HomeMy WebLinkAboutTRUSSTruss Fabricator: Job Identification: Truss Count; Model Code; Truss Criteria: Engineering Software: Structural Engineer of Record: Address: Minimum Design Loads: �Q This document has been electronically signed using aDigital Signature Printed j 1, copies vnthoutanoriginalsFgnaturemusf beveriEiedusing the originalelectronic t version. 11 Alpine, an ITW Company,v`�'r"'t*""�"8+► 2400 Lake Orange Drive Suite 150 Orlando FL 32837`p,M Florida Engineering Certificate of Authorization Number: 0 27 •` Florida Certificate of Product Approval N FL 1999 r7Lj= Page 1 of 1 Document ID:IW7Q6666Z 1218164127 ND. 708 ti Truss Wood, Inc. 25707-1 ­1 (801.5 PLANTATION LAKES DR) `; STAFF OF 1 17 Florida Building Code �`• �( f` FBC2017Res/TPI-2014(STD) Alpine SoftwareVersion 17.02. The identity of the structural FOR did not exist as of the seal date per section 61G15-31.003(5a) of the FAC Roof 50.0 PSF @ 1.25 Duration Floor - N/A Wind - 170 MPH ASCE 7-10 -Partially Enclosed Notes: 1. Deternunation as to the suitability of these truss conponents for the structure is the responsibility of the building designer/engineer of record, as defined in ANSI/TPI 1 2. The drawing date shown on this index sheet nust :retch the date shown on the individual truss conponent drawing. 3. As shown on attached drawings; the drawing nuttber is preceded by: HCUSR6666 Details: - # Ref Description, Drawin # Date 1 43852--C1J 18018443 01/18/18 2 43853--C2 18018444 01/18/18 3 43854--CJ1 18018445 01/18/18 4 43855--CJ3 18018446 01/18/18 5 43856--CJ4 '18018447 01/18/18 6 43857--CJ5 18019448 01/18/18 7 43858--CJ5A 18018449 01/18/18 8 43859--CJ6 18018450 01/18/18 9 43860--CJ7 18018451 01/18/18 10 43861--EJ7 18018452 01/18/18 11 43862-49A 18018453 01/18/18 12 43863--HG7 18018454 '01/18/18 13 43864--HG7A 18018455 01/18/18 . 14 43865--HJ10 18018456 01/18/18 15 43866--HJ5 18018459 01/18/18 16 43867--HJB 18018457 01/18/18 ll t7 43868-43 _ 18018458 01118118 1 l / 7 f",k_t�01' 11 1 �t11N4M 1 S,A tl ' iV1001.8 WilliaA [Crick -Truss Design Engineer- 2400 Lake Orange Dr; Suite 150 Orlando FL, 32837 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. kzOlui-I -- I - LI) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #1 Webs 2x4 SP #3 :W1, W6 2x6 SP #2: Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. 3X4 L< 1-8-0>j R=1118 U=655 W=8" RL=198/-198 4X8(R) m 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART._ENC. bldg, not located within 9.00 ft from roof edge, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Left and right cantilevers are exposed to wind MWFRS loads based on trusses located at least 7.50 ft. from roof edge. 18-4-0 Over 2 Supports Design_Crit: FBC2017Res/TPI-2014(STD) PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/O(0) 17 "WARNINGI" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI 37 --IMPORTANT--FURN 1511 THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses roqulro ..c omo aro In febrleacing. hantlling. shipping. Installing antl bracing. Rotor to f eho latost odition of SCSIc(Bulltling Cwvpenont Safety Information• by TPI antl WTCA) for safety pre -tic ' o porfo-1 ng th_ Tuncelons. Insenllers sM1all provi do temporary bracing per DCSI. Unless n-t-d othd'1-w cep chold shall have proporly a[[ac"etl sVuctu ral sheathing antl bottom chord shall have a proporly a hl rigid coiling. L-..[Ions shown for permanonc lateral rostralnt of webs shall have bracing installotlep l L=� 5-etl-ns B3, BT or B11 as applicable. Apply pre to -aril, f160-of for and position as shown abov0 Qeho Jolnc Deeolls, unless noc-d achorwlse. R-for eo drawings 160A-Z Torsstantlartl place posielons. A 1pino. a division of ITW Dulltling Covpononts Group Ire. Shall n [ ba rosponslbla for any dnvlatl-n fr-4 dr-wing• any failure eo bulltl tho truss In c-nTornanc- with ANSI/TPI 1, -r Tor hantlling, shipping, AlITW COMPANY Instal led-n B bra-Ing -f er�s.es. A noel on chic tlraring or cov-r pap- Ileting ehla tlroing. Indleatoa aeropUneo of proTou tonal rnWlnrorli roepons lblllty sot-ly for the Cgslgn shown• 7h- au lt.1,11 ty antl us0 of [his oraw lag for eny s[ructur0 Is 1111 Lake Olanp Dr., Suile 150 r-sP- ^slblllty of iha Dullding Ooslgn°r. p-r ANsI/TPI 1 s--.Z. Orlando. FL 32837 For mor, Information ... this Job's general n s pogo end thoso web sItos: FL COA 90278 ALPINE: www.a 1pinalcw.c-m; TPI: wwe.cpl— -rg; WTCA: --industry.— ICC: ww.lccs r -rg L< 1-8-0>j R=1118 U=655 W=8" H. 0.708 1 AT 0 { IGNAL oft- IW H. Krick Lic. Num +10-0-0 �(Al) = 7 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- TC LL 20.0 PSF TIC DL 20.0 PSF BC DL 10.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT.LD. 50.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1.25 16FSPAC I NG 24.011 Scale=.375"/Ft. REF R6666- 43852 DATE 01/18/18 D RW HCUSR6666 18018443 HC-ENG AK/WHK SEQN- 85002 FROM JS JREF- 1W7Q6666Z12 01/18/2018 I THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (Zb/U/-1 -- I - LZ) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #3 :W1, W5 2x6 SP #2: Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non -concurrent live load. MWFRS loads based on trusses located at least 7.50 ft. from roof edge. 5X5(R1) 3X4 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART._ENC. bldg, not located within 9.00 ft from roof edge, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Left and right cantilevers are exposed to wand Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. 10-0-0 1) L,c 1-8-0� I, LC 1-8-0>j 9-2-0 9-2-0 ,I _I, 18-4-0 Over 2 Supports R=933 U=521 W=8" R=933 U=521 W=8" RL=191/-191 PLT TYP. Wave -�(pnt+nmpiq.rgi Design Cr i t: FBC2017Res/TPI -2014 (STD)+ FT/RT=20%(O%)/O(0) 17 �9 .�•• 1�/4i,TY:1 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- Scale=.375"/Ft. -WARN INISI•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAW) NGI �* •'IMPORTANT'• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. '•• TC ILL 20.0 PSF REF R6666- 43853 d ��� AN ITW COMPANY f 2400 Lake Orange Dr., I50 Trusses requlro c c eno nro in fabrlencing. handling, shipping. Installing one a acing. Rafar to anygfall cha loess[ edition ofrBCSlc (Bulldi ng Componone Sa£"ty Information, by TPI and NTCA)r£or safety praeile% prl [o porforming thes" functions. Instell"r, sM1all provitlo temporary bracing Por BCSI. Unloss noted otM1dYwiso ap chard 1M1 1 havo prop"rly attathcd structural sh"athing and bottom chord 1M1 1 havo a praparly a h� rigid calling. Locations shown for parnanant lacaraI r"stralnt of wabs 1M1 1 havo bracing Install"ticp BCs suctions oC, BI or B10, as o plicabla. Apply pl"[as [o onch facaaof — C ntl position es sM1arn ab"v" tl o cM1a Joint Details, BiO. n cpO .bi..rlsA. R.ea drawings 160A-2 Torss ands rd plat" posl tl ons. L Al pima, tlly lslon "! ITW Buildinq Conponen[s Group Inc. shall n t ba rosponslbla for any ipvlatlon froW;[ tl raw ing. any failur" to bulltl tM1" truss in c"n!"rnanc" 11[M1 ANSI/TPI 1, "r for handling, shipping,�' Instal letlon & bracing of trusses. A aoal on thin dnwinp or c"vor papa Ilnting NIa dnwing. Indlcatoa nceoptanto of profowal—I onpinoarinp r"sponslDlllty norolY for No dmlgn shown. Th. sultohlllty .nd use of thin d—Ing for any atructuro In U osponslblllty of tho Building Daslgnor par ANSI/TPI 1 Soc.2. o. 708 1 — ; I = ; g AT t �, �� .r (V C 1 ate/ ,r••••f.