HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT WORKSHEETSCANNED 1_4 -PERMIT WORKSHEET page -i oTd j J­StLut ie- -4 PERMIT NUMBER L ,Used 11=67­ 6i;�-Home­._ 7 ,,"---�---'-EDbIE-G',RUNDE D66-nii-64-; I H 1-1-1 8467,__11 7 _T Installer_ _1 I ' T _LL _1 .'; j Home installed to the IVlanufacture�'s`Installafion Manual 'Address of home Home is installed in accordance with Rule I 1173 NETTLES bem installed !-_1FtN'.SENi i - " I ' 11 -Z&i6ll F-]"_j "Wiffi'd- 6_111-17 'Singlb wid6 Wi5d n L 1JAGOBS C�6_611516`_w'ide_� Decal EN, ------- F6 ength xwidth cie- 1 j Li 1 i TBD 1_4 1 !T13D_-_!__F__T_­t­', i Serial # NOTE: iff home _�i— W067 -6- plan fiiiii ii siiijite fill dfone half of the blocking Triple/Quad I It home -t s­a—ffirtp_li� —orq 6a--dremainder 6t li L FtFdi�rs_tand 14.6f6ialArm System _6n'-anyfi­o -me (n&;�� or —used PIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES t J_ I 7_1 F s"t-a I I —er ",i - ift iti 51 s i EG, Load Footer _j 16" x 16" 18 1/2" x 18 20" x 20" 22" x 22" 24" X 24" 26" x 26" spacing I bearing size Typical pier (256) 1/2" (342) (400) (484)- (576)- (676) V' capacity (sq in) 8. 161 ---fUDU psf tio of -ongitudi'h i Systems 1500 psf 6' use ark lines to s ow these locations) 2000 psf ii ud -I. al., 2500 psf 3000 psf 8' 8' 8' 3500 psf _Fj 1* interpolated from Rule 15C-1 pier spacing table.' POPULAR PAD SIZES PI PAD SIAES91--L-#--W 1 �X�2;5` e pier pa si i Pad Size Sq In 16 x 16 r pier pad i 18.5 x 18.5 ENGINEERING- ' -her pier pad sizes 16 x22.5 tg.) I ---T7-xM -37217- 1-7- 7 13 1/4 x26 1/4 34 10 J j j _0j5e6)_ -1666ti f 'F r Draw fk�i �i diii iif6 Rrjs,qMaErL��, 20 x20 -&-nifi-g-s- _fo_­&E_orgF6after, Use this 17 3/16 x25 3/1tj 441 _4 symbol to show e piers.1 M/2 x25 1/2 446 within 2-of,er d of -home per -Rule 24 x24 F-I List all m arriage wall openings grea'--t i5n 416`61 26 x26 theirr 6d below. ANCHORS J---- ---- F1 i&Fl56Z size 7,1F 4ft5 t 1A I- ­T— -1 FRA METI ES 7 F23X ;2,3 i 31 f_._I_j A.- _X­ iffifii 2'ofend of .__ispaced at oc x k Zone fil Ln C6 j 1-8 ca te-Fa I F-1 j a s Ize rl F j _7_ iii, i '1 1-91 1 IL -1" r --r -1--1- 7 -j- -a-n 7 OTHER TIES TIEMWN COMPONENTS I L L' _J 1 JL1. J_1 _J_ !"j_ INUM J __j_ J J __L JI Longitudinal Stabilizing Device--k- -6­k- 4- 4-- 4 -S ongitudin4i tibili-4inoDiiilic&wl"tdei'l;grm�s IV16'Riigewallt i '_Z n. i -i­­1---,-�-�---t t -r i _711V!5�dfic_turer j- r -r -i,- n ­7 - T - -r-r-r i7-i n-i-r-r-r-t--( i-n 'T r -- -- .- T WOR H T page � � L - ,._.�.__�•_. ' j 1--- G f f �--, i PERMIT NUMBERf _ � �� � - _ s_._. i � � j ! i I i !-,-_..,._.... .._._ _...i.._.._T_--.,— I , - -•--^-�• i _ F.._, i �,...,_I _..i__f _�.�._ '... __._ L_ Site Preparation POCKET PE ETROMETERTES i �' k R iLi L{ ! # Iu,;l + �, t i Debris and organic material lemo`ve`d `YES ti iThe pocket penetrometer tests are rounded -down to 1'500` psf ! iWater d�a`inage rvNatu�al Swale Pad �_ Other _ I ? - , or check here to declare 1000 Ib. soil with testing ; - _. r e - i { pjj 3 pjf q ; astening multi wide Units _ �4— Xi � .-�X i X 15Q�`._ � 4.,... { k , Fastener LAG` i Length: '6 S acin 24 Walls: „ n ! , Type Fastener LAG Length 6 Spacing 24 POCKETPENETROMETERTESTINGmETHOD +Roof sT a Fastener GALV L`e' ' tS pacing: � t , YP f 9 P 9� _..._ I iFor used homes a min 30 gauge, 8"wvide galvan¢ed metal strip ___i._.., . c s. _. .._.