HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2871 -~-':,-~~"'--:-.-'~-~--'~~~~~"""" -~~~.--.,..,..~-~~~......--.-.~ 571 1.--- I I ID ',":' ~. I, .that b. ..e'll'e4 'be _.. for tbe pur;o.. 'tb.i-eln .spr....4. 'an4 ln bl. oa,uU, a. Pre.14en of Anton. Oe..ter, A,.ool.'lo.. I' ,111 11'lIB8a lIIQlIlI~.1 un ...r.....__ ~tl"'l ., IlaDI ~ Oftl.la1' 1101 ...11 10 1117 ot I' De.eaber A. Jh ., . Ii ' I. .. loll. '(SIlL) . Jo'ar, Publ10 for the Sta'e of 'lor!.a at LarS' ! Nt Ooaad..lon Ixplre. Deoe.ber '.19.' I ' , "l,e.&. ! , ! i . ! IUe4 an4 ~{'o' ' 1'q lI: elt/l . . . . ~(1. P." O. l14re4, Cbert Ghoul t tOU" 'B'~~ D. O. I I I 1....... I .tH1 !HONA OIKlHRY ABSOCI'ftOI to OHAlLIS DUO! t . !' , QUIf'OLADlDIBD." , ' , ,I J. DBBD .10. f.8 i !, !illS 'lRDBlmJU, lIaele the 17th 487 of D'oellber A. D~ 192' Betw..n !lIB AHOJlA OmmHRY ASSOOI~ i 1101, . oorporatlon dul, orsanhed un4er the lan of the State of 'lor14a, part, ot the' tlrst ! . . , . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . ',' part', 81u1 111'. Oharles 14a80n of .aen..' St. Luole Co. 'lor14a P.'l of the .800114 part.. WItlIIS81f11, fhat the 8814 partl ot the flr8' part, for anc1 irooD81derallon of the &WI ot t~c~" (76.00) Dollar., lawful .one, of theUnlte4 .States of AIler1oa.. to tbea in hand pa14 bl the eald 'part, of the 8800114 part, the reoeipt whereof '18 hereb, aoknow1eag.4, haa re~sad, rele..ed, and quit-olalaea. and bl the8e pre8ente 40 rem18e, release and quit- .alall1" unto the 8ald par~l of the 8eoonel part, and to h18 hell'S and aS8iane, tore'l'er, all th08. oertun 10te, tra010B ana par081aof lan4 qlng an4 being in the Oountl of 8t. Luoie an4 8tate ot '10r14a,an4 4e80ribe'ae fo110nl 1[. Lot 1 an4 17 Blook A of the p'at of Antona Ce.eter, A880oiation, a8 now on reoor4 In ~ ,... ottlo. ot ,... Olerk ot ,... Clroult Cour,.t at. Luol. Coun'" Plorl0.. Pl., book t- Paa. 76. !hIe oon'l'"anoe be1ng now an4 at al1tuture till.., sub~eot to the oon8t1tutlon , b7- j 1a.., rule8 and regulation8 of eaid Ankona 0..-.1'1 Ae806laUon. Yearl, a88e8saent of 6.00 ; ~ .. per lot tor upkeep. lhe propertl above 4eeorlbe4 oan onl1 be transferred bl the written oonsent endor8e4 thereon of the Seoretarl of the above Aasoolation, who will make the tran8fer on the books of the Ae.o.tatlon, an4 without th18 endorsement the tranefer shall be invali4. !here 8hall; be Jio fee for llaklng tb1e en40r'8..nt. . . """,,=,- fOGBfKBR, with all and singular the~tene.ent8, hereelltament8 and appurtenanoe8 ther..: . j unto belonging or 'In an.JW1s.' a1>peJ;ta1nlng, and the I't'l'erslon anc1 re'l'ereiOn8, remainder an4 r.aa1l14er8, rente, hSUl8 an4 profits ,thereof. Ana al80' all the '8tate, right,' title, lnt- .re8t,pro,.0" P08sls810n, olal. and dellal14 WbatsOe'l'er, a8 well ln law as in eqult,. of t~~ ! paro.l thereof, wi th the appurtenano'8. eal. part7 of the firet part, of, In, or to the abo'l'e d.80ribe. pnm18", and 8'1'81" p..and: .1 i'.: -. ','~',~'.. ~:-;; .:.~~ . to BAVE AlfJ) '0 HOLD !DB 8AD, uto the eai4 part, of the 8eoonc1 part, h1e heir8 and ass1811e fore'l'er. 11 WIfIISS WBBRIOP, fhe 8814 partl of the firs' part has .xeoute4 tbi8 4.e4 b7' lte .' y. ,-'. Pre.14ent and oaueeel the .&me to be att.sted b, its Searetar, with oorporate 8eal attaohe4, the 486 ana ,earf1r8t above written. 81gne4, 8.ale4 an4 4e11'1'ere4 in presenolofl B. .. Ho14en J. II. 8.,lo~ Brian 1:. lIoOart, (Sur,) Aa Pr.eU.ent of 8ai4 Oorp9,r,tloD. ! ' Att..,. I C)eo'I' 8. 887101' (8J.Ui) , : Aa loretar, of .a14 Cotporat10D. 8'~1 ()' lLOBID1, ' ) ooQtt (It ,,_ r.olt 00. ) ...- - -- . '. - . ' . :~ .-.:~~~1.-If~ilfl~i~