HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0005 iT if Ii I, I. II I ,':0, '.. ~ --:-= I ' t t t" J ill. 1'" I' I, I -t ~J - --~~~- -- -,......~_._~~~---~_._--- -~-_.._-----, -;"""~.._- 5~ - -- - ~- - -"--" tho f.)l'llgclz;p d\l<)d, ,mal whv t\o~n,,\'IlQd80d boforo ~.I\l ti,c.t ti:e~' O>:O,lU tod tho 8;.:..0 frooly 1\I,d \"01 U!l tnl'il~' 'fvr tho pUl'pOS08 therein a~:pro83od. .\:iD I FU!r~!:',:!{ ~~.mTn'Y, ::i.ot tho auld OUe:. }:n89 1:11,)',\'11 to uo to b>l t:.i) \Vifo of t:tl so.ld loon!:. russ ')1l ,(l sornrnta nnd prlvoto OXu:.ll1;ntion tb::en LWU l:lndo 11~' o.l;d boforo 1:10, 8111'01'- otcl~.. (Iud apart fr,,)!.'l hor said 1msbtHlJ. uld oc,:I.,)\Vl~c'i.go ti,(it 6:,0 i.1ado htJrsolf b ~)nrt.;.' to sold dead f::r ti,a rmrposo of ronouncint.t, rclinq1lishing m:d cOl1v,,=,lJl.3 all her ribh~, titlo and interust, wLet:.i:1' of dower, hO!:lestooci or of soporoto Pl'QPoz.t:" ntututo:"=! ,,)1' oquitt1bla, in Llld to t::a lunds dosoribad thor.)ln, find t1:t. t 31:0 Q:-:e~,ntod t'.o stii.i do ;(\ frool~J Ul.d v<Jl~mtnr::ly. nud without uny ..:o::lpulsion, c01l9trnint, urpruhollsion or fool' of 01" fro.:l nor said 11:.81)(>110, "IT1B3, !.I~: Z:flllU nnd officini~8enl (it linvonport, '~<Ju.t:; of :)cott n~d :3tnto of !i)wa, ti,:~ cth da0'f~~::ober ;...:J. 192r", " --"-', I ~~. ~ '.:..~.1.?~;:3 :iotltr~i ~liolic ill n:ld fojr 3cott ,~OUI;t/, !awn. ~,:;;: cOlm:,ss:'J!l ex:)ir<Js .]ul:: 4, E'27 , :.'iled (md record.ed'''~io fit!: on=-' of JOCO!.10er 1~~4. f I I \ \ ,~t. 1anli / -~ . .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . P.~. '~!.:J:: :U, ~lor;: :Jirl:ui ~~vu}'"t. lleCt) , r-rf l' ~"" ,~ ~" ~:; _~~'-~~/.J,,/,2~____~;~. . V " -y ..'!.: =a -. ...",.._,,~ ....: ...) -' .'.' -t CLw ~~ ~;;:~:; ~:;(QJ.-LUF' qJu-v~ ~o:;::~~~\:;? '::: 13 ;";1r.; ~ . ~~ P! . I.:uU,} t.:.~ cl:terod int~ t;&l~ "':,::tJ 14~:i. iil1:'~ .Jf !.~[tr.Jil 1 ~:::3, iJ~1 ;. 9. .1\...... c;,.;. ...Jc- twoen :". J. "3 ;r.jto;i. of ~,ev.' Yor~: .::i ty, ldjU :Itl. tJ. :;ill:..:ri!l. v~ 5oir.. t :'u,:}i i} \~oun. t:;. :'lor i GU. ]~~:: ~:3.i-~~:": ....\.ut. ~or t'!-..e !)ur~)lJso v:""' feilCi~l.~.!. J,:l'lt.ri~.':~ uY. !>rt)plll".i:~t? bl~t2 n03t.."f"i~&~ 0 ~ it: :.: i :'::~tl-3 i'r~li t troo~, :.. e f'ollo:-'j"lhg de9'~ri tied lu!;d :)! Sui:: t ':"~L~io 'JiJu..nt:", :::;'or i.:i6 t ~c- : t; :'!.O ~r::-: o:f" t::c 3~tli of 3e~'ti-Jn 3t~ in '~.:Jr;r:91:1p :J[, 301itl:. 