HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2675 I I [ I ; ~ '11, :r if I, It I? I. ii In','.' ~ ~' ,., J II ' n ,t: :1 u >, f' I:.",,' ~, l: ~ ..".~..-"4."="...~,'"'7'!'"' ':"" "'".~_""":.:r_.,ry.... ~~, " , ." ''":.....- J" I:,., _'.' ~ ~ .. . , .b. , ,,' __. ~ '";!' .. ~-J,,~ "'r-or-~. ~ 375 i , lWtY"IIl00JU.UA ..>> a_UID 1 ' ' t '. ! I LlWltJ a~ 8WU to QUIt-GLAD- DIIJ). t .', I I I I ! I ! \ , RIa llfJ)UTtIUI, Kale ~1. 10_ Iia,ot loyelllbor 4. I). 1'88, beb.ellWl PROOH48D., I ' , I t~r.ell, ~7 awab, .tao_,ancl .JOUR aooJU.sv.~ her hU.~"1l4. of tbe, OOQ~t, of Ltzua. apel ! It.\t.of/Io.a, ,p&l'1e. of ~ flri' >>ar'. ucl LlWl8 R. afiB,of LtDIl 001lll'\" ..ul aute of i ! ' ',' ' , , " , -' -- ' I ;-101l8,,.I"'Ot the .eooDdpu'. u' _ ,___ I " _ '____~,.___.._,_ ) . - , ,. ,-+,-,--~-_..,- _....~ !'--,----,-,WI'lIIS8lH~-'b\--'the "aU partie. of the tiret part, for and 11l 00D814eratlOD of the ~ '. - '. ' , " . i II11Il 'Of 011 DOLLA1l i,ll' haD! paid by the aaid PU\1 of the 8eoo04 1*rt, the reoe1p\ ..hereof 11 J ' '.... ~. . .. . f _. Ihereb7 aoknowtectsed, have r.l.ed. r4ea"e4 and quU-olall11e4. and b7 th"~ preeenu do reDd...~ !' , , · ' . i (r..lea.1 aD4 quit-olai. ttnto the ..id pa 1t1 of the 8econd part. an4 hia heirs eDd a881gal , i " " " ' , : !torebe:r, all the r18M, title, lntereet"olatm and demam. wh10h the _1d.parUe. of the that' ! '. . . ,. f. . ~ ! part hare ill an4 to the foUowlag 4e.oribed lota, pleoe. 0% puo8180f lan4, aituate, 111ng , ! "'" . . . I iand _elllS ~ \he001lllt7 of St. Luoie, State of Plorld.a, to wu; Lot 'umber, ,31x, (6) In SeotlO"D Twent u--tbue (28) of fow ZllJh~p fhhtl-olll C. 31) . 8ou\hof aange !hirty-nlne (89) Ia,t ot fellahauee Keri41an In nOI14a, oon_inlng '.. .' ". , 61-80/100 aore.. more or lea, aooor41ng to the GoYlzllIlen\ sun"7 tBlreof. Alao Lo' , , luabll Savell (,) of SeotioD 81x.te'12 (1&) of fo.....Bhlp fhh~-three (al) South of ~ge , , 1'0-z\7 ("0) ....t 0 f 8aldK" 141an am oontaining 61-60/100 aO%8', more or 11 SI. aoooZ- . (". .' . dlDg to' the Qo~er_Int '"ur.,.evthereot. 1.1'0 Lot,lIG11lber !WO, (2) ln Seotion fhk ty-one (~i)t of 'ownald.~ !hln,-~.,.en (3'0 South of Bange :rolty-om (41) BaBt ot .1d Jler141an and ~on~lnlD8 6&-3/100, aoreA~ .ore 01 1.88 eoool41ng to the, Government eurve7 thereof. 1.180 th~ 'ort~.1~9u~r~er f.~1/") of'~e Bo~th .eat Quarter 0.1/4) of,SeoUon Three; (8); and ~he 'orth aaa1iQu.tel ot the South Ball1i Quarter (8&1/4) of Seotion J'our (4) and t~ 80ttth Baat Quarter (8.1/4) otthe Borth .e81; Quarter (ft 1/4) of Slot1on Ten -~- .. tlQ.}...i &11 in 'OWIUIhlp Thlrty Two (Ia.) South of Range fh1zt,-Jiine (39) Beat of aa1l1 Kerl- Uan and oOl1talninB i2o-40/l00 aorel, 1II0re or lesa, 8000r41ng to the Governlllent aune, thereot. TO nVB Aim 1'0 HOLD the 811De $ogether lIUh all and Ringulal the appur tenano8. thereunto ! belODging or 112 8II7Wlse appert~lnibg, an4 all the .estate, light, tltle, Intereat aDl olaim ^ '.hat80..,u of the said p.\1e8 of the flmt Part, eUher in law or eqm1t1. to the onl7 pzo- : pel UH, benetit and. behoof of the ... 4 p8l\1 of the .eoond put, biaheila and aaalgne, for-: , ,.,.ef . fh1a ~eed 11 ghen In oontirmanoe of the tee al"ple title to "814 srant.. and hiB h.ir.. of the deed ex.oute4 b11D80D 'the Uth ~ of BO""lIber 1896, of reooid ln8 aid Brevar4 00unt1. . ..... " ; 1'10r14a. in Book BB, page 4'2 and 4'18. and of r.cord in S\. Luo1e COl1n~, ,1'10:14,8, 112 Book 16~ . '!f ; ; JlBge 10'. 't. Wftlfl88 WHBRXOI', the llaid parUes of the first part have here1ll!lo 1.10 the1l hen48 ani1 ..ala the 4a,aDl7181 flut poye Wlltte. Signe4, .,al.4 and 4.1i~r~dln our pre.enoe. loaepm"., Swab (Wltne.. a. kbutUag , .u to Mai, PI oohalta ' , . Oharlotte Weayer I' Wltnes8 , 'A8 t.o 1ro.e.Jlh Olara 81iaabaagJi Proohalka /' Jlar1 Ploohaaka ( sw.) '0.._ Proabalm (SEAL) I ; -'1f" t~. StAD or I"A, . opOm 0' LID,. 1 '. i Oathl. 4~'. peuonaU7 app..r'" ...'tOle.'l~..ph ~oob..J&:a.'to me w~l a.own aa, tJut"pur, tOD 4~o~ bet 1... aD4 lIho .%.oI1\ed the for e801iJ. bel. 8114 ~nGllt~e~~,4 tha ~ h~ ~eou~ tbe I , ,..