__ L , �_._ -eL-_ _ i 1 Testth_e perimeter ofthe home at6 locations I {_�` i _Y� will be cenfered^overthe peakofthe roof and fastened with gafv __....r....t�._�_-_�;,�, �..._,_.,..� _..,..,......_ + _ R = i `roofi� 2"on cen_t_er_on both sides of the centerline 2 Take the reading at the depth of the footer. _ h _. j_ .. to ~, Gasket (woath rproofing roquiromont4) 3. Using 500 lb. increments, take the lowest_„. --._'_I._._{ ..__.i reading and round down to that increment. , -� � ` El understands properly insta'lled�gasketis a requirement of all news and"dsec I homes and that condensation mold, meldew and buckled mama ewalls are a resultofa oorI installed or�no askefbein installed:�I undersgtana a stn { ( ; 15Qrj X'15�T `X 15Q of tape will not serve as a gasket.^^ F _ installer's initlals�E { i G TORQUE PROBE TEST FOAM + i 1__. ._; ' I ` l ? Type gasket. ._ _ Installed - The results of the toque probe testis inch pounds or check Pg. _ Between Floors Yes X'___ f�here if you are"declaring'S' anchors withouftesting _ Atest IV;. �,{Ta T { Y �iBetween Vl/alls Yes jC ?showing 275 inch pounds or less will require 5 foot anchors. i I ( ; Bottom of ndgebeam Yes X t._.,�.-.--. ' _i t ...�. jNote' stateapprove lateral arm system is being used and 4 ft j�� i E anchors are allowed atthe sidewall locatons. I understand 5 ft �;, _ eat erproo ing ? i sanchors are re uired at all centerline tie oints where the for ue test 1 i I i ! l ; s i A . f ! ? reading is 275or less and where the mobile home manufacturer mayw The bottom board will be repaired and/or taped. Yes X Pg f ,requires anchors with 4000 Ib holding capacity+ '_..i_ + Siding on units is installed to manufacturers specficatsons. Yes X EG i jlnstallers initials i ? �_ IFi�replace chimney installed so as not to allow intrusion ofrain water Yes X._ _ !_ {. } . 1. i- EJ ; TEST$'MUST BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED INSTALLER 7 I { '! Miscellaneous t-=-.i i EDD.IE:GRUNDEL ;- ° i+-' i r , ;Slc'irtin to tie installeii. Yes-X No Installer Marne t _ 9__, _e _ __. _ !_ ! _ :•__ + ! _{ i_._f__w. w _.__.! i I Dryervent installed outside of skirting 'Yes_ N/A jDate Tested. i , t i s I ! t i i P 1{ ;Range down verit installed outside of skirting. Yes X N/A f "` " ►-'! '; ; i ; DDram lines supported at foofirife`rvals. `Yes -+ I - j`' ' Elecfrical crossovers profected.'Yes Other - ectrica , i.—? ..�_. Z i. I i i 'I—) } ... , ? ` onnect eelectrical conductors betviieen mulfi wide units, butnotto the main"poweri _i j_ _ _.� ,,___ ` '__' 5urce. This includes the bonding wire between mult wide units. Pg. 7 t --, i -- -.�_ ;-, T —I— € i - r `-j 4- e i i i ; i f Installer verifies all information given with this permit worksheet. um bing i is accurate and true based on the i _i____.__,. manufacturer's installation in uctions and or Rule 1 5C-1 & 2 onnect all sewer drains to an ewsting sewer tap or septic tank Pg �.._ ! __t__ _,'_ ' ,:`..,_ _ ` _` _ I .... '__ i Installer Signature Date onn_ect all potable water supply piping t_o an ewsting water meter wafer tap or other i �rJcnenidnnf �erolcr c��t+nl�icvc toms Sri , I �,'^�-_4 +.__ - _ - -T `F . 