2Co~.c1Q ~9, '~fiSt, t!.u f011u~.:i;-~g ligrao;.1~;.t is t!~is 00,/. clltorOc. into btJt~'10CIl t:.~.: !~ertiQEl c:~cr.."c) ;:a:~~~c. 1. '1':.0 said ".7i:". J. .}ill::if;!i .~grtlO-1 to clou; ;~p ~- G noy':() G.:}sc!"'iooc l[.:;~c. !~laJ. ~J :-~r:.o....tl all lir~o9, H ttil.:pa, roots t !:ol:.:ct toe li.1.t: on:inu:.i ~r0:..1 t~.~J 3r~1-.ia, !..~:u to foncc t-..O or~"',,':" t: f..;Tt:~.._ tlcros 'of ll;d~c. o~; placing sOUl~d, 1:":;6Tt piI~~} l:Jo~ta. fil:C. !:~i)l1s':,lri::~: 1~0~ If.)S,~ t}.l~n f:r~~r in~j~c3 iu diaI:lot.:r, l~t least C;H~ ldH~ Gl1e :_ulf feot :1"::' tl~;.} grJ::LQ. (jl:J ta::lpi:~(, fif- teel, f,et aport, upon ,;;.:ch 13ia:ll 00 8ecurel:~ attocr-ed fo~;r 3~ra::Q8 of steel ,-:; 17vl,ized Co bt~r'.;od ,.lire, tLa to~ strnl.G 0:7: \"!!:~_ .:.:i-: s:~!ill '00 1.0 t ] 083 tr:tll~ fo:.a~" ft)~~~ 31:-: il1~i1oe fr-J~.~ t:~;J gr0~,md. :;. :~_c _sv.ir1 ~r;n. J. ~1111_~sH f'urt?1cr agrees to th~ro:~g!-.l:.." plou.g1~ ll:.C t~r~~ OVJr tr.C top s')i1 on sv.id fJrt:: acres, llUl tJ:',)rougl:1~: ~,arn:)W t:-o aUld ....it}; a di:'i(; ;.{,rrow, ',Ecept L .,: eeef l(,nd l;;5x 150 faot iu ti.<.: ~ort:.v;'::8t '.;;r!:or 0:: ti.o :fvrt:; oen:::; tv rOSl:i~l fn' a {.or:.e site, .\Il bushes nud pul;;latto,~ t~ iw rei.lv'lot1, out treoa C.L0. C,hJ8 tJ rO;,.tdl;. .oil ";;:,~ ~~.):_iC r;: to . :3. .':"';~IJ soi<1'.Ir.~. J. 'Jlll~.lr;.l~ (lgre'J9 to st[l~:o off, :.~vlUld I rl:.\~ :~t.:t O~~ t t 31 t~; trtJa~ t~ t:,e ocro4, t;:o flost ;,nlf ("f soid f~lrt~.: ncros, i!l ..}i trus frui t ';reofJ, t:.; ~n:..e Qe::;(~ 51:;: r.iv::t'OJ old uude 01; OI,e YOB~ old so;n' oron,::o at;':>'.}k, as follows: 4, Bcros of Tangerines. 5 neres of lrnpefruit 4 0\)1';)8 ,}f l'inenp:.",1t) r,rnl:gos 7 oarea of In to 'Inlu:lcin3. 4, Ti.o said WICJ. J. Gillullu gunrnr. taus 011 of Sa id trees [1olJti~ned hi t:.o proutJo",.l..-: pnrogrnp:. to t&::e root nntl livo, 1..IlU agrees to replnce such as dv not llY~. .\:, 5. '1':,0 sold '{fr.l. J. Giilm&ll uEr9~6 '.;0 ~;it suitable 8,,\1 Buf::ioio!.t ditJn'J3 011 snl:~ 1Ll1lo.3 to Viall 'drain ti.o 80;.:0, ooius II t lenst tfJll di tches <JH tL3 part s;t out In traes, en"; ut ::-:[.'31; f: r ':i ';;te<J 0'1. t;.tl ~oat i:tI:rr of said lw;d. :.11 of 8aid ditohes '.;) be' ;'it 'uHlor -::-~l~M