HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0064 64 ,)) :~---t~ ~ =:..:~= . ,oJj -~ - -~ ... .......: ~ ....... "- -':"'~ # 2710 TO AGRg31.tEWl' H~RMAn L. COJ!'lll ~ " B, C. ROS!, AgAnt ARTI:}L '~s OF AGRiHIHtIT, Made this 11th day of :Deoember in the year of our Lord, one ~housand nine hundred and twenty-four, between B. C. Ros" agent for J. H. Optner. of Vero, Florida, party of the first part. and Herman L. \Johen of Chioago, Illinois party of the seoond part, WI1!lISSS~TH, thf!.t if the said party ot the seoond part shan first make the paYIJents and pertorm the oovenants hereinafter mentioned on his party to be mado and performed. the said party of the seoond part, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, in fee simple, olaar of all inoumbranoes whatever, by a good and suffioient deed, the lot, pioce or paroel,of ground situated in th~ county of st. Luoie state of Florida known and desoribed as follows to-wit: Lot seven, block forty-three, original Town of Ver~, Florida, and the said party of the sooond part hereby covenants and agrees to pay to the said party of the first part the~sum of ttl'tO thousand dollara in the manner following one hundred fifty dollars on signing of this agreement and eight hundred fifty dollars on or before 46 days from date and ~1000 on or be- fore one year from date ~ld ~lOOO on'or before two years from date, with interest at the rate v of 8 per centum per annum, payable uemi-annually annually on the whole sum remaining from time to time unpaid; and to pay all taxes, assessments or impositions that mbY be legally levied or imposed I upon said land subsequent to the year 1924 and to keep the bildil~S upon said premises insur- ed in ao~~ company satisfactory to the part--- of the first part, in a sum not lesa than------- ---------------------------dollars during the term of this agreement. Alld in oase of failure of the said party of the seoond part to make either ot the payments or any part thereof, or to p6:- form anJ of tho 00v6nants on his part hereby made and entered into, this ~ontraot shall, at the option of the pa~--- of the first pa~t, be torfeited and terminated, and the party of the seo- ond part shall forteit all payments made by him on this oontract: and suoh payments shall be retained by the soid party of the first part in full satisfaotion and liquidation of all dam- ages by him sustained, and aeid party of the first part shall have tho right to re-enter and take possession of the premises ~foresaid without being l1a~le to any aotion therefor. IT 13 tlliTUAL1Y AGR3~, by and between the parties hereto, 'that tte tice of payment shall be , an essential part of this contract, and that all covenants and ~greements herein contained shall extend to and be obligatory upon the heirs, exeoutors, administrators and assigns of the respeo- tive parties. III WITll~3S \1H~n30F, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seale the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presenoe of: B~~iJAllIli C. Rmn ( :HAL) .Agent JOS~PH H. OP'fji3R (Sll;AL) A. M. Hill A. W. Young H3RldA11 C. COH311 (S3AL) STAT3 O? FLO~ILA ST. LUJI,~ COUUTY. on this day personally appeared before me, an offioer .uthoriled to take aoknowl6dgments ~f deeds, eto.9 .13. C. Rose 8S agent for oJ. H. Optner. as sell or and J!'6rman L. Oohen, as pur- ohaser, to me well known. and known to be the persons who exeouted the within agreement. and aoknovledged that they exeouted the 8ame tor the purposes therein expr.ss8d. And the said----- --~-----wifa of, the 8aid~------------upon an 8xaoination taken b1 me separate ~)d apart from her eeid hU8band, aoknowledged that she exeouted ~he said agreement freely and voluntarily, and without any oonst?eint, oompulsion, apprehension or tear Qt or from her said husband, ,'!tnesa f1t'J hand end seal thie 11th day of December 1924. . - . c....... ...--.._~ J l ) . ... .....; >~/~I~{tii~F~~