The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and 'verified as having an air leakage rate of not exceeding 7 air changes per
hour in Climate�Zone 1,:2 and 3 air ctianges.per hour.in Climate Zones 3:through'8.: Testingshall be conducted'with a-.
blower,door::at apressure of:0,2 inches w: g.-(50 Pascals). Testing shall be conducted by either individuals as defined in .
Sectiori.553.993(5) or (7),'Flor-ida Statutes or-individuals.lice.nsed as set forth in Section 489,105 (3)(f);, (g) or.(i)_or An
approved third party. A.wri#ten report'of the results of the test.shall be signed by�the.party:conducting #he-test_and
hl provided to the code:official. Testing shall be performed at any time after, creation of:all.,penetrations'of,the building
thermal ehMope, -:
FBC, Residential. .
Where the air. infiltration rate of. a dwelling unit.is less than.3 air..changes per hour when tested with a blower door at a .
pressure -of 0.2 inch w.c.. (50_13a) in accordance with; Section R402.4.12:ofthe Florida Building Code,.Energy Conservation .
the dwelling -unit shall be provided with whole=house mechanical ventilation in accordance with Section .MI507.3.
Ustins Company.:_
Company Name: l'S"`�/'1 . .. Address: (tea
l hereby certify that the above House.infiltration, resu.lts'demonstrate compliance with: FBC Energy Conservation
requireme in.accordance ' h Section R402.4:1:2 Climate Zone 2.
Printed tt/ie• 3 ��SCY
License/Certification #: