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. - ' I.l.~ W., RObltlaon . ..' ,
: lfo\e.r, .:ru..b.l10 fOI'.:eSt&\. ot.l'1or14& at Lal'~e"
. "_,OO_18810n. 1"~~' '. 1'81. . I
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I HBRBBY'<ouriP'r!bat on"--thle-da)"-persona117 app~red"betortlll't' an-o-ffloer-duly auth.I,
, 'I orhed. to 'a4Ift1nleter oaths and' take aOkn~WleClgmente. 'JC~tePlilkerton Bayard and o. B. Bovard I
. her hUB~4' to me' _elf knoWn to. be 'the pereone 488orlb.d in end wllo ~x.cmte~ the toregolng I
'. " '. . . ' ' '. !
deed, end aOkno"ledged before me th'attheloxeouted the sa_ freel1 and volUntarily f~r thO. !
. '.. . . '. ' , )--
I ~urpo8es 'tberein ,expressed, , .' ,
I . Ali!>'Il PUR'l.HRR OEMI", That the 1!&1d X~te Pinkerton DoTard tnown to me to be the Wife!
iotth8 881dO. B. B()vard 'on, a sep$rate and })rl'YateeDmlnation taken and made by md ,before mf'
t se,vat.l, and apart from bel' sald husband. cUd aoknowledge . that she exeouted the foregoing j
deea:forthe purpose of r.linquishing, allenating ana OOl'iye11ng all her right, ti.tle fIld '1Iit.:
ereet', '\9betber "GoWer. hOmestead or~eparate property,statut01'Y' or equitable, in and to the I
. ~ -'. ~
11andjdeSOrlbedthereln,' 8n4tbat she.x~outed the said d..d'freely and voluntarily ~~d WithOft
~,Oompulsion, oonstraint, ap,prehension or tear ot or from her said husband. ;
at 'oledo Oounty of Luoas alkl the Sta to of Ohio ~ thi.
90.1 )
Q!ATI"ep OnO'
O'OlJB!Y' 0' tuoa&
lrI!ll&$S m;y hand am oftl01al seal
of De 1923.
(l> d.,
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I . ,
! V()11lI'fY OF Hamil ~on
I, I HEREBY CERTIFY That o~ this day personally appeared before mo, an offioer dul1 auth- 1 '
iorlZ~d to ,administer oaths and t,alee acknowl.apent8, I'10renoe Plnkerton Bama~ aM '. 1'. Benr-!1rd
lhel" , hu.sband to me we~l known 1#0 be the persons desor1.bed in and whO exeouted thet,oregoing de~d.
land aokllowledgo4betore me that they exeouted the same freely anCl YOluntarU1foJ' the purpo8e~
~ho1"~in expreese~.
I ADD I J'UR'm311 CERT;!!,
11fit-e of the eaid 7. F. Benard
I "
ltoro eo. separat.l1 and apart froll herasld husband, did aoknowledge tha.t8he. exeouted the
Ifo'regOiJigdeed for'the purpo~ ot,r.l1nquisbing, alienating ani COnVeYin~~llh'~' right, ti t]~
lan4intereat, whether d~wer, homestead or of separate Propert1, statut017 ,or equ1~ble, in an~
lto ,the .1&1ds desoribed therebi, and tl".s.t she exeouted ea1d deed free11 and '1f~lJ1lte.rlly' ana. wi ~h-
lout al1y OOI!lpUlel0~, oonstraint; a~!lrehenBion or tear of ~r troln her said h8~~~~. '
I 'lII~lIB3S "1 hand, and otfiola1 .ea1 at Olll..C,",OOQnt7 of _nton and State ,,; ohio
Ithi8 16th day ot )>eoember, A., J)., 19 . , ,,' , . ,
'." " ( .P. eeal) , Jlai'~17;I.. Whippy
t . u,' OOmDls81one~ires 10taJ'1 PUbl101natJdfor lfamilton
I .' .l&aroh 1. 1926 OountJ, Ohio.
i '
~AH O'....et Va,
.,~ommr :~=::'1;Y '~t'OD thl','i187 P~ono.l1Y'P.t''';'1l btforo ...,~"offl0tr 4uly ...th-I
~rl'td to o4oIlnltter oath....d tokt ..lg1oWl;tdamt"t., Jll..btth cru.',;l fo-ly Jlh"b8th :?'.' I
.,~j8~"'~)"a~A:".02't18thor ,hu&~to lIle well known to .be tbe.,p'1"8One~ d~80r1bed 1~ and whq
.' "o~.~. th~(to:reg()~~ '4..d. '-., .~;1w14~'1f.. "'~..Il. .h...t.'~"la.""'e" tl.A.let 1.,eS8IaS" !
-;... " .: - ~ -;. . ,. --'- ~' -' ." -'.. - . ~>., . - .; .' -. - ': - .'. - - '.' . . - '.< -' - ' - .~ . + - . . , - !
_ , ,t:"ea}4 ,,~~qWle~gtl4 be for. ~ that th07",.xeoute4;,th~ .... tr.tl)" and .01unta:r117 f,o'i the i
"." '.' ,.' .'y' '.' . .. " ' ;.. I
<1)C~IU.~h'l~ln"4Qros&8d., ..' '.' .... '., .... .... . .' .' 'J'" . I
'HW;{f;~~~~~t1+~;r.;~~:;~:~:~:t;~:;;~;~.=~~~.~:<:t::: :~..::~i
\~,.-;,;' #,an4 .pat'. t~~ hetA;"~"'-;!:~~.~M}:~~~~,~~~t,!~~.,~:a:.,.t~e fongoing cloe4far th~ i
. ~ __1-..._,._,-~,;",,,,, _: J? . _.".::;.....,,~ .,.;\..,..'....';-_,_.~..;...~~. ......".. .::.~ _ '.-__ <. _ .
John J.Pulton
. Notary
uy Comm1sB1on ~xplresJan. 16, 1926
That the eaid'lorenoe Pinlt:mon Be~d known"tom+o be the
on a 'separate ,and private 8x8.mlnation 'taken andr1\d.by and be- ;
. -