32' PROPOSED PLAN 18' DIMENSION5 AREA APPROXIMATE PLAN AS SHOWN in N Certification of Engin-eered Flood Openings In accordance with NFIP, FEMA T13 1-08, and ASCE/S' le-24-05 I hereby certify that the Crawl Space Door Systems flood vents 816CS, 1220CS, 1232CS,1616CS, 1624CS, 1632CS, 2032CS, 2424CS, and 2436CS are designed in accordance with the requirements of the NFIP "Flood Insurance Manual" (2011) to provide automatic equalization of hydrostatic flood forces by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters, when properly Installed and sized as set forth below: This certification follows the design requirements and specifications established in FEMA Technical Bulletin 1-08, "Openings in Foundation Walls and Walls of Enclosures Below Elevated Buildings in Special Flood Hazard Areas", and the ASCE Standard for "Flood Resistant Design and Construction" (ASCE/SEI 24-0S). The actual vent opening measurements were determined and certified by Mr. Christopher Mark Loney, Virginia PE No. 029000. Calculations are based on the spreadsheet formulas, and. "Review of certification of Engineered Flood Openings, dated January 16, 2012" prepared by Dr. Georg Reichard, Associate Professor of Building Construction, Virginia Tech. Design Characteristics Section of ASCE 24 provides an equation to determine the required net area of engineered openings (A.) for a given enclosed area (Aj. This equation is based' on the hydraulic formula for the flow rate across sharp edged'orifices. 1 have utilized this equation to calculate 1) the respected flow rate through the individual openings between louvers; 2) the flow rate through the main frame opening in case the louver Is blown out during a flood event; and 3) the flow rate of water flowing through louver blades following hydraulic short tube theory. The ultimate maximum total enclosed area (A.) that can be serviced by a single vent has then been' determined by utilizing the lowest flow rate of the three assessed scenarios for each vent and is listed in Table 1. These values are based on the following assumptions: • In absence of reliable data, the rates of rise and fall have been assumed with 5 feet/hour; • The (maximum) difference between the exterior and interior floodwater levels has been assumed with i foot during base flood conditions; • A factor of safety of 5 has been assumed, which is consistent with design practices related to protection of life and property; • The net area of openings (A,) as provided by the manufacturer. Installation Requirements and Limitations This certification will be voided if the following installation 1Model H[in]u A. [in'] A. [ft2] ❑ 816CS 8 x 16 106 205 ❑ .1220CS 12 x 20 237 Soo ❑ 1232CS 12 x 32 306 645 ❑ 1616CS 16 x 16 284 395 ❑ 1624CS 16 x 24 312 670 0 1632CS 16 x 32 408 835 ❑ 2032CS 10 x 32 630 1240 0 2424CS 24 x 24 570 1230 ❑ 2436CS 24 x 36 852 1765 requirements and limitations are not enforced: • There shall be a minimum of two openings on different sides of Table 1 Maximum total enclosed area (AL.) that can be each enclosed area; served by each individual model based on the • The bottom of each required opening shall be no more than 1ft given net area of engineered openings (A j above the adjacent ground level; • No temporary (e.g. during cold weather) or permanent solid