HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED PRODUCTS LISTE=ro m_a r yi ec rezr ui3/V:3/�VIEb lb=Sb *FUl/ r_V03/OV!-J sy si wde CaUO/ A szi�Ez IDIN HIGHWAY SAFEMMIND MOTOR VEHICLES Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Division of Motorist Services Manufactured Housing Section FLORIDA'S APPROVED PRODUCTS LIST FOR THE INSTALLATION OF MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOMES File Copy (Revi sed 01 / 11) �..4.nlnnon�jn•.esw.-v...mrn....+•Mm,uam.o..r�i(.g1�Yrrv••mrx.±r.n.r•enr•u..tlui'nt'srt-itr.MrM.fNM!rnYY./:NNrhXWiMMN•,o1MV"JMMAtMW/MNNil,un0[anLn'u1.�1NM1am4CItXlIXWMYuwXC1.•/.nrnaMlMwlNmtSw•�YWfI/r1tM1N�ILwIMCIQIrM.Ni.Tr/1 i ;ray ' C� EST j• J�ISTYLE I h5, HE SIDE APPROACH Use this fall' 8" X 38 orl -the 3811x 4 landing with reversible r,iling when you prefer a para-ll'el approach. Code approved in . most areas 38" x 3811 Pictured with Deluxe Rails Note: Side & Back Rails must be Ordered Separately ;,Aodel# :tier Overall Landing HOght ;-leight Depth Width Stan ard' 10oluxe Side Flail 5ir3e Flail Standard Back R;bll Deluxe Back Rail 017143838 7" .14" :)8" "38" 02138 099138 0238 02938 071'8161838 8111. 1 F" :3t3" 38" 02138 1129138 0238 02938 017.213838 7' :?'t " 3Ei" 38" 02238 . 029238 0238 02938 018243838 8" j 24•" 3811 38" 0223& 029238 0238 02938 0-17.28-3838 7"i ` 281' 381; 38" 02338 029338 0238 02938 �3 ,32" 38" sail 02338 028338 0238 0293$ -)17:.35,M3,3 3 7"1 .351, t3° 381, 02538 02q438.7 0238 02983 s:)'1ti403838 8"j' 10" 38" '38" 02438 020.14.38 0238. 02.938 4118.1838 .0 43" :3811 0" NIA 029538 NIA 02938 0'18116384a 8"I 1 u" 138" 48" 02138 029138 0248 02248 G)'.r811z4 3a48 38" lh3" 02208 029238' 0248 02948 017283848 7"1 . 2il.' ;38" :18" 02338 029538 0248 02948 IJ 18323848 8" T21, ;£i" 118" 02338 0293.26 0248 0294$ U17853848 �' "f:.i" 1,13" i18" 02533 02EY.e.387 0248 02948 03403848 3" 1 :Ir)" ;?Iq" 18" 02438 029433 0248 02948 - 77 ..........�;y,::;nrt,:r,a+c:,•:..�:r.:,c•.'1,I:j•7H'ot:l:�n:(o..J,.:_t41:.5cn.,.._ .. .. '� .. t�+lr;tl7� L.c:LrEL UFr11,rETt:R 3?HF_RE C.1tirNOY y_^ rF.' + ;s -"fiQUGH OUAR01'4,4I1 � I f �v PASS fi IROUCJ"I j.AR9ARISAra7WEEIV ---� I pEAb, FiISER AND F33 "r -4 NUMSER oF -MGAOS -ANO RrSEM9 A4AY ' VARY NO77M I 5TAllttvAYC1:7�gSim.-:TE.Nf 5H+tt►_CL)IVr+ID�tl4i- � .rD4T2fitl<'F7.OitJXSA lC,%L1 1 Wi •f stlTO--n�,rrsti z wrt E3e>� a�p�.trc,�btr ry Ctir� st17�9L�L^Y�OWS f IV�rirci Good rara. sr��e-x. n� �rpK t rc�o're� vrPro r,1sT & 1007' �. EXC•N.P'T70".1 7• tGO7.3 I. .3. totXs ' u. Ic�fds r i ,:%. 'iU! f'Fi5 C'-1•,".� fFll.(: %�r ETY H,0130R, rsL `1tiD.•t 7-Ir F ; r, -',' �. mriv-E 4QOD''WAAh� Jr//'�•'�!LtS�"�„1 01•.03MAR, hLCFiIO,nCP1r tE;l7 1 '� f ~ (41 IJ ism 7710 . 08/03/2016 15.53 4-017 P_001/009 • ERT;F.'tA7i0fi LI/Tln;, 7F:71i1G. •.I!!i�ECTl�fl � RESOURCES, APPLICATIONS, DESIGNS, & CONTROLS, INC. LISTING 3220 E. 59fh Street Long Beach, CA 90805,�� 344 Tel: (562) 272-7231 LISTING $ TESTING DIVISION Fax (562)529-7513 PRODUCT: CONCRETE, ROCK, AND SOIL GROUND ANCHORS Issued: August2012 Revised: June 2013 MANUFACTURER: Minute Man Anchors, Inc. Subject to Renewal: January 2017 305 W . King St. East Flat Rock, NC 28726 PLANT LOCATION: 305 W. King St. East Flat Rock, NC 28726 APPLICATION: HUD Code Manufactured Homes & Modular Homes 1. INTRODUCTION 4.2 The quality and process control system used in the manufacture has been submitted to RADCO. An At the requestofMinute Man Anchors, Inc., RADCO investigated adequate method of traceability is maintained by the the possibility of listing ground anchors produced by Minute Man manufacturer. A follow-up quality assurance audit Anchors, Inc_, for approval of ground anchors in accordance with program is maintained by RADCO. RADCO's Listing Requirements for Ground Anchors. RADCO's Listing Requirements for Ground Anchors defines the classification and performance requirements of each respective ground anchor model. The requirements are in general accordance with those developed by the MHI Ground Anchor Task Force and adopted by HUD's MHCC on March 9, 2011 after accepting minor revisions offered by HUD staff. 2. DESCRIPTION There are two categories of ground anchors that are specified in this listing. The first group is soil ground anchors, which pertain to all anchors designated for soil classes 2, 3, 4, and S. The second group is rock and concrete (non -soil) ground anchors, which are designed for installation into class 1 conditions. All Minute Man Ground Anchors are manufactured using steel in conformance with ASTM A-36. The models under this listing vary with respect to shaft diameter, number and location of helixes, length of shaft and stabilizer device. Table 1 shows a complete description of each ground anchor model, as well as a corresponding stabilizer device. All ground anchors have a minimum working load of 3,150 lbs and a minimum ultimate load of 4,725 lbs. 3. INSTALLATION The Installation of the ground anchors is to be in accordance with the Manufacturer's Installation Instructions. In addition, each anchor must be installed in accordance with the following: a) The proper soil class. (Tables 2 & 3, and notes) b) Minimum angle of pull to the horizontal. (Tables 2 & 3) 4. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 4.1 Testing has been conducted to verify the compliance of Minute Man ground anchors to the RADCO Listing Requirements for Ground Anchors. 5. RECOMMENDATIONS RADCO recommends that Minute Man Anchors, Inc. ground anchors be accepted for use with HUD code manufactured homes and modular homes provided that: 5.1 Each ground anchor will be marked with a label, a facsimile of which is shown in figure 1. The label for each facility denotes the model number, RADCO name, and Listing #1344. 5.2 All products are produced only at the facility referenced in this listing- 5-3 The quality control procedures are maintained by the manufacturing facility as submitted. 5.4 The audit system of RADCO is maintained. 5.5 All products are installed per the manufacturers installation instructions and section 3 of this listing. 6. APPROVAL This listing is subject to approval on an annual basis by RADCO. Updating and further information will be included and/or resubmitted as necessary. Figure is Sample label Anchor Model Numberldenii8catioo HAD Soil McWh Yew RADCO & 114stiaeNumber r + ----- ----- Page 1 of 2 rrorn=aiyiacrasr O FS/03/2016 15:57 4#017 P.005/009 APPROVED PRODUCTS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF MANUFACTURED HOMES MINUTE MAN ANCHORS 305 West King Street East Flat Rock, North Carolina 28726 MODEL 4 IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION Soil Class Working Load Ultimate Load MMA 2 Galvanized Auger 5/8" x 48" rod, double bolt 4a 3,150 4,725 Anchor head with a single 6" disc MMA 4 Galvanized Auger 