Parcel ID:
Account #:
Map ID:
Use Type:
Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser - All rights reserved.
Property Identification
9517 Windrift CIR
Ownership OC LUU11d kUUUHIY
Meta Well
9517 Windrift CIR
Fort Pierce, FL 34945
Legal Description
PALM BREEZES CLUB (PB 49-32) BLK 1 LOT 19 (OR 367&2997)
Current Values
JusttMarket Value:
Assessed Value:
Taxable Value:
Taxes for this parcel SLC Tax Collector's Once IN
Download TRIM for this parcel: Download PDF
Total Areas
Finished/Under Air (SF): 1,903
Gross Area (SF): 2,559
Land Size (acres): 0.11
Land Size (SF): 4,704
Saint Lucie County
This information is believed to be correct at this time but it is subject to change and is not warranted.
0 Copyright 2018 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved.
727-571-4141 Agreement 877-834-7868
Certified Solar Lic. #CVC056656 Certified Electrical Lic. #EC13001300 Certified Air Conditioning Lic. #CA0009274
Purchaser's Names: Date DOB's SSN's
Mirta Vadell 2/1/2018 9/28/1958 584867229
Address Phone
9517 windrift Circle Main:772-323-4343 Alt:
City Zip County Email'smirtaysegarra@gmai1.com
Ft Pierce 34945 St. Lucie
This agreement and the worksheet agreement(s) attached hereto (the "Agreement"), by and between LSCI, Inc., a Florida corporation doing
business as Sun-Tec ("LSCI"), and the purchaser listed above (the "Purchaser"), specify the terms for the materials to be provided and services
to be performed by LSCI in the residence located at the address listed above (the "Property"). LSCI shall furnish, deliver and arrange for
installation (the "Services") of all materials necessary to improve the Property (the "Products") according to the following specifications,
including all worksheets and forms attached hereto:
❑ Solar Hot Water m Photovoltaic: 4.06 Series ❑ Solar Fan: W ❑ Solar Pool ❑ Other:
xi Bank Deposit $ 0 Permit $ 0 Balance $ 15000.00 Total $ 15000.00
Cash Check No. CC Type CC No. DOE SC No.
LSCI and Purchaser agree as follows: D
(1) Services. LSCI shall perform all Services and install all Products in a professional and workmanlike manner, and comply with existing govemment. codes and regudtttio It
changes, alterations, or additional demands by Purchaser shall be accomplished pursuant to a change order signed by both parties. Additional Services may require a
charges, which if in excess of $100, shall be paid by Purchaser at the time of such change. Products or alterations requested by Purchaser subsequent to Products being
specifically ordered by LSCI may require an up charge, such charge due upon the change.
(2) Warranty. All Products are warranted as per the individual Product manufacturer guidelines for replacement,repair, and manufacturing defects, provided lhatPurchasercomplies
with all manufacturer requirements associated with those warranties. LSCI solely warrants those Services performed by LSCI in installing Products, and all other claims must
be made to the Products' manufacturer(s).
(3) Payment. Purchaser shall pay LSCI for the Products and Services in accordance with the payment schedule attached to this Agreement. Purchaser shall pay LSCI, on demand,
a late fee equal to five percent (5%) of any installment due under this Agreement that is more than 10 days delinquent, and returned checks shall carry an additional fee of $100,
due immediately. If any payments due require the use of collection services, Purchaser will be liable for costs of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees. Title to the
Products will remain with LSCI until all sums due have been paid, and LSCI reserves the right to pick up any Products if payments as set forth herein are not made when due.
Additionally, LSCI can stop work ifpayment as set for herein is not made when due. Except as otherwise stated herein, any deposits are non-refundable.
(4) Risk of Loss for Products. Once Products have been delivered to the Property, it is Purchaser's responsibility to care for them. LSCI bears no responsibly for theft or damage
to Products once such Products have been delivered to the Property.
(5) Liquidated Damages. Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that actual damages for breach of this Agreement before commencement of work may be difficult to determine, and
accordingly, Purchaser agrees to pay to LSCI ten percent (10%) ofthe price stated in this Agreement as liquidated damages for a breach of Agreement by Purchaser occurring
before commencement of Services. Once LSCI furnishes Services or Products under this Agreement, LSCI will be entitled to actual damages, plus 20%, if Purchaser breaches
this Agreement. Purchaser shall not have to pay liquidated damages if this Agreement is voided by LSCI management or if financing approval is not obtained.
