St luny GOT
Nettles Island Inc. o condominium
January 12, 2018
Robert Dworkin #1270
Sandra Dworkin
1270 Nettles Blvd.
Jensen Beach, FL 34957
9801 South Ocean ®rive, Jensen Beach, FL 34857
(772) 229 2930
RECEIVE (772) 229 9901
�ww.n ttlesislandcondo.com
FEB 0 8 2018
ST, woe County, Permitting
RE: Lot 1270 - Boat Dock Restoration Plans
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Dworkin,
The attached boat dock plans are acceptable to the Association for construction on the
water within the rear property pins of the subject property. However, the board wishes to
inform you that there are plans to make emergency repairs to the entire sea wall cap on
your property. We believe your dock plans may make the seawall repair inaccessible and
we implore you to do the following, please delay the reconstruction of your dock until the
Association has completed the repair to the sea wall cap or you may be required to
remove a portion of the dock to facilitate the seawall repairs.
In the event you chose to proceed with your plans, please review and adhere to all water
front property usage rules and regulations attached. Please present copies of all permits
to condo office prior to commencing construction. Any further modifications to your
plans must be submitted to condo office for approval.
Frank Fisher or Howard Kickert,
Architectural Chairperson
CC: Laura Jones, LCAM, File
Please be advised that Architectural Committee assumes no responsibility for the
structural adequacy, capacity or safety features of the proposed construction, alteration
or addition, or for performance, workmanship or quality of work of any contractor or of
the completed alteration or description and shall not be relied upon as an approval or