3/4" x 48" rod, double bolt head 4a 3,150 4,725 Anchor with a single 6" disc MMA 75 Galvanized Auger 3/4" x 60" rod, double bolt head 4b 4,000 6,000 Anchor with a single 7" disc MMA 86 Galvanized Auger 3/4" x 60" rod, double bolt head 4b 4,000 6,000 Anchor with a single 8" disc MMA 12 Galvanized Concrete 5/8" x 10" threaded rod with Concrete 3,150 4,725 Anchor nut. Use with concrete slab (dry) MMA 14 Galvanized Concrete 5/8" x 10" rod with a 3" turn Concrete 3,150 4,725 Anchor on the end. Use with concrete slab (wet) MMA 42 Galvanized Concrete Swivel head. Use with Concrete 3,150 4,725 Anchor concrete slab (wet) MMA 18 Galvanized Tension Double head tension device N/A 3,150 4,725 Device w/bolt hole in bottom of yoke for use with expansion bolt in concrete slab (dry) MMA 22 Galvanized Tension Double head tension device N/A 3,150 4,725 Device adapter MMA SD2 Galvanized Stabilizer 18" wide x 13.5" center x 7 ''/2" N/A 3,150 4,725 Plate on the sides Revised 10/10 From:S2ylacrest 08/03/2016 95:57 4'017 P.006/009 APPROVED PRODUCTS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF MANUFACTURED HOMES MINUTE MAN ANCHORS, continued... 305 West King Street East Flat Rock, North Carolina 28726 MODEL 4 IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION Soil CIass Working Load 71 Ultimate Load MMA Strapping — ANSI 1 '/4" x .035" galvanized steel � N/A 3,150 4,725 A225.1 & ASTM ` -\,strapping, .60 zinc coating 3953-91 each side MMA-S Strap (crimp) seal I '/<" wide x 2 1 /8" long N/A 3,150 4,725 MMA Square shoulder bolt 3 3/a" x 5/8" knurled split bolt N/A 3,150 4,725 MDP-16 Pier 12" — 16" with 4" adjustment N/A N/A N/A height — head locks to I-beam MDP-20 Pier 12" — 20" with 4" adjustment N/A N/A N/A height — head locks to I-beam MDP-24 Pier 20" — 24" with 4" adjustment N/A N/A N/A height — head locks to I-beam MDP-28 Pier 24" — 28" with 4"adjustment N/A N/A N/A height — head locks to I-beam MDP-32 Pier 28" — 32" with 4" adjustment N/A N/A N/A height — head locks to 1-beam MMA-31 Longitudinal Beam Zinc coated longitudinal beam N/A 3,183 4,225 Clamp clamp 6" x 6 3/4" x 7 gauge w/8 ''/2" x V grade 5 bolts/washers MMA-33 Locking Frame 2" X 7 3/4" X 7 gauge and 2" x N/A 3050 4,225 Clamp II 5 1 /8" x 7 gauge assembled lock frame clamp 1I with Florida Strap Revised 10/10 From:Stylecrest OB/03/2016 9S:S8 4k017 P.008/009 APPROVED PRODUCTS FOR. THE INSTALLATION OF MANUFACTURED HOMES MINUTE MAIM ANCHORS, continued... 305 West King Street East Flat Rock, North Carolina 28726 MODEL # IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION Soil Class Working Load Ultimate Load MMSPP Longitudinal 20" x 20" x F' Galvanized ALL N/A 26,400 Stabilizing System Steel Base Pad MMLBC Beam Clip for above 3 3/" x 6" x 7 gauge N/A N/A N/A system MMLBT Brace for above 1 ''/2" Brace tube (length varies N/A N/A N/A system by pier height) MMA-SD3 Steel Pier Pad 2.75 sq. ft. / I 1 gauge N/A N/A N/A galvanized pad steel beam clips MMA-CAF Concrete Anchor gal. flange for mounting N/A N/A N/A Flange (dry) longitudinal & lateral braces to freshly poured concrete slab MMA-CFW Concrete Anchor gal. flange for mounting N/A N/A N/A Flange (wet) longitudinal & lateral braces to freshly poured concrete MMA-LLBS Kit Lateral Hardware and N/A N/A N/A Longitudinal Struts Revised 10/10 !—r V,....71 Y. BCr 25I 08/03/2016 15:58 ii047 P.007/009 APPROVED PRODUCTS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF MANUFACTURED HOMES MINUTE MAN ANCHORS, continued... 