60-1/2 feet of the Southeast Quarte~of the Borth.eat Quarter.
the Borth 66 feet of'the Rorthwee\Quartlr otthe Southw.et Quarter.
, ,
the South 84 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the 8outhw~Bt Quartpr.
the South 84 feet of the Southesst J~U8rter of the South.eat Quarter.
!he South 84 teet of' the sOuthweet Quarter 'of the Southeaat Quarter.
All in Seotion 80. Township 36 South,-ltanse39 Eaet.
the Bo~th84 teet of the Borth.estQuarter of the northeast ~U8rter.'
, The South 43 6e,t of the Southw.st Quarter of th~ Bortheast Quarter.
!hl South 43'teet of the Southeast Qusrterof the Borth_eet Quarter.-
, !he Borth 84 feet ot the Borthesst Quarter of the Northwest Quarter.
the Borth 84 te,t of the Northwest Querterof the Northwest Quarter...
!he South .3 teet of the ~uthweet. ~uarter 01 theaorthweet ~uarter.
Ibe South 43fl.t of the ~OU~h'88t~U8rter of the Horthwest Quarter.
!hI Borth 43 feet ol the ~orthe&8t Quarter of the ~outhwest Quart.r.
, .
the Borth .3 feet ot the lforthweat 'Quarter of the Southwest Quarter.
thlSoutb' 62':1/2 feet 01 the Southw,.t Quarter of the South"est Quarter.
!h. South 62-1/2 feet of the South.ast Quarter ot th. Southweet QUarter.
!hI Borth 48 f.et ot the Northeaet Quarter of the Southeast Quarter.
thl Borth 43 f..~ of thl Borthweet Quarterot the Southeaet Quarter.
!he South 62~1/2 teei '~f the South,u,et Quarter of the loutheaet Quarter.
. !he South 62-1/2t18t ot the South168t o(usrter ofth. Southeaet' Querter.
All 111 Slotlon 31. townahlp 56 South. Rangl 39 Best.
. . - , ..... ~ " - - '. -'
A.triP orparoel ot lanel 128 1..t in.1dth, end 111ng61 ieet on esoh 81de of oenter j
" , ' , " I
11l1e 8. now surve71d an4 looatedin thl .or~.ijuarter of the Southeoet.Quarter of Seatlo~
'0, ; ~
180. Township .&6 South. H8Jl8e 39 "2\;, IIOre J)orUou1ar11 desorlbld 8e follows: >>eglnnin,~' -I
I point 606 teet Bast of the 8oUt.~..t9omJ.r ,of Baid ~ .or..;th.nol Borth 3'1 degreee, 24 ml,~";el
lite. ~I.t 610 te.,\ to a point'; thtnol on a ouned line to the 1ett "hose racUue 1. 678.14 I
tlet. 246f.., to iii point on the lett line of ..1d 40 eorlsiand th. Be~~ 10-1/2 'eet of I
..id '.0 aores oont81nlns 'in 811 3.6",801".. I
. , . .trip o~ pero.l ot lend 122 ft., in width ao4 111n, 61 t.., on'.aoh a14. ot oenter lit'
I'.. DO'- eurtVJI,an4 100ated in. thl alouthea;t Querter o~ ~h, 80uthea8t Quarter of Slotion 30, i
tonebip86 ,B01lth, lCangt' 39 &e.~. 110" )'lUl"tl01l1.arlJ dlsor1be4.. tol10".: Be,lnning at .
, '
>>o~ut 606 tl.tll.t ott)1e' .or'h1rea1 oorne, ,of ..14 40 aore'l ~IIOI 8~t~8' 4'8I".e., 24 '
id.."'....t. "4.., t..t' to . PQ1ntl th.no. on 0 ounecl11n. to the, lef\ who.. ril1.~. 'holl,
',,' :,,' ""\~~l.II~~'~S