HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROPOSED PLOT PLANDESCRIPTION: 0utheast one -quarter of the Southwest one -quarter of a 3, Township 34 South, Range 39 East, EXCEPTING LEFROM, the West 330 feet thereof and farther excepting a I situate in the Southeast corner and described as follows: ping at a point which is 25 feet North and 50 feet West of Iutheast corner of the SW 1/4 of Section 3, Township 34 Range 39 East (which is the point of intersection of the right of way line of Russos Road and the West right of way f Canal #7); thence run North song said canal right of way distance of 206 feet to a point; thence run West, parallel tossos Road, a distance of 250 feet to a point thence run parallel with Canal #7, a distance of 206 feet to a point in artb right of way he of Russos Road; thence East to a a of beginning and less canal right of way, as recorded in x1lor Order Book 3, Page 293 and less the Russos Road If way, as recorded in Commissioners Minute Book 4, Page aid land lying, situate and being in St. Luxe County, REVIATIONS: = Set 5/8' frog rr��gqbor l�yilh 5* cap marked PSM 654" ound 5/8° Iron Rebor E.=Finlshed Floor Elevatiol DH—OH—= Over Head Wires —XK Chain Link fence -0= Plastic Fence —0-- 11lood Fence ,'PL Transformer Pad flue as platted ladius of curve .ength of curve Della of Curve = Measured = Concrete Conc{gto Pod �(ater Meter Poyfer Poie Utility Box ell = Rishl of Way .-= Drainage Proposed and Existing 1EYORS NOTES: mess olherlyise noted only platted easements re shoiyn hereon. II Lot dimensions sho*n are per plat unless lher*ise sho*n, a underground utilities or improvements Were bcated unless other*ise sho*n. his site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Map one X Mop#12111C007OJ Dated 2116/12. load Zone sho*n hereon is on interpretation r the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. he flood zone should be verified by a etermination agency. wrings shoWn hereon are based on the Center ine of Russos Road as being N90'00'00*E id is assumed for computational purposes. M.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage )semen t. he accuracy of this survey is premised on the petted use of the survey. The expected use / pose of this survey is hone construction. :curacy = 1 foot in 7,500 feet or better. dditions or Deletions to this survey map by her than the signing surveyor is prohibited thout Written consent. 9710 Russos Road Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast, L87460 7M 4E Jason Duch Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 349M ALD5543@gmail.com (772) 398.4290 I 1 J 2/18 MC\JC 7-1044 E: REVISIONS LAST FIELD DATE:12/17/17 lied to: LrIC Leonhord Blue Construction Company, Inc, y certify that the surrey sho*n her son is true,llad correct based an qd� uol meoseurements taken in the Iffill, This meets the ylnimm Technical §landfIrds of Chopter-bJ-17 odminisfeative code. act �>m nes QDlgirnlfyagnedbylrf,,=Atla PSM5543 N: m-10mesA Cesirn 1, ntic L.od u�an o,, s i ro Jr. Nt, , ALQ6543pgmil m. =US rr.Map ALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC l'tour0" rTURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL a FOUND RAILROAD SPIKE SITE BENCHMARK #2 � NAIL IN ROAD ELEVATION = 10.28 ASSUMED DATUM 9dg m m I m m of CaQE' CD , M G7 i• o rIr 9 m r I I I r I� 9� f, SITE BENCHMARK #1 1 NAIL IN ROAD ELEVATION = 10.00 ASSUMED DATUM m I' I d li I� I I I 1' tl I, II I 11 II I !I 1 I , I I I m I I I t ' I I� I , 1 f I ,I(r I FOUND NAIL AND DISK ST4PFD GCY uvr,>,. mvrTvmlL.T . TAX PARCEL1303-342-0012-000-1 �uoPoSETH (�UBJEdT TO dONTRAdTOR, HEALTH PLOT PLAN DEPT.. AND BUILDINd DEPT. APPROVAL) IS QNQ^KY / TOPOGRAPHIC SUFZVIEY ALL ELEVATIONS SHOO HEREON ARE BASED ON AN ASSUMED DATUM SITE BENCHMARK #3 TRAVERSE REBAR N 00'nQ'AA" F 1 z1 °a Asa' ri rukrumilu _ 1n o7 �r•� I TAX PARCEL 1303-132-0015-000-7 SCANNFC;, BY 8t Lucie County File COPY MIN. 5 T6R�CK REQ' FRONT-- CNR TECH IRK #4 3AR 10,68 UM DESCRIPTION: The Southeast one -quarter of the Southwest one -quarter of Section 3, Township 34 South, Range 39 East, EXCEPTING THEREFROM, the West 330 feet thereof and further excepting a parcel situate in the Southeast corner and described as follows: Beginning at a point