HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERING'— St:;.L;ucie Structures: .RICE . ::Powerllft.-:4.0:x '! ENGINEERING Hydraulic ations ulic Door Calcul 105 School'CreekTrail l Luxemburg, WI 54217 �p (P) 920.617.1042 1 (F) 920.617.1100 SCANNED - Project Location: @. :.' Prepared for: Port St. Lucie, Florida Powerlift Hydraulic Doors - Lake Benton, MR REI Project #: R18-02-048 Revised 3/6/2018 Design Criteria: 1, Design, Loads per Florida.Building Code 6th Edition' :(2017) (ASCE 7-10) e :. RECEIVED... 2 Deflection :to be L/186 max. for vertical door members. Deflection to be 2L/120 for cantilever members. 3. Steel: anchor plates, clip: angles; reinforcement channels and bars to be minimum ASTM A-36 steel. MAR 3 2018 - 4,. Steel tubes to be minimum ASTM A-500, Grade B, Fy=46 ksi.. ST Lucie Coujty, Perhildln 5 Stainless steel screws and bolts shall be stainless steel alloy groups 1,2 or 3.(300series only), condition CW Fy = 6S ksi, Fu 110 ksi minimum, with diameters and locations as shown in calculations. 6; Field and shop -welding shall be E70 or better„steel filler alloy to have a, minimum tensile:strength:of 70 ksi or better.. . 7. Design of material sepafation.to prevent reaction betw.,ee:n.dissimilar materials not designed by Rice Engineering Inc. $; Concrete shall be minimum f'c= 2,500 psi normal weight. q. Page: ..Description: Date: Revision: .1 Project: Data : 2-6-18 2 Section. Props:%:Wind Loads 2-6-18: 3 :: Seismic / Load Combinations 2-6-18 4 . .::Vertical Rail Check: .':: :..:: 2-6-18 . 5 Cross Member Check 2-.6-18 6 Door Header Check 2=6-18 7 Frarpe Header Check . 2-6-18 8 Door Leg Check 2-6-18 . 9 Truss Tube Check 2-6-18 10 Truss Upright Check 2=6-18 11. 'Bottom Tube Check :" :; ;., 2-6-18 12 'Reactions and Deflections" ' 2-6-18. ::13 Door Results :... 2-6-18. 14 _ Hinge Analysis 2-6-18 15 C linder Analysis 2-6-18 Disclaimer: - This Certifica4•iori is limited to the structural design of :structural components ofthis, Door system..::. It does NOT include responsibility for: • Structural design of hardware, hinges,. and latches. •. Design of material separation'to prevent reaction between _. dissimilar materials. -. Design. of air and water:infiltration prevention. • The manufacture, assembly, or installation of the system, • Quantities of materials or dimensional accuracy of drawings::: •. Anchorage to the.substrate or design of. the building support structure. . Cover Page 1 of 1 . . Page: :.Description: Date: Revision: .16 Frame Header Connections 2-6-:18 17 Frame Post Connections 2-6=18: 111-114 Anchor Bolts 2-6-18 3-61 :Shop:Drawings SHOP DRAWING I SUBMITTAL. KC APPROVED Q APPROVED AS NOTED Q RF.VISE AND RESUBMIT : ❑ REJECTED SUBMITTAL WAS REVIEWED FOR DESIGN CONFORM E:TRTO RPONLY. THCONACTOR IS EONSIIBL CONFIRMING AND CORRELATING, DIMENSIONS AT J ICVV YAND:: IENT FOR BSITE ATION TION, SAND By: LV Date. 3.46. -ia ro Architectonic- l nc. Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Engineers Design, Approval Stamp: 3/6/2018 SCR• `'�G f� fV S'tc /�� /�� ::. . i NO. :590g2 :.. Z/. Y • Project Data: GovG'.:...g code: [rASCE 7-05 Double Posts (Double Legs F-ASCE 7-10 F Hurricane Pins f � Use Truss F-Use Truss Diagonals i�SpaV hb:= 25 ft building roof height <—ASSUMED hd:= 14 ft door overall height wd := 40 ft door overall width Occupancy/RiskCategory. ii Spah := 48 in max horizontal tube spacing Spav:= 78 in max vertical tube spacing dt:= 16 in truss depth *NOTE- Hinges are located at vertical rails Spat := 37.375 in truss upright spacing W dL dD t Powerlift Hydraulic -boor Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations 01 Wd 5 L i ►n oa a a. = 160 mph designWndspeed E := "C" building exposure Kzt:= 1.0 topographic coefficient Kd:= 0.85 directionalityfactor External Pressure Coefficients.: GCpl := —0.95 CZ GCp2:= 0.80 CZ GCp3:= —0.9 Typ GCp4:= 0.80 Typ Internal Pressure Coefficients: GCpi1 := 0.18 GCpi2 :_ —0.18 Seismic Load Data: Ss:= 6.2% Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at Sh ort Periods S1:= 2.8% Mapped Spectral Response AecelerationatLong Periods Ip:= 1.0 Component Importance Factor ap:= 1.0 ComponentAmplificationFactir Rp := 2.5 Component Respose Modificaiton Factor Fa:= 1.6 ShorWeriodSite Coeificient ableIIA-1) Fv:= 2.4 Long -Period Site Coefficient (Table 114 2) Soil Site Class: D Member Section Data: Cylinder. Medium Frame Header. HSS5x&0.18825 Frame Post: HSS55x0. Door Header. —HSS5x2x0.125 Door Leg: HSS5x3x025 Mertical Rails: HSS5x2x0.125 Cross Members: 3x HSS2x0.083 Bottom Tube: HSSSxW.125 Truss Tube: HSS3x2x0.125 Truss Upright HSS3x2x0.083 Truss Diagonals: —j D TC L� li[ ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.dce-inc.com Project Description: Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R18-02-048 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 01 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Chk By: Date: T � _ 1 � Member Section Properties: Powerlift Hydraulic -boor Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations 02 FrameHeader = "HSS5x5x0.188" tfh = 0.174 in WTfh = 11.96 plf Afh = 3.28 in Ifh = 12.6 in Zfh = 5.89 in VerticalRail = "HSS5x2x0.125" tvr = 0.116 in