� ;�' �if4 `+(QNAL �+ N,` �'Ip ,Vf� t �iiucNpOp( W TC DL BC DL BC LL TOT. LID. 20.0 PSF 10.0 PSF 0.0 PSF 50.0 PSF DATE 0 1 /1 8/1 8 DRW HCUSR6666 'IBo18aa4 HC-ENG AK/WHK SEQN- 85003 DUR . FAC . 1.25 FROM J S 6 I$ PAC I NG 24.0" JREF- 1W7Q6666Z12 guile L OrlaLCOA 32R37 FL COA 90278 Farm a InT"rmatlon = this Ja g"naval n = pogo nntl [haaa -ab sltas, ar ALPINE: wwr.alpinolcr.com; TPI: "www.epinse.org; WTCA: rww.sbclndustry.cae; ICC: www.iccsaTo.org illiam H. Krick Lie. Number 70 01/18/2018 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/201 Top chord 2x4 SP #3 Bot chord 2x4 SP #3 Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non -concurrent live load. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"0 " nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. ' 6 r— R=34 U=22 0-1 -3 10-6-11 R=52 U=21 R=21 Rw=29 U=17 +10-0-0 RL=23 2X4 (Al 1-0-0 ver upports 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART._ENC. bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TIC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. Design Cr i t : FBC2017Res/TPI -2014 (STD)a. PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(0%G)/O(0) 17 - �4R/`'Q,TY:4 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- Scale=.5"/Ft. d o ��� AN ITWCOMMNY 2400 Lake Orange Dr., Suile 150 ••WARNINGI•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING( y4 "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses roqul ro o c eno oro In fabrleat ing, handling, shipping, Insealling ono bracing. Rafar eo anfoll cho latest aCltlon orrBCSI`IBuiIUing C°npanant Safety Informatlon, by TPI and WTCA) for salary p—ticyL prl o Performing those functions. Inscallars shall Provltlo temporary bracing par BCSI. Unless noted och& I cop chard shall have properly attached scructu ral shtath ing ana bottom chord shall havo o properly a h rigid tolling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint or webs shah havo brating Inscotlotl°p�s eclons Ba, B7 or —I as apPlleabl e. Apply fortes to each fecoaor for end position os shown above tl the Joint Datalls, un toss oared othorw iso. Rotor ce tlrawln s 160A-2 far standard tat° osltions. g p p ° A 1pino, a tlivlsion of ITW Bullding Compononcs Group Inc. shall n t bo r°sponslblo for any Eovlacion frotit drawing. any fnlluro co build cho truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping, installation & brating of <reaaea. A seal on thl• tlrarinp or cover ppa Ilat lnW NI• tlrarinW. Intllertaa aeraptmeo of Drofoasloml eng lnwrinp rasPonslblttty aololy for the tloslgn ahwm. The aultabIlIty and use of to la dr—Ing for any atruc , la th responsibl l lty of rho Bullding Doalgner par ANSI/TPI 1 Soc.2. .w r 0. 7O8 5 • f V z •�. i 9 • C t SAT : � g �� .r• (—VS •A• 1 ..•,,,,,,..•'G� -Q y �A`Mssro%iAl. EN « d%ff 1Ye„f�iW� TIC LL 20.0 PSF TIC DL 20.0 PSF BC DL 10.0 PSF gC LL 0.0 PSF TOT. LD. 50.0 PSF REF R6 6 66 — 43854 DATE 0 1 / 1 8/1 8 DRW HCUSR6666 18018445 HC-ENG AK/WHK SEQN— 85004 DUR . FAC . 1.25 FROM J $ 61SPACING 24.0 " J REF - 1 W7Q6666Z 1 2 Orlando. FL 32837 FL COA 90278 For '°oro Informa<lan s a this Job's general n s Pogo and �,aae web sltea: ALPINE: www.alpinoitw.com; TPI: .-pinst.org; WTCA: —blind—try.,­—blind—try.,­ICC: www,lccsofe..rg illiam H. Krick Lie. Number 70 01/18/2018 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (Zb/U/-I -- I - L;js) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013 Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x6 SP #2 Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non -concurrent live load. Provide ( 2) 0.131"xY nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 3 ) 0.131"xY nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. 2X, 2X4 III R=-158 Rw=38 U=151 R=-153 Rw=60 U=181 L<-- 1-8-0--->j 3 0 0 Over 3 uppare R=611 Rw=660 U=184 W=8" RL=72 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART._ENC. bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TIC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Left cantilever is exposed to wind Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. Design Crit: FBC2017Res/TPI-2014(STD) PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/O(0) 17 •'WARNINGI" REM AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING] "IWPORTIM.. FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Truss.. r.quiro a a in fabricating, handling, shlPping. Inscalling e d bracing. Rarer t ends eho latest edition 11 1CSIc(Bullding Comp.. nt Sef.ey Information, by TPI and WTCA) for safety Practice o performing chase functl.ns. Installers shall provld. tempor.ry bracing per SCSI. Unless .aced othaa ebord aha n haw ..l ..hod s ral snoa thin and bottom chord snap hay. a arl top prop y .Ct truc[u g prop y e r lg id coning. Locations ah. for porman.nt lataral rest alnt of woos shall nay. bracing inst. nod p.o9 BIG, as opplicnblo. Apply plates to .1.9 fa[eoof tru and poll Clon as shown ab.v. .colons 13, B] ... If d LP� IIIL`r✓ too Joint gocails, unless nocod oiborwlso. Rotor to tlraI_ ,. forsstoldard plat. positions. 1 A 1pin., a division of ITN Building C—p....t Group Inc. shall n [ b, r.sponsibl. for .ny davl.tlon iron awing• any fallur. to build the truss In conform.... wl th ANSI/TPI T. or for handling, shipping, AN I1111 COMPANY Ins al I.tlo. & br—ing of truss... A w•I on Cnl• dnrinW or eowr papb Ibtlnp NI• dnwlnp, Intl le•to• •eeopC•nem of profau lon•I onNlnoorl r.np.na lbl llty solely for tno doslgn shun. Tno a.1 abllley wlul us. of thls dr.wing for any structuro Is 2400 Lake Orange Dr., Suite 150 rosponsiblllty of tho Building Designer par ANSI/TPI I Soc.2. Orlando.FL 32837 Form o Inform.clon : this Job a g... ral n s page and th.s. wob slt.s: FL COA #0278 ALPINE: www..jPlnoi tw.com; TPI: www.tp1n,t rg: WTCA: www.sbcindustry.com; ICC: wu.1.... fo.org �A H. ♦ q 'lg 0. 708 1 i AT 0 F ,�srnMl�pA . H. Krick Lic. Number 4 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- TC LL 20.0 PSF TIC DL 20.0 PSF BC DL 10.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT.LD. 50.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1.25 ) ri.SPAC I NG 24.011 Scale=.5"/Ft. REF R6666- 43855 DATE 01/18/18 DRW HCUSR6666 18018446 HC-ENG AK/WHK SEQN- 85005 FROM JS JREF- 1W7Q6666Z12 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (ZS/U/-I -- I — GJ4J Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013 Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x6 SP #2 Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non -concurrent live load. Provide ( 2) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. 