HomeMy WebLinkAboutMANUFACTURER CERTIFICATE• MANUFACTURFR'S )1 STATEMMt OR CERTIFICATE OF ORIGII-;� � h_ $}�, TO A MANUFACTURED HOME ^•:, �'y_ :n� /;u�`r�br :i.... t• f.�Y;ti" _a::f-1.: '":d.'� :i4'::`2.. �:jy� b f•;:_.- t•, iill�•nf„ � �' 4 �ZY �����'��.=,,3i J !• ice. i��•j�;'��\' ';r,':.�!�J: v t � L`'tif.'r J ?= c Cl,t�r���-.�•. r •�''-` .,fir.-a?"-�^Tr +rS',A'rv,_..."_ y ?t � :.�t11�.,t •, >�<, •. � � ` x;,ar�:"" �.,+..,' r �` `�'7�,YI/'�� ,��,�9�`'.•��?r'`�. t,�`"•� �', �'.�\P1�<_:-J ,411ir1r >: .. �i'• ('i'{��!'f�%'��`'\1t<<;,;t1i)ll �,`;. .DATE INVOICF NUMBER 10/20/2017 64324 MANUFA0TUREA'8 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER YEAS BODY WIDTH' (FT) JAC FL 35207 B 2018 13@411 TYPE OF -MOBILE HOME LENGTH WITH NITCW LENGTH WITHOUT HITCH DOUBLE 52'0" 4810" SQUARE FEET OATS OF MAUUFACTNR< SERIES OR MODEL WEIGHT 64:0 October 2017 IMPERIAL LTD I, the undersigned authorized representative of the company, firm or corporation named below, hereby certify that the new mobile home described above is the property of the said company, firm or corporation and is transferred on the above date and under the Invoice Number Indicated to the following dealer, NAME OF DEALER: Central Mobile Homes, Inn. 930 W Hlckpochlee Ave LaBelle, FL 33935 It Is further certified that this was the first translar of such new mobile home in ordinary trade and commerce. JACOBSEN MANUFACTURING, INC. MH 1-000s83111 DY: 0008020 OO O O (SIGNATURE F AUTHO IMO REPRESENTATIVE) (AGENT) 600 PAC RD COURT SAFETY MARQOR. FL 34829 CITY-STATE 11/21/2017 01:08 17277257730 VJACOBSEN HOME JACOBSEN MANUFACTURING, INC. DATE INVOICE NUMBER 1012012017 64324 MANUFACTURER'S 106NTIFICATION NUMBER YEAR DOOYWIDTA jMl JAC FL 35207 A 2018 13'4" TYPE OF MOBILE HOME LENGTH WITH WITCH LENGTH WITHOUT HITCH DOUBLE 52'0" ' 4810" 90UARE FEET DATE OF MANUFACTURE SERIES OR MODEL 1VE10Hi 640 October 2017 IMPERIAL LTD I, the undersigned authorized representative of the company, firm or corporation named below, hereby certify that the new mobile home described above is the property of Me said company, firm or corporation and is transferred on the above date and under the Invoice Number Indlcatad to the following dealer. NAME Or DEALER, Central Mobile Homes, Inc. 930 W Hfckpachee Ave Laaelle, FL 33935 I It IE further certified that this was the first transfer of such new mobile home in ordinary trade and commerce. JACOBSEN MANUFACTURING, INC. MH 1000593/1 BY; 0008019 (BIGNATU f, OF AUTHO [ZED REFRESENTATIvF.) (AGENT) Ron PAC RD COURT SAFETY., HARBOR. FIL 3409S CITY-STATE PAGE 03/06