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PAGE 03 03/28/2006 10:29 177-?9699208 EDB ARCHI-�,-^TS r rl t , Iu• LJ-Tar , � \, _ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS November 11, 2005 SCANNED . & Lude Cou Joseph Friscia, P.F. 681 S.W. Whitmore Drive .Port -St. Luke, Florida 34984-5652 GROWTH MANAGEMENT SUBJECT: OM ORDER NO, 05-026 GRANTING MINOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR THE INDIAN RIVER. NATIONAL BANK (M BUSINESS DARK DRIVE Dear Mr. Friscia: Enclosed Is your copy of a romrded GM Order No. 06-026 for the above reference prn)eetr It you have .any questions, please contact me at (772) 462-1577, or the Courity Building and Zoning DlvWon at (772) 462.1553. Sincerely, Diana Walla .... Senior Plattner rc: Prvjert File J-`Stint! : SMITH. rtsrnU H.,,• 1 . brJUG {()wjLfQ, nbtiwkt Na 2 - A 1(H•r Arne biS tmmvirr o. 4.1 oir �A *Mle MCI)IN50N. 0 )111,'• No. A • C_HRIS CRAFT. Qlirr°r,- No. 5 2300 Virgirio AveNe • port Pierce, rl 34092-5652 P,dMimistrarlon; (772) 462-1590 • Planning: (772) 462 2822 • G15frethnlcol Services: (772) 462.1.553 Economic Development: (772) 462•1550 - Fox: (772) 462-1581 Tourist Development, (7 72) 462-1529 • FOX; (772) 462-2132 w•ww,cosr-iutle.fLUS 03/28/2006 10:29 17725899208 EIB ARCHITcrTS PAGE 04 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Xc L' ±3 14 �6 �8 �9 2D 22 23 24 25 26 29 25 29 30 3= 32 33 3$ 36 3® 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 4.7 4s 49 50 �. (; rn �111 Pi le. EDWIN M. FRY, J?„ CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COMIry FlLE P 2224106 1CMT/2 6 W111:39 au OR a00K 2365 pACE 614.810 Dm Type; ORD REcaROING' $44.00 GM-05r026 File No.: MNSP45-04d AN ORDER GRANTING MINOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR THE PROJECT TO BE KNOWN AS INDIAN RIVER NA11ONAL BANK @ BUSINESS PARK DRIVE WHEREAS, the St. Lucie County Growth Management Director has reviewed the application for site plan approval submitted by Friscla Engineering, reviewed the.comments of the St. Lucie County Development Review Committee on this application, and made the following determinations; lrldiar .River,Nagonal 11gaL presented a petition for a Minor Site -Plan approval to construct a 4,000 square foot bank building to tie known as Indian River Natlonol i Bank (M Business park Drive in the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District for the property described In Fart B and generally locatad on northwest comer of US, Highway No.1 and Business Park Drive, St. Lucie County. 2. The site plan for the proposed project has been reviewed and found to meet the minimurn technical requirements of the Land Development Code and to oe consistent with the St. Lwcte County Comprehensive Plan. 3, The proposed project is consistent with the general purpose, goals, objectives, and standards of the St, Lucie County Comprehensive Plan and the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. 4, The proposed project Wit not nave an undue adverse effect on adjacent property, the Character of the neighborhood; traffic conditions, parking, utility facilities, or other matters affecting the public health, safety, and general welfare. 6. All reasonable stops have been taken to minimize any adverse effect of the proposed pfject on the -immediate vicirr1ty,thmugIT -bLlldir>g design, Site- Cosign, landscaping, end screening. 6. The' proposad protect will be 06--dructed, arranged, and operated 5o as .not to Interfere with the development and use of neighboring property, In accordance with applicable district regulations. 7. The proposed project is to be "rvsd by adequate public facilities and services. 8. The applicant has applied for and received a Certificate of Capoolty, a covy of which is attached to this order as Exhibit A, a$ required under Chapter V, St, Lucie County Land Development Code. NOW, THEREFORE, ,BE IT ORDERED: A. Pursuant to Section 11.02.03 of the St. Lucie County Land. Development Code, the Received By OCT 1. 