HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLOT PLAN ACKNOLEDGEMENTBOARD OF 'sue PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COUNTY SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMIIAI WREF S F. L . D � BY Building & Code Regulation StLudeCaUftV PLOT PLAN AC-KNOWL,EDGEMENT I/We acknowledge that St. Lucie County's Land Development Code (the "Code") requires that an application for a building permit accompanied by a copy of a survey of the property on which the requested activity is to be permitted. The Code has an exception for accessory'structures with a building value of less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) which may submit a scaled plot plan indicating the accessory structure and its compliance with minimum setback standards. I/We also acknowledge that, St Lucie County recommends obtaining a survey of the property. By submitting a scaled plot plan I/we assume all responsibility for construction of the accessory structure including but not limited to determining and complying with any easement, and setbacks or other violation of Signatures: or federal law. Date: Date: y a a CHRIS DZADOVSKY, District No. 1 • TOD MOWERY, District No. 2 • PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 • FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No. 4 • KIM JOHNSON, District No. 5 Howard N. Tipton, County Administrator 2300 Virginia Avenue • Fort Pierce, FL. 34982-5652 TDD. (772) 462-1428 • Phone (772) 462-2822 • FAX (772) 462-1581 Website: www.stlucieco.dov