HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2658 .,(CORP. S~) \ ,j , : .f.~ 181gn.tt~,'. ..al.a. ana,4e11,.,re4 1npre.enoe' of Ul: , ' Vera P. Jfagel " . lI., Jane". JlazUn , 8TAfB O'IO~. Oounty of 800"--.s. I, 8D ottioer 4u1yauthcx hed to take aoknowledgments to deed., do hereby oerUft that on this 481 PtlllOnaU7, appeared bQtore a,.. BezmanJ. Zeuoh aid Ohalres DunOUl, to - .'11, tno.-:a 88 the P%esi~nt and the Seouter" zespeot1Yel1, ot the Indian RlY.r 'arm. , i 1Collpan)',t~ oorporation 48110rlb.4 Inth. fore801118 deed, and they aoknowledg~d before me thfI; Ithe1w.r. dttl)"~uthorlz.d b, aeid oorporatlon to execute :tbe for8soinl 4e.4 on Its behalf, 8a4 J ~ .' . i to Rlgn itll DaIle 8n4 aftix fts seal thereto; tbat the aeel afflxed iller.to 18 the oorporate I '- . '. , seal O'8~4 oo~poration, ,an4 that .ai4 48edwal .xeout8d b)' sdd oorpozatioD for the ,upose, , theUIA expre.se4. 8DIl the1 Hyerall)' aoknowledsedthe exeoution thereof to be thelr tree oot I I .Dd ~ee,4',a. 8uob ott!oer., , to~ '-the u... and purpo~. therein..mUODed. 8ni that the sa14 "i1trWlleDt 18 theaot an4 4e.4 ot aaid corporation. ;;':~'~~~::;'T!~_~'~;~'~':; ",?, ::-'P"'~:.:"lV",.,~~~~~~,~,_.~.:, - ',~ -:"':_~.":;-'''''''''''.j~:''::''.':-:~''7 ;~-~. "''--1'._*' '. ,;I' -:-;;,~...~;' ..:~~ <'"'.-:,. _...,..,,"> '.-"~'"':-":~,:?,{5.._ ~~.r.';.."." \~:-.......,...,;,~,~, .,...'.._". '." -8" ,..\ 3v" ", ......... '11D141 aIm '.8 OODAI! ~mr LlROY IW!CBISOI ~' 'QUIT-CUD-DllD. ' I . ' . 'l'Bl~I1ID1~uai. ,Ma"-.'he 1.t 4a1 of 4uau8\ A~ '>>. 19215, b7 the JaDIII RIVIIl I ,.ARKs C~AIY. .. o~~por.tlon' oJ8IJllIe4 aDlt eX18Ung un4er the law. ,~t the 3tet. ot nOr 14a, i ' part7 of '.. tliq~ paz_. to John L.Rol ilutoh180not the C~unt1 ot St. Luole ClDd dtate of I nO~lda. 18ft)' of the .eqondpart. 1nT1IB8SBm. bt the .ald pa'~tl' ot the tu~t pad. for and In a(lDlI1deratlo~ ' " ,', .' r of the Rum of One ~.f.~Dol1ar la.romono1 "'the, United Statea,alld~ther yaluable oonai4er-! . . ' " , ,', I' '--, '-at10n.~_~o il10 In henl pa14 b1tb& "&14 part1 otthe 8eoon4 part, at or betore the ensealing ! -----_.~----------', . " ~ " -- , ' ond 4el1ve~7 ot 'the",-'~-;~-;;t;i;,th.' r,o.r~_.-~o!-18lit'ii__noil84'8.-d~C-hq'ilant.d-~' .,-r ~" . , ' ~'. --:"- .' -~ -'.:,::' , " " . .Ibarpine4, 801d, released, oonVe1e4 and ~ont1Z.'cl, an4 ,b)" thefte presentll 40e.' hereb7 8 rant. I .. '. , ~ ", ,. , .. I barsain, 8el1~ rebaee,oome" quit-olaSa andoontillll unto tIS. 8a14 part1 of the ~e09M par~ . .na h1B heir. a.a ...18'., 1. ~... ."'~ .u tho 10.a ln 8t. LUolo 00..t1. 'lor Ida, a88orlM.,. I .a tOUOW8S .' I I, I .~t '. Lot Bo. Thirteen (18) and .rourh.n (14) In Blook .0. fb1zv-flye (35) ln' the C1\)' i 01 "ero~''':or~~t' ... 'the aame t3~d..laMte4 011 thep1a \ of 'IJidl~ Riyer Par.. Oo~ i , palIJ'lt Subdl.'ldon, 1800rde4 In the ottioe of the Olert of-'th8 Oirouit COl1lt ID aD4 fOr .ald Oount1_ to IlAVB ABD TO HOL)) TQ SAW, t oseth.r with all ~he he:red1 tameDta 8M apP1U~ teU8DOe8 thereunto beionging, unto the Ba14 '}l8rtl of the 8eooDd part aol hi. heira andeBsign~ lD,tee simple tor..,er. I, " "IBWIl'DSS WHBRBO., the !SIt1 ot the firat part, on the 4a)' and ',e81 fb 8t laboye' wrl~teD. haa oau8~d ita name to be 8igned and lts'oolporate aeal to be affiXe4 to these, pres.nts blUsPrelident and 1tlS Seol.tarJ, whioh ottioers have'been dtl17 8llthorhed end em-! powe're4 by resoiu:UOD ot the Bfard of Direotouot the Indian RIyer 'al. Compkn1, part, of thet1ntpar t hereiJ)~ to exeoute, aDd 4ellYn.thia deed. ' IJlDIAII RIVER 'A1UI8 COMa.n By Herm8D iI. Zeuoh Its PUAident. Oharles .Dunoan Ita S80retal1. 11 WI'l'lIESS '~1'.. I,have h.eunto affixed ra)' nemt end ottiola1 a8al, thi. 1983. atthe,01tl Of DaYenport. Count)' aDd State atoreaa1cl. (:;' "...~.!~ AU8W1t. , .,' .1... WL) \,,<<. ,~/ 'rll1o.. I, Plath lour7 Publ1" 112 and tor Soo,t COWl.. lit 00_1'''108 .xph.. lull ". 1'84. I I ow.!, I I I I _r 1! o - ..' 11 .iJ . ;' r