WTvr = 5.6 plf Avr = 1.54 in lxvr = 4.65 in Zxvr = 2.37 in TrussTube = "HSS3x2x0.125" tit = 0.116 in Witt = 3.9 pif Att = 1.07 in Ixtt = 1.3 in Zxtt = 1.06 in Wind Load Calculations: Velocity pressure Coe6icients: Kzh = 0.94 psf FramePost = "HSS5x3x0.25" tfp = 0.23 in WTfp = 12.18 plf Afp = 3.37 in Ixfp = 10.7 in Zxfp = 5.38 in CrossMember = "HSS3x2x0.083" tcm = 0.08 in WTcm = 2.73 plf Acm = 0.8 in Ixcm = 1.02 in Zxcm = 0.82 in TrussUpright = "HSS3x2x0.083" ttu = 0.08 in WTtu = 2.73 plf Atu = 0.8 in2 Ixtu = 1.02 in Zxtu = 0.82 in Velocity pressures: qh:= 0.0025&KzhKztKd•V2= 52.36 Kzz = 0.85 psf qz:= 0.00256 Kzzt KzKd• V2 = 47.35 Calculated Pressures (ASD): Pczneg:= 1(-I*qh-GCp1-qh.GCpi1) [�gh•(GCpl - GCpil)] if hb<_ 60 = -35.5 psf otherwise Pczpos:= [4�-gh•(GCp2- GCpi2)] if hb < 60 = 30.79 psf 1(-f�qz:GCp2-qh-GCpi2) otherwise Ptypneg:= 1(4,qh-GCp3-qh.GCpil) [�gh•(GCp3-GCpi1)] if hbS60=-33.93 psf otherwise Ptyppos [-I�gh•(GCp4- GCpi2)] if hb <- 60 = 30.79 psf I(iP.qzGCp4-qh-GCpi2) otherwise := max-Ptypneg, Ptyppos = 33.93 1 psf DoorHeader = "HSS5x2x0.125" tdh = 0.12 in WTdh = 5.6 plf Adh = 1.54 in lxdh = 4.65 in Zxdh= 2.37 in BottomTube = "HSS5x2x0.125" tbt= 0.12 in WTbt= 5.6 plf Abt= 1.54 in Ixbt = 4.65 in Zxbt= 2.37 in D TC ri7 111 ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, Wl 54217 • Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.dce-inc.com Project Description: Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R18-02-048 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 02 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Chk By: Date: Seismic Load Calculations: SDS:=2+3•Fa•Ss=7•% Design Spectral Response AocelerationAtShort Period (Eqn 11.4-3) SDI:=2+3•FvS1=4.48•% Design Spectral Response AocelerationAtLong Period (Eqn 11.4-4) 0.4•ap•SDS•Wp fp:_ 1 + 2•(�hd — I = 122.2 Ib (Egn13.3-1) Rp J Ip F 0.3-S I •W 50.1 lb (Egn13.31) Fpmin:= DS• p p = Fpmax 1.& SDS• Ip• Wp = 267.4 lb (Eqn 13.3-3) Fp:= Fpmin if fp < Fpmin = 122.24 lb fp if fp < Fpmax Fpmax otherwise (Eqn 13.3-2) FpASD 0.7• Fp = 85.6 lb PerASD Load Comb. Section 24 FpvASD• SDS• W p = 23.4 lb Per LRFD Load Comb. Section 2.4 Eh = 0.15 psf ASD Hirizontal Seismic Force Ev = 0.04 psf ASD Verfcal Seismic Design Force Load Combinations: LC1:= D = 4.51 psfdownwmrd (door open) LC2:= W = 33.93 psf horizontally (door closed) LC3:= D + 0.7Ev = 4.54 psf downward (door open) DLh:= LC2= 33.93 psf DLv:= max(LC1, LC3) = 4.54 psf rn 0 0 m ar U U m o SaM o. Zn a) Ir 0 U 0 ❑. rn C in Powerlift HydrauG� boor Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations o3 Design Response Spectrum ■ Period (sec) � ' Seismic Design Category ($DC) Y '• perL1`$CE7'.10 Section 11.6• Fs —DC "A D T! rL� 105 School Creek Trail Project Description: Job No: R18-02-048 l�.L l..li ENGINEERING Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 03 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.dce-inc.com Port St. Lucie, FL Chk By: Date: Template: S Verfical Rail Check VerticalRail = "HSS5x2x0.125" Lvr := (hd• 12) — 2.5 = 165.5 in _ Spav DLh Wvr • 144 = 18.38 pli 2 Muvr:= Wvr•Lvr = 8 = 62927.41 in. lb POWerllft Fiydraully- a Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations 04 Check Flanges for compact section Check Web for compact section apvrf:= 1.12•fFys = 28.12 �pvrw:= 2.42•fFys= 60.76 Es >,rvrf:= 1.4• = 35.15 Fy s �rvnv:= 5.70•= 143.12 fFy btvr = 14.2 htvr = 40.1 avrf:= "compact" if btvr � Xpvrf = "compact" >,vrw:= "compact" if htvr < Xpvrw = "compact" "noncompact" if apvrf < btvr Xrvrf "noncompact" if apvrw < htvr arvrw "slender" otherwise "slender" otherwise 0.38TFy �� — evr:= yr>1.92•tvr•1 2 in b minLb FFy bt btvr s Svreff:= Sxvr = 1.86 in Mpvr:= Fyzxvr = 109020 in -lb Mnvrf:= Mpvr if Xvrf = "compact" = 109020 in -lb 11pvr fFy IM — (Mpvr — FySxvr)•(3.57•btvr- — 4�j s if xvrf = "noncompact" (FySvreff) otherwise Mnvrw:= Mpvr if Xvrw = "compact" I = 109020 in -lb IM rFy II� "noncompact" pvr — (Mpvr — Fysxvr)0.305 htvr- — 0.7384 if avrw = E s (Fy Svreff) otherwise min�Mnvrf Mnvrw� Mnvr:= = 65281.44 in. lb nb Muvr VERTICAL "OK" if < 1.07 = "OK" —RAIL:= Mnvr "FAILS" otherwise 4 5• Wvr• Lvr OVertsWL:= 384•E I = 1.33 in s xvr RICE R C ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.dee-inc.com Project Description: Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R18-02-048 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 04 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Chk By: Date: . 