HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION. � BY 6, ALL APPLICABLE-JNFO tV UST BE COMPLETED' FOR APPLICATION T. BE. ACCEPTED' . i, [)ate ?lQ6/2Q18 Permit Number`.. bu1:11 Wad IA4unoD alon-l..15 I Building."Permit A �Pkation gIOZ 9 0 831 Planning and Development Servlcesl 6wldrng and Code Regu1'dt►on D vislori d Bn1939-d �2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort P�erce.Ft;34982' ) .. . . Phone '(772) 462 1555- Fax: (77s2)462=.1578 Com111erda :Residential. X :. PERMIT APPLICATION.FOR,": I Mechanical, j Address:: 214 N. 41ST STREET Legal .Description Property Tax ID # 2408=603=0049=.000-4' Lot No Site Plan Name:. Block No. . TEGE FLORIDA.HOLDING LLC R)' Project Name: _ i II Setbacks. Front Back: Right Side:. Left.Side:. t LIKE FOR LIKE DUCT -HANGEOU;T ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED E permit:= c ec a : app.y� itiona. wor o e e orme . un er this - , l �✓ HUAC 'z Gas Tank ❑Gas Piping Shutters Windows/Doors Electric 0 Plumbing [Sprinklers 1 Generator Roof Roof pitch Total S Ft of y q es . Ft. evert❑S.e tic Bui ' 3583.00 - ; 1 Cost of Construction $ Utiliti p, ng eig ) . TEGE FU RIDA HOLDING LLC R t CH LANGEL Name (T) Name Address - DECKER LANE, CO ny .:SEA COAST City FLORHAM i State: N;1 Address 3108 INDUSTRIAL'31st STREET; ,q Zip Code.. 07932; Faz City: _ PIERCE 1 State FC Phone; No. 97T 71.4 1335 _ ll' 34046 772-466 3053 Zip Co e• Fax E=Mail• Phone No 772 466-2400 Fill in fee: simple,,`fitle Holde-r:on next page (if different E-Mail , DANISEACOASTfUR@AOL;.GOM ' CMC035421 from the_Owrnerhsted a6ovej State•{{r County License:.' F l• , t - I , If value of constructlonls'$2500'or more, a. RECORDED:Notice of Comme cement is required: ! k _ _ i, DESIGNER/ENGINEER: - " _ Not:Appiicable !' M01 GAGE`COMPANY r No"t°Applicable .' Name } . Nam Address Addr.' ss' r State: City r ty . ... _ - State , ,Zip: Phone: Zip: ! Rhone: — I. - FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER:BON " _ Not A livable, BO ' :Name: _ - pP Na N ING'COMPANY:. ; y _Not Applicable ' - rne' ' - Address: " ' Addle s: City _ City:. �I , Zip :Phone: Zip li .Ph one: f certfy that no work or idstallation has commenced°prior to the issuance f a permit. i St: Luae Coun rnakes no re r`esentation"that is granting:a permit will'aut orize the permit holder<to buiid,tiie_sutiject structure. which h In con�ictwlth any appiicabli: Home Ow ners.Association rules, b. aws or and covenants that may eestrict;or prohibit such steUcture _"Please consult -with yo.'urHome 'Owners Association and review our deed far,,any,restrictions"which may apply: . In eonside"ration of the granting of this requested, permit,,I do hereby agre that i will, in all respects, perform•the.:w.ork In -accordance with•the approved plans;,th'e;Florida'Building-Codes.and St: Lucie County Amendments: , The following'iiuilding permit applications are exempt4ro"m undergoing a II concurrency review:.room additions, accessory structures, wlmming pools,, fences; walls, signs, screen rooms. lnd'accessory uses to another'non residential use WARNING TO im rovementsOWNER Your.failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your' paying, twice for . p to your property A Notice of Commencement must 6e recorded and.posted on`the �obsite. _ before ahe first;inspectron.. if you intend fo obtain financing,. consult with lendec:or an attorney before ' commencin work"or. r`:ecordin our=Notice of Commencement. I _ .,... . f S, , Signature of Qwner/LesseeyContra r as Agent for Owner Signatu' a of Contractor/l cense Holder 1. STATE OF FLORIDA ; STATEOF, FLORIDA COUNTY; OF srtucle COUN. OF'sr.LUCiE The f ding hitru i .was ack owledge fore me The oing Instr e t was acknowledge fore me _ :this _'day of 0 . by this, dayof, : ' .i�' 0. by CHRIS LANGEL 1 r CHRIS GEL {Name of person acknowledging) (Name ' f person acknowledging)A& oa - A L g i n 'tur . 0 Notary Public tate of Florida )' at� re'of Notary Pu Lc Stafe'o Florida ) Personally Known x OR Produced Identification Persona ly.Known �x OR -Produced identificatlon.. Type of Identification Produced Type of.� dentificatlo ' • .� �..--�---r ,. • : �":r t" Jt15i1NA L t�'�"?S�iiiElLY , Commission No FFsa1ai� "y4 . flSCONN191Y Commis Ion No, FF is M1'Ca1RA4SS' 94141i : 'MYrfE54141i': ( s� `_,. mbe 6.2019 - EXPIRExDccembeis,2619 ( �`�AP.: 9ani?w.tJctPrcUndar�r>ips : Revised' 07/15/20I4- . `- REVIEWS CFRONT, ZONING SUPERVISOR' PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTLE_ MANGROVE , OUNTER, REVIEW REVIEW REVIE 'REVIEW. ;.REVIEW -',REVIEW. - "DATE,,, CO _ETE 0 _- .- ' 11 " :