HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2821 ::'i "-1 ~ '" ~ f i t .- ~ I \ i~ ..._'''"._._C_7_.;..''........~~.~. m..,-' ~~,,', . '---',:- , , " i ~ i' ~: I ' I ' I ! r ~ _ ~'"; _ , ~.~ "'~" -<,:p.~:...... -......__.J,; j....:,,4. '~_'. ~_"!'::~~_"; .::,'(~r~_'" J"f':"_ " 7"""':"~___J.. ,._~.t_- J ~.~ .;..~. .~ .,-...-....-. :".... 521, ot,lle,1nn.1PJ& ,no,~, . ,bAt the aboYe d.eo;rlbod ple,. of land ahal). " ~'04 .. a ,v",; and. the ,1*I'U" of'tile ,flrl' par', ana the "l1eral publlO' 8hall ala,. haTe . r18ht ,'0 pall o"er tbe,abo"e 4elorlboel ple,e of land. '~W2!IBSS:JH&RIO' the 8ald paI"le. ot _he flre' part haTO horeunto eot thelr handa anel 8eale the d87 anel lear men'lOn.cl abo". wrhwn. --------,--- - _.-- - Sip.a, ,..ai.a 'and elel1Tend in the proeenoe of L. A. Koelle'" A. B. 1Ihlldea Ae to J. II. b18ht and wife L~ A. Moeller , D. B. Kanell Ae toJ~ Bobbe anel wlfe. J. II. blght (sur,) _I Burah b18ht ' (SIAL ). '"I I , 7. Robbe ' (SIAL) ,I i BYlt Hobbs Ism) ! D.,B. Jrarrell (8&U) Pearl A. Barroll (SlAJ,) . L.A. Ko..~ler ',W.. J~ RlOhal'eleon Aeto D. B~ Bartell anel wlte. S'AH9' , 'noRlDA, ,COUftY 07 S'. LUOD. I HBRBBY OBR!1n. !hat on thle 487 pereonal17 appeareel before me, an offloor dulJ .utho~bed to actm1n18ter oaths and take aotnowle',.ente, J. II. I.D1ght and BurIIlah Enlght~ h1, wlte, to me woll DO'WD to be the pereoD deeorlbea,ln anel who exeouted the toregoJ.nB lDetru.l . . . j ment and who aoknowled",d before me that thel ...oute' the 8a.. b'ee17 and 'YoluntarilJ for the purpo8e. thorein expre8seA. AIQ) ~!SBR OIR'lUY . That the .a14 BUlUWI XBIGB! known to me to be the wit.. of the 8a14, J. lI.dICR'. on a separate ant\ prlTate examination taken and made b7 anel before me. 8e~rate,17' and a~rt from her 8ald hU8band. 414 aoJmowle4,. that she exeouteel the fore80i~~ 4ee4'tor th. purpose of r,llnqui8h1n6, al1enatlng an4 oonT'71ng all her r18ht, tltl, and '1Dt.re.t, whether of 40wer. homesteael of of 8eparat' propert7. .tantor7 or equitable, In and to the land. ele80~lbe4 therolD,anel t~t she exeouted ealel deed free17 and voluntar1lJ ana wlthou", aD;F oompul8ion. oone'ralnt, appreh.neion or fear of or from her ..'-A huabana. c.../' , , .IfDS8 DWhaD4 anel off101al eeal at'Vero, COUJit, ot' St. Luoie and State of Flor14a, ,thl. 20 487 of ~o.mbor, A. D. 1922. I tl,p?e3L) f . . '. L. A. lIoel1el' .0"'17 Pultl1o. MJ 00mmi8elon expire. .'ta17 Publio foit the State of P MJ Oomad8810n Bxplre8 .0Tember (B. P. S i' (8IUr, ) ; SfAB 01' I'LORID.l, i- f COUBft 01 8'1 LUOIl. I , . .i i . I I, I I I I " I i i t 'I I I , i. I BlDBY C.lMUT, !hat 01 thl. da7 per.onuilJ appeared beton me, an , " . ~ '. . .' .' .' . . ............ :. of 11.... dull authol'hea to adJl1nleter oathe an4 take aomowb4gment.. I. Hobb., anc1 BYa Boblt8 ' , . , . I hi. -11t/ iiCt,_ well ~O'WD to be the per,oM ct. 80rlbeelin an4 who exeoutet the tOJ"t80ing I' , .... ...... 1Ut~n' and who aODo.l.dpt' btto~e IIl8 that thelextOutea the 881M IJ.~.1J and .,1untarl1i. . . . . i , < tor the purpo... th8l'81n 'Jrpre.8.4. r , , .IJ1)' II ,~ OIBtUt. fhat the taU IVA BOBBS mon to _ to b, tht o ..' _ .' wlteot the ..14 '7. HOBBJ'OU., .eparateaal prlftte' tU"lna~,l,oa taken and _a~ b1 aMb~. . tOnM. .eJlU&tt17 Qcl, ~ 11'0. her eal' h1l8ltQ4, 114 aobowle4..that ell. ,xeou'e4'~e I t.n....lDC II... t.~.lM _00 ot nll!lqolohlDC; .1~'1DI-~';'1DI.l1 h.~ ~lP'.I.