HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2698 ''''---''':''.'~'_' ~-,--~-C':-,-' '~-"""'-~""----''''':"''~;~~~~---'"7~~~~~'''''''-T",":~-:; "'" ,-;""': . -'T'"'''' ....":""..... .""1.,.'...~'..,~,. ..._',....,,:r:T~T .-~-,~.-,_:"".__"...,_.4. , , ' .:L4S,..,~~..;.,_ .,~ ~~~J;.,:"",,"", ~ 398 . thatoeltal... 4'" _4." 'SI"',..,,.. ....Bt..~lD., J. I, Mt., _4 W... leu,. in' '.\ . . - ., ....t-ol ",'OOWl" ot.~I.uo1. a4 8"te.t flon4a. aloor404 1".~ 1.. .,... 28'. ot . '" . ~-. thl bbl.lo aeo0l4.of I'. Luolo 00"". no~ 14a. ,~ . ,1".ltDe.. Wh'o.ot, 'h.,.r', ot 'he t1l." par', Oil tho 4a, and iea I1rl\ aboyo wftttl..', 'hal 'O~1l~'4 ~~ '~..e ;~'bl '.l~~:'lIlcl u~ o~~~,'- '081 "0' b~ attb.t' \0 'h~.. . ~ . .- ~ ~ : lo < -, '. '. "., '~ '. .pe"D'1 b7 li. txe'1cto.'aIl4,l'ill.or.tu" wbloh ot:t101.. haYO beon 4a1I,au\hortlet an4 , '" , ii " , ,.powlI04 b,r"olu\ loa ot 'he Boar4 of .D1110'011 of ill. Indlan BiYtI 'arli. COllJllD7, par., . . .' I ot ,he fll.t pa' h.elft. '0 exeouia aDll4e11yet till. 4aa4. 1 I , i IIDI.. atTBll 'UHB 00. , '(OORP.8BAt.) _ BaIMB J. aluoh UI Pla.lden'. Ohalla. Duoall ' I\. $eora.I' Slane4. ..ala', alll1 4aliYlrM 1JI p:a..DoI of u., '.Ia .. -aael O. B. 8ohl_ aDD 0' '10,1., Oom, ot Soo,...... , ' I, an ot:tloer41a1J a..'hOlll,.4 '" take ~otac.ltq.D\. '0 daed., 40 hetebl oer'U', 'hat Oil 'hi. 4., pu.on~l1 apa M .bafol't !lo, Ber_a J. leuoh aD! Oha%le. Da.Qoaa, ,'0 .. It . .' . i ..11 known a.'he Pi~al48Il' ana ~he 8tor.tal,. le.peftiye1J, ot1l1. IDll181l alyer .~!II' OOllpaa,. 1 the'- oorporaUoD aa80rl bel in th.tor'801118 4..d,~ltl1., ,!le1tC91rl.tcet 'betor. .. that \he7 ' j 1111. 4a.11 author1..4 b7 sa14 oorpor.tloa, '0 Geoute the, tOIl801118 de04 OQ it. b.halt, aDll I to ..igll Us lI8JDe Bad.attuU. "~~ :1I1ereto; 'hat 'he leal atfixed thareto 18 'he oorpora"., ' I s.al ot '.at4 oor,or.'ioll. _d that . aiel, 4,14 lIa. e~eo~taa ~ 8814, oorporstl OIl tor th, pu.zPOIt. I 'hereiD expres.la.' an4 '''he'. .nnal17 aODOlIleclpd tho'exeout1onthereot to bo the!r ~e. ; I a,ot 1U14 4ee4 a.' _o~ o~loer.~ tOl 'he uses ana purp08ts 'he:relll rnenUone4, en4 that the 8a~ laetiuent 1. t~o' 8114 cleecl ~t .ai400rpOIaUOI!", II WI!OSa WBIIIOr. I h8YO hareWl'oaftixe4 rq name 8114 0~t101al leal, 'hi. 31.' I'," . , , 14.,ot :DIO~ber. 1,*1. a' 'he 01', of ))ayenport, Oount1 aarl 8'at. ator'''14~ I ,', , BaUI B. "aye! 'I . (-.1>>.8&lL) j,," 10\&1" hbllo in aDd to' 1100" COUllt,. Iowa. " I~ ' ., 00.m..10a .xpire. Jal, 4-1924 I ',C' ,y I,p.l a4 reoor~e4 thls l'th 4"j.' ot ian.r,. A. D. 19M. I, / .:?' 1/,j (Of. ot. w.t)' 'f" ~~~r · I~r' 0; ~7 .~o~ · · · · .. · · .~. · · · · · · QUIt-OLAD-DUD ' - I - _8 I1D1l1'l1l1lB. ~40 'hi. 19th 401 .i J... ".7 A. Do 192', h.'....n 01\7 ~ hr' n'.9.. ! - a .u101pal oorpora\1oll allUng un4ar '.he 1&wa of the a'ato ot nOli4a, 01 tbI OOUllt, ot -, a" J.lIOle,llII. .'",. ,<4 n..I&& ,""7 ~ 'h. ~I.",p..', an. ..u.~ ",.......~ \h. 0....'7 i of a,. r.uo1e aDd 8uto ot nori4a put, of 'he leooa4 part. I I , P. O. BldrM. 01erk Clrou11; .~.~~" OOut t. D. O. . . . WALDa PJlIBR801 . 1fI!BB8SBta, fhat 'ho lai4 P"\1 ot 'he tli8\ par t. tar an4 ill ooa.14l1atloa ot tho lUll' of '1... (t6.~O) '>>ollar. 111 hani ~14 b, the ~a14 fBI" of 'he I.OOM Plrt. ~be r.oelp,! wh.reof i8 h.reb,aotb0W1e4814,' has r_l81d, l.lea.14 anel qult-olalll.-4. &Del b,'he.. 1>%a- ,: . , .e~'lIcJo~. '_..,lolea8' aDcl, qal t-01al.' u'o tha .ai4 JIIlt1 ~ 'he '800n4' Jl8r' an4 .,. halJI'~a4 al.18DI tOUY'., ell \ha dpt. ti'lI, lDhll.'_ olai. aact 4e.a4 whioh the .a14 " " ' , . J ' put; ~tho f1!.' part has 18 ana \0 tIla tbU.1D84"Ulbe4 l~, plao. or paroel of laD4, ! ~o-.l'I' ," 0....110111808 'h. ..., 1114. otl1t'h a'r.a' wh.., .... 1IIMla80tl, wUh 'helol\h 1111a of BO.. ~":...D~~t. ,he' 01t~i'.f:'o",'Il.10I. St. L.cil' ooaa~i. I1OrI4..4 IUD 'h.not ".~t a.yJ"to ' I I i ! ; . ':: ".>;}~~~~titfi~ii1~' 7' f.a.... . m '. 4 .~ '" '';;; "l J ~~ .~ -'~ :~. :P:' " ~"i, '1 ,,. .~ :f'. ';1f .>$' '4;. :.... :.r ~\ ~l " J , i-j-~ r~ '_:: f.,;~ .:~} ;';.. ~1 . \~ . ,~~ :.t t "