HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0050 5() 1 l~.~< I I I I I I ~ .:.===- ==.. -- ....-- - - - _ _..A .....~~ . -------, 4_~ aliened, remi8ed, released, aonveyeq and oonfirmed, and by these presents doth grant. bargain; eell, alien, remise. release.-oonvey and oonfirm unto the eaid party of the seoond part h18 heir8 and a8signs forever. all that oertain portion of land lying and being in the County of 3t, Luoie and St~te of rlorida, to-wit: Lot 69 in Uaravilla Subdivision ot Seotion 21, Township 36 ~outh. Range 40 ~aot, aooording to a plat of said subdivision reoorded in plat Boo,{ 4 at'page 68 of -it. Luole County reoords. To haT;) ond to hold the sallMt in fee simple toregeri and the said'party of the firet part 40th oovenant w;th the laid party of the seo- ond part,.that it is lawfullyseiled of the said premi8es and that it has good right and lawful authority to sell the same, and the sold party .f the tirat part does hereby tully warrant the t.tle to said land' and will defend the same against the la~l claims of all ) ! " persone whomsoever. ". PROVIDED, ll3!BRTHSLES3. That these presents are made subJeot to \he following express oonditions, restriotions and liDitations, applying to the said uaravilla, acoording to the reoorded plat of said Maravilla, and whioh oonditions, restriotions and limitations are in- tended to be and ahall be aooepted as'oovenants running with the land and wbioh shall be binding alike upon the heirs, personal repres8utatives and assigns of the party of tbe S&O- -ond part, who. by his aooeptanoe of this instrument agrees to abide by and perform said restriotions, limitations and conditions as one of the express donl~~t~~~~~Nthese presents. 1. No residenoe shall be ereoted or oonstruoted of a less cost than ~3,OOO.OO mId all residenoes in saidwaravilla shall be construoted of ooral rock, conorete, stuooo, oonorete blook, hollow tile, briok or mixed oonstruotion. or veneered with coral rock or briok, or frame veneered with stuooo, and shall be along ~panish, ;;oorish, venetian or similar har- monious types ot architeoture. and the aforesaid amount shall be aotually expended on oons- truotion and ereotionuf suoh building aud not for fees in oonuGotion therewith. 2. '110 bnilding shall be cons~ruoted or ereoted 011 any of the lots of MaraVilla until after the plans specifioations and looation of the sooe shall have been approved by the party of the first part, its suocessors, representatives ar assigns. 3. The aonstruotion 'or ereotion of a building is 11mi tad to one resldelloe building Blld one private garage on oaoh lot, lOOx160 feet fronting on ~unrise Boulevard. f. - That no unlawful or imworal use shall be made on the premises hereby be oonveyed. nor shall tho same nor any part thereof, nor aDJ interest therein, be sold, leased or other- wise oonveyed to any person other than of the Cauoasian race, prOVided that nothing heroin oontained shall prevelit the keeping and maintaining of servan ts on tha sai d property for reasonable family use. 5. llo building co~~y known as an apartment hOU8e for ocoupation of ~ore than one family, nor assylum. nor hospital shall be erected' or used for aaoh purposes on any lot or 10\s in uaravilla. exoept that designated for business property by party of first part. 6. That if said seoond party, his heirs. personal rapreaentatives, or assigns, or any holder or holders of the property hereby Qonveyed, by virtue ot any Judioial proceedings shell fail to oomply with any ot the above and foregoing rostriotiolla, conditions or limi- tations within sixty days attar writtell notioe to the s&idseoond party his heirs, persoDal representatives or assigns. or any ot them, at ~ort Pierce, or their l~et known address, by the 8aid Party of the first purt, its Bucoe.sors. personal representatives or assigne. or either of them, then the said above desoribed and oonveyed property shall immediately revert to the said first party, its suooessors or 6ssigna, wh~ shall b. entitled to imme- diately enter upon said property without notio$, and take possession of the saoe with full title in fee simple, together with all improvements thereon, and no .aiver of any of these oon4itions, limitations or reatriotions, express or implied, or failure for any 19l1gth of tiw8 to enforoe the same, shall oonstitute a bar to .uoh enforoement at any time. ] J