2X, 1-8-0-->j 4-3-2 Over 3 Supports R=468 Rw=501 U=137 W=8" RL=103/-23 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART.-ENC. bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TIC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Left cantilever is exposed to wind Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. R=42 U=52 12-2-3 2-5 11 10-0-0 R=-41 Rw=56 U=76 ,;on M H Design Cr i t: FBC2017Res/TPI -2014 (STD) s���' ��,,��,..•••••. ,kiQ PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/O(0) 17. �F13••yB� '.�0_4TY:2 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- Scale=.5"/Ft. ••WARNINGI•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING] ••IYPORTANi•• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trussaa ragulra a t ama ara in fabrl-11"g. M1andll,o. shipping, Instnlling antl bracing. Rofor to antl loll tha latest etlielon ofrBC51c (Balltling Component Sa roty Information, by TPI antl WTCA) ror safety pro 1-0 Prl ro parforming these functions. Inscallars snail provld. temporary bracing por BCSI. Unless notatl otho .• o. 708 1 r: • . 3 TIC LL 20.0 PSF TC DL 20.0 PSF " REF R6666- 43856 DATE 01 / 1 8/1 8 DRW HCUSR6666 18018447 Q ��� AN ITW COMPANY ap thertl snarl hovo properly attachatl atra«oral ahaathing antl bottom thartl shall have a proparly atta a rlgitl telling. Loestivns shorn Tor parmanont lacaral raseraint of rebs sha11 hovo bracing Instollatl po CS sections 8g. H7 or 81g, as applicable. Apply Plates 1 a1.g racoo•f cru and posttt, as shorn above e the Joint 1. 11 o unless ..too ..bl,.rl so. Rofor co to Inge 1 or forsstano rtl plat. post cionl L o At Ina. a dlrlaien of ITN Bniltlln pan Group Ina. ahall lot ba r ble ror tleriatien Fran , p g pononts p ospons any tlrorl ng, any ralluro to bulltl the truss In conro rnanco rich ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling. shipping. Installatlan & brocing of traaaaa. a ; S AT O • ~ �• • LC a• ICl •..�+� FFS+S''••••�•-•''NG�* BC DL 10.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT. LD. 50.0 PSF HC - ENG AK/WHK SEQN- 85006 2400 Lake Orange Dr., Suite 150 A anal on NIa tlnrinp or eoyor pope IlaLlnW NI• drawing.Intlleatoa aeeeDGnra or profaaalonal anpinNrinW raaponaIt, llty a,I,ly for tha tlaslgn ahoanl. Tho aultabllty antl — of chla or"Ing for .ny atrnttura 1, th roaPonalbu icy of v,a ea ntling Dvalgnor por ANSI/TPI 1 so�.z. %arONA1. �IIMpWpaanK DUR . FAC . 1.25 FROM J S 61SPACING 24. 0 " J REF - 1 W7 Q6666Z 1 2 Orlando, FL 32837 FL COA 90 278 For or. infarmatian a this Job•, general n s pogo antl thane rob it — ALPINE: rrr.alpinolcr.com: TPI: rrr.cpinst.org: WTCA:—b—d—try.com; ICC: rrr.Iccsaro.org N,Villiam H. Krick Lie. Number 70 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. kcoiu/-I -- I - uj o) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x6 SP #2 Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Bottom chard checked for 10.00 psf non -concurrent live load. Provide ( 2) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 2) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. 2X, 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART.-ENC. bldg, not located within 4.50 ft from roof edge, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Left cantilever is exposed to wind Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. R=81 U=73 12-6-11 2-1 -3 R=17 Rw=66 U=61 10-0-0 1-8-0--B�lj �— 5-0-0 Over 3 Supports R=472 Rw=504 U=142 W=8" PLT TYP. Wave RL=121/-27 Design Cr i t: FBC2017Res/TPI -2014 (STD) FT/RT=20%(O%)/O(0) 17. l „t�y�tNt11/JIfIIN�i�r,'fy' �� ,,�P�1.•RR..��Ilff.��....... �3•'y�r ' ;����Y:4 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- Scale=.5"/Ft. d ��� AN ITW COMPANY ••WARNINGI•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING] "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. _ tl II Trusses requlro . t e.. ... in fabricating, handling. snipping. InstalIing and bracing. gofer to and th. l__ adlt+.. u..CSl`(Ba .rang C.wpana.t Sanity Inrariaatl.n, by TPI and WTCA) Tar aar.ey Pra. ldp,l o p.rf... 1.9 those funcelons. Ina— I— shall p... ld, cawporary bracing par BCSI. Unl.ss noted .the cap chard hall l have properly atmchatl structural sheathing and boceow chord shall haao a properly et rigid calling. Locations shown far parn...at lam ral roscralnc or web. shall have bracing Insteli.tl po oC5 sa.ci.ns BD B] .r B10, as appllrsbl.. Apply platoa co oach f160aaf tru and pasltl.n as shown amvo e tho Joint Decalls, unioss nomtl oche rwiso. R.for to tlrawings 160A-Z forascanda rtl pieta posiilons. A 1pin., a dlwlsl an ar ITW Bpiidl.g Cawpon.nts Group Ina. hall n t b. r.sp... rbia Tar any dawlacl.n rrow ' drawing. any railuro to build the truss In ...forma... wiW ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping, inatallati.n 6 bracing of truss... ; �J p d. f 08 1 — 's • . . a • O w • F S �/L`1 , a�•�� € • . •• ••••.�--•• (j�py TC LL TC DL BC DL BC LL TOT. L.D. 20.0 PSF 20.0 PSF 10.0 PSF 0.0 PSF 50.0 PSF REF R6666- 43857 DATE 01 / 1 8/ 1 8 DRW HCUSR6666 18018448 HC - ENG AK/WHK SEQN- 85007 2400 Lake Orange Dr.. Suite 150 A wowl on thlw tlrwwlnp or eowor pwpo IlwtlnR thl• dn.lnp. Indlutea weeopbne. of profoulo,ul wnpinwrinW r.apona,billty —1.Iy far th. doalg. anown. T....1-bility .nd ba..r Lhl. dr..... r.... atrh.epr. Is m rosponslbl I ley .f eh. BaI le leg Daalga.r par ANSI/TPI t S-2. ra S�O{�J 1 t1 &trel OUR . FAC . 1.25 FROM J S 61SPACING 24.0 " J REF - 1 W7Q6666Z1 2 Orlando, FL 32837 FL COA 90278 Far war. inr.rwatlan a thin Jah•a gaaar.l n a peg. aatl rhea. web al t.d: ALPINE: www.alpinal to -a.; TPI: www.cpina—rg; WTCA: www. sbcindustry.com: ICC: .ww.lccsaf...rg illiam H. Krick Lie. Number 70 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (Zb/U/-I -- I — UJbA) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/201 Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bet chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x6 SP #2 Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non -concurrent live load. Provide ( 2) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 2) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. 