7 2005 03/28/2006 10: 29 17q' r,699208 EDB ARCHITT7 S PAGE 05 I site plan for the project to be known as Indian River National Bank (M Rusfness 2 Park Drive, Is hereby approved so snown on the site plan drawings for the. project 3 prepared by Frlscia Engineering on March 2, 2005 and last revised on September 4 28, 2005 and date stamped received by the St. Luole County Growth Management. s Director on September $0, 2005, for the property described in Part B below is hereby 6 approved subject to the following conditions: 1, A Condition of Approval shall be that the 114 Inches of required 9 mitigation shall be met by planting 78 inches on site (In addition 10 the 10 minim= required landscaping) and the payment of $7,200 (36" X$200) 1). -to SI-C f RD. Payment must be received prior to the issuance of a SLC 12 Vegetation Removal Permit, 13 14 2. Within 30_days of minor Site plan approval, the applicant shall apply to is FDOT" for the installation of a traffic signal at US 1 & Business Park { 7.5 pried, ff FDOT determines thst the signal Is warrantad at this Inr..ation, z _� the spplicant shall design and Install the tmffc signal. If the installation i3 19 not complete prior to the request for a Certificate of QccupanCy,• the 1.9 j applicant shall provide surety acceptable to the ' County for all costs 20 associated with the design end installation of the traffic signal. This :a improvement shall be creditable against roadway Impact fees to the 22 egaht allowed by the County's Roadway impact Fee Ordinance, Should 23 the applicant with to be reimbursed for any expenses in excess o1 24 Roadway Impact Fees, the applicant shall enter Into a Roadway impact 25 Oee Credit Agreement. The Applicant shall be able to enter into this 26 agreement while the project is under construction, but must indicate to 27 the County within 45days to the Bullding Permit Issuance the request for 28 the Roadway Impact Fee Credit Agreement. 39 30 31 S. Toe property on which this development will take place Is described as follows; 32 33 PARCEL i 1 34 A PORTION OF LOTS 10 AND 11, BLOCK2, SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 36 i 35 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EM-TI AS SHOWN ON MAP OF ST. LLJCIE GARDENS � 35 SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN KAT BOOK 1, PAGE 35, PUBLIC 37 RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY 3e DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 39 40 COMMENCiNG AT A POINT REiNG 1510 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF 91 THE.INTr:RSECTION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT B, AND THE 42 WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 1, THENCE 43 ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-©F-WAY LINE'A DISTANCE OF 2503,M 44 FEET TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING OF THE FOLLOWING 45 DESCRIBED PARCEL; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 46 j N 89"42'0511 W A DISTANCE OF 219,39 FEET: THENCE S 0001 T55" W A 47 DISTANCE OF 203.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT-01F- 4e WAY LINE OF BUSiN1583 PARK DRIVE AS SHOWN ON T11E PLAT OF, 49 1 ST, L,UCIE BUSINESS PARK, AS RECORDED IN PLAT SOAK 28, PAGE � so 9A, PUBLIC REbORDS OF ST, LUCIt COUNTY, r-l-ORICA; THENC8 i 03/28/2006 10:29 177_2-pi699208 EDB ARCHIT-^-TS PAGE 06 1 2 l 3 4 1I s I c 8 s 10 3.1. 12 �3 I 14 1 `� i C. 16 ].7 I J.e 19 j 20 I 21 22 D. 24 1 25 j 2' I 2@ I 29 i ae 1 a 33 I 34 37 r -� e 39 � as F. 42 43 ? 44 45 46 G. 4� I 4e 4t se ElI. s. 52 I ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY S 89°42'05" E A DISTANCE OF 326.54 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST RIGHT -.OP - WAY U.S. HIGHWAY NO 1, THENCE N 27031'37" W. ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY A DISTANCE OF 229,54 FEET TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 55,412 S.F., 1,272 ACRES PARCEL Ip NUMBER' Part of lD NO, 3414-501-1511-000-3 Location! Northwest corner of U.S. Highway 1 and Business Park Drive, Fort Plasma Florida. This site plan shall expire on October 3, 2007, unless a building permit Qr a site plan I approval extension is granted in accordarice with Section 11.02.06, 5t, Lucia County Land Deveiopment Code. All requests for site plan extension shall be accompanied by a request for a new Certificate of Capacity for the property and project described in this Orden a The site plan approval granted under this Order Is specifically conditioned to the requirement that the petitioner, Indian RI'verNationaQl Bank, including any successors in interest, shall obtain all necessary development permits and construction authorizations from the appropriate State and Federal regulatory authorities, including but not limited to; the Florida Department of Environmental protection, and the South Florida Water Management District, prior to the Issuance of any local building permits or authorizallons` to commence development activities on the property described In Fart S, This Order shall become effective upon the date of approval indicated below. Shouldthe property owner, developer or authorized agent wish to appeal any condition described in Section A above, all such appeals must be filed in writing with the County Administrator within 30 days of the rendering of this.Qrder, as described in 1-9edtion 1-1,D2.03(g), St. Lucie County Land Development Code. Should an appeal to this Order he filed, no permitting reviews or further administrative action shall take � place on the processing of this development project until the appeal Is resolved, j The Certlficaate of Capacity, attached as Exhibit A, shall be valid, for the same perloa as this order, If this order expires or otherwise terminates, the Certificate of Capacity shall aautometicaliy terminate. A copy of this Order shall be mailed, return receipt requested, to the developer and agent of record as identified on the site plan applications. A copy of this Order shall toe attar~hed to the site plan drawings described in Section A. which plan shall be placed on file in the office of the St. Lucie County Growth Management Director. 63/28/2666 16:29 177?699268 EDB ARCHI��S PAGE 67 ti r RlJI•i .I"RiJtilly CIVl7 i,VCG1[1,Vil', _ rr,n IVv. I �{.•34iri.i.N �r,a, , �., �vv!•.+ a.,...u� „ .y . 11. This Order shall be recorded In the Public Records of St. Lucie County. 3 4 ORDER effective the 3th day of October 2005, 5 S 7 GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT, DIRECTOR APPROVED AS TO FORM a ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND aORRECTNES5; s 1Q 14 Faye t utiaw (:aunteAttorney, a, a ; • 5.K i17 ]. 9 as 2� 22 dw t 03/28/2006 10:29 17705699208- EDB ARCHI-7—S PAGE 08 St Lucie County Certificate of Capacity Date 10/2,2005 Certificate No. 2210 This document certifies that concurrency will be met and that adequate public facility capacity exists to maintain the standards for levels of service as adopted In the St Lucie County Comprehensive Man for; 1. Type of development Minor Sitti Plan Number of unite 0 Number of square feet 4000 2. Property layai description & Tax 10 no. 3414-501-1811-0003 NW corner of. U$ t and Businwot Park Drive Indian River National Bank @ Business Park D 3. Approval; Building Resolution No. GN9-05-26 Letter 4, Subject to the following conditions for concurrsncy: owner's name Indian Rivor National Bank Address V6ro Beach FL 37960 S. Gertiflcatte Expiration Date 1013/2007 This Certificate of Capacity is transferable only to subsequent owners of the same parcel, and Is subject to the same terms, conditions and expiration data -listed herein. The expiration date cats be extended only under the same terms and Conditions as the underlying development orderfasued with this certificate, or for subsequent development order(s) issued for the :acme property, use and size as described herein. ate. 10/2/2005 Growth Management Rirector St Lucie county, Florida Sunday, October 02, 2005 Page I of 2 /