1 Cross Member Check: CrossMember = " HSS3x2x0.083" Lcm:= Spav= 78 in Spah• DLh wcm = 11.31 p 144PH Mucm:= wcm• Lcm2 = 12 = 5734.41 in. lb Powerlift Hydrauli_ -_'Dor Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations 05 Check Flanges for compact section Check Web for compact section a cmf:= 1 12• Es = 28.12 p Fy p = 60.76 a cmw:= 2.42•f5Fy- Lss 1.4- = 35.15 Fy Es>,rcmf:= arcmw:= 5.70• = 143.12 Fy btcm = 24.1 htcrn = 36.15 acmf:= "compact" if btcm 5 Xpcmf = "compact" acmw:= "compact" if htcm < Xpcmw = "compact" "noncompact" if apcmf < btcm < Xrcmf "noncompact" if apcmw < htcm < Xrcmw "slender" otherwise "slender otherwise r Es 0.38 Fy 1 1 - 0.38 becm:= min[bcm,1.92•tcm• Es = 2 in Fy btcm Es Scmeff:= Sxcm = 0.68 in Mpcm:= Fyzxcm = 37628 in. lb Mncmf:= Mpcm if acmf = "compact" = 37628 in -lb IM "noncompact" pcm -(Mpcm - FySxcm) 3.57•btc,n•TFy- 4�11J if kmf=' Es (FyScmeff) otherwise Mncmw:= Mpcm if acmw= "compact" = 37628 in -lb I "noncompact" Mpcm - Mpcm - FySxcm) 0.305htcm•TFy Es - 0.7384�J if acmes= (FyScmeff) otherwise min(Mncmf. Mncmw) - Mncm:= � - 22531.74 b in. lb Mucm CROSS _MEMBER:= "OK" if <- 1.07 = "OK" Mncm "FAILS" otherwise l � CE l�l L ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.dce-inc.com Project Description: Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R18-02-048 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 05 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Chk By: Date: ti I c DoorHeaderChk. DoorHeader = "HSS5x24.125" Ldh Spav = 78 in (0.5•Lvr + bdh•DLh wdh pli 144 Mudh:= 0.1071•wdh•Ldh2 = 13012.41 in -lb ' l\ Powerlift Hydrauli's._ 3or Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations 06 Check Flanges for compact section Check Web forcompacf section dhf 1 12• Es = 28.12 a dhw:= 2 42• Es = 60.76 p Fy p Fy FFy FFy Xrdhf:= 1.4 = 35.15 ardhw:= 5.70• = 143.12 btdh = 14.2 htdh = 40.1 >,dhf:= " compact" if btdh < Xpdhf = "compact" adhw:= "compact" if htdh < >,pdhw = "compact" "noncompact" if apdhf < btdh < Xrdhf "noncompact" if apdhw < htdh < Xrdhw ' "slender" otherwise "slender" otherwise Es 0.38FFy)]bedh:= min bdh,1.92•tdh• = 2 1 in Fy• bah�J 3 Sdheff:= Sxdh= 1.86 in Mpdh:= FyZxdh= 109020 in -lb Mndhf:= Mpdh if adhf = "compact" = 109020 in -lb Fy 1 CMpdh — (Mpdh — Fy Sxdh• C3.57• btdh— 4� if adhf = "noncompact" JJ s �FySdheff) otherwise Mndhw:= Mpdh if adhw = "compact" = 109020 in. lb (0.305 "noncompact" IM pdh — (Mpdh — Fy Sxdh htdh•VEY. — 0.7384A if adhw = (Fy Sdheff) otherwise min(Mndhf. Mndhw Mndh:= = 65281.44 in -lb f2 b Mudh DOOR_HEADER:= "OK" if <— 1.07 = "OK" Mndh "FAILS" otherwise n T/ rL� l�.[ l..li ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.dce-inc.com Project Description: Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R18-02-048 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 06 Date: 216/18 Rev: Chk By: Date: Frame Header Chk: FrameHeader = "HSS5x5x0.188" Lfh:= Spav= 78 in (0.5• Lvr + bdh)• DLh wfh. 144 pli Mufh:= 0.1071•wfh•Lfh2 = 13012.41 in -lb Powerlift Hydraulil , . t)or Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations o7 WpDOOR wfhv: (wd 12) = 3.56 pli Check Flanges for compact section Check Web for compact section >Ipfhf:= 1.12• Es = 28.12 Fy apfhw:= 2 42• Es = 60.76 Fy aEs f:= 1.4• F = 35.15 Y[Fy Es arfhN:= 5.70•= 143.12 btfh = 25.7 htfh = 25.7 >fhf:= "compact" if btfh 5 Xpfhf = "compact" afhw:= "compact" if htfh 5 apfhw = "compact" "noncompact" if apfhf < btfh 5 arfhf < "noncompact" if Xpfhw < htfh arfhw "slender" otherwise "slender" otherwise r Es 0.38TLybefh:= mirbfh,1.92•tfh•V 1 — = 3 in L y bt E �J fh s 3 Sfheff:= Sfh = 5.03 in Mpfh:= FyZfh= 270940 in -lb Mnfhf:= Mpfh if afhf = "compact" --270940 in - lb FyMpfh — (Mpfh — FySfh)•btfh•� (3.57. — 4�J if a"noncompact" s (FySfheff) otherwise Mnfhw:= Mpfh if afhw= "compact' = 270940 in -lb (0.FyE "noncompact" Mpfh — (Mpfh — Fy Sfh)• 305. htfh- s — 0.73841 if Xfhw = (FySfheff) otherwise min(Mnfhf,Mnfhw) Mnfh:= —162239.52 in -lb nb Mufh FRAME HEADER:-- "OK" if < 1.07 = "OK" Mnfh "FAILS" otherwise 0.0065- wffr Lfh4 ' OFHWL:= = 0.01 in Es. Ifh 0.0065•wfhv(Lfh)4 , AFHDL:= Eso l fh = 0.0023 in pTCrL' l� ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 6174042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.6ce-inc.com Project Description: Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R18-02-048 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 07 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Chk By: Date: o � DoorLegCh-ck: DoorLeg °Wx0.25" Cyl:= CylinderLength indexl 0, 2 = 70 in dtop:= Cylinderl-ength indexl 0, 3 - 29 in Ldl := Lvr - Cyl = 95.5 in adl:= Lvr - Ldl = 70 in C0.5 Spav-DLh 1 2 144ladl M1dl:= 2 = 22514.89 in -lb Rtruss:= 110-5-wdh-(wd,12)] 10.4•wdh•(`f/d• 12-0.33)] if PINS = "YES" = 1265.3 otherwise POwerlift Hydrauli�--6or Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations 08 C 0.5 Spav DLv 1 2 fadl M2dl.- 1442 = 3013.66 in. lb C0.5hd•12.DLv1 lb Rtruss2:= 0•5• 144 1 wd• 12 - 635.85 lb ludl:= (0.5•maxM1dl+adl•Rtruss,M2dl+adl•Rtruss2)) if LEGS="DOUBLE"=111086.01 ima4Mldl+adl-Rtruss,M2d[+adl-Rtruss2) otherwise in. lb Check Flanges for compact section Check Web for compact section FFy FFy apolf:= 1.12• = 28.12 apolw:= 2 42•= 60.76 �rdlf:= 1.4 Es = 35.15 Xrdlw:= 5.70• Es = 143.12 Fy Fy btdl = 9.88 htdl = 18.5 adlf:= "compact" if btdl 5 apdif = "compact" �Iw,:= "compact" if htdl < >,polw = "compact" "noncompact" if apdif < btdl S ardlf "noncompact" if apolw < htdl 5 Xrdlw "slender" otherwise "slender" otherwise [Es 0.38 bedl:= minbdl,1.92•tdl• 1 - Fy - 3 in Fy btdl Es�J Shceff:= Sxdl = 4.29 in Mpol:= FyZxdl = 247480 in -lb Mndif:= Mpol if adlf="compact" =247480 in -lb I Fybtdl- Mpol-(Mpol-FySxdl)•(3.57. E -411)J s if adlf="noncompact" (FyShceff) otherwise Mndlw:= Mpol if Xdlw = "compact" = 247480 in. lb (0.305htdl• "noncompact" - (Mpol - FySxdl)- EsCMpol 0.7384�J if adlw = (FyShceff) otherwise