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Project Summary ��A�e� Date:gruber - wrightsoft° Entire House BY By: r 02 Lucie CM For: DAVE AND TAMMY GRUBER, NA 10725 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE #490, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Notes: Weather: Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US • Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 43 OF Outside db 91 OF Inside db 68 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TD 25 OF Design TD 16 OF Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 59 gr/lb Heating Summary Structure 10048 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Humidification 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 10048 Btuh Infiltration Method Simplified Construction quality Average 0 Fireplaces Heating Cooling Area (ftz) 934 934 Volume (ft3) 7506 7506 Air changes/hour 0.45 0.23 Equiv. AVF (cfm) 56 29 Heating Equipment Summary Make rheem Trade 14 ajm Model AHRI ref Efficiency 100 EFF Heating input 4.8 kW Heating output 16435 Btuh Low output baseboard 500 Btuh/ft Total low baseboard 20 ft High output baseboard 700 Btuh/ft Total high baseboard 14 ft Space thermostat Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 19401 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.95 Equipment sensible load 18528 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 4947 Btuh Ducts 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Equipment latent load 4947 Btuh Equipment total load 23475 Btuh Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 2.2 ton Cooling Equipment Summary Make rheem Trade rheem Cond ra1424AJ1 Coil rh1t2417stan AHRI ref 7490964 Efficiency 9.7 EER, 15.5 SEER Sensible cooling 16800 Btuh Latent cooling 7200 Btuh Total cooling 24000 Btuh Actual air flow 580 cfm Air flow factor 0.030 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Load sensible heat ratio 0.80 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. C WrB htsoft° 2017-Oct-2214:34:36 9 Right -Suite® Universal 2015 15.0.16 RSU20741 Page 1 AMA ..uments\Wrightsoft HVACICLIENTSIDAVE GRUBER .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: W -�- wrightsoft® Building Analysis Entire House Job: gruber Date: By: Project Iormation For: DAVE AND TAMMY GRUBER, NA 10725 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE #490, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Indoor temperature (°F) 68 75 Elevation: 30 ft Design TD (°F) 25 16 Latitude: 28°N Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 18.1 58.7 Dry bulb (°F) 43 91 Infiltration: Daily ran a °F) - 16 ( L ) Method Simplified Wet bulb (°F� - 78 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Heatin Component Btuh/ft2 Btuh % of load Walls 3.1 2902 28.9 Glazing 18.1 4119 41.0 Doors 0 0 0 Ceilings 1.1 1023 10.2 Floors 0.5 463 4.6 Infiltration 1.3 1540 15.3 Ducts 0 0 Piping 0 0 Humidification 0 0 Ventilation 0 0 Adjustments 0 Total 10048 1 100.0 Cooling, Component Btuh/ft2 Btuh % of load Walls 2.3 2098 10.8 Glazing 40.3 9167 47.2 Doors 0 0 0 Ceilings 3.2 2987 15.4 Floors 0.3 288 1.5 Infiltration 0.4 490 2.5 Ducts 0 0 Ventilation 0 0 Internal gains 4370 22.5 Blower 0 0 Adjustments 0 Total 1 1 19401 100.0 Latent Cooling Load = 4947 Btuh Overall U-value = 0.121 Btuh/ft2-°F ERROR: negative wall area in FOYER - check windows. wri htsoftm 2017-Oct-2214:34:35 9 Right -Suite® Universal 2015 15.0.16 RSU20741 Page 1 ...umentslWdghtsoft HVACICLIENTSMAVE GRUBER .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: W --• wrightsoft® Component Constructions Da e. gruber Entire House By: Project Information For: DAVE AND TAMMY GRUBER, NA 10725 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE #490, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Location: Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Elevation: 30 ft Latitude: 28ON Outdoor: Heating Dry bulb 0 . Daily range (OF) - Wet bulb (OF) - Wind speed (mph) 15.0 Indoor: Indoor temperature (OF) Design TD (OF) Relative humidity (%) Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 91 Infiltration: 16 ( L ) Method 78 Construction quality 7.5 Fireplaces Heating Cooling 68 75 25 16 50 50 18.1 58.7 Simplified Average 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Cig