HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0034 u':l ~. ~ - { I ..:~ , ~ ~. ~<~-~ ".' -~~. ~ ~- ~ '- . . or' ---~ .. ~'8inning at the intersootlon of tt.e West right of way line'ot the Dixie Highway Nld the South 11ne of j.otion 31, 'loWDehlp 33 ~outh, Hauge 40 ,~a8t, said poin~of interseotion being 128.4 foet Westerly of, measured at right angles to the odnter line of the present main traok ot the Florida last Coast RailwaYi thenoe ~orther11 along said weeterly right of way line of said Dixie Higbway 100 feeti thonoe Westerly parallel to the South line ot S.otion 31 a distanoo of 400 f~eti thenoe Sou~berly parallel to the laid West right ~t way line of the Dixie Highway 100 feet to the ~outh line of Seotion 3li thenoe Easterly along the South line ot said Seotion IJ - 31 a diBtlUloe ot 400 feet to the point of beginning. .iaid parael of l~d oontaining 0.87 aores, tS>tlJ., more or leas and lying partly in the s8t of the SEf of ~he sEi of said Seotion 31. , .f Also all that part of the Itortheast oorner of th3 Southwelt quarter of the Southeast quarter (sWi-sBt) of Seotion 31, ~ownship 33 South, RWlg8 40 3ast lying .3aaterly of a line fifty (60~ teet Westerly from and parallel to the oenter line of th9 pres ant main traok of the ?lorida Raet Coast Railway. (Doo stamp oano $.50) to HAVE MID TO HOLD the some. together with all tho tenements, hereditaments and appurtenan- oes thereto beloI~ing or, in 8nywise appertaining, in fee simple forever. -- AND the said parties of the first part do oovenant with the said party of the eeoond pa~; that they are lawfully seised ~f the said premiseSi that said premises are free of all inoumbranoesi end that they havo good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and thot eaid parties of the first part do hereby tully warrant the title to said land, and will detend the sam~ againet the lawful olaims of all perso118WhOm80ever. -~, ."'~ .----- IN WltN33S WH~80F. the sold partie8 of tho first part have hereunto set their hands and seale the day and year ti&st above written. Sighed, sealed and deliver~d in ] the prosenoe of: W. T. Jo:ns CS1AL) . ' D.C. Jonee IJARGAR3T A. JON3S Ce?AL) ,Gwendel7n Hall STA.~3 OF SOUTH CAROLINA COmiTY OF--- _____u 1 QN THIS DAY personally appeared before me W.T. Jones to me wall known 8S one of the persons deBcrib~d in, and who executed the foregoing inatrument and s",knowledged that he executed the same for the purpose the~ein expressed. III WITN~S3 WH3R30F, I have hereunto affixed my heme 8nd offioial seal, this'2nd day of ~eo. A.D. 1924; at ~elton S.C. H3HRY R. ~ALlPB3LL CS~L) Rotary ~ublic Stateof S.O. l~ oQmmission expires at pleasure of Gov. STATg OF 'LOR IDA COmiTY OF ST. LUCIE I H~R3BY CSR!lrl. That on this day personally appeared betore ~e, an offioer duly author- ized to administer oathe and take acknowledgments ~~gar8t A. Jonaa, to me well known to be one of the }lereons 'G.tl8oribed in and "who exeouted the foregoing inetr\Ullent and she aoknowledged before me that she exeouted the same freely and voluntarily fo~ the purposes therein expressed. AIlD I J'URflBR ClmTI7Y, That the SOl d Margaret A. Jon06, known - to me to be the wife of tho said W.!. Jones on a separat. and private eX8Ddnation, taken and made by and before me. sep- arately and apart from her Baid hueband. did aoknowhdge thatuehe exeouted the foregoing Deed for the purp08~ 01 relinquishing, alienating and oonveying all her right, title and in~ere8t, .he~her of dower. homestead or of .eparat~ property, statutory or equitable, in and to \he lan~e d9BJribed therein, and that she exeouted 8ald n.ed freely and voluntarily and without any oom- ).' ~ . . ",<~~i5itt~~~~1tf: '. ~-....~ -...-;,~..,......... ~""b}"l'~,".~i , . ." ~ .~. ~ J. .~.:: -'-'~'j~~!:~~~~;t-~1;!'~J~:f.~;"