HomeMy WebLinkAboutFAST INSTALLATIONA SCANNED SOLARMOUNTs��°°e°°°°�y .� UNIRAC SOLARMOUNT defined the standard in solar racking. Features are designed to get installers off the roof faster. Our grounding & bonding process eliminates copper wire and grounding straps to reduce costs. Systems can be configured with standard or light rail to meet your design requirements at the lowest cost possible. The superior aesthetics package provides a streamlined clean edge for enhanced curb appeal, with no special brackets required for installation. Now Featuring: THE NEW FACE OF SOLAR RACKING Superior Aesthetics Package i r i enphase E N E R G Y LOSE ALL OF THE COPPER & LUGS System grounding through Fnphase microimrerters and trunk cables t ' I SMALL IS THE NEXT NEW BIG THING Light Rail is Fully Compatible with all SM Components . fy i ENHANCED DESIGN & LAYOUT TOOLS Featuring Google Map Capabilities within U-Suilder 0 L A R. M 0 U N T i OPTIMIZED COMPONENTS INTEGRATED BONDING & PRE -ASSEMBLED PARTS Components are pre•assenibfed and optimized to i6duce installation steps and saw 3 , labor Unie.Ourringrounding&bondingprocess eliminatescoppeiwireandgroundin€ straps o, bonding jumpers to ieduce casts, Utilize the nticroinverter mount with a wire man Bement clip foi an easier installation. VERSATILITY ONE PRODUCT - MANY APPLICATIONS Quickly set modules flush to (lie roue or at a desired lilt angle. Ctrange module orientation to poi hail or inrdscalje while secmtnga large variety of hamed nlodulas or Flat, low slope or steep pitched inols.Avaflable.in mill. clear and daikaond MI finishes to oulpol form yuut Inojecls financial ind aesthetic asphations AUTOMATED DESIGN TOOL DESIGN PLATFORM AT YOUR SERVICE Creating a hill of materials isjnsI a few clicks away with U-0uilr:er. a powerful online tool chat stieamhncs the pi ocess v designing a code complinn I solar mounting system Save time by cr ealing a user pioitfe, and i erall prefer enccs and projects autonlaticalh when yeu log in. You will enjoy the ability to shove projects with cpsturneis: the, c'S lie need to punt iesuits and send to a distributor, just click and share.. 801d01rIG&GROU"l0lNt3 U11JUL2703 SYSTCMFIRLCLU O SSN CITION n MEN UNIRAC INTEGRATED BONDING SPLICE BAR INTEGRATED BONDING MICROINVERTER MOUNT w/ WIRE MANAGEMENT INTEGRATED, BONDING MIDCLAMP INTEGRATED BONDING L-FOOT w/ T-BOLT UNIRAC CUSTOMER SERVICE MEANS THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF PRODUCT SUPPORT UNMA101110 CIRTIFIIR ENGINFIRING OANKADLL DESIGN RUM IXPERIINCI QUAIIIY IXOIILINCI WARRANTY TGOLS 1100Ir41PIIATION TECHNICAL SUPPORT Uritac's technical support. loam is dedicated to answering question & addressing issues in real thee, An online library of docmnients including engineering roports, slamped letters and technical data shorts greatly simplifies your permitlinr, and pratect planning process. CERTIFIED QUALITY PROVIDER Unirac is the only PV nmrinting vendor with ISO certifications for 9001;Y008, 14001.9004 and OIiSAS 18001:2001, which moans we deliver tho highest standards for fit. form. and function. These certifications demonshate our excellence and canrmibnent to fits) class business oiactires. BANKABLE WARRANTY Dent leave ycui piojecl to chance, Uoirac gas the financial slreirgth to hark om pmrlucis and reduce ywu iisk Have peace of mind knowing you are 'eceivins products of ercoptional quality. SOLARMOUNT Is covered by a 10 yea; limilerl productwananty and a 5 ynnr limner finish wanarity, PROTECT YOUR REPUTATION WITH QUALITY RACKING SOLUTIONS BACKED BY ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE AND A SUPERIOR SUPPLY CHAIN f+JFru^ Wrr: fiord r„•n