HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2830 .0' - .- ;~. ~ ,- ~ -,-'"y. ....~ , --._",'.'. ''':"1:'' ~~- .W'_ .<; :--,,-,'- . .' .' . , . 7~:'r~~",.'.,'P"~:"-~_'t~:_~o~",.;__~~\ :,~,.-r:,r.~ ~ ,r;" ~ ~~._.t:_<~.;:-'f-~:-::;;~_~~0"~I~,~rr~";;: , -" 53.0. ,<'>> Oommenotn8 o~'h. lo4laD R1T.~'6&O te.~'otth ot tbe SeotloD l~n'41?latnaS.otlon. 8 '.. . .'. ". .. ,:. , ..' .-'-'; - . ; . ~ . . ~410, llt'OWDebl, ,~6 ~ll\b.,Rang.'.O '~tl,tllenO'n.ai'e8'.:to, the -right-Of....., ottbe , ~or14a Bo.at 00,__' RaU;.",; th.no~lo~th.rl', al~ng~he aala ri8bt.of...~~' W a po in' 106 reet lorth of an4. ..a~'4 .~ r1ght ~lel ,to ".~14 8011th 11ne;thtnoeSoet pare11elwUh. 8ai4 , .. " , ,',' " ' " . ' , I ' 80uth l1ne'o t1\' 'IncUan River;thenot South'lJ along la14 r1.er ~o thepolnt ot beginning,! . .,. - i 'osether with all riparian rlgbtl, inoi4tnt or appertainlngth.reto,lno1u41nSth. BUbllerged! , , , j land. to the ohannel of 8ald riTer. i I j , TOKAVS' AND TO 'nOL:D the 8~, together ,With all and 81ngular the apputenanoee,' thereto ! I bel~n81D3 or in uJ,r18e appe>>tal~in8, ~A all th.'.etate, J:'lght,' t1t~e~ int,re8t ,an4 olaim t jL,whO"O., ...~, ot th,' .aid, 'partie. ot the, tb8t 'Par,tt eith.r, ,in, la~ or eQul, 11',' to ,theonl, proper!, use, benetttan4'behoot ot the .oidportl ot the eeuond part, her heir. 'and'aa81gDe torever.l , 1:' " ' "., " , ! In wUnes8'whereof the saldper-t1ee ofth.flret p81't'have hereunto 8ettheir hands end; 8eal8tho lief; and leu e~ove wtl. tten. ;''!'"-; I I I' I I I I t , I I ! 'I i I I I I i , I VI j "I hank G. Boll CS$AL)' .... (3W",) v' CSa,u,) ;./ ':8&L) ./ (S3lL) ./ (SlWi) I (SHAL) ./ (SlW'.) ./ Csui) ,./ , (sat) ./, " 1-, CsIWt) '!:lLUi) v lIrs. lPrank G. Bell ,Ke.age Bel;!. Rlblet Clare Bell TUbb8 .... TUbb8 AnDie Bellr1eeman 'Ban, Bel'l . IIrs. Ban', Bell H. B. ,Pleeman Mr8.' Harold Bell Barolel W. ~8U Mrs. Imil, A. Bell Signed. ~8e.led and dl11'1'.~ea. in pres.noe ot: H.iI. l)8JJt ) , Mark 'J'.O,-ato 'I As to t~8 8ignatures of 'rank ~~ and ),11'8. Sllll17 A. Bell. C , Wadge Bell Rlblet , 01ara Bell tubb8 , 48 to' w. W. fQbba ( Annie Bell ,leeman ,( He.rl"J ~811 ( 'Yre. Ham Bell " ( Kr8. Harold Bell Boll, Iolr8. hank. G. Bell , I .1 Bdw' O.,.el'1 ! <llara L. aenShall) . adger K. Ron.hall ) , ) 48 to slgnature8 of Be.ro14 W. Bell and H. B. 'leeman. Georgia L. 0$8W81i ) ,S'.'Bor 'JI,()RJDA. t oo~o.~~.~~OI~: " i tl" j,h 0 rebJ, , ,'o.,r, tl~, that 0.. thlo, 4a ., P8reOD$,'~"a"p, P.....4b."for. me, ,an ot~loor d111, ,a, uthor- r 1I0d \0 aam1ni8tet ~a'h~,~d take .oknow1'480ll.8n~.,'hank G. Bell ~d hti'WU't 1Ir8. 'rank i , , .' , ' ' , I G,B.ll,,',~d J&r8~l, A. B.ll,aw140wt, to .. ,.il knO'WJ.l to b. tupereone desorlbe4 in an~ . '."". " ".,. - -'. I who exeout.' the' for8go1ns lnatnmtnt and th., a'olmOwl.age., b.fol'e 118 that thq .~eouted th~ ." " . '. " . " -" - .: .-- -' -- >' . , . - ~ ~ -- -, - ' -. ~ ...... tre~l, 8114. Y01,.tarll1for the p1U'p08e.thel'elll ..eB8e4; ead ,J Nther oerUft that I .- . _ _. __' .'. . ,__ -. - -._c_ ._ . ._:.'_- . . l the .~,4 '-li Itant G. 11.11", bow: W," ;~:~,,~c~~. W1,1. 0' the ,.al~'tmkQ. Ben, o~a SOP-I arat. 8l1d print,' 8XaIII1uaUon tak.ll and ma,4.b.for.... ,epar."l, an4 apart tro. her 8a14 i '- .' . : . :.. ..' _t-C::': '.. . c:_: ;". i h.boll4! U4.o~o~lec18~ ~ha~,.h.' ex'OU~.4,~h' ~~~,tr4!.1':~dYC)lunt~ anfwltbout aD1 ! , OO.,u1.1~;"~OQt~i!1~t .ppl'.h.n.loDOt~'Uot 01"11'0. ~'~~~14 ~~bn4.~ ' '! I I I I i t ~ ! ~ ~ '~ ~ I , i I~ ~ ., f f , ' ["1 . !~',: 1",., c, f' . _co} ~ ..; :-.. .,; , '.',. <::~~{I~(~i~i~~i~