min(Mndlf, Mndlw) Mndl:= f2 = 148191.62 b in -lb Mudl DOOR_LEG:= "OK" if — <- 1.07 = "OK" Mndl "FAILS" otherwise FRAME -POST:= DOOR -LEG n T/ �� l�.L lE ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 PhoRe: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.Oce-inc.com Project Description: Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R18-02-048 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 08 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Chk By: Date: Truss Tube Check: Ltt:= (wd• 12) — 2•dt = 448 Lbt:= (wd' 12) — 2bdl = 474 k:= 0.5 Lbtt:= Spav = 78 in k• Lbtt = 48.51 rytt TrussTube = "HSS3x2x0.125" in in 72' Es Fett:= = 121641.18 C k Lbttl2 rytt i Fy Fcrtt:= 0.658 Fett Fy� if k Lb tt 4.71 •TFy Es = 39266.11 rytt (0.877• Fett) otherwise 0.5• hd• 12• DLh wtt • 144 = 19.79 PH Mctt:= `NttLbt2 = 8 if "PINS" = "NO" = 146753.72 i) 0.1•wtt•0.33-Lbtj otherwise Mctt Putt:= dt = 9172.11 lb Pntt:= FcrttAtt = 42014.74 lb Pntt TRUSS TUBE:= "OK" if - z Putt = "OK" c "FAIL" otherwise in -lb POwerlift Hydraul �, �,00r Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations 09 psi D TC I+L� l� ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.dce-inc.com Project Description: Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R18-02-048 Engineer: MPM ,Sheet No: 09 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Chk By: Date: Truss Upri_aht Check: TrussUpright = "HSS3x2x0.083" Ltu:= dt — dbt— dtt = 8 in Pxtu:= wtt• Spat = 739.78 lb Ntu = 13 1 uctu:= wtt•Ltt2 _ 8) if "PINS" = "NO" = 3218.87 lb (1.1•wtt•0.33-Ltt) otherwise Pytu:= 0.02•Putt= 183.44 lb P Mytu:= L uu = 22.93 in -lb Mctu := Mytu Riff TD = 1 = 30076.3 in -lb IV ctu•I 2P2 otherwise S2v:= 1.67 0.& Fy Atu untu:= = 13254.61 lb Check Flanges for compact section E aptuf:= 1.12•[Fs = 28.12 Y FFy artuf:= 1.4•35.15 bttu = 24.1 Powerlift Hydraulic voor Detail Ref• sneer No: Calculations 10 Truss Dbaonal Check. Lou )— Angle:= atan 12.08•deg Spat j TTD•= uctu = 3291.78 Ibs cos(Angle) nt:= 1.67 Fy Atd Tn:_ � =0 Ib t DIAGONALS:= I "OK" if Tn >_ TTD = "FAIL" "FAIL" otherwise TRUSS_DIAGONALS:= I DIAGONALS if TD = 1 = "N/A" "N/A" otherwise Check Web for compact section fLFy aptuw:= 2.42•= 60.76 E Xrtuw:= 5.70• Fs = 143.12 Y httu = 36.15 atuf:= "compact" if bttu < Xptuf = "compact" atuw:= "compact" if httu < aptuw = "compact" "noncompact" if aptuf < bttu < Xrtuf "noncompact" if aptuw < httu < artuw "slender". otherwise "slender" otherwise betu:= miry _r r s1 — bt8• =2 in btu,1.92•ttuTFy I Es L.3l / Stueff:= Sxtu = 0.68 in Mptu:= FyZxtu= 37628 in -lb Mntuf:= Mptu if Xtuf = "compact" = 37628 in. lb IM Fy "noncompact" ptu — �Mptu — FySxtu�•(3.57•bhLr — 41 if [E. atuf= (FyStueff) otherwise Mntuw:= Mptu if atuw= "compact" = 37628 in. lb Fy (0. "noncompact" Mptu — ( Mptu — Fy Sxtu)- 305 httu— 0.73841 TE s I if atuw = /J Fy Stueff) otherwise min(Mntuf, Mntuw) — — Mntu:= 22531.74 in -lb Rb Mctu uctu TRUSS_UPRIGHT:= "OK" if < 1 07 n < 1.0 = "FAILS" Mntu Vntu "FAILS" otherwise D Tl+� l�l 1. ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.nce-inc.com Project Description: Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R18-02-048 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 10 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Chk By: Date: Bottom Tube Check: Lbbt:= Spav = 78 in k• Lbbt = 45.99 rvbt Tr2 E. Powerlift Hydraulic-uoor Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations 11 Fy Febt k• Lbbt Es Febt:= = 135319.45 Fcrbt:= 0.658 F) if y < 4.71•= 39899.39 psi k.Lbbti2 rybt ��II Fy C rybt J (0.877• Febt) otherwise 0.5• hd• 12• DLh 0.5• hd• 12• DLv wbt:= 144 = 19.79 pli wbto:= 144 = 2.65 pli Mcbt:= wbtLbt2 = 8 if "PINS" _"NO" = 146753.72 in -lb 0.1•wbt0.33-Lbt2. otherwise Mcbt Pubt:= = 9172.11 lb dt Pnbt:= FcrbtAbt= 61445.05 lb 1 Mubt1:= wbtLbt2=12,� if "PINS" _"NO"=146753.72 In. lb 1(0.1-wbt0.33-Lbt2 otherwise Mubt:= Mubt1 if TRUSS = "NO" = 0 in. lb 0 otherwise Check Flanges for compact section Check Web for compact section apbtf:= 1.12•FFy = 28.12 arbtf:= 1.4•fFy = 35.15 Xpbtw:= 2.42• Fy = 60.76 arbtw:= 5.70• Fy = 143.12 btbt = 14.2 htbt = 40.1 Xbtf:= "compact" if btbt < Xpbtf = "compact" Xbtw:= "compact" if htbt 5 apbtw = "compact" "noncompact" if apbtf < btbt arbtf "noncompact" if apbtw < htbt < Xrbtw "slender" otherwise "slender" otherwise bebt:= mi Es bbt,1.92•tbt •I 0.38 Fy 11 1 - IJ - 2 in Fy \l btbt Es J Mpbt:= FyZxbt= 109020 in. lb Mnbtf:= Mpbt if Xbtf="compact" =109020 in -lb IFy 11 "noncompact" Mpbt - (Mpbt - Fy Sxbt)(3.57. btbt - 41 if abtf = E s AI (FySxbt) otherwise Mnbtw:= Mpbt if abtw= "compact" = 109020 in. lb Fy 11 "noncompact" Im if - (Mpbt - Fy Sxbt)-(0. htbt� - 0.73841 f abtw = s (FySxbt) otherwise min(Mnbtf, Mnbtw) Mnbt:= = 65281.44 in. lb nb Mubt 'Pnbt— BOTTOM_TUBE:= "OK" if — <- 1.07 A >- Pubt = "OK" Mnbt nc "FAILS" otherwise RICE 105 School Creek Trail Project Description: Job No: R18-02-048 l�l ENGINEERING Luxemburg, Wl 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 11 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.nce-inc.com Port St. Lucie, FL Chk By: Date: Template: Reactions and Deflections: Rzho:= 0 Rzhc:= (1.25•wfh Lcm) if Nvr = 1 = 1780.41 lb (1.10•wfh•Lcm) if Nvr =2 (1.143•wfh•Lcm) otherwise W wdl:= (12 wd) = 5.26 pli Ryhc:= 1.25-wdl-Lcm) if Nvr = 1 = 469.36 lb �1.10-wdl.Lcm) if Nvr =2 �1.143-wdl-Lcm) otherwise Rypc:= 0.375wdl•Lcm) if Nvr = 1 = 161.38 lb �0.4-wdl•Lcm) if Nvr =2 1(0.393-wdl-Lcm) otherwise Rzpc:= (0.375wfh-Lcm) if Nvr = 1 = 612.16 lb �0.4wfh•Lcm) if Nvr =2 �0.393•wftTLcm) otherwise Ryho:= 0.5Ryhc = 234.68 Pvdl:= 0.25• Wp = 631.76 Ito Rypo:= FCYL•sin(0) = 1009.3 Ito Rzpo:= FCYL•cos(0) = 2436.25 lb r0.5(hd•�)•DLh Rzfp.