HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2688 '..:" "~--."""; - -',- -'-:--_',:",~,_'_";_---:C._"'-'_'-;;-'_ -':_~",~,~..;r.,,' ._.~,...: ,'_ ';........~. . '.1 .~ .~.. -~'~, "-. ~- ......~.-:'":r~-~q.~"'::"'-:"lY:"'." . ,jJ '"'-.'{l. "', ~ " r ,.....' ~ ~, 388' \~. .'1 o :"I' ~ /---':-"''''~' ~ fllel *114 .~".404 thl~ .~th 40r (0'. O,.~)' ~ , 'tUua A_in ; .ot.r hblto. .,. 00""_10-' , _Ill'. . .,,' 'otarlPu~lo. ~. ot'nOflU., ,alae_,' 111 ooaa1..1on -.u,., hpt""1 7, 1'26. (I. It. 8m) of ho,.b". A, D. 1'.,. . . . . '.. . . . . i OJ _,P~ ~',' B14;"d., ~l,"k01r,',O,QU,oourt,,' I BJ' ~""" ',_ " D.O, ! · · · · · · .. ..........-. t ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. II. G. PalIGI AlfD BtJ8BABD to QUIt OL.UII DUD !IllS IlDBfttllB, Kade th18 20th 481 o~ 4Q8ut A. D. 1988 betweell B. )I. G.' hange (IM~ . .. t" i ..,,~.' ~1 GlfforcU all4 .. O. ~aDle h.I husballCl of 'he oo~t;y o~ ~t, ~ao1e and atate crt JIlorf- ,. part..! o~ the tti.t .Ja!rt, an4 K~ O.Sohlll __ Ooooa, ot tbe ~OQllQ' o~ ,Buvard ~nd State ot ! 110r14a part";: o~'he ..oond par', ' " WI!BBaSITB. !hat tbe sald parUt. of the tir.' part, tor aD! III ooneideraUon o~ )I. o. aouUJ. , tlie ita o~ One doUu anll 'other' valuable 00l2a14elatlon8. DoUalll lnhen4 paid bl the sa14 t . . . . i pSrtl o~th. ..00n4 part. the reoe1p' wh,reot 18 hereb1 aoknO.ledge4. have "lIi.ed, released~ . - , . . t ;. and quit-ola1a.d, and b1 these prelentl do r..l.e, r'lease end qliU-'olalll unto the s814 par", lo~ the..oon4 pal' an4 hie h.irs and a811gn.to~.ver, 1111 the rish', 1;1 a." interel'. 0181a ! f . " " 18n4 4ell8nd .hlohthe s8id pal~ie. ot \he ~l!lt palt have in aDdio th. toll owing 4e.oribed 10.. lpieoe or paroe1 o~ lan4, to-lI-Ua' , ! '~.ID1l1D8 atth. Borth..., oorDer of thl Jlorthe.atquarhr of the B91\h.,..,t'qaart.r o,t " " ~ ".AID'c)~... ; 'S.o\ion 1, town8hip 38 otouth, aa.e 39 Baat, IUD allt 610 te.t'1~no. .e~t 660 teet, \he~oe , , lorth 660 feet to point ot beglnniDg, .ald traot oontainln8 10 80res, aDd b.ing all of )I 0 Soh'U.'~ Sllbd1v~'l:OIl ot I~ traot~ 811 per Plat reoorde4 ,In ..t Book 4, ~age 2<1, re.. : . OOldVof' St., Llloh ~oant7, nor14~. !hi.. bed 18 8ivell tor the purpo.eot oOueoting error in 4ee4 given In the 1ear 190$, 'b7 I. )I. G. baqJe. to WiUl.. .'..ar... ' to BAQ AIID to HOLD 'he S8M, together .ith an an4 .ingalaz the appartenanoes there:- ~to beloD81ng or ID 8qrw,.~ app.r'alnlDg~ In4 all the est.te,.18ht, tl\l., interest an4 olal~ ~hatsoever ot the 88U: .~tie8 ot the tir It part.. ~Uher in'1." or eqult7, to the Onl1 p~o~r I r88, benefit alld behoot ot the 8a14' part, of t.he .eoond part, hie heirl en4 a881gD8 forever. I ,~ I II IIUBSS I{RKRIOJ'. ~'s814 partie. 'of the flr.t p.t heve hereunto set theJJ hand. I seal the 481 .Dlle~ t~ st abov. ,1II1"8n. taned, I.aled and 4elivere4 In prennoe of . O1&u1,. Glffar4 Allen Bho4e. .B. ,a,S'OD I I )(z.. B. )I. G. Plenge .. O. PIa., (Seal) ( Seal) fA!. 0., lOam OAJlOLIJ14 I ~l o~.ti'n4,r.oD ) , . I I!IRBBY OIJl'U"Y, fha' 011 'hie 4a, JlIrBonall,.IJpearld betore' ",all oftlo', 4al7 Ilthar ised to a4.illt.tel oa'hl aDd take IOkDO.le4pelltl~ I. )I, G. Pruse '0 .. ..11 kIlO.D to ',he'peraon 4eloribed in aDd *0 aeou~e4 thltor'801DI lD.tram 1D4 lib,. 'okJaowle4pd, , I .. that ae e:I:;eouh4 th, BAe :bee11 and vo1unterl1;y tOI the palpoae. '!wr.in expre.sl;'. '. , ' , , i , 4ID X 'lJ1lf.Qa oatUY,fhat'he ..14 B. II. O. '!ran. boa WII' to b, the wife ,ot .. ' " I '"', ., , -' , ' '- '- '.. , , - - -, - ~ - , j!4 ,.q. ".,t.on . .."1.'. ..o4PJb.teeUll1na"lon Mkel) , aDd I118d. b;ya belol8 _. .'P&; " ,; , ' ',', 1 .ttt:l.t.' ...z.,r_ h" ..14 h..baa4.,U4,~kiaClllla48. tIllilhe exeoll'tt4 tbefOrtgo1Dt Dee4 I OJ~, pIlIP9" otr'UDCluitlh1ll8t 811.naUna.D4 oOllYe,lng all hu ,rlp',tt.tl. ..4 1"".18.'. I ' 1 , , : :':'>~~~t:~tlJ1~~~l: V~" ,11"'- I I i I , I I I ! a "~. .' I ~ ::~ ,~ " < ~~ . / I