HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2883 ,( '- t,,-;:-:,-- t f I I I ! I',...,',' 1 ~- \<.~ i" ~" :~:' ( I","','.'" .0_ ", '-,'" -- ~~-.-..~.~v-....---...~~~.~..........-_~ '~ . , 58:l ltal7 J. ~toh,\l dO':~ U, bU~. ~~a'. ~, ~ol1c1a o I lox,. J'o~. ~ -1. a, I \ , '..1. ,~ filed tor reoordtlon. Jan. -~ . -~ .-# . "q . ,~'~~~)/~'_y~~2/~1 I . ....................,........................................................................1 , , ' I ! ' , .., BlftIB OJr1VRmlt.U to 00I11S &. OR1WIOWOItfR CJ11'.OWK ~ , 'flUS IU>>IItuldl, Mado thi. II., 4q ot lonabel' A.D. 19", botweoll Ba'Ue B. Ohaaborl1n! " I aD u-.n.10d WOIUD. ot the COUIlt,ot St.""'"luole u4 state of nonela, 1)eH, ot tho tint pan~ , , UC\O\p"t11t B. Oh111iDporth, ot the COUllt, ot Pala Boaoh aD4 stato ot ftol'l4& pari)" of tho! , , .eooM 1'&1'_. WI!1IISSB'H that the 1810. 1)&I't, of the tlnt part, tor aII4 III 0011l1torat1on ot the RIl ot, ten ])ollare 1.10.~O) and other 8004 anel Y&1.uablo ooulderatiou Dollan. ill hand 1)ald b)" i . . I the Rid 1)&"' ot the ..00D4 ,art t tho N..lpt whereot 1.' heNb)" aooowl..d he. :re1l1.ed, ! .:. . " i , " Nloa..o. aD4 quU-olal..d, and b, tho.e PI'O.Ollt. doo. :real.e. l".10.. &Dd quU-ol&1. unto th. , , 181el 'P&I'" ot the .OOOK part aD4 hi. hell'1 and ...1... tONYtl" ~ all tho rlght. t1 Uo, In- j . . ~ e., . , - "".t. 01&1. uc\ toaand whloh the ...10. Jar'7 ot the t,1rat p~ haa In and to the tollow1D& i b.e'Ol'lHd 10' ~'JarOel ot lanc\, t1tuate, ltl.D8 an4 b.1D& in the Cout)" ot st. Luoj,e, sta~ 9t 1101'14& to-wit: All.ot Lot ftellt,-tWO (ae) ot l'anau CU, ColOIII" , a 8I1btll'1'lelon in Seot1on nlrt7- tOU1' (14) ~1J thlft,-th1'ee (380 .outh, ~ tort, (-'0) Baat, aoool'dlDB to a Jlat ot , , ,,"14 _'bUY1alon on tUe in 1)lat book. p. 28, i~. the publ10 "00r48 ot St. luoie Ooun" . . " ~ l1or1da; toeetbel' with all "1&1'1.. and llttoral 1'1pt. aJportaln~D& thereto and all landoI' aublllqe41aDll 100&ted ...t ot .ald lot twen\)"-\1ro (82), and eas1l ot tho lhannel ot! the Indian Riftl'. '0 nu AID to BOLD the .8M. top thoI' wl th all. and .1Dg\l1U the aJpurtenanoe. thero- unto bOloDB1D& or in 1UQ'Wi.. apperta1n1DB, and all the eatato, 1'1pt. Utle, iIlte".t and elala what.oenr ot the a.14 1)art, ot the tlrot 1)art. el ther In law 01' _qui '7, 'to the onl7 "'''1' Qe, benetlt and _ohoot of the ..1d I&l'tl of the 0000114 part;; hio he11'8 an4 a..lpa toft.e... I. 'IUDS IUUO', !he .aldpari7 ot the tll'.' I&n. baa hl1'tUllto .e' hol' hand and .eal' tho W 8Il4 ,ear tl"'.,'" vUteJl. Slpod. .ealot and dellY.Nd HAftII B. CJWmIRLI. ( .eal) ill the pN..nM ot I.B. Ileutt' , 1&1'1 I. nahel' SI.l'" 01' 1II8sotnlI OOUftY ot' ~ 1. aD ottioer authorlH4 to ,aU aomowle4&Mn'8 ot dooda aooodlDB to the laWII ot the State ot 1Il..oun elulJ ,ualltlet 8D4 MUllS. BeNbJ Certlf1 that Ba"lo I. Chambel'l1n, an unaarr1eel .0_, ~ .. ~noll&l17 moWD. thle tq hu&okDowlodpd betore .. the, .hO exe- OU~d ,he tonco1DC tuU-olala UM, aD4 1 fUrthol" ..n1f7 that 1 bow 'he .a14 >>01'.011 u.k.. i ilia ..id qkDowltdcMnt to'M tIM 'lac\1Y14ual eleHnH4. 1. and wb.o e.RM4. the .ald tuU- ' tlala ...d. a WlfD8S 11III8IO'. 1 Jatnua'o .., ., IuuM\ aII4 otllolal u4 8._, \hi. ... ..., 0 aMl'.l_,I. ~9"'. ~ i . I ,oal, at' r..u 0111, Ald 00\Ul'~ I .: ...; : S. 'I. DJ.LOQI , ." "lt~i"" Iot&!I!}'''~,~l~ 'ia '.... to. auaoa CoD.,: " :'~~~'{~~"',4..' "~;';:",;'" JUuouri'!