- 0.4•(Lbt0.33�1 if H1 = 1 = 1238.43 1 C0.5(hd•12)•DLh 144 •Lbt0.8] otherwise Ifp:= hd• 12 = 168 in b= dtop = 29 in Pvdl• afp2 Rzfptop:= •(afp+ 3bfp) = 581.78 lb 3 lfP Pvdl• bfp2 Rzfpbot:= •(3-afp+ bfp) = 49.97 ItoIfP 3 dtruss:= dt= 16 in btruss:= btt = 2 in 3 3 btruss• dtruss - W. d' [truss := 12 = 105.06 in 0.5(hd• 12)• DLv wDL = = 2.65 144 pli 5. `Nbt Lbt 4 OtrussWL:= 384•E I if PINS = "NO" = 0.03 s truss , in 0.0069• wbt 10.33• Lbt14 / otherwise Es. Itruss Powerlift Hydrauhii moor Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations 12 maximum horizontal wind load on hinges weight of door per inch maximum vertical dead load on hinges (door closed) maximum vertical dead load on post (door closed) maximum horizontal load on frame post (door closed) dtop e:= atan = 22.5•de Cyl Point load on door leg from truss (open) maximum vertical load frame post from open door maximum horizontal load on frame postfrom open door lb maximum horizontal load on frame postfrom wind load afp:= Ifp- bfp= 139 in horizontal reaction at top of frame post from open door horizontal reaction at bottom of frame postfrom open door d':= dtruss - (2•ttt) = 15.77 in b':= btruss - (2-ttt) = 1.77 in 5• wbto• Lbt OtrussDL:= 384• E s I = 0.57 in truss � LE ltL 1: ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.dce-inc.com Project Description: Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R18-02-048 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 12 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Chk By: Date: Door Results: s,' p 25 lb Door and Frame Weight Powerlift Hydraulic-voor Detail Ref. sheet No: i Calculations 13 Yartical spacing vad" _ _ wd �c— Spav = 78 — in-1 I FrameHeader = "HSS5x5x0.188" ^:a..rt-+•�.kw^.-':^r`-:.k*.",.,'=.""z;-^r6^^''v'-.:se".t"xats.a:.�. y CrossMember = "HSS3x2x0.083". DoorHeader = "HSS5x2x0.125" t r _ <— VerticalRail = "HSS5x2x0.125" ri n F FramePost = "HSS5x3x0.25" a BottomTube = "HSS5x2x0.125" IV Optional hurricane pins T�s TrussTube = "HSS3x2x0.125" Member Code Checks: VERTICAL -RAIL = "OK" FRAME HEADER = "OK" FRAME POST= "OK" DOOR HEADER= "OK" DOOR -LEG = "OK" CROSS MEMBER = "OK" BOTTOM -TUBE = "OK" TRUSS -TUBE = "OK" TRUSS_UPRIGHT= "FAILS" TRUSS_DIAGONALS= "N/A" Legend.' RZHp Reaction -Zdir.- Hurricare Pin RZp Reaction=Zdir-Post RYp Reaction-Ydir-Post RYH Reaction -Ydir-Hinge RZH Reacion-Zdir-Hinge Doorl-eg = "HSS5x3x0.25" Door Deflection OVertsWL-,:1;38 in s (I1 requirad'} Truss upright sparang varies Spat = 37.38 I in Truss Deflection TrussUpright = "HSS3x2x0 083' �trusslNL =„0 03 in f -=:i;0.57.,1 in BottomTube = "HSS5x2x0.125" lb REACTIONS lb lb lb l,;►?ZPe} l 2436 251 I lb RZp�y"" 2436 25 lb I Rip-�12�3-,8��� Ib 9 lb t open,O�Or�3 Ib .'�.Pd Ib D T/ rL� l�[l..li ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, Wl54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 , Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.dce-inc.com Project Description: powerlift 40 x 14 Door port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R18-02-048 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 13 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Chk By: Date: Powerlift Hydraulic boor Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations 14 Reactions - RISA 3D model Rxc:= max(RZpcyl. RZHclosed)• 11bf = 2436.251bf Ryc RYHclosed- 1 lbf = 469.36lbf Rxo RZHopen• 1 lbf = 0 Ryo RYHopen• 11bf = 234.68lbf Check Hinge Blade: d1 = 3.38 in d2= 1.75in dhb = 2.5in thb = 1 in Fyhb:= 36000psi Mhb:= max(Ryc, Ryo)•d1 = 1584.1 in•lbf Sxhb thlydhb2 _ 6 = 1.04in3 fbhb Mhb + Sxhb = 1520.73psi Fbhb 0.66• Fyhb = 23760 psi Vhb:= RX 2 + Ry 2 = 234.68lbf Ahb:= thb•dhb = 2.5in 2 fvhb Vhb _ Ahb = 93.87psi Fvhb 0.4• Fyhb = 14400 psi Check Hinge Pin: by=tin Ap:= 7r-(0.6Dp)2 = 0.79in2 Fvo:= 36000psi Vp := max( Rxo + Ryc2, Rxo2 + Ryc2� = 2481.051bf fvp:= 0.5Vp _ Ap = 1579.48psi Fvp:= 0.4•Fyp = 14400psi CheckHinaeAnale: Lha = 4.38in tha = 0.38 in d3 = 0.25 in (- gap between angle and blade) Fyha:= 36000psi Mxha:= 0.5•Vp•d2 = 2170.92in•lbf Sxha:= tha•Lha2 _ 6 = 1.2in3 fbxha Mxha _ Sxha = 1814.71 psi Fxha 0.66• Fyha = 23760 psi Myha:= 0.5Vp• (d3) = 310.13in•lbf Syha Lha•tha2 = 6 = 0.1 in3 Fbyha Myha . Syha = 3024.51 psi Fbyha := 0.75• Fyha = 27000 psi Rx �d1 _ . .... ; HINGE BLADE C + HINGE ANGLES Ry--------------- DOOR HEADER FI�AA9E HEADER Check HinaeAnale Welds: bw:= 2.5in dw:= 4.375in tw:= 0.25in ew:= dw- d1= 1 in Aw:= 0.7071• tw(2• bw+ dw) = 1.66 in 0.7071 • tw bw 3 Syw:= 6 (bw+ 6. dw) = 2.12in 0.7071•tw dW 3 Sxw:= 3 (3. bw+ dw) = 3.06 in J 1 0.5 Ryo l2 [(0.5.Rx,,) r0.5• Rxo•e,, 2fWo:= + + Il = 70.8psi J �Aw j Aw j Svw I r0.5Ryc)2 1r0.5Rxcl 0.5RXaew112 _ fWc. I AW ) +I AW J+ Syw JI - 1317.88psi FW:= 21000ps rBLADE OK if fbhb Fbhb fvhb Fvhb OK' FAILS otherwise PIN: I OK'c if fvP'<_;Fvp"OK;; j 1 �4Ij 4 FAILS otherwise WELD --.