HTM Gain fP Btuhlft? °F W TlMuh BtuhM2 Btuh Btuh/fl' Btuh Walls 13A-5ocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, r-5 ext bd ins, 8" thk, 1/2" gypsum n 278 0.125 5.0 3.11 864 2.25 624 board int fnsh 13A-5ocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, r-5 ext bd ins, 8" thk a 151 0.125 5.0 3.11 470 2.25 340 s 391 0.125 5.0 3.11 1217 2.25 880 w 113 0.125 5.0 3.11 352 2.25 254 all 655 0.125 5.0 3.11 2039 2.25 1474 Partitions (none) Windows 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, clr n -innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 1 ft overhang (2.2 ft window ht, 0.5 ft sep.); 20.8 ft head ht 113-c2ow: 2 glazing, cir out; air gas, wd frm mat, cir innr, 1/4" gap, e 1/8" thk;1 ft overhang (5.2 ft window ht, 14.3 ft sep.); 17.8 ft head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e out; air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir e innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 1 ft overhang (5.2 ft window ht, 0.5 ft sep.); 16 ft head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e out; air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir s innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 1 ft overhang (4 ft window ht, 10.3 ft sep.); 7.4 ft head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, clr low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir s innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 1 ft overhang (4.2 ft window ht, 0.5 ft sep.); 17.2 ft head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, clr w innr, 1/4"gap,1/8" thk; 1 ft overhang (5.2 ft window ht, 10.2 ft sep.); 6.3 ft head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, clr low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, clr w innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 4.2 It overhang (6.6 ft window ht, 0.5 ft sep.); 20.5 it head ht 36 0.770 0 19.2 696 19.7 715 48 0.570 0 14.2 681 62.6 3007 58 0.770 0 19.2 1112 45.7 2652 13 0.770 0 19.2 249 21.2 276 13 0.770 0 19.2 249 19.7 256 16 0.770 0 19.2 307 47.5 760 43 0.770 0 19.2 824 34.9 1501 ,y -ELL v wrightsoftRlght-SuKe® Universal 201515.0.16 RSU20741 2017-Oct-22 1 Pa e 6 ACCA g ...uments\Wrightsoft HVAC\CLIENTS\DAVE GRUBER .rup Cale = MJ8 Building Front faces: W Doors (none) Ceilings- • 16A-21md:Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-31 roof ins, r-21 ceil ins, 5/8" gypsum board int fish Fioors 19B-21cswp: Fir floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-4 ext ins, r-21 cav ins, tight crwi ovr, r-4 wall insul 934 0.044 21.0 934 0.045 25.0 1.10 1023 3.20 2987 0.50 463 0.31 288 .` Wrl htSOft* 2017-Oct-2214:34:36 Ar,.._ 9 Right -Suite® Universal 2015 15.0.16 RSU20741 Page 2 m ...uments\Wdghtsoft HVAC\CLIENTS\DAVE GRUBER .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: W -- wrightsoft° Component Constructions P Job: gruber Date: FOYER By: Project For: DAVE AND TAMMY GRUBER, NA - 10725 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE #490, JENSEN BEACH; FL. 34957 - Design Canditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Indoor temperature (°F) 68 75 Elevation: 30 ft Design TD (OF) 25 16 Latitude: 280N Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 18.1 58.7 Dry bulb (°F) 43 91 Infiltration: Daily range (OF) - 16 ( L ) Method Simplified Wet bulb (°F) - 78 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain ft' Btuh/ft'-OF ft'-OF/Btuh Btuh/ft' Btuh Btuh& Btuh Walls 13A-5ocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, r-5 ext bd ins, 8" thk, 1/2" gypsum n 48 0.125 5.0 3.11 149 2.25 108 board int fnsh Partitions (none) -Windows 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mil no brk frm mat, cir s 13 0.770 0 19.2 249 21.2 276 innr, 1/4" gap,1/8" thk;1 ft overhang (4 it window ht, 10.3 it sep.); 7.4 ft head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, clr w 16 0.770 0 19.2 307 47.5 760 innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 1 ft overhang (5.2 ft window ht, 10.2 ft sep.); 6.3 ft head ht Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md: Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-31 roof ins, r-21 ceil ins, 5/8" 48 0.044 21.0 1.10 53 3.20 155 gypsum board int fish Floors 19B-21cswp: Fir floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd flr fnsh, r-4 ext ins, 48 0.045 25.0 0.50 24 0.31 15 r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr, r-4 wall insul .: Wrl htSOft° 2o17-Oct-2214:34:36 9 Rlght-Sufte® Universal 2015 16.0.16 RSU20741 Page 3 AC0* ...uments%Wrightsoft HVACICLIENTSTAVE GRUBER .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: W - wrightsoft® Component Constructions • STAIRS Job: gruber Date: By: Proect Information For: DAVE AND TAMMY GRUBER, NA 10725 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE #490, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Indoor temperature (OF) 68 75 Elevation: 30 ft Design TD (OF) 25 16 • Latitude: 28ON Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 18.1 58.7 Dry bulb (OF) 43 91 Infiltration: Daily range (OF) - 16 ( L ) Method. Simplified Wet bulb (°F) - 78 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul lk Htg HTM Loss Cig HTM Gain W BWh/ft? °F ft'-°F/Bluh Btuh/111 Btuh BtuhAN Btuh Walls 13A-5ocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, r-5 ext bd ins, 8" thk, 1/2" gypsum n board int ins Partitions (none) • Windows 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, clr low-e outr, air gas, mil no brk firm mat, clr n innr,1/4" gap, 1/8" thk;1 ft overhang (2.2 ft window ht, 0.5 ft sep.); 20.8 ft head ht Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md: Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-31 roof ins, r-21 ceil ins, 5/8" gypsum board int fnsh Floors 19B-21cswp: Flr floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd flr fnsh, r-4 ext ins, r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr, r-4 wall insul 5 0.125 5.0 3.11 16 2.25 12 18 0.770 0 19.2 337 19.7 347 23 0.044 21.0 1.10 25 3.20 73 23 0.045 25.0 0.50 11 0.31 7 wrightsoft® Right -Suite® Universal 2015 15.0.16 RSU20741 2017-Oct-22 14:ge 4 A Page 4 ...uments\Wrightsoft HVAC\CLIENTSIDAVE GRUBER .rup Calc = MJS Building Front faces: W wrightsoft° Component Constructions gruber Date: CLOSET By: For: DAVE AND TAMMY GRUBER, NA 10725 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE ##490, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Location: Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Elevation: 30 ft Latitude: 28°N Outdoor: Heating Dry bulb (°F) 43 Daily range (°F) - Wet bulb (°F) - Wind speed (mph) 15.0 Indoor: Indoor temperature (°F) Design TD (°F) Relative humidity (%) Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 91 Infiltration: 16 (L ) Method 78 Construction quality 7.5 Fireplaces Construction descriptions Walls 13A-5ocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, r-5 ext bd ins, 8" thk, 1/2" gypsum board int fnsh Partitions (none) -Windows 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, clr innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 1 ft overhang (5.2 ft window ht, 0.5 ft sep.); 16 ft head ht Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md:Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-31 roof ins, r-21 ceil ins, 5/8" gypsum board int fnsh Floors 19B-21cswp: Fir floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-4 ext ins, r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr, r-4 wall insul Heating Cooling 68 75 25 16 50 50 18.1 58.7 Simplified Average 0 Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain W Btuh1K'-T ft?'FBWh Btuh/ft' Btuh ROM' Btuh n 22 0.125 5.0 3.11 68 2.25 50 e 16 0.770 0 23 0.044 21.0 23 0.045 25.0 19.2 307 45.7 732 1.10 25 3.20 73 0.50 11 0.31 7 wri htsoft® 2017-Oct-2214:34:36 9 Right -Suited Universal 2015 15.0.16 RSU20741 Page 5 MCA ...umentslWrightsoft HVACICLIENTSMAVE GRUBER .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: W +wrightsoft® Component Constructions • BEDROOM Job: gruber Date: By: Project Information For: DAVE AND TAMMY GRUBER, NA • 10725 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE #490, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Location: Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Elevation: 30 ft Latitude: 28ON Outdoor: Heating 0 Daily range bulb (F(OF) 4 Wet bulb (OF) Wind speed (mph) 15.0 Indoor: Indoor temperature (OF) Design TD (OF) Relative humidity (%) Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 91 Infiltration: 16 ( L ) Method 78 Construction