HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0077 77 .- -~ ~. ._- r- -"t. -- ....:..........u --.-'- - ~~~--..-....-_~v- - -. -' - . ~-..... , - Begllming ot the Jouth Weet oorner of Lot #2. 3eo. P.6, .Twp. 30 ~. R. 38 ~., thenoe llorth ~ '( 613.0 feet, thenoe llorth 36 cleg. 16 min. BaRt 727.0 teet, thenoe 38 dag. 30 min. ...;ast 840.8 feet to point of beginning of l'oad survey, thenoe Uorth 33 deg. 50 min. west 100.0 feet, 'thonoe north 38 deg. 30 min. weet 100.0 feet, thenoe north 41. deg. 66 min. west ~OO.O t&et, thenoe north 64 deg. west 100.0 feet, thenoe no~th 68 deg. 40 min. west 100.0 feet, thenoe North 61 deg. west 100.0 feet, thenoe north 63 deg. 60 min. west 78.0 fe~t, thenoe north 70 deg. 46 min. w~st 422.0 feet, bel1~a strip of land thirty feet wide ond being fifteon feet wide .2aoh side of the abov(!I desoribed oenter line of old road. And exoept also that protion of 8ubmerged land, the title to wbieh is ill the state of Florida. III WITll'-;S3 WH3REOF, I have hereunto affixed my n8me as ',nerk, and the seal of the Uiro~it ~ourt of 8t. Luoia County, 1lorida, at Fort Pieroe, Florida this 18th day of Deo- ember. 1924. Ct.' Ct. Seal -~ "" ~- ~ Deo~er 1924. ~, ,q, P. C. ~LDRgD Crerk of ';irotiT[ ':ourt ,C}f st. Luoie uounty . .r'lorida.. (Ciro~it .:our\ ~eal) Filed and ~rded' this 18th day of liy J. M. Devisoe. Jr. Deputy Clerk. P. C. 3LDRKD, Clerk ~ireuit Court By ./C.PL-r A, 1A/'-f"~.L-7~~ ~ .........................................................a................................. # 2766 I J. w. WIL30l. .&HD WIFE TO T. A. TAYLOR WIRRAlITY D3:ID "' TP.IS DB3D, Uode the 23rd. day of ileceQber A.D;1924, by J. W. Wilson ~ld his wife Della B. Wilson of the County of Saint Lucie state of Ilorida hereinafter oalled the grantor, to T. A. T.ylor, married of the ~ounty of Saint ~ucie State of Ylorioa hereinafter called the gralitee. VflT1l3S33TH," that the soid grant.Jra, in consideration o-f Olle dollar, and other voluable consideration the reoeipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. do give, grant, bargain, sell. alien, remise, release, enfeoff. oonvey ond confirm unto the said graut6e, and his heirs and assigns in fee simple, the lands situate in gnint Luoie Gounty. state of Florida, describ- ed as tollows: Lot thirteen (13) of Y~lts's Re-Subdivision of Re-Subdivision of 3look two (2) of uittmars Addition to 3dgartown. Yort rieroe, Florida, aooordiJig to plat reo0rded in Plat Book 3, page 36, Saint Luoie County reoords. This deed is subjeot to a mortgage dated December 19th. 1924 in the amount of one thousond dollars (11000.00) given by J. W. Wilson ond wife .0 Annie lI. Fultz. ahd filed for record in the office of tha Clerk of the ;ircuit ;ourt of St. Luoie ~ounty, tlorida, (/ on December 19th. 1924. , (Doo stw:lp cano $2.00) ./ TO HAV~ AlfD !O HOLD the same together with the hereditaments and appurtenanoes, unto f~, f.: t the 8ald grantee, and his heirs aud assigns in fee simple. MID the Baid grantors, for them 61ld their h~irs and legel repres6ntotives, coven~Jt wi th said grantee, his heh-", legal representb ti ves and assigns; 'lho. t sai d grantors are indele8s1bly seized of ..1d~1&nd in tee sImple; that said grantors hbv~ full power ond lawful l'ight to oonve1 s81d lands in ~ee si.ple, 08 atoresaid; that U shall be lawful for said grantee, his heirs, legal representatives and assigns, at all times peaoeably an' quiet- J# ly to enter upon. hold, oooupY and enjoy said land; that saId land is free ~rom all inoum- ') i~ j: ; l i I l I , I; il brWlces: that said grantprs thoir heirs and l6gal repr8sentatiTe8, will make 8uoh further . i~~~lrg[l~li~ - -~ :~~,~