=:7 'OF7if fwo < Fw n fwc 5 �� I 'FAILS othenmise. ANGLE I 'OK if ;fbxha S=Fxha ^Fbyha - Fbyha D T1. lr� l�l ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, Wl54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.6ce-inc.com project Description: Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R18-02-048 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 14 Date: 2/6118 Rev: Chk By: Date: Powerlift Hydraulib- boor Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations � 15 Cylinder: Cylinder = "Medium" DBs = 2.5 in Ss = 49.5 in Ps = 3500psi DRs = 1.75 in Lret = 68.13in Lext= 117.63in Cylinder Dpc = 1 in FVpin:= 10000013s! Bore diameter Stroke Max Hydraulic Pressure Rod Diameter length retracted length extended ABS:= ( DBs-0-5)2 . 71 = 4.91 in2 IFMAXS:= PsABs = 17180.581bf ARs:= DR-0-5 2 -w = 2.41 in 2 FRs:= FMAXs — (Ps-ARS) = 8762.1 lbf GT--,MAXs I'OK'! 7FAILS T--,-otherwise i pin diameter Apin:= ( Dpc.0.5)2 0.79in2 pin shear strength fvpin:= FACT Apin = 3357.58psi CYLp-r 7.1 Extension Force Retraction Force Fm-t r STAMP, APIMM)YY,� -JlC ff 8 PORT W[TH -3/4-16 JIC PORT -.06 ORIFICE ON TUBE -JIC CAP A-8.13PETRACTED 1 7,? MCE ENGINEERING - Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, Wl 54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.dce-inc.com Project Description: Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R1 8-02-048 Engineer: MPIVI Sheet No: 15 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Chk By: Date: 1 Powerlift Hydraull'u-0oor Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations 16 Reactions from Sheet 11: Door Closed Door Opened RZpcyl = 2436.25 lb RYHopen = 234.68 lb RZHclosed = 1780.41 lb Check Welds to Steel: e'y:= 5.5 in e'Z:= 3 in TorMax:= maxl�RYHopen•e'y+ RZHclosed•e'z, RZpcyl•e'Z) = 7308.74 dweld:= 6 in Dist betwenv&elds Lweld:= 3 , in tweld:= 0.25 in in. lb Aweld:= 0.7071•twelctLweld= 0.53 in TorMa Vweld:= dwell + 0.5• ma#-5• RYHopen + 0.5RZHclosed, RZpcyl = 2436.25 lb dwell tweld:= Vweldl= 4593.87 psi Aweld Use 114" x 3" fillet welds @ Hinge Bracket (78" O. C. Max) E70XX EXTER FLASi- RUBBER WEATHERSTRIPPIN EXTE SHE ,WELDS. - K� if fWeld 5 21000� WOK ; j I FAIL'` otherwise I s• j I. l i i ci l BUILDING HEADER Lweld = 3 in tweld = 0.26 in \ —DOOR FRAME HEADER SECTION C-C DOOR FRAME HEADER PJCD T!i L� ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, WI54217 phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.dce-inc.com project Description: Powerlift 40 x 14 Door Port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R18-02-048 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 16 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Chk By: Date: Powerlift Hydraulic --boo r Detail Ref. Sheet No: Calculations 17 Reactions from Sheet 11: Door Closed RZPclosed = 1238.43 lb RZpcyl = 2436.25 lb DOOR FRAME POST Door Opened RZPopen = 49.97 lb Check Anchor Bdts: Vb:= 1.6•max( RZPclosed.RZPopen) = 1981.48 lb DOOR POST ANCHOR PLATE WELD IN PLACE AFTER DOOR See Sheets RI-R4 for AnchorBoltDesign IS INSTALLED 1 USE 1/2'Dia. Simpson Titen HD Min. Embed.=4114" Min. Edge Dist =7 Check Post Welds: tw2:= 0.25 in 1/2" CONCRETE Lw2:= 2 in ANCHOR 2 11 NEW CONCRETE 9 Aw2:= 0.7071•tw2Lw2= 0.35 in DOOR FRAME POST ANCHOR PLATE RZpcyl ATTACHMENT DETAIL fvw2:= = 3445.4 psi 2Aw2 gWELD2 '` I OK -rf fvw2 < 21000 —` OK } E: 1. FAILS otherwise JAMB COLUMN 2" X 2" X 1 /4" ANGLE INSIDE C)OF BUILDING INSTALLED BYY OTHERS WELD— tw2= 0.25 in Lw2= 2 in METAL SHEETING 5' RICE 'ENGINEERING Template: 105 School Creek Trail Luxemburg, Wl54217 Phone: (920) 617-1042 Fax: (920) 617-1100 www.dce-inc.com Project Description: Powerlift 40 x 14• Door Port St. Lucie, FL Job No: R18-02-048 Engineer: MPM Sheet No: 17 Date: 2/6/18 Rev: Chk By: Date: t.�l►'il:�.z•�►� Anchor Designer TM Software Version 2.4.6025.0 1.Proiect information Customer company: Customer contact name: Customer e-mail: Comment: 2. Input Data & Anchor Parameters General Design method:ACI 318-11 Units: Imperial units Anchor Information: Anchor type: Concrete screw Material: Carbon Steel Diameter (inch): 0.500 Nominal Embedment depth (inch): 3.250 Effective Embedment depth, hef (inch): 2.350 Code report: ICC-ES ESR-2713 Anchor category: 1 Anchor ductility: No hmin (inch): 5.00 cac (Inch): 3.56 Cm1n (inch): 1.75 Smin (inch): 3.00 Load and Geometry Load factor source: ACI 318 Section 9.2 Load combination: not set Seismic design: No Anchors subjected to sustained tension: Not applicable Apply entire shear load at front row: No Anchors only resisting wind and/or seismic loads: No <Figure 1> Company: I Date: 2/6/2018 Engineer: Page: 1114 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Project description: Location: Fastening description: Base Material Concrete: Normal -weight Concrete thickness, h (inch): 5.00 State: Cracked Compressive strength, fc (psi): 2500 LVc,v: 1.0 Reinforcement condition: B tension, B shear Supplemental reinforcement: Not applicable Reinforcement provided at corners: No Do not evaluate concrete breakout