quality 7.5 Fireplaces Heating Cooling 68 75 25 16 50 50 18.1 58.7 Simplified Average 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain W Btuh/ff--°F W-017/6tuh BtuhM Btuh Btuhlft' Stun Walls 13A-5ocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, r-5 e)t bd ins, 8" thk a 122 0.125 5.0 3.11 380 2.25 275 s 139 0.125 5.0 3.11 433 2.25 313 all 261 0.125 5.0 3.11 812 2.25 587 Partitions (none) Windows 1D-c2ow: 2 glazing, clr outr, air gas, wd frm mat, clr innr, 1/4" gap, a 48 0.570 0 1/8" thk; 1 ft overhang (5.2 ft window ht, 14.3 ft sep.); 17.8 ft head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, clr low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, clr a 16 0.770 0 innr,1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 1 ft overhang (5.2 ft window ht, 0.5 It sep.); 16 ft head ht Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md:Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-31 roof ins, r-21 cell ins, 5/8" 284 0.044 21.0 gypsum board int fnsh Floors 19B-21 cswp: Fir floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-4 ext ins, 284 0.045 25.0 r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr, r-4 wall insul .4CCCi� + wrightsoft® Right-Sufte® Universal 2015 15.0.16 RSU20741 ...uments\Wrightsoft HVAMCLIENTMAVE GRUBER .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: W 14.2 681 62.6 3007 19.2 307 45.7 732 1.10 311 3.20 907 0.50 141 0.31 88 2017-Oct-22 14:34:36 Page 6 -�- wrightsoft® Component Constructions BATH Job: gruffer Date: By: For: DAVE AND TAMMY GRUBER, NA 10725 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE #490, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Location: Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Elevation: 30 ft Latitude: 280N Outdoor: Heating Dry bulb (OF) 43 Daily range (OF) - Wet bulb (OF) - Wind speed (mph) 15.0 Indoor: Indoor temperature (OF) Design TD (OF) Relative humidity (%) Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 91 Infiltration: 16 ( L ) Method 78 Construction quality 7.5 Fireplaces Heating Cooling 68 75 25 16 50 50 18.1 58.7 Simplified Average 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain ft' Btuh/ft?'F fF-•FMuh Btuh/V Btuh BUMP Btuh Walls 13A-5ocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, r-5 e)t bd ins, 8" thk s 27 0.125 5.0 3.11 84 2.25 61 Partitions (none) Windows • 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, clr a 10 0.770 0 19.2 192 45.7 457 innr,1/4" gap, 1/8" thk;1 it overhang (5.2 it window ht, 0.5 It sep.); 16 it head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, clr s 13 0.770 0 19.2 249 19.7 256 innr,1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 1 ft overhang (4.2 ft window ht, 0.5 it sep.); 17.2 ft head ht 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir w 23 0.770 0 19.2 441 34.9 803 innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 4.2 ft overhang (6.6 ft window ht, 0.5 ft sep.); 20.5 ft head ht Doors (none) ceilings 16A-21md: Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-31 roof ins, r-21 cell ins, 5/8" gypsum board int fnsh Floors 19B-21cswp: Fir floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd flr fnsh, r-4 ext ins, r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr, r-4 wall insul 40 0.044 21.0 1.10 40 0.045 25.0 0.50 44 3.20 128 20 0.31 12 J; + wrightsoft° Right-SufteO Universal 2015 15.0.16 RSU20741 2017-Oct-22 1Pag e 7 ...umentslWrightsoft HVACICLIENTS\DAVE GRUBER .rup Calc = MJ6 Building Front faces: W +-wrightsofto Component Constructions ooe. gruber DINING By: For: DAVE AND TAMMY GRUBER, NA • 10725 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE #490, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 - D- •Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Indoor temperature (OF) 68 75 Elevation: 30 ft Design TD (OF) 25 16 • Latitude: 280N Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 18.1 58.7 Dry bulb (OF) 43 91 Infiltration: Daily range (OF) - 16 ( L ) Method Simplified Wet bulb (OF) - 78 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain ft' Btuh/R'--'F ft'--'FBWh BUMP Ruh Btuh/V Btuh Walls 13A-5ocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, r-5 ext bd ins, 8" thk, 1/2" gypsum n 64 0.125 5.0 3.11 199 2.25 144 board int