HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2897 ~,,:.,(""'Io-- "7~"-.""f':r-~r:-~~~-~~~~...,,~' ':~~"7""",~-:'"-.-..~ .':-....'<. ''':~''.;:~--;''T--''<;.?~. - . ,,597 80 18 - tro. anel at rlah1; ~l~' to' the 'i.ut.~ Unl of ea,\4.in traokl thenue '30u1;be&8t91017 30 t..t ' '.' . . . ..' " ." . . -.. - ~ - '. . '. -.' . tro.,~ parallel to 8e-14 _10: 'tac)~ 860te.t. more, or le88,' ~ the South l'inl of 8.14 Bran., . ~-'.' . .... -. : -- . '. 11D11~~anelJ, thenoe .Bae~~~~"10na .a14 SouthlUie6.8 feet, Jl10n ,~r le8s, to a.polnt. 1u 89014 South lint 25 te,t,Weeterl1 from ~ .. *lgh_anslea 1;0 ..14 oent.r l1ne; thenoe lIonbwester . , . ". " . . ~l e& ,t.._ :from and parall,l 1;0 88.14 ...nte,1' line 26~ f..~. more 01" 1888, to the north Une of I: ,~. 8&14 Dr...wn1ng'8 land; thenoe Weet 810llgesU 1l0rthl41e 6~3 'f.et,' more or lees, to the plaoe :' ;] ',of beginning, 'IntenUng hereby to oonveythe Wester17 6 feet of 89014 60 foot r1811t ot way I ! i ;! J i>;; 001:l:.,.1ed 'bi 8a14 RO'S8 O. Bro~1ng b, elee4 dated'])eoember 18, 1893. " , ! ~. l' I r,ll, ".t~..;5, !he lanh hereby oonveyeCl be1Jl8' in Government tot 2. SeoUon 16, Township 37 South, 'j, Runge 41 East. > t{.. ~;: ~ ""I ::"::'~> l ~~~~\\j i ! i 23. Also.. all and singular the riparlanr1ght8. and submerged lands appurtenant to thO! }' ,. II IforegQ1ng desorlb~d t.aot8 of land. , i :1, ' '"Th.t,ore801~- 4eeorlbed tr~ots of land being all the lands owned, by George T. Gaines ! .a,ln ,st. 1.uo1e Oounty. :110ridti. _ -J --EXCmmG, h....ver. th~ tollow'.ng deoorl-"dlond ..hloh wee oonveyed hy th. odd floorse 1 ' :f~.. Ga1neBand wife to the Flor1da East Coast Railway Oom?BU1 b~ deed dated January 17, 1917, i , :1&.Dd'reoorded 1ebruar,v 13, 191'1,lnDeed Book 31, page 499, reoorda of st. Luo,ie Countl, P10l"i~a Ii to""lt: ': I . '.'. Beglnii1ng at a point in the liorth l1ne or OoTernrc.ent Lo1; .. of 3eotion 1&. Township 37 ! ISouth: p_di Soot, 86 teet W.oterlJo trom and at ~~ht OOSlN to tho oeoter lio. ot the 'lot- '114a Eaa~ C088t RdlwayCompaDJ. 8 mID traok 8S now oonstruoted aorooo said :,Lot 4-; thence sout~-. , jor17O'p8l'sllel with .and 26 feet trom- sai4 oenter line 407 teet. DlO'I.'8 0; less. to' the South lin~ L .. - ~ tot the Borth 382 teetot said Lot 4; thenoe Eas,t along sa1d South line 26 feet. mo~ or leS8 i 1'0 the oenter o'f said n$1n' t1"aok; thence Southerly a10r;g said oenter Une 60 teet, LlOre or le~8 ! ' " ! :.ltoa~oil'1t1nthe 30uthl1ne ot t~ lforth 441, feet Of ea1Cl tot 4; thenae Eaot along sa1d 8out~ :;hl.n.26 teet, mor~ or Ie.., to . !'Oint 2. te.t- So.ter~ tro.. and at rlght .ngle 0 to ..1d oent1r f~~; thenoe 1l0rtherl1 26 feet from a~d Ia.rallel with said oenter line 46'1 feet, more cr lessJ ;lto' a; ':po111.~ in the Horth line of 8aldtot 41 thenoe West alang Baid North l1ne 52 feet, mare ot " I , , ' ' ' ~ ..f1.l!tss.to the plaoe fit beginning; inte~d1ng hereby to desoribe fi plot of land 50 feet wide, be~ng ')26 f8e1;w1d. on e6.oh side at the oenterline of the Florida. East Coast Bailway OOIL}16.~'a Ir.a1n: -l~~Ok '~oroa~the lands .h10~~loted to 'Helen B. Da1'l'1mple 111. a deoree rendered on July 11, 1~10 ..jbytheJ'udge of tha C1rou1t of the 7th' Judi01al 01ro~lt in and f(,lr 3t. Luoie 'County, lIltrida, Lin l " , '.' ia oerta111.oause'pend1ng 14 eaid olrou,lt oourt for the d lvld1ng and partllt1aning ot certain : , !. -':' ' , " I . ;.-'. -, -.;".. . _ - ,... _,'. _ '. l . "" .. . ~ ,. ,!proporty wherein Lillian ...Bray w.e.a oomplalnant and Helen B. Da1rJ'Inple et al woredefenda4ts! ~ <f - I , , 8Jl4 a1sQ the land,oonV..;y.., to Alice t. B100u ~;y deed deteCl AU8U8t 11, 1902, a8 ,shorn oil plat ~ ~';'~~::i"< . ~F~~.:~~L. ~:Uf ,r<:d,' . ~J~';.~'~' 1'.~ordJJl 111. Pl$t Book 1, page 141 'Of BrevardB C01.U1ty reoords. , , " "I , '" '" Also ~ 'paroelot lanel 60 ,feet w14e', be1rig 26 feet wide on eaoh slde 'Of the oenter un, -Jot, the n:e.ln tl"aokof the .'lorida Eaat Coaet Railway ComJ>8DY a8 now oanatruoted aoroas that l>~oel 'tpt1~~ Whl~h belOngeCl to Mrs. n.'p. v.~ore In 1893, except the llorth 142 feet ~hereo;, S~:1 <1lan4 beingboundecl on the .Horth b;y a',line 142 feet South ot and,'partlllel to the South 1111.0 of ItlB , t1an~~~PU't~tlon~d' to Llll1anA.llral by the de one above reterrod to, and ~n tla South by t~e band, 1~;lon8'tig' ,to G. 'i. Coon 'it}lS93. (. I ,k..", .' I :'1" ".,' !he land8 herebl d080r1'beCl and exoepteel belD8 111.' GO'ferDment Lot 4- ot Seotion 16, Town-i : shl' ,3'1 South, Range 41 East. ! ,I " '" , , I ::'1" ',> ' iO UVE AH>>~'1I0LJj?BI SAlolE. together with all aDd eiDplar the a'p)lurtena~oe, thereunlo .J! 'b~19~1~or In8~i8~ apper~n1ng~ anel' a11;the e8tut;8,: r1f5bt, titlit . intereat and o1alm. , _.It:~::=:l:t.::b:~~t~::.:l~:~::~: :r:~ .:::::~::::~.::~~'h::r:~u:o:.::::t ItonVQi'. :', ! J ., ..'.....~~,'.' '."" '