HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0019 --..... ~...~- .- --- ~_. ..~-- - - ~. - ~ - ...... _.~:~_.... - l -~ ~ --"'~...,.---- __a____ _ .- iJ - AND I P~HER CSR!IJ'Y, That the 1S~1d Lil11e Perman known to me to be the wite ot the Baid Andre. J. Perman on a aeparate and private examination, t8~.n and made by and before me, separate11 and apart from her said husband, did aoknowledge that she e,'eouted the tDre- going Deed tor the purpose of relinquishing, alienatins and oonvel1na all her risht, title and intereat, whet~r of dower, homeateod or of eeparate property, etatu\ory or equitable, in and to the llAda de.oribed therein. and that 8he exeouted 8aid Deed iTe.ly and volun- tarily and without any oompulsion, oonstraint, appr.hension or tear ot or from her 8aid huttband. ~ _.WITNESS ~.haed and otfioial 8eal at Vero Cb~~ ~fDst. ~ol. and state of Florida this 28th Record V crUut! P. C. ELDRED, Clerk Cirouit Court. ~--tv:1.D.C. 1924, A.D. HAZRL G. SWAR'fWOUT (SRAL) Notary Publio State of Plorida at Large MY oommission expire8 February 28, 1927 Filed &lId day of,Deoember 1924. By ,/~h~k{ I ................................................................... 2623 ELIZABETH C. 3ATTIUG, TO WARRAlI TY DEIm G. b.. BROWN '. I THIS IKD&NTURB. Yade this 8~h day of Deoember A.D. 1924, Between 3l11Bbeth C. Batting a wi40w, ot the County of Dad., in the state of Florida, party of the first part, and G.A. Brown of the County of Dade in the state of Florida, party of the e800nd part, _WITN3SSgTH,~~aid party of the first part, for and in oonsideration of the sum of One (tl.oo) to her in hand paid by the part-- of the seoond part, ~he receipt wheraof ^ ',' . Is hereby aoknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold.to the said party of the seoond part, his heirs and asoigns forever, the followil~ de80ribed land, situate, lying and being in the County ot st. Luoie and state of Florida, to-wit: ~he West Half of the Southwoet quarter of the Southeast quarter of Seotion Thirteen 113) Township Thirty-five 136) south, of Ranso Thirty-nine (39) East, oontaining Twenty (20) acres of land more or lese. This conveyanoe ie made eubject to an cuts tanding mortgage, dated the 12th day of Karoh 1923, recorded in ~ortg8ge Book 18, page 167 of the Publio reoords of st. Luoie County, state of Plorida, securing an indebtedne8s of ~ ~3,0~.OO. whioh Mortgage the grantee by the aooeptanoe of thi8 deed expressly 8S8UlDe8 and agrees to pay. And the laid party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and willdetend the same againet the lawful olaims ot all persona whomsoever. IN WITNESS 1fHERBOF, the said party ot the firet part has hereunto set her hand and 8eal the day and year above written. if Sisned, Bealed and delivered in pre8enne of U.: Benjamin Axlenord Bonni e 3UJ1h :';LlZAB3TH C. BA'l'TtUG (3~AL) S!ATE 01' FLORIDA . COUH'I'Y OF DADS 1 H3R3BY CD!!)'Y ~hat on thiB day pel'eonally appeare. before 11I8, an otfioer duly .. autho~1sed to administer oaths and take aoknowle4gments, Blisabeth C. Batting, a wi40w, to me well known to be th~ person desoribed in &nd who o~eaut.d the for8&oins deed, Bnd aomowleaaed before me tho t she ueou te4 the 8ame tre.ll and voluntar1l7 :tor the purpous therein expre8sed. --~... ~-~:.;;..;..:: 19 - , v ~ f I ~ ~ I I 1 1 1 t .; J i s ; , i- ! . .~ it ., :: .; l i i I