305 West King Street East Flat Rock, North Carolina 28726 MODEL # IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION Soil Class Working Load Ultimate Load MMSPP Longitudinal 20" x 20" x 1" Galvanized ALL N/A 26,400 Stabilizing System Steel Base Pad MMLBC Beam Clip with above 3 3/4" x 6" x 7 gauge N/A N/A N/A system MMLBT Brace with above 1 '/2" Brace Tube Length varies N/A N/A N/A system by pier height MMA-71 Corner Tie 2" x 3" x 7 gauge corner tie N/A 3,150 4,224 with radius clip and Florida strapping MMA-98 Galvanized Auger 3/4" rod x 48" w/dual 6" disc, 4b 3,150 4,725 Anchor w/Stabilizer anchor has attached stabilizer head and plate MMA-99 Galvanized Auger 3/4" rod x 60" w/dual 8" disc, 4b 4,000 6,000 Anchor w/Stabilizer anchor has attached stabilizer head and plate EZASTS Adjustable Support galvanized square tubes and ALL N/A 27,600 Tube System beam clip MMAST Support tubes for 1 1/s" & 1 %4" galvanized N/A N/A N/A EZASTS square tubes MMSBC Beam Clip for ASTS 3 3/4" x 6" x 7 gauge N/A N/A N/A Revised 10110 r-r0 rn:a Lyi Bcr 057 Uts/U:3/ e0'15 Ws: 55 #.017 h .004/009 INTRODUCTION Florida statutes require that mobile/manufactured homes are installed safely and will meet wind loads as determined by Section 3280.306 of Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 3280, Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Section 320.8251, Florida Statutes requires that: "Each person or entity that engages in the Manufacture of mobile home installation components, products, or systems must obtain a certification from the department which affirms that such component, product, or system is approved for use in the installation of mobile homes in this state." The "department" refers to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. The Manufactured Housing Section of the Division of Motorist Services is a unit of this department and is the unit responsible for certifying mobile/manufactured home components, products and systems for use in Florida. This document is the official list of mobile/manufactured home installation components, products and systems that have been certified for use in Florida. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (813) 612-7150. Wayne Jordan Program Manager References: Section 320.8249, F.S.: Provides for the licensing and regulation of mobile/manufactured home installers. Section 320.8251, F.S.: Provides for the certification of mobile/manufactured home installation components, products and systems. Section 320.8325, F.S.: Provides for the department to adopt rules setting forth uniform standards for the installation of mobile/manufactured homes. Rule Chapter 15C-1, F.A.C.: Provides the uniform mobile/manufactured home installation standards for Florida. Revised 10/10 ii F ro m:S t yl ec r est 08/03/2016 15:54 0017 P_002/009 Table 1: Properties of Ground Anchors Min MMA-2 650 DH 518' 48 1 / 6" dia 12" plate MM" 650 DH 3/4' 48 1 / 6" dia 12" plate MMA-6 4430 DH 3/4' 30 2/4 n dia 12' plate MMA-28 636 DH 3/4" 33 1 / 6' dia 12' plate MMA-30 4430 DH 5/8" 30 2 / 4" dia l2" plate MMA-52 4636 DH 3/4" 33 1 / 4' 8 1 / 6" dia 12" plate MMA-65 4460 DH 3/4" 48 2 / 4" dia 12" plate MMA-71 1060 DH 314" 60 1 / 10' dia 12" plate MMA 75 760 DH 314" 60 1 / 7" dia 17" plate MMA-85 860 DH 3/4' 60 1 / 8" dia 17" plate