which is 25 feet North and 50 feet West of the Southeast corner of the SW 1/4 of Section 3, Township 34 South, Range 39 East (which is the point of intersection of the North right of way line of Russos Road and the West right of way line of Canal #7); thence ran North along said canal right of way line a distance of 206 feet to a point; thence run West, parallel with Russos Road, a distance of 250 feet to a point; thence run South parallel with Canal #7, a distance of 206 feet to a point in the North right of way line of Russos Road; thence East to a a point of beginning and less canal right of way, as recorded in Chancellor Order Book 3, Page 293 and less the Russos Road right of way, as recorded in Commissioners Minute Book 4, Page 410; said land lying, situate and being in St. Lucie County, Florida. FOUND RAILROAD SPIKE SITE BENCHMARK #2I NAIL IN ROAD ELEVATION = 10.28 ASSUMED DATUM 9901' I I I I' RECEIVED I JAN 2 6 2018 ST, Lucier County, Permitting x9 I( c- c C I` C C I _ MIN. 5 _6 W REQ. FRONTi I`�, SIDES, _ -yy--�---� CNR SIDES_ KDTA-- REAR ZN6. TECH. I �I All C g' Ln O I Ln r� v �I i O I ABBREVIATIONS: SET = Set 5/8' irop rebar with yellow cap marked PSM 5543' FD=Found 5/8' Iron Rebar F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevatior DH—OH--OH— Over Head Wires K—X—X— Chain Link Fence a-o-o-= Plastic Fence D--0-0-= Wood Fence �= FPL Transformer Pad 'L=Value as platted t = Rod! ua of curve = Length of curve = Delta of Curve AEAS. = Measured .ONC. = Concrete :.P.= Concrete Pad D = Water Meter = Power Pole = Utility Box III Well Z.O.W. = Right of Way M� = Drainage Proposed and Existing FDOH in St. Lucie County Environmental Health Site Plan Approved for Construction Supersedes All Previous Site Plans for Ip OSTDS G-,SF-f 5 5'8 & Well #S-28'0f7 I Date- I.- l 2 f Revie r: �x1x9919 q. x SURVEYORS NOTES: I, Unless otherwise noted only platted easements are shown hereon. 2. All Lot dimensions shown are per plat unless otherwise shown. 5. No underground utilities or improvements were located unless otherwise shown. 1. This site lies within Flood Insurance Rate Map Zone X Map#12111CO070J Dated 2/16/12. i. Flood Zone shown hereon is an Interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency, 5, Bearings shown hereon are based on the Center line of Russos Road as being N9O'00'00'E and is assumed for computational purposes. '. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. I. The accuracy of this survey is premised on the expected use of the survey. The expected use / purpose of this survey is home construction. Accuracy = 1 foot In 7,500 feet or better. I. Additions or Deletions to this survey map by other than the signing surveyor is prohibited without written consent. 9710 Russos Road :ALE:1 "=50' Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast, LB7468 754 NE Jensen Beach Blvd, Jensen Beach, In. 34957 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 ALD5543@gmail.com (772) 398-4290 1iE:1/2/18 RA*: MC\JC ?017-1044 DATE: REVISIONS LAST FIELD DATE:12/17 17 IrtIIled to: Eric Leonhard irry Blue Construction Company, Inc. nefeay certify that the survey shown hereon Is true and correct 0 Is based on actual measeurements taken in the fleld. This rvey meets the Mininwm Technical Standards of chapter 5J-17 ,M C"e: Ida adnl nlatrative cope, _'a,T,rIC'. Y1,1 e c A Digitallyngned lyl rnev A. C.Aro Jr. pSM 5543 1 1 1 J A. DN m=James A. Ceslro Jr,o=Adandc Land Deslgnsofdle TC,Inc.,aa, esiro Jr. `;625_5 �05 IOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC "'con�or e iIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL ° suav10Q' SITE BENCHMARK #1 NAIL IN ROAD ELEVATION = 10,00 ASSUMED DATUM ,I II I d I I I I I I I I I' II I, I I II III s II . II I, II I I I II I I ' I I I I I I 1 FOUND NAIL AND DISK STAMPED OCY TAX PAEE1. 1303-342-0012-000-1 NI nn•nn'AA" 17 PROPOSED PLOT PLAN (SUBJECT TO CONTRACTOR, HEALTH DEPT., AND BUILDING DEPT. APPROVAL) ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON AN ASSUMED DATUM 1 7Z1 11 AO' B©UNQARY / TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SITE BENCHMARK #3 TRAVERSE REBAR 171 PVATIAM = 1n 07 CUNC. MUNUMLN I lu Allu %' py TAX PARCEL 1303-132-0015-000-7 RK #4 IAR 10.68 LIM