HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2802 1 .~.. 502~' I " 4 .'"''''1' of ~','.l t ,..1.. of ,be tit" 11&1", .~ tile 1Jl law 01' . quit, , W 'be ODlJ pro,,1' ... . . ~ " bu.,tl' .. 'lhoOf Of *- 1'-141*10" of 'h. ..oond pajo,,1a1.' holrtan4 ...lgnl, f'Ol'nv. I D '-IIJI188WBDIO', 'be .all1*rUlaot 'h.' f11'l~ p"',ha.' hel'.unto .., ~h'"1' ~an4~ , , ' I r4 ..al. ~ o.q_8iD4JtU, f1l'", a~.. W1'l\t~. , I , Slsne4,_ ..al'.' and 4.11"81'.4 In prl.enol of) (S......'l) ~ J. I. Bo4denber'J _ I I Mr..JItDl'i KoOVl7 ) . : I 1.'.._n..I, ,KaI'1 O. ROdl.n"lr, '(atal) 7- I .A.-1O ., o. ~4tl.en~.eI'J ) tl'-'~3r~t;~rl" ) .At 'oJ. If; Boddenblrt I ' ~A". 0' 9tO~81a ) ~tJB!Y OIl bbUl"ll ) [ I DRIBY OmUY, that on this _,' per80nal1, appeare4, betor. _, an ottloer 4111, . _horlse. to a4l1d.n18hr oath8 and take aokDow1.eapent8, Kart 0.' Rod4enberJ to .. .el1 mown !w be th~' per.on de80ribed in ana. who aeoute4 the tor080108 in8t1"Ulllent and ,he ~oknowl ec1sed ~tfore .. .... oh.~ .00u\OA ,~. ....tr..17 anA..l11lltarl17 for tho pui-po... ther.in apio..." AID I fURlfBlR OIR'In, tba t' the tall Ila17 O. Rod4enb.r, blown to _ to be th. wi te ~t , I ;'lle,a14 J. .. .ISOC\clenb'17 on a "perate an4 prlyate exaalnat10D taken and _I. '" and before ; i , ", , ' I tN, eep81'atel1 anA apart 1'roaher 1814 hU'be4, 41d aomowlea,ethat, 8he .eoute4 the 1'oregolriB , rooA ~o~ t... pnrpo.. Of. r.Unquloh1ns, ai1....Uns andOonY07lDB .n !l.r ript, t1 101. OI1A lnto~ ~.., whe'ller of clowlr, hoae"..40r ot 8.par~t. propert" stantor, or eqult&b1e, In and '0 1 !th. 1811d8 deloribe. therein. and that she .eou~ea. ta14 >>.ed '1'ree17 Ed T01untarll1 and with- ; I '" ,: rll~ 8D7ooapul.lon, ~na_ra tnt, IPpreh!ID810n 01' teal' ot or from her 8814 hU8ban4. ' I ,.I!B,~'~ ~"4~ aDd 0:tf101al seal at Ola,ton Oo\1:i1ty of ',*eo~a and state of Ueorgla ! lth18 J.o'h dq of Jul7 .1. 1>. liMe I (SeaL)(~" . S.al) J.\,O. OI'eeD B. P. ! ., Oom. JSzpir.. '/12/27 I ' -" ~'A'I OPrLORmA, " ' , ' hounY OP Sf. LUOIS: . ! . On th18 487 pereo~l, appeared before ae, J. W. 10448nbel7. to _ well known a8 the I , ~ersoD 4elorl be4 in, anA who .eoll_ed the foregoiJJ8 "e4 ot IOnYe'8I10e, ~d aomowleqe4 that ~e, exeOute" 'h. ..e :tOI' the purpose therein apres'ed; whereupon it Is prqe4 that the 8811e I , ' , ~ be reoor4e4. I I In wrUnesl ~~e~~~, I haye hereunto affixe4.., n..e and otf101al 8eal" thie the 19t~ ~ Of JUlJ .A. 1)., J,~. ", ! f I (J.P. Seal) ,1\. I '-, rU84 and l'800rde4 thla .19th daJ ,ot .11117 1924. I )Ot~Ct.\al) I ,1?:.... I ',~e()1"#1 ~,.) t'!'>:"'d; · . .. f~t:f " ~ "~- -"~ I I I I, Walter K. Boser. , (Seat..) Jfottr7 .Publ10 tor ~ht ~_ate 0 t ftorlda at Large ., OO-.1'.lon IKplre8 Ausua' 12" 1927 P. O. J1clre4, U1erk Ull'Oll1t Oourt B,k~'q.., ~ 1). O. I,' "'.., .'. . ~ .-' (; . ' . " j , 't:i 'II,' ,:",' Lt' . , ',',: '::::: ~";~~ltal'Ii~~!