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remised, released, oonTeyed ~ld oonfirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, 8011,
alien, remise, release, oonvey, and oonfirm unto the said party of the second part and her
heirs and assigns forever, all that lot, pieo. or parcel of land lying and being in the~ounty
of Volusio and Sbte ot Florida, desoribed as tollowl:
All of Lot Two (2), Seotion thirty-one 131), Township Thirt1-eeven (37) south, Hauge
Forty-one (41) 3aet, with the exoepti~n of teD (10) aores previously sold to Asa F. Good rich
being ~itty-four 164) aores, more or lees aooording to a survey made by Root 8ngin.ering Con-
oern of stuart, ~l~rida, together with all riparian rig~ts thereto appertaining.
(llo revenue stamps ne06ssary.)
together with all and singular, the improvements"tenements. hereditame*taa, ond appurtenanOC5
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the revereion and reversions, remainder a.nd
remainders, rento, issues, and profits thereof. ond also all the estate, right, title, inter-
est. dower and right of dower, separate ostate, property. possession, olaim, and demand ~ha~-
soever, as well in'law as in equity, of the said party of tho first part, ot, in, and to the
same, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenanoes;
TO HAV3 AiID TO HOLD. the above granted, bargained and desoribed premises, with the appur-
tenanoes, unto the said party of the seoond part, her hoirs and assigns. to her own proper use,
benet~t &ld behoof, forever. And the said party ot the first part for her self rold for her
heirs, exeJutore and administrators, do oovenant, promise WId agree to and with the said party
of the seoond part, her heirB and assigne, that the-said parties of the first part at the time
of the ensealing and delivery of these presonte, is lawfully seised in fee simple of a good,
ab~olute, and inlefeasible eetate of iphorltanc9 of and in all and singular the above granted,
bargained and desoribed premises, with the appurtenanoes, and had good right, full power and
lawful authority to grant. bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid.
And that the said party of the seoond part her heirs. and assigns, shall and may at all times
hereafter peaceably and quietly have, hold, uee, oooupy, possess, and enjoy the above granted
premises, and .avery part and paroel thoreof, ,with the appurtenanoes, wi thout any let, suit,
trouble, molestation, eviotion, or disturbance of the said party of the first part. her heirs
or assi8ns. or of any other person or persons lawfully claiming, or to clcim the samv. And
that the same art now free, olear, disoharged, and unincmnbered of cnd from all former and
other gr6nt~, titles. charges, estates, judgments, taxe_. assessments, and incumbranoes of
what nature~ ~~~ A~J\. .
And the said party of ths first part, fur h~rselt and her heirs. the above described
and heraby granted and released premises, and eyery part snd parcel thereof, with the appur-
tenano~s unto the said part of the seoond part -her heirs and ossigns, against the said party
of the tirst part, and hetr.. and against all and every person or persons whomsoever lawfully
olaiming, or to olaim the same, shall and will warrant, and by these presents forever defend.
IN WITH3SS WH3R30F. The said party of tho first part has hereunto set her hand and
seal the da1 and yoar first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in our presenoe.
J. B. Howard
C IV Shaw
On this day personally ~ppeare^ b.tore me Graoe E. Oookrell to me well knOWDL as the per-
Bon desoribed in and who exeouted the foregoing 'deed ot conveyance. and aoknowlodged that she
exeouted the same for the purpose therein-expressed; Whereupon it ie preyed that the 8~e may
! ' be reoorded;