(6) No Liability for Damages. In performing the Services, LSCI beats no responsibility for any water damage, paint damage, framing damage, or any other damage to the Property
unless such damage is the direct result ofthe gross negligence or willful misconduct of LSCI. LSCI will not be held liable for loss or damage, consequential or direct, arising
from the operation or failure of Products, or for work done on existing air conditioning units or components thereof. LSCI shall use reasonable precaution to protect against
any damage to the Property, provided however, that Purchaser shall be responsible for protecting any valuable object or items, or removing such items from the area in which
Services are being performed. Purchaser agrees that while LSCI is performing Services, Purchaser shall keep the working area free and clear of third parties to avoid any kind
of personal injury.
(7) Authorization of Credit Check. The Purchaser authorizes LSCI to verify and review Purchaser's credit score with an independent credit reporting agency, and releases LSCI
from any inadvertent omissions or errors in obtaining such credit scores.
(8) Permits. By executing this Agreement, Purchaser authorizes LSCI to apply for and sign for permits on Purchaser's behalf. This authorization is only valid for permits obtained
relevant to Services performed pursuant to this Agreement.
(9) Purcbasees Right to Cancel. If this Agreement is a home solicitation sale, and Purchaser does not want LSCI's Services or Products, Purchaser may cancel the Agreement in
person, by telegram or by mail. The notice must indicate that Purchaser does not want the Products or Services and must be delivered or postmarked before midnight of the
third business day after execution of this Agreement. If Purchaser cancels this Agreement in accordance with the terms of this paragraph 9, LSCI shall return any deposits
made by Purchaser.
(10) Entire Agreement: Except for loan documents executed by tire parties in conjunction with this Agreement, the Agreement and the exhibits attached hereto constitute the entire
understanding ofthe parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and no amendment, modification or alteration of the terms hereof shall be binding unless the same be in
writing, dated subsequent to the date hereof and duly approved and executed by each of the parties.
(11) Assignability. Neither this Agreement nor any right or interest hereunder shall be assignable by the Purchaser without LSCI's prior written consent.
(12) Enforceability: If any term or condition of this Agreement shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent or in any application, then the remainder of this Agreement, and such
term or condition except to such extent or in such application, shall not be affected thereby and each and every term and condition of this Agreement shall be valid and enforced
to the fullest extent and in the broadest application permitted by law.
(13) Binding Effect: This Agreement is not binding on LSCI unless approved and accepted by an officer of LSCI. Upon acceptance by LSCI, each ofthe provisions and agreements
herein contained shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the personal representatives, devisees, heirs, successors, transferees and assigns ofthe respective parties
(14) Legal Fees and Costs: If a legal action is initiated by any party to this Agreement against another, arising out of or relating to the alleged performance or non-performance of
any right or obligation established hereunder, or any dispute concerning the same, any and all fees, costs and expenses reasonably incurred by each successful party or his or
its legal counsel in investigating, preparing for, prosecuting, defending against, or providing evidence, producing documents or taking any other action in respect of, such action
shall be paid or reimbursed by the unsuccessful party.
(15) Governing Law: Venue. This Agreement shall be governed in accordance with Florida law. The parties to this Agreement irrevocably and unconditionally consent to the
jurisdiction and venue of the state and Federal courts located in Pinellas County, Florida in connection with any action related to this Agreement.
To perform properly, all Products must be installed pursuant to applicable code, manufacturer's instructions, and within limitations of the building structure.
Under NO circumstances will Product engineering, site specific specifications, warranty requirements, Building Department requirements, installation
requirements, manufacturer tests and recommendations of application/installation be altered. Purchaser shall not have the authority to alter, change, or release
liability from the above requirements for any reason. Should any third party other than LSCI's technicians alter, change, relocate, or damage Products, or portions
of LSCI installed Products, all warranties shall be null and void, and Purchaser bears all responsibility and liability and releases all vendors, suppliers,
manufacturers, engineers, test facilities and LSCI from such liabilities. Verbal understandings and agreements with LSCI representatives are not binding on
LSCI. Any understanding not set forth in this Agreement is not binding on LSCI.
Rep (print) Chad Poets Purchaser Date 2/1/2018
LSCI Officer Purchaser Date