HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0076 '0 . ' fr ---~ !~ ~ ~ r~ , -~ - . ~It ~ -.. STAIB ROAD .EPAR'nmll~ OF FLORIDA vs W. H. TURllER, ET AI. III TH~ CIRCt'IT, ~OtrnT OF TIn FIP'T~~!I'l'H JIDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, III AlID FOR ST. WOIS COUlITY. ) STATE ROAD DRPARTJ.l3UT OF FLORIDA Peti tloner, vs Petition for Oondemnation \'I. H. TUR1I3R, A "e' T. S}nLP3R, D3S0TO NATIONAl, BAllK, TH01~S GASY-IIIS. SR., HILLSBOROUGH STAT~ BANK, MIL11R HALLOW1S. H. J. DILlS, J. \7. GLASS ArlD J. \Y. CRAIG. Defondants. C3RTIFICATE OF Qf3IliC OF CIRCUIT COURT THAT AMOlIJIT OF VimDICT PAID IlITO COURT. STATE OF FLOnl~A COUlITY OF ST. LUCIB 1, P. C. ?ldred. :':lerk of the ..;trcui t ~onrt of, st. Luoie Oounty, l"lorida, do hereb1 - oertify that on the 18th day of December. 1924, the stoto load Department of Florida, peti- tioner in the above entitled oause. paid into ,Court for the use of the defendbnts tte oompen- sation ascertained by the Jury in the above enti~led oause, to wit; ~i:e sum of f~OO.OO as compensation to the degendwits and the further sum of ~110.00 for a reasonable attorr.ey's fee for t:,e deier.dants' attorneys, making a total of .$610.00; that said payment was paid into Court wlthin ten days after rendition of the judgwent in the above entitled cause, said judg- ment having beeD rendered on the 17th day of ~ecember 1924; that said compensation was the amount fixed by the verdiot of the jury in said cause as fullX compensation for the taking and appropriation by tha above named petitioner of the following desoribed property in st. Lucie County, l"lorida, to-wi t: starting at the ::iouth west corner of Lot llo. Two (2) Section 26. Twp. 30 So. R. 38 ~" thence north 613.0 faet, thence north 36 degrees 16 min. ~ast, 727.0 feet, thence north 38 deg. 30 mir.. 30st. 806.4 feet to point of beginning of tract to be aoquired, thence nor th 35 deg. 14 min. wast 63.4 feet, thenoo on 0 deg. 13 min. curve to left 467.8 feet thence north 64 64 deg. 19 min. west, 207.6 fee*~ thence on 6 deg. 44 min. curve to right 396.0 feet, thence north 62 deg. 17 min. 3ast 66.0 feet, thenoe on ? deg. 18 min. curve to left 364.4 feet, thence south 64 deg. 19 min. ~ast 207.6 feet; thence on 6 deg. 48 min. curve to right, 501.4 feot, thence south 35 deg. ,14 min. ~ast. 46.0'foot, thence south 38 deg. 30 min. west 68.16 feet to .' point of beginning. being ,- tract of land oomprising 1,707 aores, more or lassl together with all riparin8 rights thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. .;xcept tho old road right of way inoluded within the above desoript.t.on which was on petition for right of way dceoribed as tollows: Beginning at the old oable on Uoores Foint and following the moat praoticable route to within eighteen feet of the north east corner of Inn, leoving Inn, follow field notes of J. O. Fries to ~ast of blazed hiokory. then folloft trail Bast of palmet to tree WId bW I marked) In Ilorth ~ast oorner of Ho. One grove, and following oenter of windbroak tQ South Bast corner of numberOna 3. Bay Troe. road through Campbell's to follow 5Qst of Artifioial wIndbreak enter Col. Ruffnor's West of big oak tree, and then west ot Windbreak to dook, thenoe through center of Windbreak to Uiller & Uorthoott. contlnuiugthrollgh ~iller & Horthoott '2 fect from west Bide of Windbreak to center, of, rcfad narrowiug to 37 feet half way through, reaohing Hicks & , . J ] Semblers liue at niok's houBe,'thenoe weBter11 to present oounty road, 16 feet to be taken o'if of Hioks & Semblers proPH''-~ci " fc:;et from Uiller' 8, and 25 feet oft of Hioks & 3emblerB and 6 feet off Uiller's at ourve Joining prescnt oount~ ro~d, and which said old road right of way is more partioularly ,desoribed as follows, to-wit" . . ~ I i j ~ . .... -.: ~. L;~,i11if~~Jl~ , '. """,.' "b1.V:-~,'K.:&...,,:~.'a.l!";; '.. ", t f'.(.:~.!"....4 .,,~~.i.'.t;"\ ,"\- [~,:);...-=,. ..... . :~ ',.~ -.. ......_":'\.<-1 -..:_~ . !.....4':f'-- -: f'- _...::.;-.