StLucie Coon
February 19, 2018
Ms. Ethel Adams
6678 Dulce Real Avenue
Fort Pierce, FL 34951
1 '
Spanish Lakes Architectural Control Committee
8000 South US Highway One, Suite 402
Port St. Lucie,. FL 34952
Reference: Carport Replacement
Dear Ms. Adams:
FEB 2 7 20%
sT. Lucie County, Perr
Thank you for submitting your request to replace 16' of your carport to the Spanish Lakes
Architectural Control Committee.
We are pleased to inform you that your request has been approved. Please be aware that you must
obtain the necessary permits from the County, complying to the local codes for the above item and
the carport must be installed by a licensed aluminum contractor.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Matthew Lyle Wynne
Architectural Control Committee Chairman
cc: James Proske, Park Manager