in tension: No Do not evaluate concrete breakout in shear: No Ignore 6do requirement: Not applicable Build-up grout pad: No Base Plate Length x Width x Thickness (inch): 3.50 x 7.00 x 0.50 10691b 1992 fb Y 0 fblb Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas, Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 wm.strongtie.com R1 Anchor DesignerTM Software Version 2.4.6025.0 <Figure 2> Company: Date: 2/6/2018 Engineer: Page: 2/4 Project: Address: . Phone: E-mail: rNfiffil Recommended Anchor Anchor Name: Titen HD®- 1/2"0 Titen HD, hnom:3.25" (83mm) Code Report: ICC-ES ESR-2713 xi Input data and results must be checked for agreement with -the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com R2 ��livllz'�c■ Anchor DesignerT"' Software Version 2.4.6025.0 Company: Date: 2/6/2018 Engineer: I Page: 3/4 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: 3. Resulting Anchor Forces Anchor Tension load, Shear load x, Shear load y, Shear load combined, Nua (lb) V.. (lb) Way (lb) q(Vuaz)'+(Vu..)2 (1b) 1 0.0 0.0 1982.0 1982.0 Sum 0.0 0.0 1982.0 1982.0 Maximum concrete compression strain (%o): 0.01 Maximum concrete compression stress (psi): 44 Resultant tension force (lb): 0 Resultant compression force (lb): 1069 Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in x-axis, e'NX (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in y-axis, e'Ny (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in x-axis, e'v: (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in y-axis, e'vy (inch): 0.00 8. Steel Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.1 1 V- (lb) Ogmuf 0 OgmutOVsa (lb) 7455 1.0 0.60 4473 9. Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.21 Shear perpendicular to edge in y-direction: Voy = minj7(1o/da)1.2gd.).. ffcca,1•5; Wtta4fccarl'51 (Eq. D-33 & Eq. D-34) la (in) da (in) ,?a fe (psi) cal (in) Vby (Ib) 2.35 0.50 1.00 2500 6.00 4957 OVcby =0 (Avc/Avco)'led.v`Ic.v Yyn,vVby (Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-30) Ave (in2) Av. (in2) Yed,v Vc,v VIA v Vay (Ib) 0 OVcny (lb) 90.00 162.00 1.000 1.000 1.342 4957 0.70 2586 10. Concrete Prvout Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.3) OVep = ¢kcpNcn = Okcp(ANc/ANeo)Y'ed,NYcN'/cp,NNb(Eq. D-40) kcp ANc (in') ANca (in2) VedN VcN Ycp,fJ Nb (lb) 0 OVcp (lb) 1.0 49.70 49.70 1 1.000 1.000 1.000 3062 0.70 2143 11. Results Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces (Sec. D.7) Shear Factored Load, Vua (lb) Design Strength, oW (lb) Ratio Status Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com R3 E-71t'il�.�•�►� Anchor Designer TM Software Version 2.4.6025.0 Steel 1982 T Concrete breakout y+ 1982 Pryout 1982 Company: Date: 2/6/2018 Engineer: Page: 4/4 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: 4473 2586 2143 1/2"0 Titen HD, hnom:3.25" (83mm) meets the selected design criteria. 0.44 0.77 0.92 12. Warnings - Designer must exercise own judgement to determine if this design is suitable. - Refer to manufacturers product literature for hole cleaning and installation instructions. Pass Pass Pass (Governs) Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must -be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com R4 a. e m l; t ;I (�i ;I f 1 ;I �I If II Date: 2/5/2018 Added Post Length: N/A Color: ??? Wainscoating Height: N/A Door Size: 40 x 14 Remote: No Mounting Style: Inside Inset Girts: N/A Hydraulic Side: Left Belting Width: 6 Installation Type: Steel Framed Building Service Door R.O. Height: N/A Bottom Door Gap: 2.5 De the Mount TabN/A Top Of Window: N/A Header Thickness: N/A Window R.O. Height r N/A Girt Matierial: Steel 40' 6" x 14' 5" Quoted to: Customer: Generic 40x14 Location: Generic Phone: PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL (POW FT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS I:yYYfaoon DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PowerUft Consulting. ANY Lake Benton, MN REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS Phone:(507)368-9500 WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PowerLiffConsulting Is Fax :(507)368-1358 PROHIBITED. I **CHECK MEASUREMENTS AGAINST FRAME, DOOR, AND SIDE DETAIL PAGES FOR SPECIAL DOORS** Quani Part Size Wall Length 1 Frame Header 5x5 3/16" 40' 6" 1 Door Header 5x2 1 /8" 40' 4" 2 Posts 5x3 1 /4" 13' 11 1 /2" 2 Legs 5x3 1 /4" 131911 5 Vertical Rails 5x2 11 ga 131711 18 Crossmembers 3x2 14ga 6' 6" 12 Steel Nailers 3x2 14 ga 6' 5 3/4' 1 Outside of truss 3x2 11 go 371811 1 Inside of truss 5x2 11 ga 39' 10" 13 Truss Upright's 3x2 14ga 10" Cut hinge slots in 5x5 centered at dimensions on frame detail page. Make truss 39' 10" space tubes 13" from the ends, and every 37 3/8" on center. No holes or tabs for post's, Door is Weld In. Weld 5x3 Legs to the 5x2 top tube. Wipe down mating surfaces. Clamp angles on 5x2 top tube. Lay 5x5 header on 5x2 top tube. Lay 5x3 Posts on 5x3 Legs. Weld Posts to 5x3 header. Weld plates on end hinges. Cap ends and grind smooth. Complete hinge assembly except pins, slide apart to finish welding and grind smooth. Weld hinge pins in place. Tack truss into place. Screw shipping tabs into posts and legs. Measuring from the top of