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,4'4 8.p'i.be~ "II:! ;JI-
~ p~- O. 1141".4. O~ert ,91rouu OOUJ".
," C . 0'1. SIAL 'r.P+' Bl ~~-'~ u;. . ~I.J. .._..'~D.O.
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'I OIWU.J8 B. annGS, HIS Itn,
! tlD4 L. I. .1'!IGBR4LD
OJWU.,XS .i. roRD
_JY1!-!1!11 !l!!~
11118 IOlJ~,_dethle 10'h 4q of Septe~.r .1. D.lVe., b.tw.en Oha8. B. J.nn1Dp nl :
\ JllenQ''-'ieDn1D&8,-h18-~lt.', of -St. Luolt coua~, norida and L. 1.,I'1\lgera14 (WUlarr>>l)
: I ot':~. oo~tJ of Palll :aeaoh ani S"'~' ofn~rlaa parUe. of ~e tu~t part, ani" Oharle. .i.
,1 '01'4 ot ';he Count7 ot h'lm Beaoh nO. 8tate ot norUa partJ' of the Moonl part.
j .%'IBS8I~,-!.bat th....ld parUe. of the fire' I&I't, to;r anel in oODlU.eratlon of the BUll of
! !fa.na nO/l00 Dollar. andOtMr Val~bl. COD$U.rat1oDl, ~n bani pa14 b7 the ea14 par" of
the 8eOon4 par.t. th. reoe1pt .11ereQf ~. her.b7 aOQ.owleclpd haTe real.e4, reba"el am qui..;
, 01.at.el, ani b7' ihu. pr..ent',40 r.miee, rel..~e an4 q1llt-olai. unto the Ball par'7 of the
,I ..oon4 pUt 8114 hl.' h$11'8 a04 a.elpa for.".r, all the ript, title, lIlter..t, olalm and
, demanl whloh the ....1.4 partl.. of the fuet part haY, ill and to the followlDg de.or1b.1 lot,
pl.o. or paro.l of land, to":wit:'
tot !wo(2) of 8eoUon belT' (12); fown'hlp thlrt;v-'wo (32) South, Rans' thl~tr!!Jl1De (3t1
Jut, oonk1il1Jlg 'hlrtr..tl'fe, (36) aor.., aore 01" le.8. togeth.r .Uh"Blparlan' rl@hte.
to IUD All) !O HOLD the e.., togeth.r with all an4 '1n8U1ar the .ppartenanoe, thereunto
beloJll1Da or ill ~l" appel"tain1q, an4 all the ..tate, rl811t, title, lAtere8t and olea
.hateoe'l'el" ot the 8614 partie, of the t11',t part, al ther in law or .qul\7, to the oDlJ prope*
u', b.nefit and belloof of the &a14 pert;v of the 8800n4,part, hie heir. anc1 a881sna torever.,
I!f, .1.8~ WDBBO', ,~ 8814 pal'tl~. of the firet part haTe h.reunto ee' th.ir hand8 ant
..ala the c1al anel 78ar tlra' a'oye wrltttn.
3~, 4..~...;f~ hi1.'''~ i..1 fIA u...... .... 1',.
!)oDD!. ~tt.r Ph. ~. " ,
- !~
, 1'. A. Jone.
A8 to O. B. J. . I. O. J.
S. D. IIorrl.
B. O. ])aYla
4e to L. I... 'lhpra14.
Cha8. B. Jenninga
Ill.n o. Jenn1Dp
L. B. 'it.pra14
C Seal)
8!m O';nOBIDA I
ooUlft'or 81. :LVOD
laaiBrOD!m~ fhat on th1e 4aJ' "1'.0.117 appeanl b.ton .,aD ottloer 4Q,1J auth-
or18e4 to a4a1ll1..t.t' oatht n4 tate aoJalo.l.Apent., Oha.. B. l.nn1D8B and Bll.n O. Jennings
hl, wif., to .. ..11 mown to b. the pereone4.f8orlb.a in 8Il4 who .uouted th. for'S01DB
1utl'QMnt aJI4 haY, atDo.le4pd b.ton _ that theJ ...."t.1 th. laM fr"17 an4 ~Ol1lDtar117'
! for .b.parpo... therein .spr....I.
,I ' ,
.An' I '~:dba CBll'lIn; fhat the .a14 3U.n O. I,DD1IIaI ino.to _ to b, the .1t. of tIl. .
...14 Oha.. B.l.nn1!ap on a ..pante 8114 prl.,.te .ulllDatlo., tabU ani -.4e b7 an4 b,fCllr' .. i
"pu&w~ an4 apal't tro. JW'1' "11 hua)aA4. 414 .omo.l'4.. th&t 8h, exeoutel the fonSOlDg 1
, - ' I
; .. - ~
I ,~,"for th, parpo.. ofr811Dqu141118. .11..,_ _4 00.."111I all ur rlpt. tU1. an4 !
l'1at'l'.n, w>>*1' ot 40"~. h,O.ltta4 :;01" ot ..~." _opertJ,' ltanto". ~r .qU1table.~an.
,. r tothelan4. "..orlb.a th'H1Jl, an4~ that 'Idle '..,.'.4 881& JI... f"8~ ....a'l'ol_UI'Ui 'aDI I
I"~ ..., GlIlpll101.JI. ._$fa1D'. "_oho.lOll"GO' "::;..,,,'o~,,,,,... ho.. 01& ~;: . .( t~'''''
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