HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2896 Janua17 17 t 1917,. I ' 18. aeginning 34 ohaUie ~d 93 l1nkeSouth 'ot the' Northwest oorner ot Section 16, ~oVl'b leh1P 37 South ot RaD88.41 kat, ~11a~a~8e ~ridUD. trom thenoe rwinlD8 el) Eaat 16 olw.in8; ; (2)thenoe,rQnSouth a ohaine ana 46 links;' (S)~henoe run ~e8t 16 ohains; (4) thence run Nort~ 20ba lne and 46 1 inketo the point 0 t 'be glnJ1~D8. and oont~ in Int 3.92 aore 8 of land, 1J1O 1"8 or 1+S8 ' , . ,4n4 be ins :'partot the lit of lot "G" of the subdiv1elon ot the land lot numbered 2, Seotlon 116. Township 37 South ot Ran$~ 41 Eaat,' &8 shown by plat otsubd lvi.ion of tot8 1 and 2 ot , . ea 14 Seotlon16. a8 reoordea in Book JtQ"On J:6g8 '14'1 ,reoordeof Brevard Qountl. P10r1dn, ana j t; - -- '1I''''''._.:'P'', .. ~,.." ....~.'f!r"-~. ~~~T.,." "--.. ~ -;_ rl.~ ~,~ .:"- '" j-">'.,,.,., ~--~?'.:y.:-.~,.,.;;.....,--;:~, '_".'",4!~...~, .. It 596 of 1n4Jan..l.erl ,th~no. & DJ, . Ja8t ot the poln\of 'beg11\1ltna;~,>>oe .w..t\O,th~ po~t otb.g11Ul~., l.leo. beginnIng 6 oham8 and '8 ,l1~,8ou'h ~~ thl liOJ,"thwest oo~er otthe Pi.ot the " .' ,,' 8'* of aeOUoa ,16~ townshIp a7. South of Range 41 Ba"1 .thenoe South 6 obatne an4 '18 link8 to a 8tate;' t~enoe kat to the 'lieet ,line oi the noriela kat OOGs" ~tlW~ Oompanles right of Wq~ , " ,,:, I ; ~h.no.' Ro~th.e8ter17 along 8&14 \\'18\ Une of, the 8&ld r~gb.. o,t"Ql to' a. point 4ue Baet, ot the, I pOint of be8~111g; thenoe We8\ to po1.nll of b,g~1n8J "" '. ,I "I The torego1n8 4esorlbeel traot8 ot lan4be1ng the 8aIiA 1004 oOJJ'fe1e~ b1'Pre-4, 'ee as I S,' p..lal l:a..'.r'in Cbano.lJ, to 0., O. ,Ch1ll:l.DpOrti. b1 4..a 4at.4 Doo..b.d',lU6, r.o0t4~4 0111 Ipage ~4~ ot Dee,a Book 31, St. Lu01.' Count1reooN8; but ~xo.pt1n8 trom ~be fC?r,gotng traots of lands that oertain tt..", ot laD4 oonta1n1D8 74/100ths of an aore, mor~ or1e88, her.totore oo~- . .. - . i . . - -,' .-.. . j ve1e4 by, the I*rth8 of the t1rs\rparlto i'lar Ida Bast 00&810 Ran., OOIllp&Df by deea dated ! ~ , being the' Satte tr801; ot land oon'l'eyeel by Samuel O. Stnartand 3Tl1n '0. Ste~~art, hie "Ue, to !hOllll.S Y. Jlan4y. ae ,reoordeel in Book 1 of Deed's on 'page 630, reoords of, st. llu01e, Count" IJl10r1c!a. !he aa14 Thomas J.!. t:andy and Julia E. Lmidy conveyeel ,the lands abol'8 desoribed to R~ R. !Uoouon the 4-th da7 '0 f lraroh, A.D. 1916, by liarrant~ Deed. 19. Begi~~37 ohains a11l1 38 links South of the Northwest corner of Seotion 