the vertical rails, layout the crossmember locations. Tack in 3x2 vertical rails. Location per drawing or according to crossmember width. Weld 3x2 cross members and steel nailers, inset from outside of legs flush Door is INSIDE.MOUNT, USING MEDIUM CYLINDERS. Tack on upper cylinder mount 29 inches from bottom of 5x5 header to center of pin. Install 6 in. guessets. Install 3 inch bar channel. ack on bottom cylinder mount so the hole is centered rom edge of barchannel Install caps on 3" bar channels. Weld mounts moving around to AVOID WARPING! Install 6 inch belting so it,extends outside of posts Lock valve assembly is on the LEFT SIDE. Plumbing lines are on the back face of 5x5 tube. Paint door ???. Use MEDIUM Cylinders on door. Quoted to: PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS �'�'""�pP°" DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PowerLift Consulting. ANY Lake Benton, MN REPRODUCTION IN PART OR ASAWHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF Phone:(507)368-9500 PConsulting IS Fax :(507)368-1358 PROHIBITED. Customer: Location: Generic 40x14 Generic Frame Detail LOICO iri c� �o c— r-- Co! N Always Double Check Measurement's - from opposite end of header. _ Ml� CIlu r1lIl t: DIuutv., UIC L.CIIICIuu UI I J/O II IL..I ICJ LlulII Lu&J UI FlulIIC rICUUCI (Quoted to: y T' IF PROPRIETARYAND CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS Customer:OWM Generic 40x14 DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF _Lake PowerLiff Consulting. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE `Location: Generic Benton, MN -� Phone:(507)368-9500 WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PConsulting IS Phone: :(507)368-1358 PROHIBITED. All Top Measurements are from the inside of the Door Leg. Door Detail Always Double Check Measurement's ` from opposite end of header. < 1 Q — ^e w V ^' ` � f 1 1 f f M 0 z M ;0 r— 1— N M I NOTE: REFER TO DOOR WEATHERSTRIP CLOSEOUT DIAWING (DRAWING NUMBER 7001) FOR WEATHERSTRIP CLOSEOUT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 0" 424" 821 " z 107" 122 4 ' 163" Quoted tO: Customer: ----� Location: --- + — _.� Generic 40x14 _ Generic --------- ---- H11hsSoPoara Lake Benton, MN Phone:(507)368-9500 Fax :(507)368-1358PROHIBITED. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL —' THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF Powerl.ift Consulting. ANY I REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PowerLiftConsulting IS I -- P hone: Leg t3'-91, Girt's Flush Inset Steel Field 0" 48 Inch or Larger 5x3 Gussets Side 29" Post 13'-li 2" D eta i I Header is weld -in" �Quoted to: ___ Y T^{ _T— _ rF=�J PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS Customer: Location: - _Phone:^�_ Generic 40x14 Generic _^ _�__` _�_�mm — foahs"t s,o Lake Benton, MN Phone:(507)368-9500 Fax :(507)3681358 DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PowerLift Consulting. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR ASAWHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PowerLift Consulting IS PROHIBITED. _ f Truss Detail Pre -Bow Truss 1 " c� MICO Mj-qT -1co -IN T:j00 r-Iq LO Go N 0- Ey9 TRUSS UPRIGHTS CAN BE 14 GA OR 1/8 INCH Employee Date Start Finish Notes Load Cut Weld Cut Wood Belt Plumbing Wipe Down Paint Install Wood Cylinders Top Of Truss Bottom Of Truss 113 7/8" , 224 1 /4" , 113 7/8" 239" , 239" Quoted to: Customer: �-_--- '! Generc 40x14 Location: Generic Phone: PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL �f l+ Qp7�l�ifJ THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS H)i&�mys DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF _ PowerLift Consulting. ANY Lake Benton, MN REPRODUCTION IN PART OR ASAWHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF Phone:(507)368-9500 PowerLiftConsulting IS Frry-IIM71ZAA-1 QSA PROHIBITED. BOTTOM WEATHERSTRIP CLOSEOUT INSTALLATION Bottom Door Gap 1 II 1.25 1 .511 1.75 211 2.25" 2.511 2.75" 311 3.25" 3.511 FASTEN USING SELF -TAPPING SCREWS Dimension "X" 2.7511 2.511 2.2511 211 1.7511 1 .511 1 .2511 111 . 7511 Componen Description .511 t--Location: PART #8049 PART #8048 x BOTTOM DOOR GAjr v P DETAIL A _ SCALE 1 : 3 _ Weatherstrip Closeou=f6r�a PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS Weatherstrip Closeout Installff%DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PowerLift Consulting. ANY Lake Benton, MN Lake Benton, MN REPRODUCTION IN PART OR ASAWHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF - — ----- — Phone:(507)368-9500 PowerLift Consulting IS Fax :(507)368-1358 PROHIBITED. 6" 3" 1„ 4 0" LARGE CYLINDER WITH HELPER LEG LCM ASSEMBLY C SIN �I� RICO " a �3+c-�p'X ;31,�,y1 Y i TWIWU TUBE 6" 3" 1„ 4 0" C -IN v-IN LO Componentf Large Cylinder Helper Leg PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS Description: LCM Helper Tube Assembly DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PowerLift Consulting. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE Location: Lake Benton, MN Lake Benton, MN WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ----- l,--------- — Phone:(507)368-9500 PowerLift Consulting IS i Fax :(507)368-1358 PROHIBITED.