2X, L<— 1-8-0—� 4-8-4 Over 3 Supports R=467 Rw=500 U=138 W=8" RL=111/-25 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART._ENC. bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TIC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Left cantilever is exposed to wind Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. R=65 U=64 12-3-15 2-7 13 R=6 Rw=62 U=66 10-0-0 Design Crit: FBC2017Res/TPI-2014(STD) # �P`,; k ' PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/O(0) 17. + }•'�� �• �••R����4QTY:4 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- Scale=.5"/Ft. d ��� AN IT'WCOMPANY ••WARNINGI•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI ••IMPORTANT•• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses rvgulra a t a,v are In fabrlcating, M1antlling, 111ppi1g, Installing and bracing, Rvfar to old oil ch. Iota,[ ad "an olrn.sl`(Gullding Conponane Svfvty Informotlon, by TPI and WrcA) far saraty Pro aticarprl o parr... lag thus. functivns. Instnllore shall Provldo compar.ry bracing par SCSI. Unless noted oth lyp top chord shall hovo properly attached structural shoaching and bottom chord shall hovo a properly o . •aEl rigid ailing. Lacatlane shaven for Par -anent lateral raecralnt or waas ehall have bracing Inntnllad`p cs [ions G7, ai or BID, ns atod ch., Apply places tooath fae000f cor and Position as shown nbova a tM1a lonst Datallo 1310.nI.noted tale lsA Rvfar to drawings 160Aor orstandardposition plots positions. Alpina. n dlvielan of ITN Balldlhg Campa...ts Group Ina. shall t ba raapan.lbla far any davlatlan tram% drawing, any ralluro co build cho truss In conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, sh lipping. Installation . bracing of trp„a.. d `z w• 0. lop — ; • — : 5 AT 0 : y>• . �/.`1 , ,a ��/�� ��:' �•...,,..••• �� 'L°TT TIC LL 20. 0 PSF TIC DL 20.0 PSF BC DL 10.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT. LD. 50.0 PSF REF R6666 — 43 858 DATE 01 /1 8/ 1 8 DRW HCUSR6666 1 EI01 8449 HC - ENG AK/WHK SEQN- 85008 2400 Lake Ora118e Dr.. Sae ISO A sosl on thls drawing or [over :ago Ilating thl. droing. Indlc.tos .cwptand. of prof...Ionsl .nglln..ring rosponelblllty no to ly for cho tloslgn shown, Tho suitability and uw of 2hle and.Tor any etruc ro le U ... as: blllty of tna Go .11 g Dosl.nor par ANSI/TPI 1 Saa.z. / fIj SIQNAL N hya aIM1P�`N DUR. FAC. 1.25 FROM JS 24 . 0 " J RE F - 1 W7Q6666Z 1 2 Orlando, FL 32837 Fl.enA9027H For mare Inf.... clon sac this Job's gonoral n e Tag, and -..a -a. it..: ALPINE: www.alpinaltw.cam; TPI: wxw.tpinst.arg; WTCA: www.sbclMustry.com; ICC: ww.lccsofa.org illiam H. Krick Lie. Number 746 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (Zb/U/-I -- I - LJb) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013 Tap chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x6 SP #2 Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non -concurrent live load. Provide ( 2) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 2) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. 2X, 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART._ENC. bldg, not located within 4.50 ft from roof edge, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Left cantilever is exposed to wind Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. R=139 U=106 13-1-10 3-5-2 R=55 Rw=98 U=66 10-0-0 1-8-0—�2J �— 6-3-3 Over 3 Supports R=508 Rw=540 U=173 W=8" PLT TYP. Wave RL=149/-33 ���w �tlnmwnunrrgr/ Design Cr i t : FBC2017Re s/TP I -2014 (STD) ya' \P a ....H;. /f,4j�•,.,y FT/RT=20%(O%)/O(0) 17. p:' 0,TY:2 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- Scale=.5"/Ft. ••WARNING]•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAZINGI "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. ? Trussan require a [ emo ore In fabrlcoting, handling. shipping, ].stealing and braeing. Rofor co ­dig.[l eho lotont odltlon uf'BCSIccDulldang Component Safety In Tor..tlon. by TPI and % TCA) Tar spfoty praccicap prl to pa rfa rming [hasp Tunctl ens. Installers shoal provldo—por.ry bracing per BCSI. Unless noted och Lip i p w 0. lop 4 TIC LL TIC DL 20.0 PSF 20.0 PSF REF R6666- 43859 DATE 01 /1 8/ 1 8 DRW HCUSR6666 18018450 1 �^ d IIILIr-_I 19 AN ITW COMPANY op =hold .earl h.v. pr.p.rly attaehad .erpeepral shaathllg and b..tow chard .hall haaa p praparly p a� rlgld calling. Loaotlons shown for par ..... t latarol ro.c 1", oT webs shell hove bracing InstallpdcD CS r. Join Ba. B] or Bn os opplicabl o. Apply plates co each Tacos-T cru and posltlt, as shown ebovo o o 1— OocailI, unless nocpd ochorwl sA Rofor co drarin ....1 forsstandard Into Itlons. `" g. p pos Alpine, a dlvislon of 17N BuI Wing C..p.... t. Group Inc. shall n t b. rasp ... lbl. for any davlatl— from h draring, any failure to build cha cru.. In conform.... with ANSI/TPI 1. or for handling, shipping, In.tallatlon 6 braeing or t....... . A � �� O , ,. A .�;'k,� A ••• ..,,..•• BC DL BC LL TOT. LD . 10.0 PSF 0.0 PSF 50.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/WHK S EQN — 85009 2400 Lake Orange Dr., Suite 150 A coal on this Oral lnp or eov.r pap. Il.tlnp th 1. drawing Indleatoa aewptance of pro'...lonal an "b:'I. p rosponslblllty wloly Tor Z% design whom. Th. .ult.blllty and ... oT chi. dr..ing for any sera= rp le N ra.pon.lblllty or th. Banding Doslgn.r par ANSI/TPI 1 Sac.2. - �S�ONAL � �1�"' +rrydr l�lptM` OUR. FAC. 1 .25 FROM J$ 6ISPACING 24.0 " J REF - 1 W7 Q6666Z 1 2 Orlando, FL 32837 FL COA 90278 For morn inf.rm.tl..... thl. Jab'. geese- not,, pogo and thpsp to .lops: ALPINE: www..lpinplew.eom: TPI: www. tpinst.org; VtCA: awl. sbp dustry.t .; [CC: ww.lccsafo. erg illiam H. Krick Lic. Number 70 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. �coiui-I -- I - L,.3i) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013 Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x6 SP #2 Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non -concurrent live load. MWFRS loads based on trusses located at least 7.50 ft. from roof edge. 2X, L<-- 1-8-0->j 7-0-0 Over 3 Supports R=538 Rw=569 U=188 W=8" RL=170/-38 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART._ENC. bldg, not located within 4.50 ft from roof edge, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Left cantilever is exposed to wind Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. Provide ( 2) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 2) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. R=170 U=126 13-6-11 3-1 -3 10-0-0 R=74 Rw=118 U=78 Design Cr i t : FBC2017Res/TPI -2014 (STD) PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/O(0) 17. 4TY:1 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- Scale=.5"/Ft. dC. ��� AN ITWCOMPANY ••WARNINGI•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI ••ulPaRraNr•• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. T........ u ,, .—I .. ... In ra brlcau ng, handnng, shipping. Instal nng and bracing. Rofor co a.dfon he latest .diti.n of BCSIc(Bullding Component S—ty Information, by TPI and WTCA) far safety praccIt, Prl to performIng chase Tunctivns. Installers shall provldo tomporary bracing per SCSI. Dnl.ss noted .th Vp op chard .hall I,— properly att.,h,d ,tr,,t...I a e.thl.g Ind blttom .herd shall hive a pr.porly atta oa rigid calling. Locations shown for porn....