HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0014 \ 14 " t,,,- ..~-- - ~ ...........- ---- - of or from her 8aid hueband. , V at Vero, Oounty ot st. " .!Iuoie aJld,~tate /' ? ~.--- -t of Florida. ' thi8 16th del ot Deoember A A. W. YOUllG ltotary !'Ubl1o ,My oommission expires AUS 10, 1926 I)' day of Deoember 1924. Record V ~rfied p.o. RLDRBD, Olerk Oirouit Oour~ By /~I L.(/-c:LhL-t.--L~ D.O. D~;: fu: '/~' g(; ............................~........................................ B-;.h. 1/0. 2680 1l0STOU !HD PLORIDA AfiAJl'UO OOAST LAND COMPIJIY >, TO JOSSPH J. HaDl f "ABRAN'l'Y DBBD THIS IlfDEJlTUP.~1 l!ade this 8th day of HOY8mber A.D. 1924, between Boston and florida At- lantio Coa8t Land Company. a oorporation organi.ed end exi8tlng under the laws of the state "- at Maine, party of the first part, and Joseph J. Heim, of 1anaa8 City, Uis80uri, party at the seoond part. WITUgSSBTH, that the said party of the first part, for and in oon8ideration of the sum of Ten (.10.00) Dollars and o~her good and valuable oonsiderations to it in hand paid bl the 8aid party of the 8800nd part, the reoeipt whereof ls herebt aOkn~.ledged, has granted, bargained and sold to tte 8aid paTty of the 8eoond part, hia heirs and assigns forever the following desoribed land, to wit: Southwest quarter (SWl) ~f 1lortheast quarter (NBi) at ~ortheast quarter (RBi) and 30uth- .. .~ east quarter (S3!) of northe.at quarter (HBi),les. South 48 feet of 30utheaet quarter (SEi) at Northeast quarter (NRi) (1.46 aore8), of ~eotlon Twenty-four (24), Town8hip Thirty-fiT' ,36) south. Hange Thirty-nine :39) Sa8t. contalning Porty-elght and 66/100 (48.66) aor~8, \.\ 1. more or le88, all in st. Luoie Uounty, Florida. And the said party of the first part d088 hereby tully warrant the title to said land. and wlll defend the same against the lawfUl olaims ot all per80D8 whomsoever. IN WITHgSSWH3REOP, the said party of the firet part has cau8ed these presents to be exeouted in Its name and behalf by Its Pr..ldent and Its oorporate sesl, attested by its a ~-' seoretary, and year tirst aboT8 written. BOSTON !lID FLORIDA ATLANTIO COAST WiD C':>LlPAHY Attast: PRlHK W SWA~ By Seoretar,- A H SAWY3R President Signed, , H, E. GOULD MARK .. ROYHTOJl in presenoe of: (Doo stamps oano 41.60) OOMMONWEALTH OF 'AS3ACHUS&TTS COUllTY 07 SUHOLK. In Boeton in 8tlid Oounty, on thi8 12th ~ of NOT. A.D. 1924, beiore me. lJark II. , -'. -' ! ; Boynton, a Hotary !'ublio duly authorbed and oOllllDhmiQned under the law8 ot J.laaeaohuaeUe. personally appeare4 A.H. 5aw,er. to me well kDOWD 8e the per80n de80ribed in and who .xe- outed the foreBoing instrument in the name end on the behalf of the Boston and Plori~t- lant10 Co~.t Land COIllpaD7, and aokno..leqed that he e~eoute4 the same a8 the aot and d.e4 ot the .aid oorpo~~lon tor the uoe. and purpo.e. therein expreBeed. I haTS hereunto Bet mJ hand and offioial a.al at 30ston thls ]. 12th day IaRX at BOYJIIIOti 11~ n'e . . . . ~ - <-":.;~!I~li~ II 1 }~)fl~r~:~~y}~~~;8T~;?f!fit{;~rJ;t.