HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2866 ~ ~.. :.'.~..'_~_'_--~~-.#"-.-~-"'-r---r-'-",.~".c" --..~.,;:':""----..-----.::....,......,...--:-~--_~..-~,~,~, ~.~...........-:"'''-'''~-'--'-'~'''''--~';.----:--~'~'~--':--'''''~' ~ .--- 566 -I I .. I'.'" 'qllfur. till, tilt, .alt 0W4 I. tuDS. blown to .. \0 b. the .1fe . . ' . <, . . <... < . . .. , tt.the '.al4'1ILt.J..IuIae~ oa ...para'e,al-pI'l'fate' ehll1lJatloil-uten-aD4.'. b, an4 "- ---. - -'~_." .._-- .'- . . '. . < ,.tOl't .e, .epara'ei, ant .pu' fro. ~el' ..1. hll,l)U'; 4111 aOkJiowl.'I.~t .h.e..outl. l ' I I ,tbe .torll01D1 >>e.' for'the 'p.po.e of I'lllDt1l1ehlJia, -'Ue.'iDI'anel oon"e,ins 'all her !lght,! I UUe anellnt,rt8'. Whether of 40.'1', !lo.,,',,' or of,8eparate propert,. ",'utol" 01' e,ult-! able,ll1 ana to the 104. ...Ulb..'hel'elll. an4 that eht eXloutla a,tel>>..4 tr..1.7 ana 1'01- un'arU, an4 .Uhou' '117 ooapul.1on. oon8tra1llt. appr.he~lon 01' tear of 01' trOll bel' 8a14 huabaD4. " . ' '.1, ~ Wlt1II88 ., ~an' anel ~ffl01_ala.al. ,aiL Jl1aad.. Oount, otDacle an4 8ta'e of 'lor14a, .1 tIll. 9th ~. D. '19". I I t. J. D, 10~ar,Publlo IJtat.ot 'lor14a, ., o~8810n expir.e: .oter, Publ1o. State of,'lor14a at Larg', ., CO..18810n Ixplre8 April la~. 1987. . " 1 I Ii I ~ I I I ~ r. ~ ~ I 8t1B f1I 'umID1'1 OOUltyCII DAD.' ' ). IIIDDY CBBtUY, that on thle 4a, per80nall, appearea b.fore M, an <!tfloer aul, : a:dhorl.... to a4mlnilte!' oatha ana. take aOknowle4811cti, IIl])S RIBLft, to .e Will kno~ to bei tht p...on 4eaor1be4 In an4 _ho exeoutea the foregolua ,1uatJ'WDtilt an4 she aoknowledged be- . ' tore.. that 'he exeou~'e4 the 8Ule .tr'.lJ' ani 'I'01untU1l7 tor the purpQ8e8 therein expre88ed~ WItDlSS ., hana and ottlolal e.al at Miami, Countt of Daae and, State of '10r14a, th~8 ; , \ ! I S'A'B 0-. fLORIDA. I COUB'Y (lP DAD). I j I I I I 114.. I.Caewell )fow, Publlo 8tat. ,of '10rlcS8, M1 oomm1s81on 'xplre.: )fo~.ar7 hbl10 tor the State of 'lor14a at ., Oo..ls~lon Bxplre8 '" 1&, 1928 . 6 Large, [. ) ) ) I BDDY CB1ltI'Y, that on thle el87 per80nAll, appearecS before lie, an ottloer 4u1.7 authorisea to a4mln18t,er oath8 ana take aoknowleclgment8. .lIBIB 'J.RlW~. aha BOLLIS 'LBmIBB, . .~::;.. . ~ -. her hue1aand, to _ .ell known to b.' the peJ"8Cl11 4es6ribea in aneS who exeouheS the foresolng I I in8~l'WIent anel thel aoknowledge4 before lit that the, exeout.. the 8ue treel.1 and 'I'oluntarllj' I for the p~08.8 therein expres8ea. AI]) 1 'UIl!BIR C.tIlY,' tbat the .aid ADU 'T.JRV4., tnowp to .e to be the wife of I the eaia aOLLIS'tJl1WU, on . separate ana s)rl'1'at. lxulnation taken anel .....b7 anel before I ' , ' , I -, 8eparatel, ana apart fro. bel' tala husbana.- a14 aoknowlecSge tbat she .xeouteel the fore- 1'01118 >>e" forth. purp08e of rellnquleh1ng. .Uenatins an4 GOn""ins all her right. titl. I 8m4 1Iltere.~, wbeth~r of 40.'1', hOlleateac1 or .. 8eparate propert" atatutor, or equitable, I ' ' 1111 an4 to the land a 4.eorUed therein, ana that ehe aeoutea eal el >>eea: treel, an4 'fOluntarl.l1 I an' without ~ OOIDPU, lalOn., oonatraint, eppreheD810nOr, feU' of or froll her sa14 hU8band. i wttll~8 V han4anl ,oftl0ia1 aeal at Mla11i. Oount, of I'" anc1 State of 'lori4a, this 11eyenth ot ~o'ab.r, 4. D.1924,. . . HAU O' 'LOll 'I' , ' , I'~I 01 DUVAL. '. ... .... ..'. ..i~,~~~,o~~,. \hat. 011 tIlta k7' p......11' appe..... ..to...., lID oft1..r 4~ 'I" . , ,- ,,'''llt~,"..'4t4>.~Il1at.. o.tAI an.'''daotn~.le4..n.. a,n, "11. to .. ..11 mown to .';;;r~:"~~f:C~!4=~~~-:.:;~-=~~ .~~;r:j~j;:~nt ';o~"7ta:::: ::' . . ... . '~-''-.'' '.', --. . . , . ~. ""1_' . .. ~ , 14.. I. Caswell . 10t&1J hbl1o, 8t.~e of Jlor1 c1a ,. If7 oO~'..Otl ezplre81 '>lltIIttar, Publlo for the 8tate of Jlol'14a at Large. . OoM188ion Ixpl...e .., 1.&, 192' . , tl",t' . ..:. , ;, . . .. .- .. ; . : :. .~.:~Y.w~ ~:.!~ ~~~~~~~~ .. . :i;...,,"--~~~~&~~~_ ~~.~~~~~y~ , ,- ;' :::':;~i~~~;~i~1t~t~7t