[ Ivcorol restrain[ oT webs shall haves braeing InsCall.tl pc$ ccl ens Bg. BT ar B as a Id Itbl.. Apply places co oath Tacov-T cru and p.sl tl.n as shorn .Bova _ Joint D.talls, DID. n.tp0 ..bl.. A. Rofor co ...Wings .I If fors.tandard pl. co p.slclons. A 1pin., a dlvl sl.n of ITW Bulltling C I.o.. Group In.. .bell n t bo rvsponsl blo for .ny ippintlon frai h dre.ing, any Tenure to Bulltl the cross In conformnnco rleh ANSIRPI 1, or for h.ndling, hipping. Installatl.n A bracing .r eras.... 0,708 1 o _ . = O • 1 ,r,. .�, �w�r �I . . I. `� ,�i �C�•{� ..•...• v TC LL 20. 0 PSF TC DL 20.0 PSF BC DL 10.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT. LD. 50.0 PSF REF R6666 — 43 860 DATE 0 1 /1 8/ 1 8 DRW HCUSR6666 iaoiaasi HC-ENG AK/WHK SEQN- 85010 2400 Lake Orange Dr.. Suite 150 A w i on thl. dr Ing or cover peg. lilting "I. dr..ing. Indlt.t...eeoptro of prof.sllonsI .nglno.ring .aspens lblllty solely for the design aho... Tho Iultdbility Intl us. IT enls or..Ing for Iny .tructur, Is th rsponslbnity ar the Banding Do.Ign.r per ANSI/TPI T S...2. �f`'[+ �,,p�' 4 u�ONAL N,•"' �hrMtrbMelW�p� DUR. FAC. 1 .25 FROM JS 1SPACING 24. 0 " J REF - 1 W7Q6666Z 1 2 OrIando,FL 32837 FL COA#0278 F.r more Inf.rmatl.n s this Job's g..... I n . page ..d eh.z..vb sit..: ALPINE: rrr..Ipinolt-. .: TPI: rrr.tpi.,t.erg: WTCA: rr..sbclnd.s y..om; ICC: rrr.lccsafo.org illiam H. Krick Lic. Number 70,16 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013 Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x6 SP #2 Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non -concurrent live load. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bet chord. 2Xi L<-- 1-8-0—�i'j 7-0-0 Over 3 Supports R=538 Rw=569 U=188 W=8" RL=170/-38 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART.—ENC. bldg, not located within 4.50 ft from roof edge, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Left cantilever is exposed to wind Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. R=170 U=126 13-6-11 3-1(-3 10-0-0 R=74 Rw=118 U=78 Design Cr i t : FBC2017Res/TPI -2014 (STD) ,a'�°? \p`�;....... PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%B O% /0 0 17. + 7•:'�� • •�����y ( ) ( ) QTY:4 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- Scale=.5"/Ft. —WARNING *1 READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI ••IWPORTANT•• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTCRS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. ' TIC LL 20.0 PSF REF R6666 — 43861 Trbss.s ragplrw . [ .m. ar. 1. fobrltpcing, handling, shipping, inscaliing ..d bracing. Rofor t. and-1`.il [ho latest edition ofrSCSlt(Bbllding Covponwnt Safaty Information. by TPI and WrCA) for safocy o. 708 1 — p TC DL 20.0 PSF DATE 01 /1 8/1 8 Pro_'_= prl to p. Morn ing ch.so Nncclons. Installers shall Provldo [rnporary brocing par BCSI. Unl.ss noted oCh top chord shall "1vo proporiy a[[ncbad atrbtt.rai ahwathing and bottom h.,d shall hovo a vroPorly acts rigid —11I1g. L.waci.ns 'no— for pwrmanwnc lacwral rostra in[ of .ads sha 11 hovo erawing Inaco naa Po BCS : BC DL 10.0 PSF DRW HCUSR6666 18018452 d ��� swctl.ns 03, BT ar D10, as applitsblo. Apply Piotos co wing face of for antl posl Clon os ..... .hovo o natal .ch.rwiso. R.f.r to drawings farsetandwrd Plata py Joint Ddtalla, bIf S AT t ��� BC LL 0.0 PSF HC - ENG AK/WHK A.IT 1 not d-1ns. A 1pina, a dlvl Sion of ITR Building Cwmp.n.nes Group Inc. shall n.[b. rasponsl blo for any davletlon ira h tl roving, any fallbro .co build cho truss In wonf. rm.nc..1w ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping, ^� •�: + SEQN— 85011 AN ITW COMPANY inatallatl.n & bracing of t....... of `a CS' •wawa,. •• �♦ TOT. LD. 50.0 PSF A seal on NIa drawing or eovor pap. Ilat lnp NIa drawing, Indlutoa aeeoptanea of prohulonal engineering IIIty and bow of [hla drawing for any atrbttbro la eb roaPona iniiity 1.1y for thg —1i9n- Pay �4,,S�MON A4 �� �7 DUR. FAC. 1.25 FROM JS 2400 Lake Orange Dr., Suile 150 r"op`"a ty . ANSVTP'nbi 4N1ntW 61S PACING 24.0" JREF- 1W7Q6666Z12 Orlando.FL 32837 FL COA 90278 For more Information a w thls 3ob•a g... ral not.. P.D. and �.s. w.b spas: ALPINE: w ..ipinoi—on; TPI: . tpIn.c rg; WTCA: vw. sbcl ndbscry.covi ICC: a— ieesafo.org illiam H. Krick Lie. Number 70 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (Lb/U/—I -- I — HUA) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #3 :W1, W5 2x6 SP #2: Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non -concurrent live load. MWFRS loads based on trusses located at least 7.50 ft. from roof edge. 3X4 5X5(R1) i 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART._ENC. bldg, not located within 9.00 ft from roof edge, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Left and right cantilevers are exposed to wind Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. L< 1-8-0>j L< 1-8-0�j L, 9-2-0 _I_ 9-2-0 _I 18-4-0 Over 2 Supports 10-0-0 1) R=966 U=529 W=8" R=966 U=529 W=8" RL=196/-196 Design Cr i t : FBC2017Res/TP I -2014 (STD) ��((pl11IIII{INIfl/ll�rr!'! yr` j�1 H. PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/O(0) 17 �+ ''y QTY:1 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- Scale=.375"/Ft. •*WARN INGI•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAVINGI : ••IMPORTANT•• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Truss,s rvqulry v tram, care In fabrleaeing, ha.tlling, shlpping, Installing ontl braor Rarer to tall ' o. T08 1 _ cM1v lotost atll Clon of SCSI (Bulltling Component Sap— Infarnatlon, by TPI one tlYTCSI for sa io[y prn I prl o porforning th,s, functions. InsCallars shall provltla [emporvey bracing per BCS1. gnlass nototicotrwis TC LL TC DL 20. 0 PSF 20.0 PSF REF R6666- 43862 DATE 01 /1 8/ 1 8 DRW HCUSR6666 18018453 IIII��r✓ ��� ,�, d AN ITW COMPANY 2400 Lake Orange Dr., Suite li0 Orlando. FL 32837 FL COA 90278 cop chord aM1all M1avo properly attoch1d scruct ral sheathing ontl bottom ch.,d shall I,— a properly et af�tl rigid calling. Loceclons snow. for P,......talatoral rostr.lnt of webs shall have bracing Installed 7ric % saceloin Ba, B7 or —1 as edpplicobl,. Apply — 1. to each fac QOT tru C ntl position es sM1ewn oboe ntl a O eho Joint 3. B7 s, unless n Ced athar�. A Rvfor to a. in s 1GOA-Z forss andard plot. osidons. a g pa"p A 1pinv. o tllvlslon or Ib, Building Campo. s Croup Inc. shall n C ba ror for bla for any tivvivil on i 9n s drawing, any (allure to f tr. the truss Invconrormanco with ANSI/TPI 7, or for handling, shipping, , R, , • f`1`� Installaelon A bracing of trasaea. .......... A seal on thl• droning or cover page Ilating "IS drawing, Indlcate• aceop—m of prefaaalonal ang lna•rin G\ rasponslblllty eolaly tar ana doel0, snow.. Th, sultsblllty and use ,r this dr—Ing for any atruetur, Is N ONA1. EN •,I,� osponslbllity or No Bullding D,slgn,r par ANSI/TPI T S,c.2. 4 A1h yyJ For or, 1—rmatld. s thls Job's general n s pogo and these ALPINE: ..,Ipinol— coo: TPI: 'w tplr,t rg: WTCA: r .sbclndustry. : ICC: ww..lctsaro.drg illiam H. Krick Lie. Number 70 BC DL BC LL TOT. LD. 10.0 PSF 0.0 PSF 50.0 PSF HC-ENG AK/WHK SEQN- 85012 OUR. FAC . 