cover may be placed into or over the flood vent that would block the automatic entry or exit of floodwaters at any time; • Where analysis indicates rates of rise and fall greater than 5 ft/hr, the total enclosed area as given in Table 1 shall be reduced accordingly to accountfor the higher rates of rise and fall. Certifying D.eslgn Professional. Name, Title Steve A. Gec4 President, Get! & Associates Engineers, Inc. Address 2950 N 12`hAvenue, Pensacola, FL 32503 License Florida Professional Engineer, Lice se o. 33658 Signature _ r- No. 33658dw STATE C .�� hdentifcaton of the Building=and Installed Flood Vents YBy Others) *,,.ONAL The flood vent models marked In Table 1*) are being installed at the following building: Building Address 1 /' FLORIDq lNST OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES INC. DEL p v I SERIES770N INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE AL T L O Q MODEL 11pi' ON Y Page P, LONG1Tt1DlNAL ONLY» (STEPS 1-15) T 1ev;s;o„ �,; ENGINE FORADDG LATE FOLLOW ' ' ENGINEERS STAMP FO/� CONCR R'QL ARM ; Follow 1_9 i APPL/C,qT/ONS Flow Steps 1Q15 r 1 1• SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANC Follow 16-19 aj Pier height exc ,ES: If the followin 1 eeds 48 h) ben g conditions occur - e) Location is within 1500 feet of cLe Length of home STOP! C°ntact Oliver Techn°!o je I ENGINEERS STAMP me exceeds 76' c) Roof eaves exceed 16" d 9 s at(I 800-284-7437 l LL�arl N o ) Sidewall het ht exceed 96" 2• R@move weeds and debris in an approximate R ND N f 3. Place ground pan (C) directly belowchassis st-beam °t s I SPECIA NOTE• square to expose firm soil for each ground other pier. It is E:recommendedTheudinal that -after leveling Press or drive pan fi pan , ) ow soil. brace system serves as a pier under the home rmly into soil until flush with o to piers, complete Steps ng piers, and one-third inch 1/3" and should be to dlas any p 4 through g below then remove jacks. ( )before home is lowered �, mpletely on NOTE; /HEN INSTALLING THE LONGITUO1NaMSIALL S1�STEM PROBE SHOULD BE USED TO DETERMINE CORRECT Typo®P ®NGITtJ®INAL „`t„ ON�V, A MINIMUM OF 2 SYSTEMS ER FLOOR SECTIQ I IS REQUIRED. SOIL i )5 275 A 5 FOOT ANCHOR MUST BE USED. IF PROBEANCHOR GROUND ANCHORS WITH DIAGONAL TIES AND STABILIZER PLATES EVERY 5.4 1L CLASSIFICATION, IF PROBE TE TEST TEST READINGS ARE BETWEEN 276 & 350 A 4 FOOT A READINGS ARE BETWEEN POINTS(PERTF�oR FLORIDA RECxj ALSO RE IREDRONMAY HOM SUSED. WITH VERTICAL TIE CONNECTION SUPPLIED 4. Select the correct square tube brace (E) length or set used as ub is alw2ys the bottom part of the longitudinal arm)• Note: Either tube can be use p (pier) height at support location. i 40 to 45 degree angle is maintained. d by itself, cut and d rill d it length as long as a PIER HEIGHT 1.25"ADJUSTABLE (Approx. 