fins Partitions (none) Windows 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, clr low-e outr, air gas, mtl no brk frm mat, cir a 16 0.770 0 19.2 307 45.7 732 innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 1 ft overhang (5.2 It window ht, 0.5 ft sep.); 16 ft head ht Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md:Aftic ceiling, mill roof mat, r-31 roof ins, r-21 cell ins, 5/8" gypsum board intfnsh Floors 19B-21cswp: Fir floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-4 ext ins, r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr, r-4 wall insul 70 0.044 21.0 1.10 70 0.045 25.0 0.50 77 3.20 225 35 0,31 22 wri htsoft® 2017-Oct-2214:34:36 9 Right -Suite® Universal 2015 15.0.16 RSU20741 Page 8 ..uments\Wdghtsoft HVAMCLIENTSMAVE GRUBER .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: W -•wrightsoft® Component Constructions gruber Dab: • MASTER BEDROOM By: For: DAVE AND TAMMY GRUBER, NA 10725 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE #490, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Location: Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Elevation: 30 ft • Latitude: 28ON Outdoor: Heating Dry bulb (OF) 43 Daily range (OF) - Wet bulb (OF) - Wind speed (mph) 15.0 Indoor: Indoor temperature (OF) Design TD (OF) Relative humidity (%) Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 91 Infiltration: 16 ( L ) Method 78 Construction quality 7.5 Fireplaces Heating Cooling 68 75 25 16 50 50 18.1 58.7 Simplified Average 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain fN Btuh/ft'--°F W-°F/Btuh ROM' Btuh Btuh/W Btuh Walls 13A-5ocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, r-5 ext bd ins, 8" thk, 1/2" gypsum n 138 0.125 5.0 3.11 430 2.25 311 board int fnsh 13A-5ocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, r-5 ext bd ins, 8" thk w 81 0,125 5.0 3.11 252 2.25 182 Partitions (none) Windows 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mill no brk frm mat, clr n 19 0.770 0 19.2 359 19.7 368 innr, 1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 1 it overhang (2.2 ft window ht, 0.5 ft sep.); 20.8 ft head ht r 4A5-2om: 2 glazing, cir low-e outr, air gas, mill no brk frm mat, cir w 20 0.770 0 19.2 383 34.9 698 innr,1/4" gap, 1/8" thk; 4.2 ft overhang (6.6 ft window ht, 0.5 ft sep.); 20.5 ft head ht Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md:Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-31 roof ins, r-21 ceil ins, 5/8" 198 0.044 21.0 gypsum board int fnsh Floors 19B-21cswp: Flr floor, frm flr, 12" thkns, hrd wd flr fnsh, r-4 ext ins, 198 0.045 25.0 r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr, r-4 wall insul 1.10 217 3.20 633 0.50 98 0.31 61 !�t.� Wrl htSOftm 2017-Oct-2214:34:36 19C.1.A 9 Right-SuRe® Universal 2015 15.0.16 RSU20741 Page 9 ..uments\Wdghtsoft HVAC\CLIENTS\DAVE GRUBER .rup Cale = MJ8 Building Front faces: W Component Constructions gruber -•wrightsoft® Date: CLOSET By: Project Information For: DAVE AND TAMMY GRUBER, NA 10725 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE #490, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Location: Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Elevation: 30 ft Latitude: 28ON Outdoor: Heating Dry bulb (OF) 43 Daily range (OF) - Wet bulb (OF) - Wind speed (mph) 15.0 Indoor: Indoor temperature (OF) Design TD (OF) Relative humidity (%) Cooling Moisture difference (gr1lb) 91 Infiltration: 16 ( L ) Method 78 Construction quality 7.5 Fireplaces Heating 68 25 50 18.1 Simplified Average 0 Cooling 75 16 50 58.7 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain R Btuh/W--"F W-°FBtuh RON Bluh BtON Btuh Walls 13A-5ocs: Blk wall, stucco e)t, r-5 ext bd ins, 8" thk s 79 0.125 5.0 3.11 246 2.25 178 w 71 0.125 5.0 3.11 221 2.25 160 all 150 0.125 5.0 3.11 467 2.25 338 Partitions (none) Windows (none) Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21 md: Attic ceiling, mill roof mat, r-31 roof ins, r-21 cell ins, 5/8" gypsum board int fnsh Floors 19B-21cswp: Flr floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-4 ext ins, r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr, r-4 wall insul 77 0.044 21.0 77 0.045 25.0 1.10 85 3.20 247 0.50 38 0.31 24 wrightsoftm Right -Suite® Universal 2015 15.0.16 RSU20741 2017-Oct-22 Fg Page 10 ...umentslWrightsoft HVAC\CLIENTSIDAVE GRUBER .