HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2815 ;n ~ . . I. 1 1 I 1i ~ ~'>'.,', i:' I .. " ~. a i ~ ~ ~ ~ ,;_""";,_~.:--"_,_._,~~..,,._n..'_ ''''--;-::O:-:-,"""'.~__. "Atl 0' Vl8.0BVmta >> OOUll!1' ()Jl~K. r " Oif'MiI Q7 ,..eoDaUJ .ppeared..fon ..' WoOdworth .1'.... ot BI'Ookl1no, Maee., an4 lethol" iI. J... of ea14. Brookline, to ....11 knnn .. the p._ODia.eorlbed 1D and .ho . ~l. .: . , ", . .xtout.4.,tbt fOl"llOlDa deed, aDd aotncnrlelat4 ~h&~_~~~_d.~~~t,.. t_ .~. for 'be purpose -'- . - -," -- ". '-~'-'---~---.--- .-__._~,,~._._-.--- ---~_. -... . . tbtreitr'2Pz.-..I..4:", WhuQ;pon -1 t I. P~.a: ,hat .the ..e ~ be reoord.4. ' 'Iirft~8S Wsu!or, 1 haT' hel"tUllW afttze4 ItJhanC1. ani .e.l, 'hi. ,21.' 411 of ~ , A b., one tho1l8an4 nine buDdred _ tnnw-four. Uf .P . 8J.AL) t , ; St.wart O. Wo04wortll,(SBAL) 10ta17 Pubi10~ ! M, ooB1s.10n ezpire. Ootober 8,1928. j Jln'dan4 noorled 'h1. 28th d~ ot JUly 1924. ,(~~/.~) 4~e~e& o~6. ~er; B7. ' , Deputy Oleft , , ., _ _ .. .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _t _ _ -------.. -- --- v; - - . lDILLlI., UILLBR,4LBI1m18 1I.1IIOB J.O WIft.-1.~RICD; 811It! . HU8. liIl~ Blws 1l4IDALL at RU8. I , ! ,eLk. rtu:.~ II- ""I DID. ~,B 'I 8 I. DB I , U. B, _Ie the eighteenth aa, of Ju17 Anno Doa1nl one thOuan4 n1ne h~1 an~ '..nty-toUJ'. --_----- Dl1AD O. BIOI. B I ~ . E B. Iltl?-& I. Spiller, .140., ot the 'o~ of ku061Ut, OOUDV ot DreTal'4 anl'o""e o.f .101'14&, 'ubertua B. JUoe an4 o.nl'Ule Blo.. h18 .1fe, of th. 'own of PornU18, i ;,' . . -. '-. ." :- , oO=)7-;t ~.....,. aD4 8-''' of I.. York, I.e_ RlOe Smith anI Auga..t SIll1..'h, her hueband, , j . . _ _ _'. . " . - . .": '_ . . - _ r ~ lanl lima, M,. ~D.ill -n.4 O. J. a.Mal1, hel" h1l8bana, of 'he t~E8hlp ot lCe.tlq, 00Wl')" of ; ~ . . _ CO .,'.' " " ".-' _:f . '.' ',,;C' ~ " ." _ _ , ! lfex.q_,~~ ot'Peimat71ftD1a.ohl14i'en anI heir~ ., 1&. of Luo)" P. B1o~, lat. of sa14 tom- j, 'hi.'ol'~.~~~~ d.o....a.' ~r.l.. ofth.tl"t )1&1", granton, aD4 Daane O. Blot. also of ' ..l.tOWJi8hSP' of ~.at~. a eon ana. heir .'la. ot eall a.o.len'. pal"" ,t the '..oonl part, ' .',"'- . i graJtt... -~--'!"..-...- ~ ; '!'.. 11,. 4 8,.e eal. L"q. ~..lllo., al.4 inte.tat. fa AprU 8anl A. >>.'1924, .etsel, ! - .-, ~ ,..- ,,"~. . "," - , .. i tB~..:~~~,~' ot,Ule1aD4~' here~t~~ 'e,*""1 ., 1nh.rl.... :fZ'oaher 80n. Lo..11 B. Bto., i I .hO.~4,~~"'~P'~&'il4t11thOll' 1a~. on, JUiJ 14 4. >>. 1923, 18aTin8 '0 .unh. h.r. ae her , f . ,-'.0: --' .- . ._,'.,. - . ',,; ':, "-. . . - ," . . . . 1 j '0~'~""4Y'~',~~... law. her ohl1ll'.Jl. the pariiea w th1. 1..1; am4". B B B B ~ 8, 1a1 : i" ,"'",' ",,','" , ", , , " t "Q-iW'~OO~~*4. in'. deel tl'O. '.11 Itcto7 1'. aloa ., Y1r to th. herein ,uaa'" gftnhe, "'el: I ' .~, ' . ' - , j ~~e__~~:~ ~. ".>>. lto~ and r.oor4e4 in the _001'1.1'" Oftlo. ot eaia IldeQ Oount)", . }-' ""'.''':-:~'':~:;-~-"::- +~:-' :'.<"~: "':.' . '1.... I "~~~~:~'~'~';~,Boot'O,~lI'~''''8' t. (hel".b,. ~ef.rft4 \0), OODT.,.1ng 1Ul in sa14 f ~~~~~~~~~~'~,~ ~~ ,e' to~th that ~ .u~1D ele.orlbel ,lan4, tor 'he oODf14era'lon 'I tll."+*.'J....I~'.. ,~~ b,oOD8i,a.l"d .. a p&JM1l' aD4 oano.na_lon in tu11 ot aDJ' aD4 all , t -, ~'___-"_.:,:~'.r, ~," ','. ,_','_~-_ '- . _ . ~ j 01a~~~: ot~ll,he,l".m ...~ ,~"'. ..'.. h.ir a_ law ot'Jae sranw~. 'herem DUI<<, '0 .~ I..ta~."gi~ '~~. 'b',lenb, ~l'be' o".-..a 8114". B . a . A 8, ,he herem __I ~rU.. ' , I ',.' !":',":'..".,'" '.::.' ~" " ". ' "',' , : ' ' 1...~..,..el1a fa_II" "~~Je.,-.~ia~o. al1a,-'ha' the annte. herein __I ..11 .hare .:I.~...~~~."Ul,,~~.~r~iA~.,~,,~,..,~~ laDl. I&"~ ~e'or1be~ and 'ha~~T,:ae hi. -I . :'-_, '*'-- ", -".":, , " '7"_>; ,'_: ' . " " _" " ' , I ~'.~'I".ot .. anll,,1t.'4. 0A8:t1t~ ~1/1)~" 0' >>Ol"'~'__rtot b,. OOlrftpDO. fro. ..ld I I ~~~~:~..W1_..t~;:-~. *~ "'~U.l 1at~"".':"'Ta 1IeD,1oM4.--------- ! .:.,'I~,~~.}~i~::;.l.:t.~:;..:~r~~:::;;.:;:7~l~ ':::::.:' , INaI.:~!~~~'.Me....~bf,..' leU,"'l7of ~'a .n...., '~"Ul.., ~"ot 1. h...a. &0- , f~~I.'''' "11 -~" ~.. r..l.... '.1.';"..... '1I1.~1o~. -. '" "".~ pre- 'I : . ';~.,::.~~J~~~~~lit 515, L-