45 degrees Max.) 1.50" ADJUSTABLE 7 3/4" to 25" . Tube Length Tube Length 22" 24 3/4" to 32 1/4" 18". _ 32" >. Install (2} of the 1.50- square tubes (E {18" tube) ) into the "U" bracket (J), adjustment. insert carriage bolt and. lee le nut loose for final i. Place I-beam connector (F) loosely on the bottom flange of the I-beam. '. Slide the selected 1.25" tube (E) into a 1.50" tube (E) and attach to I-beam connectors (F) and fasten 11 osely with bolt and nut. i. degree and not below 40 degrees.Repeat steps 6 through 7 to create the "V" pattern of the square tubes loosely in place. The angle Is t to exceed 45 i. After all bolts are tightened, secure 1.25" and 1.50" tubes using four(4) 1/4"-14 x 3/4" self -tap ping sere, , in pre -drilled holes. E THE MODEL 1101 "V" (LONGITUDINAL &LATERAL PROTECTION) ELIMINATES THE NEED FOR MOST STABILIZE t PLATES & FRAME TIES. NOTE: THE USE OF THIS SYSTEM REQUIRES VERTICAL TIES SPACED AT 5'4". I FOUR FOOT (fl GROUND ANCHOR MAY BE USED EXCEPT WHERE THE HOME MANUFACTURER SPEC FIES DIFFERENT. 3. Install remaining vertical tie -down straps and 4' ground anchors per home manufacturer's instructions OTE: Centerline anchors to be sized according to soil torque condition. Any manufacturer's specifications for sidewall 1 chor loads in excess of 4,000 lbs. require a 5' anchor per Florida Code. 1. NOTE: Each system is required to have a frame tie and stabilizer attached at each lateral arm stabillzig location. This frame tie 8, stabilizer plate needs to be located within 18" from of center ground pan. 2. Select the correct square tube brace (H) length for set-up lateral transverse at support location. The lei igths come in either 60" or 72" lengths. (With the 1.50" tube as the bottom tube, and the 1.25" tube as the inserted tube.) 3. Install the 1.60 transverse brace (H) to the ground pan connector (D) with bolt and nut. 1. Slide 1.25" transverse brace into the 1.50" brace and attach to adjacent I-beam connector ( I ) with bdl and nut. 3. Secure 1.50" transverse arm to 1.25" transverse arm using four 4 1/4" - 14 x 3/4" self-tapr)M2 screwy in re -drilled holes. File COPTV Florideraporoved 4' ground anchors may be used in all - -~a ^^- I page 3 locations except where _ _ home manufacturers sped- revision 6/07 ficalions for sidewall straps are in excess of 4,000 Itls, I - Transverse arm I-beam I I 1, fill 11111111 1 {-fill it These locations require a 5' connector ; 4�3 \ anchor. Per Florida Code. / ' <H - Transverse`ann Top (1.25") bottom (1.5•) C = GROUND PAN D = GROUND PAN ONNECTOR 1 D -Ground F- %r brace I-beam U BRACKETS SVERSE Pan connectors E = TELESCOPING BRACE transverse • connectors TUBE ASSEMB W/ 1.5 BOT \ / J - ground Pan TOM TUBE AND 1.25 TUBE V Bracket INSERT f F = "V" BRACE 1-13r NM CONNEC- Tu TORS ASSEMB E- 1.c 25'H = TELESCOPING, RANSVERSE Toopp (1. ) N Bottom (1.5") ARM ASSEMB11 - Ground Pan I = TRANSVERSE A M I -BEAM CONNECTOR I J= V PAN BRACKEj Model # 1101 " W Longitude dry. concrete bracket part # 1101 D-CPCA Wet bracket part # 1101 W-CPCA not shown Florida approved W ground anchors may be used in all locations except where home manufacturers specifications for sidewall straps are in excess of 4,000 lbs. These locations require a 5' anchor. Per Florida Code. U bracket transverse connectors - Transverse arm I-beam connector —�' � <H Transverse arm ---i Top (1.25") bottom (1.5" ) Tubb/ \% - Concrete Footed Runner F- :'V" brace I-beam connectors J - Concrete "V" Bracket t lodel 11 0'h CVD Model 110h CVW not show(1 I C = CONCRETE OTER/RUNNER — D = CONCRETE Ul6 RACKETTRANSVERSE CONNECTOR I( nnects with grade 5 -1/2" x 2 11 f__j�11 1/2- carriage t & nut) E = TELESCOPIN V BRACE TUBE ASSEM Y W/ 1-5 BOT- TOM