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: W --�wrightsoft® Component Constructions ooe. gruber MASTER BATH By: For: DAVE AND TAMMY GRUBER, NA • 10725 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE #t490, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 r Design C• • • Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Indoor temperature (OF) 68 75 Elevation: 30 ft Design TD (OF) 25 16 - Latitude: 280N Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 18.1 58.7 Dry bulb (OF) 43 91 Infiltration: Daily range (OF) - 16 ( L ) Method Simplified Wet bulb (OF) - 78 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain ft' Btuhffl--°F ft'-°Fifth BUMP Btuh BtuhM2 Btuh Walls 13A-5ocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, r-5 ext bd ins, 8" thk s 38 0.125 5.0 3.11 118 2.25 86 Partitions (none) Windows - (none) Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md: Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-31 roof ins, r-21 ceil ins, 5/8" 37 0.044 21.0 1.10 gypsum board intfnsh Floors 19B-21cswp: Fir floor, firm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-4 ext ins, 37 0.045 25.0 0.50 r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr, r-4 wall insul 41 3.20 120 19 0.31 12 .i; W rl htSOft' 2017-Oct-22 14:34:36 ,.. , 9 Right-Sufte® Universal 2015 15.0.16 RSU20741 Page 11 ��` ...umentslWrightsoft HVAMCUENTSMAVE GRUBER .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: W +wrightsoft Component Constructions KITCHEN Job: gruber Date: By: Project Information For: DAVE AND TAMMY GRUBER, NA • 10725 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE #490, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Design Conditions Location: Indoor: Heating Cooling Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Indoor temperature (OF) 68 75 Elevation: 30 ft Design TD (OF) 25 16 - Latitude: 280N Relative humidity (%) 50 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 18.1 58.7 Dry bulb (OF) 43 91 Infiltration: Daily range (OF) - 16 ( L ) Method Simplified Wet bulb (OF) - 78 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain ft' BtuhM-'F ft? 'F/Btuh Btuh/W Btuh Btuh/ft' Btuh Walls 13A-5ocs: Blk wall, stucco ext, r-5 ext bd ins, 8" thk Partitions (none) Windows (none) Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md:Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-31 roof ins, r-21 cell ins, 5/8" gypsum board int fnsh Floors 1913-21cswp: Flr floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-4 ext ins, r-21 cav ins, tight crwl ovr, r-4 wall insul e 71 0.125 5.0 3.11 221 2.25 160 s 121 0.125 5.0 3.11 377 2.25 272 all 192 0.125 5.0 3.11 598 2.25 432 93 0.044 21.0 1.10 102 3.20 299 93 0.045 25.0 0.50 46 0.31 29 wri htsoft- 2017-Oct-2214:34:36 9 Rlght-Suite® Universal 2015 15.0.16 RSU20741 Page 12 ...uments\Wrightsoft HVAC\CLIENTS%DAVE GRUBER .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: W W +-wrightsofte Component Constructions Job: gruber • STAIRS 2ND FLOOR By: For: DAVE AND TAMMY GRUBER, NA 10725 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE #490, JENSEN BEACH, FL. 34957 Location: Vero Beach Municipal AP, FL, US Elevation: 30 ft Latitude: 28ON Outdoor: Heating Dry bulb (OF) 43 Daily range (OF) - Wet bulb (OF) - Wind speed (mph) 15.0 Indoor: Indoor temperature (OF) Design TD (OF) Relative humidity (%) Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb) 91 Infiltration: 16 ( L ) Method 78 Construction quality 7.5 Fireplaces Heating Cooling 68 75 25 16 50 50 18.1 58.7 Simplified Average 0 Construction descriptions Or Area U-value Insul R Htg HTM Loss Clg HTM Gain It' Btuh/fl'--°F tN 'FOuh BtuhM2 Btuh MAN Btuh Walls (none) Partitions (none) Windows . (none) Doors (none) Ceilings 16A-21md: Attic ceiling, mtl roof mat, r-31 roof ins, r-21 cell ins, 5/8" 40 0.044 21.0 1.10 44 3.20 128 gypsum board int fnsh Floors 19B-21cswp: Fir floor, frm fir, 12" thkns, hrd wd fir fnsh, r-4 ext ins, 40 0.045 25.0 0.50 20 0.31 12 r-21 cav ins, tight crwi ovr, r-4 wall insul wri htsoft® 2017-Oct-2214:34:36 1- 9 Right -Suite® Universal 2015 15.0.16 RSU20741 Page 13 MCA ...uments\Wrightsoft HVACICLIENTSTAVE GRUBER .rup Calc = MJ8 Building Front faces: W