HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2828 --.- -.'-~-r'~'~~"...,....--;:~~..,..~r:"'~:~'~'"1'~~:r,~:F.~~-.';"~"" :';'_':',~:~ _~:,~~..~----:-,c~~-:--"~..'-") .-" ~?~_"' '~!~~r:~:'- :4',";;":~,!~_~,~,?,~:_,~ ~~-.r-~~,7'._"o-c:~~ . '-1"".~'_'~~ - ~"'r- ~; . 528.." I I I I i I I. I I I ~ t ~ I II v 1/ t: ' t. , I ,I Ii ~'{-.. " tor~h. >>urpoB8e 'h'r.ln~..,.4. . . " "a.. , . " . ~~JU1lII1lSR O~,~ft ,~'}~"S'l~ ~"le,~ ~,ONl mown to lit to ~e the wit. of 'he ..10. .. 8. ~~oan on a separat' and prl".'.examlnaUon,'Suen end ut. b7 and before lie, . , ,separate17, ,an,hPU' mil, h.raal,4, h......,.. U4 .,omOwloaso_, ohO-oxoOUU4- thI10"OSii!DS i --'-I-~ Dee4 tor the ~os. ,~t rel1nqut.h1n" al1enatlq an4 oon'l'e11D$ all her rlgh1o, 101 tl. en4 ! intereat, .h"he~ O~ d01ter.MIll.~t.ad'or ot Itfltarate proper1o" 8tatutOI'Jor equitable. In an4 I ilo the lands '4eearned 'thereln~and that sh, exGouted Bald. >>.e4 fre.l, and '1'010,"111 ant i ,', " ' "~ , ! without Ull'oOlDpulal0n, oon8tl'alnt. apprlhe~81~n 01' fear ot 'or :trOll bel' a814 hUlban4. r 'I TfI'HR8S ilJhan4 andOft'$.dlal seal at Kelbourne Ootmt,- ~fBrevard~d State of noriu. 1'h1~/;'-__~ .1.""0' A. D. 19.... .. G. '!Dllb. J' ' I \ CN. P. 'SBAL) lot&l'7 Publ1a 1'\"..cse8~) , MJ OoDD1eB1on eXPire8. reb ~ 192b t P11ed an~ '~eOOl"dedth~8 2~th' 'daJ 'ot AlJ8Ust I.. J).. 1924. I" , , ' " P. O. 814re4. ' , . d16rk 01roui t Gourt. " }fee,.. , "I'll ~ '~e(/ (Of. C~. 3lU)i) B1 &....J;f..'~.A-.1.J.J1 ~J~.d~ D.O. I~( I I 'I 1 \ I I i , ,I TBIS ~UDENTURS. Made tb18 26th ~7 of June A. .D.. , 1924. between William P. ~sBel1 anet I, . ' I hie wife, LuolRusllsell, and Suea~ P. stone anclher 'hu8band. Walter it. S-tone. as the SUrviT- . ' I' IDB heirs at law of .fees A. RUssell 4eoeased, of the 06unV of',::Ia1nt Luoio, &nd state of l'lorlda, partie8 of the fir8t pert, ond HargaJ"et 8. W'nyte. of the County ot Saint Luoie and , !state Qf :Plorl4a,party of the seoond pal't. t . ,( Witne88eth, that the ea14 partie8 ot the first part, ,tor end in ooneideratlon of the }- , .' I ' , " , ' I 8UJll of On. Doller and other 'Valuable 'oon81deratlon in hand paid bl tl;1e said Jlartl of the i , .eoond part the l'eoelpil whereof 18 hereb, aolmowlodgec1. ~'I'e remi8ed, releasod and qui t- tOlab'e~" and btthe8e presents do rem1se, release and quit-ola1m unto the 8ai4 party of the 8eoonA part and her helra and aS81gne torever, ell the right; tltle, ,intereat, 'alsim and , : 14-4 wI>1oh ."'0 1.14 parOlo. .01 "'0 fir.' par' ha.... 111 184 to" 'II? 10110wiDg do.orlbod lot. ' p180e orparoel ot lanA, to-wit: OOllll8nolng on the Indian RITer 6,26 feet Borth of the Seo- UOD Une di Tiding aeoUon., Z an~ 10, iri ~nsh1p 36 south. lWJ8e 40 Ba8t, run theDoe West 1 to the rlgh~o~"wq Of the ~101'14a Bast OO~8t Ra1107, thenoe Borth81"ll along sa14 rlght-ot- . Waf to a ,llOlDtl06 feet Jro~th' of 'pd ..a~e4 at rightangle8 to ~h. 8ald SOuth l1nl, thenoe ~ . . .'. ,'! lea' parallel wi ththe _uth line to the ID41an RITer; thanae SOu'her11 alOng ,the Indlan i Rlver tot,hePO,l~to~ "1~.g1DD1l\8.to8ether with 8l11'lparle1t rlgbte1nolcle~ an4 ~~1ng " , ' ! tberew" Inalud1~th' lI:1lbllerge4lan4. to the oheDnel ot sa14 r.lye1"t laid lente bdna In f seotion~, ~owublp 16 101lth.BeDs,, to, lut. at SaiDt 'kal. Oount" Jllorlda. fOH4T8 All)) fO'HOL.1i ~be 8"',' Wg.th.r trlth all en. 81naular the, apputenanoe8 there~o " :- .., ; . .e1:.~D81D801"1n ~ wt~. ap.'I1"klnlD8~'~4 allthe ea~~, 1'1811', tiUI, infer.ail 8:Dd olaim , ", , ',', , ,." ' 'i wha."n',r Qt the ..14 Hl'tl.. ,of, th.fir.. part, 'label' In :I... 01' ,qui V, to 'he oni, Jroper: rjti, 'tl,,~b~~ot'J'f .~~.PU'J~f- .~..01i4 ~~ h.~ h.lr. ~. ."l~" 1.r...~. i " ,.,g~ ,!l,~~.., ,~!l'.ot, th", ~14lWt1'~',~t.tll' 11.r.~ ,erll]1eJieunto .., th.l~ hana and I ~",i~r~'~f;r;-r ~~.,~l.~: ....... i / " -'--~ ......~- ,WILLW&' I'"' RU~S3JJ, MID \'I US, &: SUSAH P. StONg AND HUSBAND. TO JURGARE'f B. WHYTE. ~ !l ! ! - ~ ~ A !! ~,!!i J!. , ; t , .~ It, . , ., ~:::;. ft:{ .,-'.', f" , '.. .. .,~ -t- 4;;-: ,: ':, - ':; ::f~~~'ll~~!~I~~