15, T0Wl1Sh1p37.south, Rauge 41 East ot Tallaha.ase J.:er1dian, ana running thenoe (1) East 18 oh&in. and 50 li11ks;Cli) South 2 oha1ns and 45 links;(3) riest18 oha1ns and 60 links; (4) Horth 2 , . obain8 and 46 links '~Op01nt of beglnn11lg;be1ug part of the s.;. of l-ot "S", SUbdivisiOn of tot 2. Seotion 16. Township 37 South, R.an&e 41 Eaet, ae ehom on plat of subUvll31on" of LOts lQnd 2, reoorded 1n Book "Q" ~ge '47, reoor4a at Bre~6rd Oount7, ~l~ida, and oontaining 4.63 aore8' ot land, more or, lees. 20. Beginning 641 teet South sna 10211- fee1i ,Weet,;ot the liortheast oornElr of 3eotlon If i Townsh1p37 ~outh,' !?ongt 41 East. thence 'run ,3outh 4G6t teet', ,thenoe run East 190 feet; theno+ run North 4Get feet, thenQerun West 190 feet 1'0' point of beginning, oonh1ning 2 ao}-os, more I or less, exoepting a strip in the Southwest oorner deeded- to the .Afrioan l!ethod1st Churoh by .~q \ t-ou18 E. !Uohards. 21. HIt of S"t ofHrtt of Seotion 22, ~own8hip 37 South, ~nse 41 !set. oonta1~ 10 .aores. rrn~'~~1est;:.d belngthe land oOllTf;lyed to G. T.Ga1uea by ~ax' Ded dated July 19, 1919,fi.nd reoori1ed in 'la-x Deed Book 2, page ~ reoords of St. luoie County,' Florida. 22. aeglnnin8 on the I:ol'th l1ueot the 1tin4 beloll81ng to Ross C. Browning in" ;1.693, a. }Xllnt 3O,teet Easterly trom an4 ail right. an<<lee to the oenter line of P10rlda Et.et '.::o,.at ~llw~, Oo~pe.JQ" 8 main traok, thenoe Southeasterly 30 teet from and parallel to aa1.4 ma1.n haole 265, feet, IllOreor 1083. to the South ,111>>'ot au1.4 llrOwui1l6'sland; thenoe- l1estalont >f' . '''''M ~ll'h lin. 6,3 t..,.. me ro .0 r 1...... '0, .' po int 111 ..14 aouth Un. 2,6 f..' ..'.r:Qo' fro" 1 (fJidat right all81ea t08a.1d ~ln tlraok, ~honoe liorth'lleBter17 25 f60t from and jarallel to ! , , .a1~,.1pt",*' 2,6~;feet mote orten" t,o 8a.1.ct ~O~hl1D8 of Bro.'''n1ng'e land. thenoe~Ea8t -: ,"- ..-' :.- - - . . . - 40~8~"ct.H;,'th'l'1nI, 6.3 teet, Jllol:'8,orl.88..,~' ;the P91n~ otbt,1nninB,lnte,nel1nS' h.reb1to ,: 1'~.lJ~llt,"~.h.r1J,' ,~.te,'.~,of, 'a '60'to~.'r'i~1;;~~~~t' ~O~8)'.4'to'1~'lda BaatOoa.t _:l1wq ~~~~t;=~,~~jt{fi~~~~t~~~~.~.:~;tL~~ reo;~din BOok 1.'J~$*..1 . .". ," . .'. '. :'<-):_~-1~_-" - .. -.:~~.:./'L':~:;~~~',:, .:~~-.'.~-;.;~.f~ _~\:~:3"_Y~:~_.(,~,:" .-.....~~ ~'- "':.f:.".-<-""=':;:-"i", '';;''':.-;.:<~;-.~~:~\-.- . '/ JI<_~' ""It:f: , rq , \~ . , F.! tu , . 1 "", }.!'~ ; ~ I ; atl I I I ! f -! "I>::~' k,' 'II,,' .~ ~, ",4 ~ ~5: 5~ Ht :~, b ",~ ....t /~ ,l