HomeMy WebLinkAboutROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT0411112018 06:17 P.0021002 SCANNED BY St Lucie GoUntV Plarthitig & Developmtrit'Services : Building &Clde ftgulatioh 61*1,01n 2300 Virginia A4enve Fort Pierce, PL 34082 772-452-2165 or 712-4624172 Fax.- 772-462,6443 ROGFINSPECTION AFFIDAVIT Re.- perrftjt#...18.02-0310 — -f, V-�x ZC5ZF RECEIVED APR I I - M18 , Permitting Department St Lucie County Juan Mafflne,2 licensed as a(n)Contra'dur*/Engine-e-r/Arch-itect (Please print name & circle license ty pe) *55468 Building ffispettor: *&Irferai, ftildirfg, Rimid6irldl or R6oflh-q CcOiradcfr or any Individual eert$ed under469 FS. fa ihakewdh an'; inspection. On-orabdut 4/11/18 1 did personally inspect the rcW.dec'k.na1l1n (Date) work at, . 3311. H'Efth6r..8tredt, Ft, Piorce.- (Job site address) Bns -9h0h that examination I have, determined the installation was done according to "the current ed'itio o he Flo*rida Existing Building Code Section 708 or the product approval s6bmittt�-d (whichever � o i is Most s M''Ost CCO 1'33078-8 S!gftature�ftd Seal License # STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTYOP Martin Sworn to and vubserl'bed before are this .1 Ith day of Aptil 2018 by . juanMarfinaz ---1 doc Who is p8rsoWly known to me or who has pro 'ed as identification. Notary Public, state of Florida Signature of Notary: .. Commission Numb'dr: Q (Seal) Efi LOVITt BONNIE MY 00MMISSION # GG10436 EXPIRES septi'mbar 17,:2021