1.25 FROM J S 61S PACING 24 . 0 " J REF - 1 W7Q6666Z 1 2 01/18/2018 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. kco/u/-I -- I - HU/) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #3 :W1, W11 2x6 SP #2: Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC #1 hip supports 4-2-12 jacks to BC. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. 5 X 8 6 3X6 4.17 r-- 4X8 = 4X8(R) /q 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART._ENC. bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TIC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Left and right cantilevers are exposed to wind Left side jacks have 4-2-12 setback with 1-8-0 cant and 0-0-0 overhang. End jacks have 4-2-12 setback with 1-8-0 cant and 0-0-0 overhang. Right side jacks have 4-2-12 setback with 1-8-0 cant and 0-0-0 overhang. 4.17 5X8 �6 3X6 W1 L,I I —I I—i uLEI 10-0-0 3X4(A1) 3X4 = 3X4 = 3X8 = 3X4 - 3X4 = 3X4(A1) 2X4 III 2X4 III 1-8-0>J L< 1-8-0>j 18-4-0 Over 2 Supports R=870 U=539 W=8" R=870 U=539 W=8" PLT TYP. Wave Design Cr i t: F13C2017Res/TPI -2014 (STD) FT/RT=20%(O%)/O(0) 17_g<-11 H, ,QTY:1 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- Scale=.375"/Ft. ••WARNING],•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI ••IMPORTANT•• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. TIC LL 20.0 PSF REF R6666- 43863 T.ussos require os[remv c ro In Tebrlcvting. M1andling, shlpping, Instolling and brocing. Rofar to a,q7 Tall ' o. 708 1 eha I.tose .ditto. of SCSI (Building Coop .... t Safety Informatlon. by TPI and WTCA) for safety Pr—ic3, pri r o Porfo..Ing thaw functions. Inscollors shall provide te.porary brocing par BCSI. Unto.. .. cod o rwls TIC DL 20.0 PSF DATE 01 / 1 8/1 8 DRW HCUSR6666 1 801 8454 Q O �� AN IrW COMPANY 2400 Lake Orange Dr.. Suite 150 Orlando. FL 32837 FLCOA90278 porly [ d top chord shell n_ praparly ..-..ad structural sM1a.-ing and bottom chord aholl M1avo a pro7W rlgld calling. Locations shown for po...n nt lateral restraint or wobs shall have bracing Installed C sections B3, 07 or B10, as appll—1, Apply plaits co each facaoof tru and position as shown oboe nd o the Joint Da 11- unless naiad oCM1e.wlsa. Rofar to drawings 16OA-Z forssCandard plats pasltlans. a . S AT O 't.� A 1pino, a division or ITW Bul wing Componanea croup Ina, sM1ali n c ba rvsponsl b 1. for any dovletlan rye �. �, W�n� droving, any felluro to build thb truss In confor.ancv with ANSI/TPI 1. or Tor M1andling, sM1lpping, •w �V Inscallnclgn 6 brocing of tr...... •(.a.•� i ��a`` A east on this drawing or —or pogo listing th1, drawing. Indtawtos wttoptilmo of profes.lon.I anglnawrtn �` ............ �` rvsponslblllty volvly far tho doslgn ah— lho su ltebit lty and us. of this drawing for any struetura Is U , osponalbl I ItY yr eho Banding Dosl.,.r par Ax51/TPI T S-Z. '� SbNA� E� 1 W„ �pI�1�1p} � For .are Informatlon s tM1ls Job's general n , Peg, and theca web ,Ica,: ALPINE: ...ipl—lcw.com: TPI: oww.tpinst..rg; WTCA: ww.sb,1.d.—y....: ICC: www.Iccsaro.org illiam H. Krick Lie. Number 70 BC DL BC LL TOT.LD. 10.0 PSF 0.0 PSF 50.0 PSF HC- ENG AK/WHK SEQN- 85017 DUR . FAC . 1.25 FROM J S 61S PACING 24.0" JREF- 1W7Q6666Z12 01/18/2018 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (eaiui-I -- I - nbiA) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #3 :W1, W7 2x6 SP #2: Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC #1 hip supports 7-0-0 jacks to BC. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. 3X4 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART._ENC. bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Left and right cantilevers are exposed to wind Left side jacks have 7-0-0 setback with 1-8-0 cant and 0-0-0 overhang. End jacks have 7-0-0 setback with 1-8-0 cant and 0-0-0 overhang. Right side jacks have 7-0-0 setback with 1-8-0 cant and 0-0-0 overhang. 4X8 : - 4X8 - ... JA`t = ... L< 1-8-0--j LEC 1-8-0�J 1— 7-0-0 _I_ 4-4-0 _I_ 7-0-0 ,I 18-4-0 Over 2 Supports R=1471 U=911 W=8" R=1471 U=911 W=8" 10-0-0 1) Design Cr i t: FBC2017Res/TPI -2014 (STD) Ae-Q �}V1 H, ,, PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/O(0) 17 J.t 'v QTY:1 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- Scale=.375"/Ft. ••IMPORTANT- ARNFURGNI.N THHIISS DRAWREAD AND FOLLOW NG TOALLLNOTES CONTRACTORS INCLuo tla 'ME INSTALLERS. 3 •• ; TIC LL 20. 0 PSF REF R6666 - 43864 Trusses rvd .. a t em, ar, In Z,C,cacl"g handling, sM1lpPln9• lnstellln9d end braeing. Rorer to .4 Toll the latest edition afrBCsl`(Bu,lding Component Safocy Inrormaclon. Dy TPI ano wrCA) for saroty practl ¢ pr, o perform ing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bract no per SCS 1. Unless noted o rrls r 0. 7,08 1 VC TIC DL 20. 0 PSF DATE 0 1 /1 8/1 8 DRW HCUSR6666 18018455 O ��� AN IrW COMPANY 2400 Lake Orange L Suite I50 Orlando FL 32877 FLCOAN027R top chard shell have praparly attached at..rel sheathing and boeiom chord shall have a properly a t�,aq�d rlgid ailing. Locations shown for porman,nt lateral r-111"c o! rob¢ shall have braeing Instal lade r76C a_ideaB9. B] or 810. as appllcahle. Apply places co eacM1 rocoeof eru and position os ¢horn dhow and o the JointO,calls, unless nocod otherwise, R,far to drorin 16OA-2 forsst,ndard lot, Itlons. Alpine. o divlalan or ITN g., lding Components 6ra"p Ina, s.11 n t be responsible for nysd,vlatlan f draring. any ralluro co build Eno truss In canlor..he. with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shlppin g. Installation a crating or crosses. A wwl on ehl• tlrmrin0 or cover page IIK Ing NIw tlnwing, Indlewtow weeopUnu of Drofwww lonwl wnpinwwf In rosponslblllty apl,ly Tor the donlgo shown. the suitability and use of Chin dr..Ing for any —turo is N osponslblllty or ore Building Designer par ANSI/TPI 1 Sac.2. Far mars Ia -se: TPI s this Jabs general n s page and wa¢a .ab spas: ALPINE: rw•r.alpinolcr.cao: TP1: wrw.tpinsi.org; IITCA: rwr.sbclnduscry.con: ICC: wwr.lccmfo.org — Q.. y1. /�A� AT ' ` f N ^' � ��y� •.•'G\� T'C• ! �' .n mw ••u •rw• G sslQN • �� 1 $ lOA H �di A9q' ,NIKMIWIH+ illiam H. Krick Lie. Number 70 BC DL 10.0 PSF BC LL 0 . 0 PSF TOT. 50.0 PSF HC — ENG AK/WHK SEQN- 85018 DUR . FAC . 1.25 FROM J $ 61S PAC I NG 24. 0" JREF- 1W7Q6666Z12 01/18/2018 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (Zb/U/-I -- I - HJIU) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #1 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #3 :W1 2x6 SP #2: Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC The following members need concentrated loads at the heel: 0-0-0 span/setback member on the 1-8-0 cant side requires 53 Ibs and the 0-0-0 span/setback member on the 1-8-0 cant side requires 53 lbs. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. Toe nailing based on average reaction value. Provide ( 3 ) 16d common nails(0.162"x3.5"), toe nailed at TC. Provide ( 3) 16d common nails(0.162"x3.5"), toe nailed at BC. 2x 1 2-4-5-1 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART.-ENC. bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Left cantilever is exposed to wind Sub -fascia beam assumptions: 0-0-0 sub -fascia beam on the 1-8-0 cantilever side. 0-0-0 sub -fascia beam on the 1-8-0 cantilever side. Hipjack supports 7-0-0 setback jacks with 1-8-0 cantilever one face; 1-8-0 cantilever opposite face. 9-10-13 Over 3 Supports R=499 U=351 W=11.314" 3X6 III R=-101 Rw=306 L =0 13-6-6 3-9 14 R=499 U=543 10-0-0 Design Crit: FBC2017Res/TPI-2014(STD) `P ,• k PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/O(0) 17 t9 .�•° �4R/` TY:2 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- Scale=.5"/Ft. Q L�� AN Iry COMPANY 2400 Lake Orange Dr., Suite I50MNgNI Orlando,FL 32837 FL COA 90278 ••WARNINGI•• READ RA NG FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI "IYPORTAHT'• FURNISH THIS DRAPING TO ALL COTES ON RS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trussas rod Ire o t omo ere in fabricating, handling. shipping. Installing end brating. Rafor to on�foll chc letose edition ofrBCSlc(Buliding C.pan nt Safety Information. by TPI and WTCA) for safety pro ti.ILL p 1 a parforming those functions. Instnllars shall provlda comporory bracing per BCS1. Unless natodtocl�dtvl cop chard shall hova properly attachad st ruciural s oath11g and bottom chord shall have a properly att #a rigid coiling. Locations shown for permancnc laurel rastralnt of wobs shall hava braoing Installad p CS sectioru Ba, BT ,. 810, as aappllcablo. Apply places to aach facoaof for end position as shown above �d o Cho Joint Oacalls, unless n cod otherwise. Rarer to drawings 160q-2 for plain positions. Alpino, a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc. shall c bo rosponslblo for any dovlailon frt droving. ony felluro to build thm truss In conformance vI- ANSI/TPI 1, or Tor handling, shl,ping. Inscalleclon 6 braoing or trusses. A sosl on 11,11 drawing or cover page ll,ting this drawing. Indltstos —p— of profsssl,n,l snglnosrin0 rosp�ornisl Clll cy uilu,u euilaloie DDo,igna' par ANSI/TPIt1 tZ .rM uw of Cols drawing rer .ny aeruetura Ia For mare lnferma=Ian = e this job•, ganoral n 9 patio and thasa web sitaa: ALPINE: wvw.alpinai to—: TPI: warstp1n erg: WTCA: ww.sb,l,d,s ry.,o ICC: ww.lccsefo.orti .° r o. 708 1 - - ° = ' S C t1T O v7 /"11 • /� • ..,,, ,•• ' 0� ; " e nw {r 11 a 0 L W� illiam H. Krick Lie. Number 70 TC LL 20.0 PSF TC DL 20.0 PSF BC DL 10.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT. LD . 50.0 PSF REF R6666- 43865 DATE 0 1 /1 8/1 8 DRW HCUSR6666 18018456 HC - ENG AK/WHK SEQN - 85021 DUR . FAC . 1.25 FROM J S 61S PACING 24 . 0 " J REF - 1 W7Q6666Z1 2 01/18/2018 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (2b/u/—J -- I — Hit)) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/201 Top chord 2x4 SP #3 Bot chord 2x4 SP #3 Webs 2x6 SP #2 Lumber value set "1313" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC The following members need concentrated loads at the heel: 0-0-0 span/setback member on the 1-3-7 cant side requires 19 Ibs and the 0-0-0 span/setback member on the 1-3-7 cant side requires 19 Ibs. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. 2X t: 1. r- 1-9-13-->j 4-7-7 Over 3 Supports —� R=212 U=153 W=8.737" 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART.-ENC. bidg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=4,2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Left cantilever is exposed to wind Sub -fascia beam assumptions: 0-0-0 sub -fascia beam on the 1-3-7 cantilever side. 0-0-0 sub -fascia beam on the 1-3-7 cantilever side. Hipjack supports 3-3-3 setback jacks with 1-3-7 cantilever one face; 1-3-7 cantilever opposite face. Provide ( 2) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 2) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. R=2 U=5 12-1-14 2-5-6 10-0-0 R=-26 Rw=31 1.11=0 Design Crit: FBC2017Res/TPI-2014(STD) PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/O(0) 17 •'WARNINGI•r READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI `yT ••IMPORTANT•• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trussos ragulr. ...... o aro In fsbrleaeing, hantlling, sM1lpping. Installing end bracing. Rofor eo on¢{`f, tho latase etllelon olBCS lc (Bulltl lag Componont Safacy Informaelon: by TPI antl NTCA) for safoty praeele�7t i o porrorm lag [hmsa lunctlmns. Installors shall provltlo comporory brocing par SCSI. Unless nocvd oUdl'v top chord shall havv properly sttoch.d structural shaothing antl bottom c ord shall havo a properly a M1l 1191E coliing. Loco tlons share for parmonane locarol rostra lae or wabs shall havo brocing Ins_:y—eI, ��� soctlons Bn. B] or B10, as oppl lcablo. Apply —pl.—to co each rocooCr [oru antl peal clon os shown above A [ho Joint 3. B7 o 010. . notad o[bl..lsA Rorer to tlrarinh 160A-2 forsstsnde rd plate posltl" A 1pina, a dlrl sloe or ITW Building Companants Group Inc. shell n msponsiblo for any daviaclon frog 19 droring. any rallura to but ld the truss In eonlormanca riN ANSI/TPIbT,ror for hantlling, shipping, AN ITW COMPANY Insca neclon A brocing of trusses. A w 1 on thl• drwring or eovor Wgo 11,ting thla drewing, Iedlc•tow weaopt.nco of profoa:lon.l ongln—ll rosponslbillty solely for the design shown. Tho sult•blllty wnd use or this dr—Ing for ny strutturo Is 2400 Lake Orange Dr., Suite ISO rasponslbinty of tbv Bullding Doslgnor par ANSI/TPI T Soc.2. Orlando.FL 32837 For o inro rmatl on s this Job's gee rat ..to, page end thasm rab sites: FL COA NO 278 ALPINE: www.alp lnoi cr.com; TPI: rsw. tpinst.org: WTCA: rvw.sbelneusery.com; ICC: rw.leese ro.org 2 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- O. 7.08 1 i S S AT O css�ONAL iam H. Krick Lic. Number TC LL 20.0 PSF TIC DL 20.0 PSF BC DL 10.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT.LD. 50.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1.25 61SPAC I NG 24.0" Scale=.5'l/Ft. REF R6666- 43866 DATE 01/18/18 D RW HCUSR6666 18018459 HC-ENG AK/WHK SEQN- 85024 FROM JS JREF- 1W7Q6666Z12 01/18/2018 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (Lb/U/-I -- I - FUts) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x6 SP #2 Lumber value set "13B" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC The following members need concentrated loads at the heel: 0-0-0 span/setback member on the 1-3-7 cant side requires 30 Ibs and the 0-0-0 span/setback member on the 1-3-7 cant side requires 30 Ibs. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART.