HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2624 r - ".: -~;":-::<", '~~'t-'.: , 324' 't ,~:-\ --'" ....;.\."..... > ,\ ~~~-.}. - ~ , . \' IOt8~l h'bllo o."h. OQ1m'7 ..' fa. . ,', ,,',' " I,' .,00_1,,10n 1xp~1'''.OT. 8. '1988. 'tit.... ..'..... I " .1 , l'atl'otflo'et 41111 authorhe4 '0 adllln18ter oa-th8.end ,take eoknottledsment8, 40 hereb7 , I "o.rt1fl~ba't Harr1t~,.H. Gate., to ~ ~ell kno1l1l',. ,"b~'.1f','Of Q.,Btrn~r4,Qa~ee, ~~!}~~ one, of the per~'m; ,ie~oiib'4 -in, '8n4.w1?-~ '~~,o~,t..c1' the toteg01ng De 04 , '414 thi~ 4al ~~me 9n a !~, se,.r8-te an4flPl'lfttetxall1nation taken end maae: bl'aD4'be'tj)'i'e 1H.--8Gpera1ie11__,~.nd ePa,rt troll I , " .. ',' ': " , , ' , ' , ',.. '--.......... '-- ...j . '~.r aaUdhqband .80knOlllldSt'that ahe' exeouted ~he foregoing need fol' the purp08e of rel1n-i Q111.1Js8, al,l.'not1118 ~d oon.e11ng ~lth.r right, tlU.and int,'reat,wh.ther ot dower, homeL . ' , " , - ' I .t.., or, of ..~ratep~o~ert1, statutorl ,01' .q~1'eblG, in and to the lande-desoribed thereiD\ '. .~th8t ah~.'X'Outea 8814',>>"'d 'tl'ee11aM vo~lunta~1l1 end without anl ootDpul'B1on, oon.tra1rt, appr.h.nBlonor feel' ofortl'oa heraald huab8n4. . WITNIBS rq hand an4 olfiolal eeal at charleeton, Oountl ot Xan811ha and Sta'LI of liest ." YlrglD1., ~hl. (tl!'~!nll' !. D. 1903, I B.,. Seal)) 1 I B. H. JIonnne1 .otarl ,Publio Kanawhe Oount" I. Va. III o.olll!lieeion In1ree BOT. " 1920. ~~jTIO' Wi8T,VIllGIlfU,) '~t1DY or UlfAWlU. .1 , ' It' an oftioer dui, authorhed to,.,a4miniBter oaths end take aotnowled@1DGnta, do herebl . ,,' ' , . , 0.rtl~1 the\ )label G. Or10kard, to me well known 88 the \'ilf. of Kason Or1okard~ end 88 on'. of, th.personB ~.~orlbe4 in end who exeouted the foregoing Deed, 4id this de1 to me. on } a .e'perate .na. private .xaa1neUon taken ana mede b1 and before III, seperetelt and e..rt fl'oaher l8i4 husband, aoknowledge that she .xeo\ue4 the for6going Dee4 'tor the' pur-po8e of , ' . , r.1inqUishing, alleneting and' oonveling all her right. title end interest, whether ot dower,: homeate"" ttr ,f .....r.t. _.tert" statlltor1 01' equUable, in and to' the lende de80ribe4 . , ' 'herdn, and that Bhe exeouted .'4 Dee4 treelJ and '9'oluntar11) .aM without enl oompuleion, , e oontueint. apprehension 01' fear of or froll her 88i4 hueben4. IITD8S 111 haM and otfioi81 sed et Oharleston, Oountl at Xanallha and State of \\elit Virginia, ... J). 19~3. , B'-H. JlaX1nne1 loter1 Publio, r.,nawha,Oo W. Va. ~ OOlllPllepton &%pi:res Bov, 8, 1928 ,-J . /( D .,-,.- " , ~ ., . ~' " .ilt4 end ~eo ~ .....-~ ~ J .. . ,'. O. I1dr.4, Olerk Cirouit Oourt 1'1 (J~Ct.. ()~ D. O. ..... .. ...... .'.. ..-..... .............. ,.... .'...e'........ ".......... t....,: ~.!:~ .BOlitB 8T'- tucIa R1VJR multUGB DIstRICt !O JORT" PIImCI nUIT C01lPORAi'IOI OJ' OW ,YOR. . QUIt-oWtli-DlIlD '1118' XDDNRI.' .84e this 27th 4a1 of JanuarJ A. D. 1923. between BORTH 8T. LUOD .::~: ' - .-- . ' . ' . 1- ,IlIV. ~I1UOB DISTRICt; a >>re1nag8 Oorporation orgenhed un4er the 18118 ot -\1.1. St6t.1 ot f -'. ' . - ~ " , ":' ~!!~.l~t' of the fi:rst part',.' an4 JOllT PDROB nUXt COll!()lU!IOlf or nw ~Ou, a oorpo:ra110~ ,/ '~Jn81lD4er th. 'le.8 of 'hi 8tot. of B.. York, )l8rt1 of the seoond'1i8rt. I Si'-\c"" " ' ',', "',' , ' I :.t;~?;":~~;IItllS8ml;: ,tbat"~~ ..i4 JW~" of the :t1l'tlt ....t.to:r and in' oon81cler6tton of :the I "~,~~ ,~i t'hr.. B~:rt4 8114 .1@h~1 81x al14 90/100 .(Ps6.,O) '~11.rs, in hanc1 -pa14 bl th. ea1~ ":,':;:~~!".~~/~,."'On4 'PU,'~'tti. ';'O'i~\,'h,.r'Of il h~r.b; &O~01rl'd~'d" he.. 1'.1118.4. :r.1t88e1! ~~, : ~~ .~~,~~4,. ,.~ b,,, ~'f'" _...~,. 40e8 rell1".~ rel"ae aDd, q~i1; 0181,a 1Ul~o' the 88i4 i "~"~~~~~::~~'~4!:,{~~,P':'j.~'~~,~" ~,i't<~~~~,o~." ~J14 ,.celP.. fOr~~2:, 611', 't~.' right, ,tine, 1ntere t. ,'~'."", >0W:(~~~,:~,'~:~:,~.' .::' ;.::~-s.:_:;,~,.., . . .. . ::}"~:Ji.;:1:C/"-~'_~"l:_'Z:-'-'';'S~- ~ U,:, . : ~ , a. " ;!~: . .' , . ..