HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2633 { i f u :I l' 1 I I , I ! . ~ j. I ,. ~, ' ~' , I~',~,. t1~I,' ~,:, ~ l .; '" 0 ~' I :> 'I t I \ I. i: I i F )' i I f j K' f: E, ~'i irtJ:, t"""l.i " L~_.~ . t~_,~.",,,~ " I,' , '. ":c. ;O;::''r. ". ~:;:- ~1~\~' , ~~<HY: r^~~, -'--,'. -'. ",:,Y-'.-'1~':--~~-;T". .,~~-,~ , , .-- ~.... . - .....~, ""'-- ~ ',' . , . ' '-"~.--:' ':Y. ''''''''~~~~-''7.")~'~-''~'~-~.~~~.~-~~::.~!" '.~:..~rr.~~~~~-~;I.~~~'.~:-,. ;.;:~r!."?~,~T.' .'-<,--'- .333 ) , , '0~&t)~1~Ch ~'r OO~,,: .~'., 11.. '. C O'rUflo.~..tU~4' Ie. ,Y,rt Ooun.tl 10"" .'.AtIOJ' "1ft OOUHfr 0' 'twpYork ""'c'" I . ',I 'cb1 tillo.o, "reon.ll, oopo.r.' 1I.mo .... LUotla 8' 8l!ftO!l. ona Il.tVID v. allHOI. he..hUO, ! babl1, ,~_ .eU tno:m a& thl ))treon.' 4~8.orib.cl'in a.nd who' t,:xeoute,4'ht foregolDg >>.e4, .114 I I aobowl.48~ 'het the, exeouted tile 88m8 .tor the purl'Ooe the~"ln .XWt88t4t' Whel'lu))on lt i8 I' ! prop' \ha \ ,tile' ..... ...., ha 1'..0<4... '$ , '" "L- " _{,_~I"'J!t.~lJ'Sa_~~~OJ-,-I--h8V' 'her.unto 'a:tfixed 1!lr' h~8ri4' 8n(l-'e.l'-~li1B-lttli','46"Of' Kti1 "One I !tboueen4 Din~h~, ~,4] ndtw, entJ-three. III ~\ Ka. ,Qu1g1t1 (Seal) 1 lfo"f1 Pub1io, ICings Oount, BO.13 I , ',., " 'lI,'P' ,'Stal)', ',,' O'rt1:tlollte filitUew Yort Oount~ HCh1 II;, ., oommi88ion expires Maroh 30th '1926 !' ST"TB OJ! PennE11vani. I ,',' ' , i ' oouB1tOI 'Suequeh8nne : . ..- ;.. . I On thle481 "r80~i11 -''PP'8rld b.for~ me. ftllBL A.WILLUllShlidow') to 'me well known aE , I , ! the ,>>Iraon deeoribe4 In and wboexeO\1te4 the forego inS .aJ..d, and aoknowledged that she I ' '. ' I ' exeoiited 'ea. tor' ,the purpou 'herein 'expressed: , I" be' r,~jOrd6d. , !' , n WITUlSB IiHiliiO." 1 have hereunto eftixed ID1 hand and sebl 'this 18th da1 of Malone I ' , tbO~.Bn4 i I i I I I I aounY, O~ lIew Yort I _hereupon 1t is preyed tl:st the ealDe may en4twentl-thiee. JOBephine 11. Wlll1ame (Slel) MY oommieaion e'%pire8 Mer. 6. 192' ; i , to ALL 'BOil IT WAY COUOJRlI: :Be U mOlln tbet' on thiS 14th 481 ot Jla,J.. D. 1.923, 1)trBOn~ll~ app~e!'4,betore me, 8, ' llot3l'1Pu.bllo of the St&'u of Uew York. the sbove named Lillie S. ! { $utton to ~ w.il known Bs.the wife ot David V. Sutton and 8S one of the 1)treonedeeoribed I I I I i I ! ! I ,I I i , , I r I Inend who exeouted the foregolng Deed. who being at the time separate and aPart trom h~r husban4.' the seid ~v14 V.' Sutton di4 then and there make end exeQute the foregoing 8oknow- 1.dgment~ her name bel~ with her own hand 8ubsoribld, and herse81 affixed in mf;'presenoe. wttDles 4 8181 st Bew York. Ii. Y. the dB1 eDel 1ear above wriUen. Mae b1g1ll1 (Q"f) 1I0tal'1 Publlo, ICings Oount1 10 13 , Oert1floate tile4 lie. York Count1 Bo.? "une 1928. I i I ,. , , , i i ~ . I .,' P. O. #14red, Olerk ~1~uit gour~ Bl ~~,,~"D"; O. .....-'. "ReCOlOd 'l;- 4' verU: , .' .C;; ;~.. ~~ I, ,I '. f ' I' 'I' , , ,