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"I' ~,. W1ISRBA$~ George T. Gaines. ~Bt. of the Oount7 ot St. Luoie ancJ State o,f Flor14a, died I
10l1'the 2 11th day of Janusl"1, 1924. leaving hlmeurvivins ~s sole helrs at law ali of thopartl~8
-lot the t irs\.,.4 seoont parte hereinafter named, '!
" .', ' " , ' NOVi,i'JlER3iOBB, T~I8 IllDEllWREm !.:ade thi8 the 6th day ~ of Ootober, A. D. 1924, bet1een !
"~"IIBertha, S. Stager,' widow, Ada G. r:;Ynn, .140_, and Hannah ,\'1~ Gaines, unmarried, all of the Count
..~ \y ~~ Loe' Angeles and State 'of Cat1forn1a, parties, of thetlrst }.art, and Luoy G.. S6:Unger, I
"'l~l,la G. Garn.r. L:a,., B.d 1ng.r. J. .::..".11 Galn.., lle orse f. Cla1 nee .nd J..... 1'. Galn... parU. ~
;; o't the eeoond part. '
, i
.'1'::' Wii'liE3SETH, That ths said parl1ea ot the fIrst part,tor and in oonslderation of' the, I
'q 8;o.ui o~lfen ,>>011a1"s(.10.oo) and ,...other valuable oous1deratlonu in he.ud'pald by the said plrti8 ~
'_~o~'the 8eoo~4 'part, the reoe,lPt whereof i8 hereby aCknOW1,edgCd, have remised, rfleaaed, and i
Iqu1t-ola1med, and by these presents do remise, r61eaee and quit-olaim unto the said ra.t1es . i
, jot,the' .eoond ]:.e1"t andthe1r heir~ and assigns foreyer, 'all the right,' 'title, 'interest. Oltiiml'
, ~n4 d~ft2nd whioh the said parties 0 f the first ~rt have in arid to the following desoribed
,-r~Qte, ple~eB or paraelsof iand , to-wit:
J. ",', 1. Beginning at a stake on the County Road on the r.. line of the lands owned by Ba1-!
]lentine and !roore, &.14 running thenoe E. 37 oho. and 66 1ks. to the 'ill baDa of tndlan River; J
:'I'~'n.o.s. along tile bank of Indian River 160 feet'to lend of G. F. Coon; thena,. TI. 16 ahs. ~n~
-;-~- 88,',1k8.to a stake; thenoe S. 119.46 feet along right of ny reserved; thenoe W. 20 ahs. to a j
" "l.'.~.on t~. County ~..a, th.n.. U. to the .point of b.g1nu1Lg. Said lond b.ll'g in S.o. 16, Tj
l,:".",i.'::,:".,.":,,.~,:,.,::.',~,~,.,.;,,_,f,O,i,:.",. \lt7$' R'A:~ E ;:g:~:n:: i:::g r. ~l ~::k a::. ~.::. R:: .:e::.. . ..k. ,. t tA' '8. .orner of Lot:: o. 0 j
;;:~::;~_: _-,l~'olc1 toJ.,'ft. lloaier, and 1"~,~11lg thenoe 1n fl llQrtherly dlrectivll. ~l)n::t the bank ot Cleoid riv'et
~~n~::4~~ feetto.a ~~ke; th~1l0e. ... 36 chs. and 80 1ke. TO a ebke on the Oouut1 Road; thenae J.
~t~-::.{~j,";l-.1:0D8Sa14,rOlf:d 2 chs. ~nd 1'1 lics. to a ota~e; tber;oe E. to point at beg1nning. ~e1ng Lot 6
i,,:...,:,.,~~,',.,.,'.~,~,','~.',:'.:',',.,,:,;,J ;Io~ ~~ ~. Al1en'8 Subdivision 8.S suneyed by h1m,anilYl118 1n Lots 3 & 4, Sea. 16, Tp. 3'1 S. ,
':E"- :la';,41I. . ' ~a1d ~raot oonta1n~ng ,8.06 aoree, more ~leas. ! ;~'
~-~:Il. ','1" ,3. :aee-~1ng at a, point on the t. bank of InUan"31ver 26 ahs. end 20 lks. H. of the'
;'~rj: ':: t~.. 1~. ot Seo. 15. fp. 3'1 S., R. 41 ~., being the llE corner ot property fomerly o'tmed by
"::'-T: 1l4&rt111 Ranta, end rtUUlin8 thence tV. 36 ohs. and 80 lks. to the W. Line ot said 3eo. 16; ~henc~
f.'i'al~ns .aa1~' se~. l1i~e 1* lka., ~eno. Southeasterly on a straight l1ne to paint o. begin.. I
)fh~. oontaitl1ng 2/10ths of an aore, Ij}Qre or le8s. I
I . ,',' , " ~
t' ,\,,' 4. Beginning on theWe,st 'ShOr~ bank oflu4u.n ,:al'1'er~ 26 obaLnsand 18'l1nks South at I
!' ,0',,>'.; :,", , ," ' _', - ' ,'. ' '. !
'j$otl0P., i1D.e between Seotions 10 " 16, thonoe rfeat 270h$1n8 anel 20 Utik8 to Seotion line 1
,::'to~J,Oi~ 1 &: 2.se'oUon.l~; thene. South along'seotlou l1ne 8 chains and '16 link81 thenoe %astl
$ .... 1
'h"C;hau.al,theriae South 2 o~1~e.uc1' .":llAkaJ ~eAO. ~st 2, ohaine and 50 l1,nksl thenoe I
,'1',':""''-'','' ',,:., _ ", .,..." ,',', " ' " "
'JM':l~Z,O~lna and :4,6.i~; ~~eno. ,!aetl-f,.b&lua;8l14 43 l1~S to Ifestahore o~ InUau SlYOrt
i~-~'~o~ :~0~ther17 a19118 th~ rl~e~, ,lIhor,' ~o !~ ~P01n~".ot beglunlu6. 13 chain. an4 65 l1.nka dU:j
IJjO~~b, !!Ilaet l1.ae. ooJitd.n1u! 31.60 ,.oli'.f more, or; 1888. ,~)'1nB and being UJ Seqtlqn 1.5, ,1'0
reh1P'a"aouth of ~ ~~ ~8t;:~ st..~ t~01.~,OO~t~~.",no>~~:,..: , ',' " ' I
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, ~a':pt1.n8tbOW6Ver, 1n eb.og of the thzee above desoribed tra~ ~s all p~b1iO roadiJ f::lld
1;b.r~si,.t;jot'.lL'a1' of the )'la. E. O. ""SwY. CO.W tae now ,looated~n ana aoroee said le:n4.
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