MMA-92 4430 ®H 3/4" 30 2 / 4" dla 6" cap MMA-93 4936 ®H 3/4' 33 1 / 4' & 1 / 6" dia 6' cap MMA-94 636 EZDH 3/4" 33 1 / 6" dia 6" cap MMA-96 650 EZDH 314' 48 1 / 6° dia 6' cap MMA-GW2NU 3/4' 20 1 / 4" dia (See note 3) MMA-8 46 XDH 3/4' 48 none X drive (48" rods) MMA-14 PDH 518' 10 none none MMA-42S JDH 5/8" 6 none none MMA-35 36 XDH 3/4" 30 none X drive (30" rods) MMA-35s 36 XDH 3/4' 30 none X drive (30' rods) MMA-18 THDH 5/8" 3.5 none none Note 1: See 24 CFR Part 3285 Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards, section 202: Soil Classification and Bearing Capacity & Table 3285.202 for an explanation of soil classification numbers. Please note that anchors approved for use in soil class 4 may be used in soil classes 3 or 2, and anchors approved for use in soil class 3 may be used in soil class 2. Note 2: The stabilizer plates are available in 12" or 17" width. The stabilizer caps are 6" diameter. "X drive" refers to cross - driven anchors which utilize two rods angled at 45 degrees from the vertical. Note 3: Anchor model MMA-GW2NU has a 6" stabilizer cap as well as a 32" long stabilizer rod which is driven through the stabilizer cap and downward at 45 degrees from the horizontal. Table 2: Soil Anchor Requirements Wrs. r Aml MMA-2 65D DH 4a 45 deg MMA-4 65D DH 4a 45 deg MMA-6 4430 DH 4a 45 deg MMA-28 636 DH 3 45 deg MMA-30 4430 DH 3 45 deg MMA-52 4636 DH 4a 45 deg MMA-55 4450 DH 4a 45 deg MMA-71 1060 DH 4b 45 deg MMA-76 760 DH 4b 48 deg MMA-85 860 DH 4b 46 deg MMA-92 4430 EZDH 3 45 deg MMA-93 4636 ®H 4a 45 deg MMA-94 636 EZDH 3 vertical only MMA-96 650 EZDH 3 verical only. MMA-GW2NU 3 45 deg Table 3: Rock/Concrete Anchor (Soil Class 1) Requirements MMA-8 48 XDH 10,0oD vertical only MMA-14 PDH 5,DD0 45 deg MMA-42 JDH 5,000 45 deg MMA-35 36 XDH 4,725 45 deg MMA-35s 36 XDH 4,725 45 deg MMA-18 THDH 5,0W 45 deg Page 2 of 2 111.11STYLECRE-a Fiberglass Step �Anrhoring Guidelines Concrete Installation C,ist of Components (PUrCh�sed Locally) 2 �rh U-F" x:�l x7_?I4" E'cfts 2 arch 1/4" ;�20x 1;3�4'`�k�tts 2 e3di I/A" \VWM Concrete Installation Guidelines 1) Drill %a" hole through step and bracket at desired position through lower wooden frame member. 2) Install L-bracket's using ''/_' x 20 x 2 3/4" Bolts, washers, and nuts. 3) Mark location o-t hole .in 'L;bracket on the concrete. 4) Move the step away .from the hmise, Or'ill holes in concret6 at the desired locations. Tap in'l4°' concrete anchors, 5) Replace step so That the tops of the concrete .michors protrude through the L-bta&ets, Secure with the lituts and washers, k Grrouyridd Inita-Hattcon. List of Components (2) 494154 Anchor Assemblies Each assembly includes: (1) 15 inch Anchor (1) 318" x I Ya" lag screw (1) 7/1 v" X 1 '/4" washer Ground Installation Guidelines 1) Set step in desired position and mark the anchor placements on the ground. Remove step. 2) Scream' the anchors in the ground so that the eye of the anchor will be in the position as. shown. 3) replace step and mark the place where the hole in the eye of the anchor meets the side of the step at the height of the lower frame member. 4) Fasten screw into lower frame member though eye of the anchor and washer. WARNING: l"ailure to anchor the step properly can result InInjury. Place the step aigairist the horse. Make sure the sareface on which the step rests is level. Style Cr"t,.Inc. Denwer A Fremolit, Ohio 43420