—ENC. bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Left cantilever is exposed to wind Sub -fascia beam assumptions: 0-0-0 sub -fascia beam on the 1-3-7 cantilever side. 0-0-0 sub -fascia beam on the 1-3-7 cantilever side. Hipjack supports 5-4-14 setback jacks with 1-3-7 cantilever one face; 1-3-7 cantilever opposite face. Provide ( 2 ) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Top chord. Provide ( 2) 0.131"x3" nails, toe nailed at Bot chord. 13-6-8 5.49 F_ R=184 U=154 2X4 III 3-1 -0 ou 10-0-0 R=41 U=0 2X4(A1) nX4II t<-- 1-9-13-->j 7-7-12 Over 3 Supports R=319 U=215 W=8.737" PLT TYP. Wave pIt1111111NIffIfl/y// Design Crit: FBC2017Res/TPI-2014(STD) FT/RT=20°/B(0%)/0(0) 17 �9 .��'••� '�F��TY:2 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- Scale=.5"/Ft. ••IYPORTANT•1' ARNFURNISH THISGDRAW NGLTOW ALL CONTRACTORS IINCL OrNGGTHE INSTALLERS. �• TC LL 20.0 PSF REF R6666- 43867 1 �^ ALP AN Irw connann v 2400 Lake Otange Dr., Suite 150 T rases roqulre a c ay. ar in fabrlcaeing. M1.ndling, snipping. In tolling and bra. Ing. Rafar nn '..: the I.cast odition olrBC51`(B. I l d lag Coupons. S—ty Inr.rvatlon, bysTPI end WTCA) for safety praceice pr1 o pvrrorving those funcCions. Insi.11ar. shall provlda t—parary bracing par BCSI. Unlass noted otho,vj cop chord shall I,a o properly attached strucw ral shoathing .nd boct.n chord shall M1avo a proporly o hA rigid —I l lag. Lo..tl.ns snare far pare.... Iotvr.l rostraI.t of v.b. snail nova blueing Installod`p BCS colons BB, B7 or DID. 1 as appllcnbl o. lsa. Rarar to drawings .,,16OA-Zof ror standard Plato positions. a alpino, a division or ITW Bnllding Co;,o... t, Group I,a. shall n t ba rosp... Ibl. for any daviatlan rratit•'-y� d raring, any failure to build the truss In eonformnnea rich ANSI/TPI 1, or far M1endling, shipping. In.tallatlan A bracing dr crussos. A .o.l on thl. do g br cover p.Go Il.ting thl. dn.ing, Indle.too .ecoptmce of prof...lon.l .nglno.ring rosponal blllty .ololy rar tea do.Ign .na.n. Tea .0 l—I llty old usa or to 1. dr.ring for .ny struttura I. tl, rasponslbllity of Uo Bulleing Doslgnor ,or ANSI/TPI 1 Soc.2. 0. 708 1 . ' t S AT � �L•.� 1 ��/ ^ .� l,•.••' G� S l •., • N 1 �'tNlt"` � 41I//yO��RICAj1,O ss TC DL BC DL BC LL TOT. LD . 20.0 PSF 10.0 PSF 0.0 PSF 50.0 PSF DATE 0 1 /1 8/1 8 DRW HCUSR6666 18018457 HC - ENG AK/WHK S EQN - 85027 DUR . FAC . 1.25 FROM J S 61$ PACING 24 . 0 " J REF - 1 W7Q6666Z 1 2 Orlando. FL 32837 FL COA 90278 Far mars Infarnntlan ... — Jabs g... r1 n s pogo and tha.a reb .its.: ALPINE: rrr.alpinaitr.com: TPI:.w. tpinsc.org: WTCA: rrr.sbcinduscry...; ICC: ww.iccsaf...rg illiam H. Krick Lic. Number 70 01/18/2018 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. kta/u/-I -- I - (,a) Value Set: 13B (Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Lumber value set "136" uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non -concurrent live load. 2X, 4X4 170 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-10, PART.—ENC. bldg, Located anywhere in roof, RISK CAT II, EXP C, wind TIC DL=4.2 psf, wind BC DL=5.0 psf. Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Left and right cantilevers are exposed to wind Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. 11-4-0 1-8-0L-- 1-8-0� I, 4-8-0 ,I_ 4-8-0 _I 9-4-0 Over 2 Supports R=500 U=241 W=3" R=500 U=241 W=3" RL=100/-100 Design Crit: FBC2017Res/TPI-2014(STD) PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(O%)/O(0) 17 "WARNINGI•• READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWINGI "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Truss.. ra.uiro o e f coo ara In fabrleating, handling, shipping, Installing .nd braeing. Rotor to .non e tM1c latest ctlle'on ofBCSi(Bullding C—P.... t Safety Inf.rmaelon, by TPI and WCA) for safety proetle M o perform ing theses funeclons. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCS1, unl.ss ..tad .thdtr tap cn— shall nave proporly at-.h.d structural ah.n[h.no end Dotco. chord shall havo n proporly a " rigid tolling. L... tlons sn..n for p....... t latarel roatrolnt of robs sM1.II havo braeing Installodtp l 1 s.ctl.ns BB. B7 or BID. as oppli,,bl,. Apply plats to each focooaf tru .no posltlon as snot. .hove cha J.— D.-1l , un lass noted .Nowise. Rotor co tlrwinga 160A-Z for sstandard plate positions. a �^ IIILIrI I Alpine, n tlivisi.n of ITW Building Cweponants Group Inc. snarl n t ba rvsponslblo for any doviatlon 1r3 0 tar ing, any failure to build the truss In conform.... MIN ANSI/TPI 1, or for hantlling, shipping, AN IT'W COMPANY Install.tion & braeing of tr..s.s. A soil on thla droing or cover pogo llating thla drawing, Indleatoo a—p :=a of prefaulonel angInaarl rosPonslot lley solely for the design shorn• Th. aulubli ley and use of this draring for any setae ro Is 2400 Lake Orange Dr., Suite 1SO r i,ponslblI lty of th. Building D.signor per ANSI/TPI I Seca. Orlando, FL 32837 Form a Informaclon a a thla Job's g..... l n s pogo no rhos. rvb sit..: FL COA 90278 ALPINE: w .alpinoiev.c TPI: — trilnst.org: WTCA: w ,belndustry. : ICC: w .lccsaf...rg 4 FL/-/4/-/-/R/- o. 708 1 f s ii AT O i r) raN����• IONAL E J'aam"IwR'`�'t",• H. Krick Lic. Number TC LL 20.0 PSF TIC DL 20.0 PSF BC DL 10.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT.LD. 50.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1.25 61SPAC I NG 24.0" Scale=.5"/Ft. REF R6666- 43868 DATE 01/18/18 D RW HCUSR6666 18018458 HC-ENG AK/WHK SEQN- 85013 FROM JS JREF- 1W7Q6666Z12 01/18/2018 Ln O CV __ - ` b ,,r X1T _ ��y a .r ,•_ _ I� 15 t SCANNED BY F.17 \�O Lucie COuiif)-f Imo- 4 ' 2 '° - 6 ' 8 '° �}� 4 ' 2 °° -� L, 15 ' ` _ _ - • �:� 'YES .�v�. PERMIT PG KAGE- .TRUSSW000 Roof & Floor Trusses j --------------------- 3620 Bobbi Lane P.O. Box 5366 Titusville, FL 32783-5366 Of F i oe : (321) 383 -0366 Fax : (321) 383 -0362 EmaiI:Genera I0trusswood.net CUSTOMER: HAWK BUILDERS JOB NAME: MARCELLINO POOL CABANA DATE: 12-04-17 JOB NO.: 25707 MODEL: CUSTOM *BUILDERS WARNING* * THIS LAYOUT IS FOR PLACEMENT OF ENGINEERED COMPONENTS. * FOR ERECTION AND INSTALLATION CTEMPORARY AND PERMANENT) FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS ON BCSI-B1 SUMMARY SHEETS AND FINAL ENGINEERING SHEETS FOR EACH TRUSS. * SEE FINAL ENGINEERING SHEETS FOR NUMBER OF GIRDER PLIES, CONNECTIONS, WEB CONFIGURATIONS, BRACING, TRUSS SPACING AND REACTIONS. * ALTERATIONS AND/OR REPAIRS TO TRUSSES MUST BE APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY OUR ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. * BACKCHARGES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS OUR ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVES THEM IN ADVANCE. * ALL PLANS ARE NOT TO SCALE. DO NOT SCALE ANY PLANS, IF DIMENSIONS ARE MISSING OR ARE UNCLEAR, PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE TO GET THE DIMENSION. LOADING:20-20-10 WIND SPEED:170NPH PART.ENC. EXP.0 SPACING:24°° DRAWN BY: GUY GELINAS PITCH:6/12 OVERHANG:N/A CANT .: 20 °°. FLOOR DEPTH: BEARING S I ZE (s) : 8 °° SOUARE FT.: 408 SO.FT. WALL HEIGHT (s) : 10 '