TUBE A i 11.25 TUBE INSERT F = "V" BRACE I-B CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY (connects with rade 5 -1/2" x 4" carriage bolt & nut) H = TELESOQPINI I TRANSVERSE ARM ASSEMBLY I I = TRANSVERSE RM I -BEAM CONNECTOR (connects withgl 1 de 5 -1/2" x 2 1/7" carriage bolt & nut) J= CONCRETE "V[ BRACKET (connects with grade 5 -1/2" x " carriage bolt & nut) Model # 1101 C ,,V,, I OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. File C6 Telephone:931-796-4555 1-800-284.7437 1 Fax: 931-796-8811 www.olivertechnologies.com c) Footers must have minimum surface area of 441 sq. in. (i.e. 21" square), and must be a minimum of 8" de ¢) �Jf 0 fuel slab is used, the depth must be a 4" rr, am at system bracket location, all other specific - a m Special inspection of the system bracket instal i is not required.. Footers must allow for at leap., nor of the concrete. NOTE: The bottom of all footings, pads, slabs and runners must be per local jurisdiction. LONGITUDINAL:.(Model 1101 LC "V") 17. When using Part # 1101-W-CPCA (wetset). simply install the bracket in runner/footer OR When installing in 101-D-CPCX(dryset). The 1101 (dryset) CA bracket is attached to the concrete using (2) 5/8"x3" concrete S162300H 5/8" X 3" or Powers equivalent). Place the CA bracket in desired location. Mark bolt hole locath masonry bit, drill a hole to a minimum depth of 3". Make sure all dust and concrete is blown out of the hole holes, then place 1101 (dry set) CA bracket onto wedge bolts and start wedge bolt nuts. Take a hammer down by hitting the nut (making sure not to hit the top of threads on bolt). The sleeve of concrete wedge boll of concrete. Complete by tightening nuts. L ATERAU (Model 1101 TC "V") 18.. For wet set (part # 1101-W-TACA) installation simply install the anchor bolt into runner/footer. For dry set in mark bolt hole locations, then using a 518" diam. masonry bit, drill a hole to a minimum depth of 3". Make blown out of the hole. Place wedge bolts (Simpson part#S162300H 5/8" X 3" or Powers equivalent) into,(D connector and into drilled hole. If needed, take a hammer and lightly drive the wedge bolts down by hitting 'the top of threads on bolt), then remove the nut. The sleeve of concrete wedge bolt needs to be at or belov 18. When using part # 1101 CVW (wetset) or 1101 CVD (dryset), install per steps 17 & 18. Notes: 1. LENGTH OF HOUSE IS THE ACTUAL BOX SIZE 2. • = STABILIZER PLATEAND FRAMETIE LOCATION (needs to bebcab3dv n 18till dol ofgwidpanora meb) 3. g]-- LOCATION OF LONG1 rUDiNAL BRACING ONLY 4. N__T_ &LONGfiI�fS UDINALLOCAT ►iTl, - ALL WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS UP TO 52' • ALL WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS OVER 52' TO 80' • • • be per local jurisdiction. e concrete bolt to the edge dge bolts (Simpson part # >, then using a 518" diameter Place wedge bolts into drilled i lightly drive the wedge bolts lation (part # 1101-D-TACA) e all dust and concrete is mcrete dry transverse nut (making sure not to hit C r-. HOMES WITH 5/12 ROOF PITCH REQUIRE: PER FLORIDA REGULATIONS' 6 systems •for home lengths up to 52' and 8 systems for domes over 52' and up 0' One stabilizer plate and -frame tie required at each lateral bracing system. VIA .Ile ®3'